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Designing an Intelligent Advertising Business Model in Seoul's Metro Network (서울지하철의 지능형 광고 비즈니스모델 설계)

  • Musyoka, Kavoya Job;Lim, Gyoo Gun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2017
  • Modern businesses are adopting new technologies to serve their markets better as well as to improve efficiency and productivity. The advertising industry has continuously experienced disruptions from the traditional channels (radio, television and print media) to new complex ones including internet, social media and mobile-based advertising. This case study focuses on proposing intelligent advertising business model in Seoul's metro network. Seoul has one of the world's busiest metro network and transports a huge number of travelers on a daily basis. The high number of travelers coupled with a well-planned metro network creates a platform where marketers can initiate engagement and interact with both customers and potential customers. In the current advertising model, advertising is on illuminated and framed posters in the stations and in-car, non-illuminated posters, and digital screens that show scheduled arrivals and departures of metros. Some stations have digital screens that show adverts but they do not have location capability. Most of the current advertising media have one key limitation: space. For posters whether illuminated or not, one space can host only one advert at a time. Empirical literatures show that there is room for improving this advertising model and eliminate the space limitation by replacing the poster adverts with digital advertising platform. This new model will not only be digital, but will also provide intelligent advertising platform that is driven by data. The digital platform will incorporate location sensing, e-commerce, and mobile platform to create new value to all stakeholders. Travel cards used in the metro will be registered and the card scanners will have a capability to capture traveler's data when travelers tap their cards. This data once analyzed will make it possible to identify different customer groups. Advertisers and marketers will then be able to target specific customer groups, customize adverts based on the targeted consumer group, and offer a wide variety of advertising formats. Format includes video, cinemagraphs, moving pictures, and animation. Different advert formats create different emotions in the customer's mind and the goal should be to use format or combination of formats that arouse the expected emotion and lead to an engagement. Combination of different formats will be more effective and this can only work in a digital platform. Adverts will be location based, ensuring that adverts will show more frequently when the metro is near the premises of an advertiser. The advertising platform will automatically detect the next station and screens inside the metro will prioritize adverts in the station where the metro will be stopping. In the mobile platform, customers who opt to receive notifications will receive them when they approach the business premises of advertiser. The mobile platform will have indoor navigation for the underground shopping malls that will allow customers to search for facilities within the mall, products they may want to buy as well as deals going on in the underground mall. To create an end-to-end solution, the mobile solution will have a capability to allow customers purchase products through their phones, get coupons for deals, and review products and shops where they have bought a product. The indoor navigation will host intelligent mobile-based advertisement and a recommendation system. The indoor navigation will have adverts such that when a customer is searching for information, the recommendation system shows adverts that are near the place traveler is searching or in the direction that the traveler is moving. These adverts will be linked to the e-commerce platform such that if a customer clicks on an advert, it leads them to the product description page. The whole system will have multi-language as well as text-to-speech capability such that both locals and tourists have no language barrier. The implications of implementing this model are varied including support for small and medium businesses operating in the underground malls, improved customer experience, new job opportunities, additional revenue to business model operator, and flexibility in advertising. The new value created will benefit all the stakeholders.

A Study on Process Model for Systematic Management of Archival Objects (행정박물의 체계적 관리를 위한 프로세스 구축방안)

  • Lee, Ye-Kyoung;Kim, Keum-Ei;Lee, Jin-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.17
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    • pp.157-202
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    • 2008
  • Archival Objects are defined as objects having historical, aesthetic, and artistic value as well as archival value created and used with a particular purpose in business process. Increasingly, many countries including Canada, Australia, China are recognized the importance of Archival Objects and designated them as national records. In Korea, Archival Objects are involved in national records through '2006 Plan for the Archives and Records Management Reform'. So National Archives and Records Service provided a foothold for comprehensive plan of national records management including Archival Objects. And also, by revising Records and Archives Management Act in 2007, National Archives and Records Service declared aggressive will to management Archival Objects. Until now, Objects held in public institution were easy to be damaged because definition or scope of Archival Objects was ambiguous and management system for material character wasn't exist. Even though the revised Records and Archives Management Act suggest definition and declare the responsibility of management, management system focused on various shape and material of objects need to be established. So this study has defined Archival Objects shortly and carried out a research 5 institutions on the actual management condition. By researching the result of institution survey, Records and Archives Management Act and actual Records Management System, we could find some problems. In solving these problems, We provide objects management process in the order capture ${\rightarrow}$ register ${\rightarrow}$ description ${\rightarrow}$ preservation ${\rightarrow}$ use${\rightarrow}$disposition. In addition, close cooperation between records center and museum of institution should be established for the unitive management at national level. This study has significance in introducing a base to manage Archival Objects systematically. By studying more, we hope to advance in management of valuable Archival Objects.

