• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기술혁신시스템

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How IT Drives Innovations for Public Service: Mobile Office for Seoul Metropolitan Railway (IT 기반의 공공서비스 혁신: 서울도시철도공사의 모바일 오피스 사례)

  • Cho, Nam-Jae;Choi, Joung-In;Oh, Seung-Hee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.67-84
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    • 2012
  • Recent increases in uncertainty and speed of market change are driving the adoption of new intelligent mobile office systems. Organizational information systems paradigm suggests that a right match between organizational characteristics and the use of technology is critical in producing desired results. Following such perspective this study developed the mobile office system case of Seoul Metropolitan Railway Transit(SMRT) in Korea. SMRT developed the mobile task-supporting environment that help the management of subway lines real-time without the restriction of time and space. They named the system as ST&F(SMRT Talk and Flash). They decided to develop the application systems in-houses they did not want to be overly dependent on external services in future changes and developments of the system. The new practice reduced the time for moving back and forth to 10% of their working time from previous 20%. The time used for paper works and administration chore also reduce to 10% of their working time from previous 30% on the average. The employees could use 80% of their time to concentrate on the completion of assigned task. The effects of this improvement resulted in the heightened efficiency of the use of human resources and the heightened level of railway safety. The case of SMRT shows that the mobile office system can be applied and extended to various business areas such as facility management and maintenance beyond such typical uses as sales and marketing support. Also, The result of case study will be a useful guideline on the construction and using of mobile office system.

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Characteristics of Building Structural System with IsoTruss® Grid (IsoTruss® 그리드를 적용한 건물구조시스템의 특성)

  • Kim, Tae-Heon;Kim, Young-Chan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.737-742
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    • 2017
  • Recently, unconventional high-rise building shapes have attracted attention as a landmark of metropolitan cities and the search for innovative building forms in architecture is ongoing. In this study, $Isotruss^{(R)}$ grid(ITG) used in smaller scale structures was applied to building structural systems and its structural performance was examined. The structural behavior of an ITG was compared with that of a diagrid structure as a reference structure. The stiffness-based design method of the diagrid system was used for the preliminary design stage of member sizing in an ITG. The structural design of 16, 32, and 48-story buildings was carried out for the two systems with the same size. The angle of the inclined columns for ITG and diagrid was $59^{\circ}$ and $68.2^{\circ}$, respectively. The lateral stiffness, steel tonnage of the exterior frame, axial strength ratio, story drift ratio, and natural frequency of the two systems were compared. Based on the analysis result of 6 buildings, the two systems had similar structural capacity; 93.3% and 88.7% of the lateral load was carried by the perimeter frame in the ITG system and diagrid system, respectively. This suggests that the ITG system is better in arranging core columns. Therefore, the proposed ITG system has not only a unique façade, but also substantial structural capacity equivalent to the existing system.

Review and Prospects on Venture Firm Accumulation Center: The Case of Kwan-Ak Venture Town (벤처기업집적시설의 현황과 문제점 및 개선방안에 관한 연구 서울시 관악구 벤처타운 사례를 중심으로)

  • 최지훈
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2000
  • The study examines the present condition and prospects of venture firm accumulation center in the case of kwan-ak venture town. The survey shows most of companies have been founded since 1997. Their major items are software development and the average employees are under 10 workers. According to the questionary about the type of R&D and the level of innovation, technology innovation such as the development of new product is advanced whereas tacit innovation like inter-firm cooperation is very weak. And the source of idea and information is concentrated on the within-firms and research center As a result of the analysis of regional linkage, the dependence of production and R & D is large on kwan-ak-gu, but sales and information services have emphasis on Seoul area. In the light of the affiliation of inter-firm, they response sympathy with cooperation, but could not strengthen their commercial ties yet. At last, the policy for venture firm accumulation center must intend to make tacit measures through inventing of system instead of the simple means such as the assistance of location, finance and tax.

