• Title/Summary/Keyword: 길이 재현성

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Adhesion reliability of flexible copper clad laminate under constant temperature and humidity condition by thickness of Ni/Cr seed layer (항온항습 조건하에서 Ni/Cr 층의 두께에 따른 FCCL의 접합 신뢰성 평가)

  • Choi, Jung-Hyun;Noh, Bo-In;Yoon, Jeong-Won;Yoon, Jae-Hyun;Choi, Don-Hyun;Kim, Yong-Il;Jung, Seong-Boo
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.75-75
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    • 2009
  • 연성회로기판은 일반적으로 절연체를 이루는 폴리이미드와 전도체를 이루는 구리로 구성되어 있다. 폴리이미드는 뛰어난 열적 화학적 안정성, 기계적 특성, 공정성 등의 장점으로 인해 연성회로기판의 절연체로서 제안되었지만 전도체를 이루는 구리와의 접합 특성이 우수하지 않기 때문에 많은 연구가 현재까지 진행되고 있고, 그 결과 연성회로기판의 접합 특성에 많은 개선이 이루어짐과 동시에 다양한 공정 방법이 제안되고 있다. 하지만 고온다습한 환경에서 사용될 경우 폴리이미드의 높은 흡습성과, 구리와 seed layer의 산화 문제로 인해 접합 특성이 저하된다는 단점 또한 가지고 있다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 고온다습한 조건하에서 seed layer가 80Ni/20Cr 합금으로 구성된 연성회로기판의 seed layer의 두께와 시효시간으로 인해 발생하는 접합 신뢰성의 차이를 관찰하였다. 본 연구에서는 두께 $25{\mu}m$의 폴리이미드 위에 각각 100, 200, $300{\AA}$ 두께의 80Ni/20Cr의 합금 조성을 가지는 seed layer를 스퍼터링 공정을 통해 형성한 후 전해도금법을 이용하여 $8{\mu}m$ 두께의 구리 전도층을 형성하였다. 접합 특성 평가를 위해 ICP 규격에 따라 전도층 패턴을 폭 3.2mm, 길이 230mm로 시편을 제작하여 50.8mm/min의 이송 속도로 각 시편당 8회의 $90^{\circ}$ peel test를 실시하였다. 또한 $85^{\circ}C$/85% 항온항습 조건하에서 각각 24, 72, 120, 168시간 동안 시효 처리 후 같은 방법으로 연성회로기판의 접합 특성을 평가하였다. 파면의 형상과 조성을 분석하기 위해 SEM (Scanning electron microscope)과 EDS (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy)를 사용하였으며, 파면의 조도 측정을 위해 AFM (Atomic force microscope)을 사용하였다. 또한 파면의 잔여물 분석을 위해 EPMA (Energy probe microanalysis)를 사용하였고 계면의 화학적 결합상태를 분석하기 위해 XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy)를 통해 파면을 분석하였다.

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A development of the Automatic Measuring System for internal pressure of the artillery (화포 내부 압력의 자동 측정시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.766-773
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    • 2021
  • Chemicals, such as ammunition, are disposable items that cannot be reused because of their operational characteristics. The reliability of the test process and test results are important factors in evaluating the performance of guns and ammunition. The pressure after firing is a crucial value in an acceptance test of guns and ammunition performance; hence, accurate measurements are required. The pressure in the artillery is measured using the copper crusher gauge. The compression amount of copper is converted into a pressure by either a length-pressure conversion table or conversion formula. Therefore, the exact measurement of the squeeze of the copper crusher is related directly to the correct estimate of the pressure. Currently, the pressure is measured manually by the operator, which always includes some human error. In this study, the cause of the measurement error was analyzed, and the automatic measuring system for copper crusher deformation was developed to minimize the error elements. A copper crusher could be measured using the probe sensor and CCD camera, and the Jig for stable positioning was also designed. A designated SW was also developed for the system operating and measurement-analysis. This measuring system through this study may be used for an ammunition stockpile reliability test and gun/ammunition acceptance test.

