• Title/Summary/Keyword: 남성 양육

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Work·Family Compatibility Policy Usage and Parenting Stress : Focusing on Sex and Occupational Groups (일·가족 양립 정책 이용과 양육 스트레스 : 성별과 직업군을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Yoonjoo
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2024
  • Given the concern about the reduction in birth rate in Korea today, the objective of this study was to examine the association between Work·Family Compatibility policy and parenting stress, focusing on sex and occupational groups. Data from the 13th year Panel Study on Korean Children were analyzed by descriptive statistics, a one-way analysis of variance, and Duncan's post hoc test. The results of this study were as follows: First, the most commonly used aspect of the Work·Family Compatibility policy among both males and females was flextime, irrespective of occupational types. Also, flextime was the most used policy among professional workers. Second, regarding the use of related systems and parenting stress, it was found that all respondents perceived above average parenting stress. Specifically, the parenting stress scores of male users of flextime were higher than those of family care leave users. The parenting stress of military personnel were the lowest among males' occupational groups. Among females, the parenting stress scores of maternity leave users were higher than those of shorter workweek user. Diverse discussions and implications were suggested about promoting the usage of Work·Family Compatibility policy.

Socioeconomic Characteristics of Poverty by Types of Household with Children: Comparing Male-headed, Female-headed, and Dual-parents Household (유자녀가구 유형별 빈곤의 사회경제적 특성연구: 남성한부모가구, 여성한부모가구, 양부모가구 비교분석)

  • Kim, Hak-Ju
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.73-87
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the economic deprivation of male-headed or female-headed households. Household having children under the age of 18 are categorized into three types according to the gender of household head: male-headed household, female-headed household, and dual-parents household. The findings from data, for this study came from the Korean Labor Panel Study in 2003. The analysis shows that the household's age, education, residence types, etc are key explanatory variables in determining whether to be in poverty. While the public income transfer is most effective in reducing poverty in female-headed households, the private income source is relatively more useful among male-headed families. Since single-household families are particularly at risk, public policy makers should pay special attentions to developing and expanding welfare-to-work programs which provides work incentives to overcome relative poverty and community networks on child care.

Women's Spatial-Temporal Entrapment in Access to Urban Opportunities by Child Age (자녀 연령별 여성의 도시기회 접근성의 시.공간적 구속성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.358-374
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    • 2008
  • This study examines whether and how ages of child affect accessibility experiences of women and men differently. Space-time accessibility measures based on Time-geographic framework with activity-travel diary datasets in Portland Metro, US were calculated using GIS-based geocomputation, and spatial-temporal patterns of accessibility of dual-earner couples by ages of their youngest child were compared. The results are as follows. (1) Although more women than men work part-time, which would render women more spatial-temporal autonomy, accessibility levels of women are not higher than men's. It implies that there exists another constraint placed on women which largely stems from gender inequality. (2) It is distinctively women with child under age 6 of which accessibility spaces are found to be restricted doser to home compared to men. Women with no child or with child aged over 6, however, show more or less similar spatial-temporal patterns of accessibility with men's which are quite unvarying regardless of parental status and their child age. Women's accessibility experiences characterized by spatial-temporal entrapment, thus, can be seen as problems associated with gender rather than sex. (3) Intensified spatial-temporal entrapment of women with young child are associated with the significant spatial pegs shaping their accessibility spaces, which are located much closer to home compared to men's: workplaces and child's daycare centers.

