• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노동시

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특집 - 인쇄작업 환경개선 사업 정부지원 다양 - 유해환경 없애고 고용환경 개선하고 클린 사업장 만드세요 -

  • Im, Nam-Suk
    • 프린팅코리아
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    • s.71
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    • pp.92-105
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    • 2008
  • 인쇄기기의 경우 인쇄속도가 시간당 1만장2만장을 넘어섰다. 인쇄속도가 빨라지는 만큼 인쇄용지도 점점 고급화되고 있다. 이처럼 인쇄에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 환경은 점점 고급화되고 있는 반면 인쇄근로자들의 근무환경은 그 속도를 따라가지 못하고 있는 것이 현실이다. 아직까지도 대부분의 업체들이 인쇄작업을 할 때 많은 노동력을 필요로 하고 있다. 기계작동시에는 큰 문제가 없으나 물건이송이나 종이 뒤집기 작업 등에서 고강도의 노동력을 필요로 하기 때문에, 남성 직원만을 뽑을 수 밖에 없다. 하지만 유럽의 경우 여성들이 인쇄사에서 작업을 하는 것을 종종 볼 수 있다. 이 같은 현상은 많은 보조기구들이 있어 여성 혼자 작업을 해도 무리가 없기 때문이다. 우리나라에서도 이러한 작업환경개선을 위해 다양한 노력들이 시도되고 있다. 그중의 하나가 노동부의 고용환경개선지원금과 한국산업안전공단의 클린사업지원, 근골격지원, 유해환경해소 사업 등이 그것이다. 이에 본지에서는 노동부와 한국산업안전공단에서 진행하고 있는 노동환경개선을 위한 사업들에 대해 알아보고, 인쇄사에 보조기기를 납품하고 있는 업체와 실제 보조기기를 사용하고 있는 업체를 만나보았다.

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Influence on Job Satisfaction of Emotional Labor Accordance to Working Properties and Patients Type of Dental Hygienist (치과위생사의 근무특성과 환자유형에 따른 감정노동이 직무만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Sung Uk;Oh, Na Rae;Jeong, Mi Ae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the impact of the emotional labor on the job satisfaction according to the service characteristics and the patient type was investigated in the 269 dental hygienist. The average score of the emotional labor according to the general characteristics was 2.85 and it was higher in case of the male and in case of the drinkers. The average score of the job satisfaction according to the general characteristics was 3.02 and the female was higher than the male, the older professionals than the younger professionals and the married was higher than the singles. In the emotional labor according to the service characteristics, the dental hygienist was highest than the other professionals and in the job satisfaction according to the service characteristics, it was higher the higher the career and the higher the income. In the emotional labor by patient type, it was highest when the patient was male, when ages were between 20 and 64, and when it was after 7 PM. The job satisfaction by patient type was higher when the patient age was 65 years old or older, when the type of treatment was dental caries and periodontal diseases, when the consultation hour was after 7 PM and when the economic level of patient was high. The job satisfaction was increased when the emotional labor was 'average' but was analyzed as the lowest when the emotional labor was high. A hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to examine the effects of work characteristics, patient type, and emotional labor on job satisfaction(t = 1.994, p = .047), which had high monthly incomes Patients with older patients (t = 3.027, p = .003), the lower the emotional labor (t = 13.858, p = .000), the higher the job satisfaction. That is, to increase the job satisfaction of the dental health professionals, the effort to make the pleasant working environment should be made considering the emotional labor or the characteristics of patient.

Impacts of Married Women's Employment on Household Consumption Pattern and Industrial Labor Demand (기혼여성의 취업이 가구의 소비패턴과 산업별 노동수요에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Paul
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.93-129
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    • 2013
  • Analyzing the change in consumption pattern depending on the employment of married women, the spendings in transportation, education, and dining out are increased. The change in consumption patterns depending on the increase of dual-income family can be seen as the increased demand of market service that replaces the household production service. Especially when the employment of married woman from high income class(highly educated, middle-class, upper-class) is increased, they tend to get employed in more professional and highly skilled industries, which leads to higher effect on employment induction, and consequently increasing the labor demand for low-skilled service industry.