In vitro Synthesis of Ribonucleic Acids by T7 RNA Polymerase That was Fast Purified with a Modified Procedure (변형된 방법으로 신속히 정제된 T7 RNA 중합효소를 이용한 리보핵산의 시험관 내 합성)

  • Kim Ki-Sun;Choi Woo-Hyung;Gong Soo-Jung;Jeon Sung-Jong;Kim Jae Hyun;Oh Sangtaek;Kim Dong-Eun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.15 no.5 s.72
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    • pp.755-762
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    • 2005
  • Biochemical amounts of RNA molecules can be synthesized in vitro, which is functionally equivalent or similar to those transcripts normally existing at extremely low levels in vivo. In this study we described a method for efficient preparation of pure T7 RNA polymerase from Escherichia coli strain BL21/pAR1219. The procedure, which used ammonium sulfate fractionation and preparative column chromatography on sephadex SP, was shown to be simple, rapid, and cost effective in comparison with other methods reported previously, Using the purified T7 RNA polymerase we were able to synthesize very long RNA transcript of 1.54 kb length, which is not feasible by conventional chemical synthesis. RNA molecule that was also synthesized by the purified T7 RNA polymerase, such as hammerhead ribozyme, retained its biochemical activity by cleaving the target RNA successfully in vitro. Thus, the procedure shown in this study can be useful to synthesize any length of RNA molecules in vitro in a simple and cost effective way for a variety of purposes.

Study on the Applicability of High Frequency Seismic Reflection Method to the Inspection of Tunnel Lining Structures - Physical Modeling Approach - (터널 지보구조 진단을 위한 고주파수 탄성파 반사법의 응용성 연구 - 모형 실험을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jung-Yul;Kim, Yoo-Sung;Shin, Yong-Suk;Hyun, Hye-Ja;Jung, Hyun-Key
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2000
  • In recent years two reflection methods, i.e. GPR and seismic Impact-Echo, are usually performed to obtain the information about tunnel lining structures composed of concrete lining, shotcrete, water barrier, and voids at the back of lining. However, they do not lead to a desirable resolution sufficient for the inspection of tunnel safety, due to many problems of interest including primarily (1) inner thin layers of lining structure itself in comparison with the wavelength of source wavelets, (2) dominant unwanted surface wave arrivals, (3) inadequate measuring strategy. In this sense, seismic physical modeling is a useful tool, with the use of the full information about the known physical model, to handle such problems, especially to study problems of wave propagation in such fine structures that are not amenable to theory and field works as well. Thus, this paper deals with various results of seismic physical modeling to enable to show a possibility of detecting the inner layer boundaries of tunnel lining structures. To this end, a physical model analogous to a lining structure was built up, measured and processed in the same way as performed in regular reflection surveys. The evaluated seismic section gives a clear picture of the lining structure, that will open up more consistent direction of research into the development of an efficient measuring and processing technology.

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Evaluation of Split Tension Fatigue Test Method for Application in Concrete (콘크리트의 쪼갬인장 피로실험방법 제안 및 적용성 평가)

  • Kim Dong-Ho;Lee Joo-Hyung;Jeong Won-Kyong;Yun Kyong-Ku
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.16 no.1 s.79
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2004
  • Most of concrete fatigue tests currently used are flexural tension or compression methods to investigate the tensile or compressive properties, respectively. However, the concrete pavement or concrete slab is actually subjected to a combined stress condition such as biaxial or triaxial. The split tension test may result in similar stress condition to biaxial stress condition. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the split tension fatigue test method for application in concrete. These were done by a finite element analysis and experimental series. The results were as follows: The optimum configuration of split tension fatigue test was a cylinder of 15cm in diameter and 7.5cm in thickness, which had a little different thickness compared to the KS standard cylinder of ${\phi}15{\times}30cm$. The concrete stress ratio of compressive against horizontal from FEA was 3.1, while that from theory was 3.0. The stress distributions of mortar and steel were almost similar at different thicknesses. The measured static split tensile strengths of concrete and mortar were quite similar at 30cm and 7.5cm thickness cylinders. The measured stress-strain relationship showed their consistency at all specimens regardless of thickness, and confirmed the results from FEA. As a results, the concrete split tension specimen, cylinder of 15cm in diameter and 7.5cm in thickness, could be used at fatigue test because of its accuracy, simplicity and convenience.