A Study on Pre-parents' Perception of Parental Role and View of Children (예비부모의 부모역할과 자녀관에 대한 인식 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Jeong;Kang, Yung-Sik;Park, Jung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1566-1573
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    • 2012
  • In this study, a survey was carried out on 200 23-year old unmarried men and women attending j university in j city from October 4 to October 7, 2011 to figure out pre-parents' perception of parental role and view of children, and put forward the necessity of pre-parent education by providing opportunities for pre-parent education. The results are summarized as follows. First, the perception of general parenting and parental role showed that 'parenting' is the highest, following by 'parental role'. For women, nuclear families and large families, who feel much necessity of pre-parent education in the academic liberal arts, the perception of general parenting, parental role and parenting by sub-factors was positive. Second, the perception of general view of children showed that 'children plan' is the highest, followed by 'pregnancy and birth.' For those surveyed, who have a plan for marriage and children plan or feel much necessity of pre-parent education in the academic liberal arts, the perception of general view of children, children plan by sub-factors, and pregnancy and birth was relatively positive. As for findings stated above, for pre-parents in their 20s~30s, women' perception of parental role and view of children was more positive than men'. And nuclear families' or large families' perception was more positive than single parent families'. These findings confirm there is a difference between parental role and view of children according to growth environments of pre-parents in social realities that the low birth rate is growing.

A Comparative Study of family gap in Welfare States :The Role of family policy and labor market structure (복지국가의 '자녀유무별 여성임금격차(Family gap)' 비교연구 : 가족정책과 노동시장구조의 영향을 중심으로)

  • Huh, Soo Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.279-308
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    • 2010
  • This study examines the association between family policies and family gap using data for 14 OECD countries. As family policies have different assumptions about women's roles and include variant sub-policies, this study identify two distinct family policies: 'employment support policy' to support women as employed workers and 'caregiving support policy' to support women as caregivers. Meanwhile, women's wage cannot be determined by the effect of 'only' family policy. Therefore, analysis model includes variant macro structure supposed to affect women's labor status and wage, like labor market structure, wage structure(compression), women's social status and economic status, and examines interaction effects between family policies and these labor market and social structures using Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (FSQCA). The FSQCA result shows that relatively low family gap is associated with the conjunctual causation of developed 'employment support policy' and compressed wage structure.

A Phenomenological Study on Becoming a Father: Experience in Parenting Young Children (아버지 되어가기에 관한 현상학적 연구: 영유아 자녀를 양육하는 남성을 대상으로)

  • Lee, Eun-su
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.179-194
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    • 2020
  • Objective: In this study, the author aimed to explore the meaning of fathers' parenting experience by interviewing and analyzing their experience qualitatively. Methods: Ten fathers who had infants or young children participated in this study. The data were collected from individual in-depth interviews of the fathers and were analyzed in accordance with the Colaizzi's phenomenology analysis procedure. Results: As a result of analysis, the parenting experience of the fathers could be summarized into 42 themes and the themes were categorized into 7 clusters. The clusters could be categorized again into two categories; 'the rebirth of the daddy' and 'the reality of the daddy'. And each of the 4 and 3 clusters were included into each category. Conclusion/Implications: The results of this study revealed the real features of fathers who had infants or young children, and are expected to be used as supporting materials or intervention for fathers who are trying to become good fathers.

An Exploratory Study on the Relationships among the Future Work-Family Compatibility, Gender Attitude of Couples, and Reasons for Low Birth Rate (미혼 남녀의 향후 일.가정 양립 방안, 부부 성역할 태도, 저출산 문제에 대한 견해 간 관계 탐색 연구)

  • Um, Myung-Yong;Kim, Hyo-Soon
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.179-209
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    • 2011
  • This study explored the relationships among such variables as work-family compatibility, gender attitude, reasons for low birth rate, and education level, using a sample of 2,678 from the '2009 National Survey for Marriage and Birth Trend'. The purpose of this study was to identify the ideas about how to support married couples' work-family balance, and how to change gender attitude to promote childbirth. The results are as follows. The type of ideal work-family balance was different by education level, but not by gender. Low level of education was associated with choice of the full time work without a child. Male singles, compared to female singles, preferred the role of a man as a bread winner, and a woman as a house worker. Female singles had the higher level of hope for husband's capability of caring children. This trend was intensified by choice of the full time work with 2 children. Singles who prefer working as a full time worker with 2 children worried more about low birth rate in Korea than singles who prefer working as a part time worker with one or two children. The most frequently cited reason for low birth rate was 'high cost of both child care and education'. The next was 'difficulty in buying a residence, followed by 'increase in the number of career woman'. Female singles who want to work full time with 2 or more children worried more about the burden of child caring and education than male singles. Implications and suggestions were provided based on the results.