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Small Business Research and Development Assessment System based on Fuzzy-AHP (Fuzzy-AHP 기반 중소기업 R&D 평가 시스템)

  • Park, Seong-Ho;Oh, Jae-Taek;Lee, Sang-Yong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.323-329
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    • 2020
  • There is a system of mandating the allocation of support to small business in certain percentage or more to facilitate technological innovation at small business. Trying to assess small business R&D projects, which receive a budget of three trillion won or more from the government every year, for their possibilities of success, a group of experts perform a technological evaluation with their technologies and their difficulty levels and review closely the possibilities of their commercialization and success. Used in such a review, the Analytic Hierarchy Process technique cannot make an objective judgment of evaluation criteria for evaluation items and guarantee the professionalism and fairness of small business R&D projects due to the inherent ambiguity and uncertainty of the evaluation criteria. This study proposed an R&D evaluation system based on Fuzzy-AHP for small business to provide objective weight for the evaluation items and assess the possibilities of such projects' success. The evaluation criteria were make objective as they were applied as section values based on triangular fuzzy numbers. Weight was assigned and applied according to the management guidelines of supportive projects for small business' technological development so that it could be reflected on actual assessment. The findings of the study will be helpful for reflecting the scoring weight of these evaluation items again when an expert is appointed for a new project and guaranteeing the professionalism and fairness of small business R&D project based on them.

Deployment Strategies of Cloud Computing System for Defense Infrastructure Enhanced with High Availability (고가용성 보장형 국방 클라우드 시스템 도입 전략)

  • Kang, Ki-Wan;Park, Jun-Gyu;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Park, Ki-Woong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2019
  • Cloud computing markets are rapidly growing as cost savings and business innovation are being carried out through ICT worldwide. In line with this paradigm, the nation is striving to introduce cloud computing in various areas, including the public sector and defense sector, through various research. In the defense sector, DIDC was established in 2015 by integrating military, naval, air and military computing centers, and it provides cloud services in the form of IaaS to some systems in the center. In DIDC and various future cloud defense systems, It is an important issue to ensure availability in cloud defense systems in the defense sector because system failures such as network delays and system resource failures are directly linked to the results of battlefields. However, ensuring the highest levels of availability for all systems in the defense cloud can be inefficient, and the efficiency that can be gained from deploying a cloud system can be reduced. In this paper, we classify and define the level of availability of defense cloud systems step by step, and propose the strategy of introducing Erasure coding and failure acceptance systems, and disaster recovery system technology according to each level of availability acquisition.

Analyis of the Structure and Impact of SCM Advanced Planning System : Lessons from POSCO Case (SCM 첨단계획수립시스템의 구조와 도입효과 분석 : 포스코 사례를 중심으로)

  • No, Gyeong Ho;Park, Seong Taek;Kim, Tae Ung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.145-155
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    • 2014
  • POSCO has been chosen as the most competitive steelmaker in the world, for the 4th year in a row. It's potentials and key success points lay at technology innovation as well as effective partnerships with suppliers and customers. Partnership with suppliers is based upon the effective supply chain management. While ERP system supports the standard business work flows, the biggest impact on business performance is created by exceptions and variability. A SCM Advanced Planning System reduces the amount of exceptional situations, helping to keep business in a standard mode of operation. A case summary on SCM Advanced Planning System of POSCO as well as its impact on firm performances is presented. As a supplement to this case study, we also investigate the employees' perceived level of SCM-related factors, including information sharing, collaboration, incentive system for suppliers and their impacts on SCM performances. As a conclusion, the practical implications of these findings are discussed.

A Study on Influencing factors and strategic market segmentation for diffusing ATCA based network equipments (ATCA 기반 통신 장비의 수요 요인 분석 및 도입 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo Jae-heung;Ha Im-sook;Choi Mun-kee
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.7B
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    • pp.450-463
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    • 2005
  • This paper aims to find influencing factors for firms to adopt network equipments which based on Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture (ATCA). ATCA suggests a standardized specification for telecom equipments design. This new paradigm of developing network equipment provides benefits for network equipment manufacturers by reducing development time for new equipments with lower CapEx and OpEx. It also deliver oportunities for telecom services providers to exploit or test new services by replacing or upgrading part of total system with modular based network equipments. The research model basically depends on various researches based on Rogers' Innovation and Diffusion theory and it is verified through an empirical study for ninety-one domestic forms. Binary logistic regression was conducted to find the relationship between purchase intention and factors affecting new technology adoption. As a result, two factors such as scalability and cost/benefit effectiveness of the new system were statistically significant. Cluster analysis followed with those two variables. This helps TEMs (Telecom Equipments Manufacturers) get some implications on timing and target customers for diffusing the ATCA based technologies in the market.