Impact of the Planning CT Scan Time on the Reflection of the Lung Tumor Motion (전산화단층촬영 주사시간(Scan Time)이 폐종양운동의 재현성에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim Su Ssan;Ha Sung Whan;Choi Eun Kyung;Yi Byong Yong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : To evaluate the reflection of tumor motion according to the planning CT scan time. Material and Methods : A model of N-shape, which moved aiong the longitudinal axis during the ventilation caused by a mechanical ventilator, was produced. The model was scanned by planning CT, while setting the relative CT scan time (T: CT scan time/ventilatory period) to 0.33, 0.50, 0.67, 0.75, 1.00, 1.337, and 1.537. In addition, three patients with non-small cell lung cancer who received stereotactic radiosurgery In the Department of Radiation Oncology, Asan Medical Center from 03/19/2002 to 05/21/2002 were scanned. Slow (10 Premier, Picker, scan time 2.0 seconds per slice) and fast CT scans (Lightspeed, GE Medical Systems, with a scan time of 0.8 second per slice) were peformed for each patient. The magnitude of reflected movement of the N-shaped model was evaluated by measuring the transverse length, which reflected the movement of the declined bar of the model at each slice. For patients' scans, all CT data sets were registered using a stereotactic body frame scale with the gross tumor volumes delineated in one CT image set. The volume and three-dimensional diameter of the gross tumor volume were measured and analyzed between the slow and fast CT scans. Results : The reflection degree of longitudinal movement of the model increased in proportion to the relative CT scan times below 1.00 7, but remained constant above 1.00 T Assuming the mean value of scanned transverse lengths with CT scan time 1.00 T to be $100\%$, CT scans with scan times of 0.33, 0.50, 0.57, and 0.75 T missed the tumor motion by 30, 27, 20, and $7.0\%$ respectively, Slow (scan time 2.0 sec) and Fast (scan time 0.8 sec) CT scans of three patients with longitudinal movement of 3, 5, and 10 mm measured by fluoroscopy revealed the increases in the diameter along the longitudinal axis Increased by 6.3, 17, and $23\%$ in the slow CT scans. Conculsion : As the relative CT scan time increased, the reflection of the respiratory tumor movement on planning CT also Increased, but remained constant with relative CT scan times above 1.00 T When setting the planning CT scan time above one respiration period (>1.00 T), only the set-up margin is needed to delineate the planning target volume. Therefore, therapeutic ratio can be increased by reducing the radiation dose delivered to normal lung tissue.

Evaluation of Impedance on Biological Tissues Using Automatic Control Measurement System (자동제어 측정 시스템을 이용한 생체 조직의 임피던스 평가)

  • Kil, Sang-Hyeong;Lee, Moo-Seok;Kim, Sang-Sik;Shin, Dong-Hoon;Lee, Seong-Mo;Kim, Gun-do;Lee, Jong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.239-244
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    • 2015
  • Each biological tissue has endemic electrical characteristics owing to various differences such as those in cellular arrangement or organization form. The endemic electrical characteristics change when any biological change occurs. This work is a preliminary study surveying the changes in the electrical characteristics of biological tissue caused by radiation exposure. For protection aganinst radiation hazards, therefore the electrical characteristics of living tissue were evaluated after development of the automatic control measurement system using LabVIEW. No alteration of biological tissues was observed before and after measurement of the electrical characteristics, and the biblogical tissues exhibited similar patterns. Through repeated measurements using the impedance/gain-phase analyzer, the coefficient of variation was determined as within 10%. The reproducibility impedance phase difference in electrical characteristics of the biological tissue did not change, and the tissue had resistance. The absolute value of impedance decreased constantly in proportion to the frequency. It has become possible to understand the electrical characteristics of biological tissues through the measurements made possible by the use of the developed. automatic control system.