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Status in Employment in the Agricultural Sector and Analysis Demand Factors : Evidence from Gangwon, South Korea (강원도 농업부문 고용인력 실태 및 수요 결정요인 분석)

  • Yi, Hyangmi;Goh, Jongtae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 2018
  • 계획적이고 안정적인 영농을 위해 영농작업 인력을 확보하는 것은 매우 중요하다. 하지만 농가인구의 감소로 인한 농업인력 확보의 어려움과 농업노동 임금의 지속적인 증가는 경영주에게 이중의 고통이 되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 농가처분가능소득이 전국에서 가장 높은 강원도를 지역 표집으로 선정하여 Bivariate Probit 모형을 이용해 내국인과 외국인 고용의 상호 관계를 고려한 고용인력 수요 결정요인을 살펴보았다. 분석결과, 첫째, 3개월 이상 노동력을 고용하는 농가들의 경우 내국인 고용수요와 외국인 고용수요 간에는 양(+)의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 전형적인 도시근교 농업의 특징을 나타내는 춘천시에 비해 강원도내 타 지역 농가들은 다른 변수들이 일정할 경우 내국인과 외국인의 고용수요가 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 젊은 경영주일수록 내국인 상시 고용에 대한 수요가 높고, 농가조직에 참여하고 있는 농가일수록 자가노동 확률은 0.13% 감소하고, 상시 농업 노동력에 대한 수요가 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 분석결과를 종합한 농업 노동력 확보를 위한 정책적 시사점으로는 첫째, 상시고용된 농업인력들을 대상으로 국내외 문화 차이를 인지하고, 내국인 노동자와 외국인 노동자간의 협력 네트워크 구축을 위한 영농교육 확대가 필요하다. 둘째, 각 지역별로 내국인 또는 외국인 노동자의 상시고용 수요가 상이한 것으로 나타나 강원도내 지역별 농산업 현황을 기반으로 "(가칭)강원도 농업 인력 수급 플랫폼" 구축이 필요하다. 셋째, 청년창업농과 농가조직 참여 농가들을 대상으로 농작업 상시고용 인력을 우선적으로 매칭해 주는 것이 필요하다.

Enhanced User Choice of Voucher Program and its Impact and Implications on Care Worker (바우처 제도의 이용자 선택권 강화가 돌봄노동자에게 미친 영향과 그 의미)

  • Kim, Song Yi
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.281-307
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    • 2016
  • This study is to analyze experiences and perceptions of care workers for enhanced user choice since the introduction of voucher in Korea. The analysis shows that as it has increased the influence of service users on care workers'employment, dismissal, labor intensity, and so on, more and more care workers appear to experience 'labor alienation'such as weakened position in the labor domain, the sense of loss and frustration in the meaning of work, and identity confusion as a care work. Because the labor alienation felt by them possibly has a negative impact on quality of social service, it suggests to address improving service users'rights as well as protecting human rights and rights to work of care workers to provide a high quality social service.

Height and Labor Market Outcome: Evidence from Panel Data (신장과 노동시장 성과 관계 : 패널 데이터를 이용한 분석)

  • Cho, Hyunkuk
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.79-103
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    • 2014
  • Previous studies show that tall people have better labor market outcomes, but controlling for their abilities reduces the size of height effects. This implies that a failure to properly control for one's ability could overestimate the OLS estimate. This paper contributes to the literature by being the first to control for individual fixed effects (FE) and to examine height effects on the probability of one's attaining a leadership position. The data used are panel data of a cohort obtained during the cohort's middle and high school years. In OLS estimation, this paper finds positive height effects for boys. However, when controlling for individual fixed effects, the estimate is not statistically significant. For girls, the height effects are found on neither OLS nor FE model.