A Study on Industry-specific Sustainability Strategy: Analyzing ESG Reports and News Articles (산업별 지속가능경영 전략 고찰: ESG 보고서와 뉴스 기사를 중심으로)

  • WonHee Kim;YoungOk Kwon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.287-316
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    • 2023
  • As global energy crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have emerged as social issues, there is a growing demand for companies to move away from profit-centric business models and embrace sustainable management that balances environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. ESG activities of companies vary across industries, and industry-specific weights are applied in ESG evaluations. Therefore, it is important to develop strategic management approaches that reflect the characteristics of each industry and the importance of each ESG factor. Additionally, with the stance of strengthened focus on ESG disclosures, specific guidelines are needed to identify and report on sustainable management activities of domestic companies. To understand corporate sustainability strategies, analyzing ESG reports and news articles by industry can help identify strategic characteristics in specific industries. However, each company has its own unique strategies and report structures, making it difficult to grasp detailed trends or action items. In our study, we analyzed ESG reports (2019-2021) and news articles (2019-2022) of six companies in the 'Finance,' 'Manufacturing,' and 'IT' sectors to examine the sustainability strategies of leading domestic ESG companies. Text mining techniques such as keyword frequency analysis and topic modeling were applied to identify industry-specific, ESG element-specific management strategies and issues. The analysis revealed that in the 'Finance' sector, customer-centric management strategies and efforts to promote an inclusive culture within and outside the company were prominent. Strategies addressing climate change, such as carbon neutrality and expanding green finance, were also emphasized. In the 'Manufacturing' sector, the focus was on creating sustainable communities through occupational health and safety issues, sustainable supply chain management, low-carbon technology development, and eco-friendly investments to achieve carbon neutrality. In the 'IT' sector, there was a tendency to focus on technological innovation and digital responsibility to enhance social value through technology. Furthermore, the key issues identified in the ESG factors were as follows: under the 'Environmental' element, issues such as greenhouse gas and carbon emission management, industry-specific eco-friendly activities, and green partnerships were identified. Under the 'Social' element, key issues included social contribution activities through stakeholder engagement, supporting the growth and coexistence of members and partner companies, and enhancing customer value through stable service provision. Under the 'Governance' element, key issues were identified as strengthening board independence through the appointment of outside directors, risk management and communication for sustainable growth, and establishing transparent governance structures. The exploration of the relationship between ESG disclosures in reports and ESG issues in news articles revealed that the sustainability strategies disclosed in reports were aligned with the issues related to ESG disclosed in news articles. However, there was a tendency to strengthen ESG activities for prevention and improvement after negative media coverage that could have a negative impact on corporate image. Additionally, environmental issues were mentioned more frequently in news articles compared to ESG reports, with environmental-related keywords being emphasized in the 'Finance' sector in the reports. Thus, ESG reports and news articles shared some similarities in content due to the sharing of information sources. However, the impact of media coverage influenced the emphasis on specific sustainability strategies, and the extent of mentioning environmental issues varied across documents. Based on our study, the following contributions were derived. From a practical perspective, companies need to consider their characteristics and establish sustainability strategies that align with their capabilities and situations. From an academic perspective, unlike previous studies on ESG strategies, we present a subdivided methodology through analysis considering the industry-specific characteristics of companies.

A Study of Measures to Support Startup Company Development: Focusing on DeepTech Startups (스타트업 기업 육성지원 방안 연구: 딥테크(DeepTech) 스타트업을 중심으로)

  • Chang-Kyu Lee;SungJoo Hwang;Hui-Teak Kim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.63-79
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    • 2024
  • The startup ecosystem is experiencing a paradigm shift in founding due to the acceleration of digital transformation, online platform companies have grown significantly into unicorns, but the lack of differentiated approaches and strategic support for deep tech startups has led to the inactivity of the startup ecosystem. is lacking. Therefore, in this study, we proposed ways to develop domestic startup development policies, focusing on the US system, which is an advanced example overseas. Focusing on the definition and characteristics of deep tech startups, current investment status, success stories, support policies, etc., we comprehensively analyzed domestic and international literature and derived suggestions. In particular, he proposed specific ways to improve support policies for domestic deep tech startups and presented milestones for their development. Currently, the United States is significantly strengthening the role of the government in supporting deep tech startups. The US government provides direct financial support to deep tech startups, including detergent support and infrastructure support. It has also established policies to foster deep tech startups, established related institutions, and systematized support. It is worth noting that US universities play a core role in nurturing deep tech startups. Leading universities in the United States operate deep tech startup discovery and development programs, providing research and development infrastructure and technology. It also works with companies to provide co-investment and commercialization support for deep tech startups. As a result, the growth of domestic deep tech startups requires the cooperation of diverse entities such as the government, universities, companies, and private investors. The government should strengthen policy support, and universities and businesses should work together to support R&D and commercialization capabilities. Furthermore, private investors must stimulate investment in deep tech startups. Through such efforts, deep tech startups are expected to grow and Korea's innovation ecosystem will be revitalized.

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