Evaluating the Trapping Efficiency of Vegetative Buffer Systems on Sediment Reduction Using SWAT model (SWAT 모델을 이용한 수변 완충지역에서 비점오염원 저감효율 평가)

  • Kim, Ik-Jae;Son, Kyong-Ho;Kim, Jeong-Kon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1819-1823
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    • 2007
  • 유역에서 상류 유역 또는 수변을 따라 자연 자원을 이용하여 조성되어야 할 완충지대는 비점오염의 영향을 줄이기 위한 중요한 최적 관리공법이다. 교란된 토지 피복과 수변 완충지대를 관리 및 복원할 때 같은 지형조건이라도 식생 종류, 발달정도, 토양조건에 따라 오염물 제거효과가 다를 수 있으며, 최소 완충지대 길이도 제거 오염물질 대상별로 적합하게 설계되고 해석되어야 한다. 본 연구의 목적은 용담댐 유역에서 SWAT 모델을 이용하여 식생 완충지대의 비점오염원 저감 모의 재현성을 평가하는 것이였다. 소유역의 관측값과 모델 예측값에 대한 모델의 검 보정이 선행되었으며 그 중에서 가장 높은 모델 효율을 가지는 소유역에서 three zone concept의 90m 수변완충지대를 지방하천을 경계로 하여 토지 피복도를 변화시켜 SWAT 모델에 적용하였다. 이 때 교목으로는 포플러 (Populus, 30m)을 적용하였고, 포플러의 높이 및 Leaf area index를 조정하여 관목 지대(30m)에 입력하였다. 잔디 지대(30m)는 자연초지를 선택하였다. 또한 지형변수(average slope)와 Manning's coefficient을 수변완충지대의 조건에 고려하여 변화를 주었고 이에 따른 유출량 및 유사량, T-N, T-P의 변화율을 조사하였다. 또한 5, 10, 30m의 식생 여과대를 밭 지역에만 적용하여 오염물의 저감 효율을 평가하였다. SWAT 모델은 각 소유역에서 발생된 전반적인 유출량과 수질변수의 추세를 잘 예측하였으며 정자천 소유역이 선택되었다. 모의된 완충지대에서는 연평균 940 m3/ha의 유출량이 감소되는 것으로 유사농도는 28.7 %의 저감효과를 보였다. 그러나 T-N, T-P의 농도는 오히려 증가되었는데 본 연구에서 고려된 보다 수변완충지대를 조성할 때 지하수 수위, 식생 성장변화 등과 같은 보다 정확한 설계 인자 산출 및 모델 DB 개발이 유역모델에 포함되어야 할 것으로 판단되었다.한 해결책을 얻어내는 상호보완적인 결과를 추구한다. 그가 디자인하는 작품은 전형적인 이미지를 내포하지 않는다. 즉 그의 작품은 기존의 가치와 이념적인 것은 배제하고, 창의적인 개념을 도출하였다.형모서리는 건물 특화 성격이 강하므로 불가피할 경우 소형 액센트 광고 위치를 미리 벽면으로 할애하는 것이 경관 및 입면계획에 유리한 것으로 분석되었다. 불확실도 해석모형 등의 새로운 기능을 추가하여 제시하였다. 모든 입출력자료는 프로젝트 단위별로 운영되어 data의 관리가 손쉽도록 하였으며 결과를 DB에 저장하여 다른 모형에서도 적용할 수 있도록 하였다. 그리고 HyGIS-HMS 및 HyGIS-RAS 모형에서 강우-유출-하도 수리해석-범람해석 등이 일괄되게 하나의 시스템 내에서 구현될 수 있도록 하였다. 따라서 HyGIS와 통합된 수리, 수문모형은 국내 하천 및 유역에 적합한 시스템으로서 향후 HydroInformatics 구현을 염두에 둔 특화된 국내 수자원 분야 소프트웨어의 개발에 기본 토대를 제공할 것으로 판단된다.았다. 또한 저자들의 임상병리학적 연구결과가 다른 문헌에서 보고된 소아 신증후군의 연구결과와 큰 차이를 보이지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 자극에 차이가 있지 않나 추측되며 이에 관한 추후 연구가 요망된다. 총대장통과시간의 단축은 결장 분절 모두에서 줄어들어 나타났으나 좌측결장 통과시간의 감소 및 이로 인한 이 부위의 통과시간 비율의 저하가 가장 주요하였다. 이러한 결과는 차가운 생수 섭취가 주로 결장 근위부를 자극하는 효과를 발휘하는 것이 아닌가 해석된다. 이와 같은 연구결과를 통해 생다시마를 주원료로 개발된 생다시마차와 생다시마 음료가 만성 기능성 변비 증세를 개선하는 효능이 잠재적으로 있음을 확인하였다. 그러나 생약제재의 변비약 수준으로 변비 개선 효능을 증대하기 위해서는 재료 배합비의 개선이나 대장 운동기능을 향상시키는 유효성분의 보강 등이 필요하다는 점도 알 수 있었다.더불어 산화물질 해독에 관

