• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기술교육 모델

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The Effects of Occupation-Based Community Rehabilitation for Improving Occupational Performance Skills and Activity Daily Living of Stroke Home Disabled People: A Single Subject Design (작업기반 지역사회 재활이 뇌졸중 재가 장애인의 일상생활과 작업수행 기술에 미치는 효과)

  • Moon, Kwang-Tae;Park, Hae Yean;Kim, Jong-Bae
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.99-117
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    • 2020
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to study the effects of occupation-based community rehabilitation on occupational performance skills and activities of daily living in stroke disabled persons living in the community, and to investigate the changes in occupation quality and satisfaction. Methods : In this single-subject ABA design study with follow-up evaluation, one severely disabled person diagnosed with stroke who lived in the community was recruited. The procedure consisted of a total of 25 sessions for 17 weeks. Intervention was according to occupation-based community rehabilitation, and the researcher visited the subject's home. Individualized intervention was applied according to the OTIPM. The intervention was composed of task assignment and feedback, home environment modification, information-related caregiver education, and community resource network. The evaluation of each session included the changes in the frequency of occupational performance skills, the quality of occupational performance in daily life, and the changes in occupational satisfaction, activities of daily living, quality of life, and maintenance of in the occupational performance skills during follow-up. The results were visually analyzed using a bar graph and a linear graph. Results : The results showed that the occupation-based community rehabilitation improved activities of daily living such as putting on socks, shoes slip-on, and upper body dressing garment within reach. Within the framework of the AMPS, it was confirmed that the quality of occupational performance was improved in all the subjects, and the degree of satisfaction also improved. Conclusion : This study showed that occupation-based rehabilitation can improve the occupational performance skills of stroke home disabled people positively affect the quality of occupational performance in daily life. Therefore, I think it is meaningful that useful for them.

Evolution of corporate social contribution activities in the era of the Fourth industrial revolution (4차 산업혁명 시대의 기업사회공헌 활동의 진화)

  • Kim, Minseok;Cho, Youngbohk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 2019
  • Recently, studies on the fourth industrial revolution have been actively conducted in the areas of government, business, and academia. Corporate business models that utilize the major agendas of the fourth industrial revolution such as robots, artificial intelligence, Internet of things (IoT), and block chains have been created, and various changes have occurred in not only business, education, and living environments but also in international relations. In this study, we looked at changes in social contribution activities from the perspective of a company facing impacts of the fourth industrial revolution. This study examines the definition and activities of corporate social contribution and how we can contribute to society through corporate activities. 'AT Educom', LG Uplus 'Social Contribution through IoT', KT's anti-infectious disease prevention platform and cases of Intel using IoT. In addition, we have presented what we need to do in the future to promote corporate social contribution activities that will make more meaningful impacts on how corporate social contribution activities will change according to technology development. The first, measuring the performance of corporate social contribution activities needs a standardized methodology and social contribution activities through platform business and ICT should be actively pursued. Lastly, social contribution activities between companies and sectors will increase.

An Analysis of the Relative Importance of Park Services for User-Oriented Smart Park Development (이용자 중심의 스마트공원 조성을 위한 공원서비스의 상대적 중요도 분석)

  • Lee, Ju-Yong;Lee, Hyung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2021
  • Interest in smart parks has been increasing due to the recent rapid rise of smart cities, but concerns are growing over the development of technology-oriented smart parks. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relative importance of park services through Focus Group Interviews and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to develop user-oriented smart parks in the future. To this end, literature on park functions and services was reviewed, and interviews with experts in the field of landscape architecture and IT were conducted to derive service items. The AHP model consisted of four values, and 15 park services were established and used to survey 38 landscape experts. As a result, services for improving the park's essential functions, such as contact with nature, relaxation, and exercise-walking, were deemed important. Services related to the environment and safety in response to climate change, such as the amelioration of pollution and heatwaves were also high. The importance of social integration services was relatively low, but it was considered an important service to when enhancing community participation. Future smart parks should enhance the health benefits of contact with nature rather than implementing excessive artificial facilities and technology. Additionally, smart technology will need to be applied based on users' needs while reflecting local characteristics. Efforts should be made to enhance user intimacy and improve the understanding of smart parks by strengthening public relations education.