Industry·Government·University Related Professional Practice Model for Higher Education (산학관을 연계한 장기현장실습 대학교육 모델)

  • Oh, Chang-Heon;Ha, Jun-Hong;Kim, Namho;Lee, Moon-Su
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.128-135
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we will introduce IPP (Industry Professional Practice) model which is a unique Korean long-term co-op (co-operative) education model developed and will be implemented by Korea Tech. IPP model is designed to make up for the weak points of the existing short-term job training system and to fit Korean educational environment by benchmarking North America co-op model that has 100 years of history, and it will be supported by the Korean government (Ministry of Employment and Labor) unlike other existing co-op systems in Korea. In order to be a successful IPP program, it is required of companies' active participation to this program with open mind, and university's investment on IPP infrastructure such as concrete academic system design and IPP center, etc.

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A Study on information resource management based ITA in a organization (ITA 기반에서의 조직 정보화 자원관리 방안 연구)

  • Cho, sung-nam;Kim, ji-young;Chung, taik-yeong;Park, chan-jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.410-413
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    • 2007
  • Information Technology(IT) was introduced to the business as a means of improving operational efficiency. Nowadays, IT has become an essential component of an organization's survival. Almost no operations of an organization can be performed without IT. The benefits of using IT in organizations can not be underestimated. Some organizations have flourished because of the competitive advantages derived from the IT systems they have developed. Most IT systems, however, have been extended, changed and integrated with ad-hoc and makeshift solutions without thinking long-range view. It results in high maintenance cost and uncontrolled system for managing information resources. Especially, public institutions under the Project-Based System (PBS) have some problems in keeping a good management systems for information resource, because they are usually operated for a set period. Therefore, we propose the framework how to efficiently manage the IT assets and resources based on the Information Technology Architecture (ITA) that is introduced for the overall optimization of IT investment, change management and inter-operability.

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고 분산성 자성 나노유체의 열전도도 및 점성

  • Seo, Yong-Jae;Lee, Hyo-Suk;Jo, Guk;Gil, Dae-Seop;Jeong, Gyeong-U;Ju, Myeong-Eun
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.4.2-4.2
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    • 2010
  • 최근 열전달율을 획기적으로 향상시킬 수 있는 고 열전도성 나노유체가 주목을 받고 있다. 고 열전도성 나노유체는 액상보다 열전도도가 수백~수만 배 높은 고상의 금속 또는 비금속 나노입자를 물이나 오일 등에 미량 균일하게 분산시킴으로써 기존의 유체가 가지지 못한 높은 열전도율과 분산안정성을 갖는 기능성유체를 말한다. 고 열전도성 나노유체는 기존 냉각시스템에서 냉각유체만 교체할 경우에도 열전달 효율을 20% 이상 향상시킬 수 있는 저비용 고효율작동 유체이다. 이 나노유체는 발전설비, 공조설비, 에너지 산업, 석유화학, 화학공업, 제철산업, 가정용 냉난방설비, 자동차 등 산업 전 분야의 열교환시스템에 활용이 가능하다. 따라서 고 열전도성 나노유체는 종래 열효율의 한계를 돌파할 수 있는 에너지 이용 효율 향상 기술의 패러다임을 바꿀 혁신적인 신소재로 여겨지고 있다. 그러나 현재까지 개발된 나노유체는 초기 열전도 특성은 우수하나 장기간 분산안정성이 확보되지 않아 시간이 경과함에 따라 열전도도가 점점 감소하는 경향을 보인다. 또한 탄소나노튜브를 분산한 나노유체의 경우와 같이 유체의 점도가 크게 증가하여 실제 산업에 적용 시 커다란 동력손실을 초래할 수 있으며 열교환시스템에 파울링이 발생할 소지가 크다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 나노유체에서 열전달이 일어나는 메커니즘이 규명되어야 하지만 아직 명확한 이론이나 가설이 정립되어 있지 않다. 이 논문에서는 나노유체가 높은 열전도율을 보이는 현상을 설명할 수 있는 몇 가지 이론을 살펴 보고 지금까지 개발된 안정성이 아주 높은 나노유체의 열전도 특성을 비교 분석하여 획기적인 열전도성 나노유체 개발 가능성을 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 나노입자의 조성, 유체 내 농도 및 자기장 등이 나노유체의 열전도율에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다.

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