Spillover between Work and Family for Married Workers : Negative, Positive and Global Spillover (취업한 기혼 남녀의 일과 가족 전이 : 부정적 전이와 긍정적 전이의 통합적 접근)

  • Lee, Yun-Suk
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2010
  • As increasing numbers of married women enter the labor force, scholars pay attentions to work-to-family and family-to-work spillover. So accumulating empirical research has been done to examine negative and positive spillover between two life areas. But existing research focuses only on this negative or positive spillover and do not combine these two interdependent aspects of spillover. But individuals experience the negative and positive spillover everyday. Therefore scholars point out the need of research to represent this reality of married men and women. Using data from a sample of 721 male and 359 female married workers, this study try to examine the 'global' measures of spillover between work and family. In particular, this study focuses on gender differences in this global measures and some potential factors influencing levels of global spillover. I find that while women and men do not differ in global work-to-family spillover, they do differ in global family-to-work spillover. It is found that four out of ten wives belong to 'high' in negative family-to-work spillover and 'low' in positive family-to-work spillover and only one out of ten wives belong to 'low' in negative family-to-work spillover and 'high' in positive family-to-work spillover. It is well documented that women do the bulk of family responsibilities such as housework and childrearing and consider home as their second workplace. The findings in this paper may represent unequal gender realities.

Factors Affecting Role Division between Husband and Wife and Housework and Childcare Time: Changes in the Work and Commute Times of Dual-Income Couples Engaging in Childrearing in Japan after the COVID-19 Pandemic (부부간 역할분담과 가사 및 자녀돌봄시간에 영향을 미치는 요인 -코로나19 팬데믹 이후 일본 자녀양육기 맞벌이 부부의 노동시간 및 통근시간 변화를 중심으로-)

  • Lee Sujin
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2023
  • This study focused on Japanese families engaging in childrearing to discover changes in their daily lives, such as in the role division between husband and wife and hours spent on housework and childcare, caused by the unexpected crisis of COVID-19. An empirical analysis attempted to determine whether changes in the working environment, such as working and commuting hours, affected the role division between husband and wife, as well as housework and childcare hours spent. The data analyzed were extracted from the 2021 "3rd Survey on Changes in Lifestyle Awareness and Behavior Due to the Impact of COVID-19" conducted by the Japanese Cabinet Office. A total of 983 couples aged 20 or older, living with their spouse, having at least one child under the age of 18, and both employed were selected. The analysis results were as follows: First, the division of roles between husband and wife changed in the direction of increasing the husband's role in housework and childrearing. Second, the decrease in working and commuting hours increased the husband's role. Third, housework and childcare hours were more clearly related to changes in the working environments of husbands and wives than to changes in role division between husband and wife. In conclusion, changes in men's working and commuting hours had a greater impact on role division, as well as housework and childrearing hours in the family, than changes in women's working and commuting hours. In the future, an analysis that considers labor market factors is necessary.

A Study on the Sociopsychological Factors Affecting Verbal Abuse of Children (아동학대에서 발생하는 언어폭력에 영향을 미치는 심리사회적 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Young;Kang, Hye-Won;Park, Ji-sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.545-555
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    • 2020
  • The present study investigated the characteristics of perpetrators/victims of verbal abuse in childhood, and analyzed sociopsychological factors affecting verbal abuse. Based on child abuse cases between 2010 and 2015 collected from Public Prosecutors' Offices nationwide, we investigated 154 cases with verbal abuse of children and compared them with 398 cases without verbal abuse. Perpetrators of verbal abuse of children were more likely to be male, alcoholic, and with previous criminal convictions than those without verbal abuse. Additionally, perpetrators of verbal abuse of children were more likely to be hostile and controlling toward children, discriminate amongst siblings, and favor one child over another than those without verbal abuse. Finally, we discussed practical applications for prevention of child abuse and verbal abuse in particular and limitations of the study, and made suggestions for future research.