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Impedance Changes of Living Tissue During Radiation Exposure Dose (방사선 피폭선량에 대한 생체 조직의 임피던스 변화)

  • Kil, Sang Hyeong;Lee, Moo Seok;Nam, Ji Ho;Lee, Yeong Hwa;Kim, Gun Do;Lee, Jong Kyu
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.202-207
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    • 2013
  • Bioimpedance involves a lot of information related to living tissue. If there is alteration in bio tissue, its electrical characteristics also change. It is to study electrical characteristics of pork tenderlion in using a HP-4194A Impedance/Gain-phase analyzer instrument and electrical characteristics changes by graded radiation exposure dose. The results were as follow 1. Electrical characteristics of pork tenderlion in repeated measurement had high precision within ${\pm}5$% of coefficiency of variability. 2. During the measurement impedance absolute value and phase alteration did not show statistically significant difference.(p>0.05) 3. While impedance phase of electrical characteristics associated with frequency change was almost stable, impedance absolute value was in inverse proportion to frequency that means high inverse correlation of -0.096(r). 4. Impedance absolute value dropped in radiation exposure dose. The alteration of the value did not show statistically significant difference in 1 Gy, 2 Gy and 4 Gy.(p>0.05) However in radiation exposure dose of 10 Gy, the decrease of impedance absolute value was significantly different.(p<0.05) 5. Impedance phase according to radiation exposure dose change did not show statistically significant difference in 1 Gy, 2 Gy, 4 Gy, and 10 Gy(p>0.05).

A Study on the Usefulness of an Ankle Joint Examination Assistive Device using a 3D Printing (3D 프린터를 이용한 발목관절 검사 보조기구의 유용성연구)

  • Dong-Hee Hong;Eun-hye Kim;Young-Cheol Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.1099-1108
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    • 2023
  • The mortise view radiography procedure is an ankle joint examination and observes the presence of trauma, sprain, or dislocation suspected in the ankle joint. The auxiliary equipment used during the mortise view radiography procedure can generate artifacts in the radiograph images and is not diverse enough to be custom-made for each patient; not cost-efficient. The purpose of this study is to create a custom assistive device to support mortise view radiography procedure. This study utilized 3D printing technology to create the mortise view radiography procedure assistive device (ShinHan Device; SHD). The lengths of the tibiotalar joint (TTJ), talar calcaneal joint (TCJ), and medial joint (MJ) were measured and evaluated by five researchers using both SHD and the prototype Hologic tool. The mean ranges were found to be 39.42-39.47 mm for TTJ, 31.41-31.57 mm for TCJ, and 21.21-21.23 mm for MJ while using SHD device. On the other hand, the measurements showed mean ranges of 39.73-39.79 mm for TTJ, 31.46-31.50 mm for TCJ, and 21.31-21.35 mm for MJ while using the Hologic tool. Based on this study results, the error ranges at all positions decreased by 24% for TTJ, 17% for TCJ, and 36% for MJ when using SHD device compared to the Hologic tool. Moreover, when SHD was used, it allowed for a highly reproducible examination posture (ICC = 0.99), and it enabled the acquisition of radiograph images without artifacts, which were present in the Hologic tool.