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The Techno-mediated Rebirth of Young Precariat's Working Conditions Today (동시대 청년 알바노동의 테크노미디어적 재구성)

  • Lee, Kwang-Suk
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.83
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    • pp.157-185
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    • 2017
  • The present study examines the dialectic tensions arising within the ICT-mediated labor culture between the dominant power of conglomerates and the precarious labor subjects in the labor practices, as smartphones and tablet PCs have grown in popularity. The present study explores how much young precarious workers named 'Cheongyeon Alba' (young precariat in S Korea) suffers from continually precarious job positions as temporary staff or contract workers, being trapped at the bottom of the pay scale, and also being electronically connected to the workplace in a seamless way. Concretely, this study investigates how the mobile phone becomes deeply entangled with the 'precarious' labor culture in the metropolitan city of Seoul. The mobile precariat has been in a disadvantaged position, in terms not only of the moral issue of exploitation in business but also of social injustice. Labor exploitation of young workers has been reinforced by the mobile labor culture, in which they are remotely monitored by live surveillance mobile apps, and mobile instant messaging from a boss can intrude incessantly into their private life. This study depicts the extension of the business's surveillant power by mobilizing the mobile phone in the working practices.

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Labor market characteristics of US metropolitan areas and individual earnings attainment : Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics (미국 대도시지역 노동시장의 특성과 취업 노동자의 개인소득 : 백인, 흑인, 동양인과 남미인)

  • ;Kwon, Sangcheol
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.169-187
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    • 1995
  • Contemporary US metropolitan areas have undergone divergent economic transformation, and as a result labor markets have become the focus of concern in their role as determinants of earnings attainment. Explanations of individual earnings attainmnent as a lobor market outcome have been established in two diafferent stances one who emphasizes personal or group attributes in the human capital perspective and the other who emphasizes economic structure in the labor market segmentation perspective. While remaining at the conceptual level and yet relatively unexplored, the importance of place in labormarket operation is a significant advancement as it appears in labor market areas and local labor markets considering that labor market areas represent the intersection of labor market structure and individual labor market experiences at specific geographic places. The substantive inquiry of this study was to explore labor market characteristics and their differentiation across large metropolitan areas, and assess their effects on the individual earnings attainment. Integating individual attributes and labor market characteristics as major factors of labor market operation, this study intended to contextualize individual earnings attainment with geographic labor market areas. Using 1990 US population census 5% "Public-Use Microdata Samples, " the largest 65 metropolitan areas were first selected and employed male workers who are aged between 25 and 50 for whites, blacks, asians, and hispanics. As an initial step earnings differentials between racial/ethnic groups and selected 65 metropolitan areas were examined using analysis of variance, and then earnings differentials were attributed to the individual attributes such as education, age, and immigration status, and four dimensions of metropolitan labor market differentiation devised by principal component analysis of industrial and occupational segments: Public versus Blue Collar Core(CS1), Finance-Core Utility versus Blue Collar Local Monopoly (CS2), Oligopoly versus Blue Collar Periphery(CS3), and Self Employed-White Collar Periphery versus Low-Skill Core(CS4). As a final analysis, individual earnings were related to each individual attribute and its interaction with metropolitan labor market characteristics to examine how the differentiated metropolitan labor market characteristics alter the role of individual attributes on earnings attainment. The findings indicated that individual attributes, education in particular exert significant effects on earnings attainment, but their effects were significantly altered by metropolitan labor market characterristics. Particularly important dimensions were: Oligopoly differentiated from Blue Colla Periphery metropolitan areas enhancing earnings returns to individual attributes for all groups but minority groups (black, asians, hispanics) rely more on this, and Finance-Core Utility differentiated from Blue Collar Local Monopoly metropolitan areas provide higher earnings returns to whites exclusively. These findings suggest that individuals with identical individual attributes involving racial/ethnic categories would have different earnings atteinments depending on the metropolitan labor market characteristics where they reside. Referring back to the major traditions of the human capital and the labor market segmentation in labor market research, the interaction between individual attributes and metropolitan labor market haracteristics on earnings attainment highlights the complimentary nature of the two on earnings determination in particular geographic places, Hence, labor market characteristics differentiatcd across metropolitan areas are an integral part of labor market operation which should be considered for the explanation of individual earnings attainment and racial/ethnic group earnings differentials. Gcographic places are the important contexts for labor market segmentation and individual labor market experiences. In conclusion, this study brings geographic labor markets to the forefront in the examination of individuals' earnings attainments. The empirical vaidation of the role of metropolitan labor market charecteristics on earnings attainment, while exploratory contributes towards a broader perspective of geographic labor market research that recognizes that individuals' labor market experiences are intertwined with geographic contexts of labor market operatin. operatin.

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