A Study on the Design of Smart Tourism Concept Map based on the model of Advance Organizer that attracts Interest for Space Telling in Metaverse (메타버스 내 스페이스텔링을 위한 흥미유발 선행조직자 모델 기반 스마트관광 개념지도 설계)

  • So Jin Kim;Yong Min Ju
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2023
  • Users who want to experience the metaverse for tourism are exposed to strategic planning in space for the purpose of cultural content. In addition, users learn integrated cultural content in the process of proceeding according to the virtual environment. and Along with the meaning of time and space, users will experience space-telling. It is important to induce interest from the beginning of the experience to continue the experience. However, obstacles arise in this process. This is because developers should promote connections with new information to users who do not have sufficient prior knowledge and only have keywords of interest. Therefore, efficient design methods to enhance interest should be studied in advance. But so far, there has been no research on how to systematically design prior organizers to induce interest in virtual space. This study is an interest-inducing design method that occurs in the process of developing the meaning of virtual space and storytelling of cultural content, and can be seen as a basic study using conceptual guidance-based prior organizer education and learning techniques. First, virtual space elements and human behavior theories were considered. Subsequently, five representative examples of previous organizers currently used were explored, and redesigned and proposed based on a conceptual map for information access and delivery purposes. Through this research process, it was possible to confirm that spatial attributes and cognitive interest elements were effectively transmitted to meaningful learning leading to storytelling learning and elements of service design design method through conceptual guidance.

Study on the Manufactures for the Korean Astronomical Instrument

  • Lee, Yong Sam
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.30.1-30.1
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    • 2018
  • 일제 강점기를 지난 후 광복을 맞았지만, 전란의 폐허 속에 개설된 대학의 천문학과의 관측 시설들은 전문한 상태였다. 필자가 학부 재학 중이던 6-70년대까지도 시 시공(時空)의 흐름은 필요한 것을 직접 만들어 사용할 수밖에 없는 시대로 몰아가고 있었다. 당시를 회고 하며 지금까지 걸어 온 "천문기기 제작 연구의 삶"을 회고하고자 한다. 대학 재학 시절 교수님의 도움으로 막스토브 망원경을 제작하고, 40cm 카세그레인 망원경 등 광학계의 원리와 특성연구를 통해 부품 조립을 수행할 수 있었다. 태양 흑점관측을 위한 10cm 굴절 망원경의 투영시설을 고안하여 6개월 동안 관측하였지만. 석사 논문을 위해 광전측광 관측시스템을 제작하여 식쌍성 관측을 수행하였다. 그 결과 한국의 시설로 UBV 광도곡선 완성하여 1975년 가을 천문학회에서 발표하였다. 1976년 2월 국립천문대 천문계산연구실에 발령 받고 역서편찬 업무를 담당하면서 소백산 60cm 망원경 최종 설치를 끝내고, 천문대(현 역삼동 과총회관 빌딩) 옥상에 2m 규모의 목재 돔을 설계 제작하고 일반인들을 위한 대중천문 활동을 시작하였다. 재직 중에 항상 한국의 열악한 천문시설의 상황을 실감하고 20대를 마감하면서 퇴직하여 "한국천문기기 연구소"라는 명칭으로 천체 돔을 설계하고, 돔 제작기계를 개발하였다. 망원경만 보관 중인 국내 4개 대학에 돔을 납품 한 후 연세대학교 천문대의 직경 6m 스텐레스 돔을 제작하였다. 아울러 연세대 천문대 60cm망원경을 설치하면서 이 곳에 입사하여 관측 장비개발 연구와 관측에 전념하게 되었다. 재직 기간 중 대학의 배려로 카나다 국립천문대(DAO) 방문연구원으로 1.8m 망원경으로 식쌍성들의 분광관측을 수행하여 시선속도곡선을 완성하였고, 체류 중에 스텝들과 국내에서 사용할 60cm용 첨단 분광기를 설계하였으나 대학에 재원이 없어 제작을 못한 아쉬움이 남는다. 1989년 2월 충북대학교 천문우주학과에 부임하면서 열악한 상황이지만 교육과 연구 장비로 20cm와 35cm 소형 망원경의 디지털 광전측광시스템으로 간이 천문대를 설치하여 운영하였다. 학과 설립 10 주년(1998년)을 맞아 40cm 망원경과 6m 돔을 설치하여 교내천문대가 완공되었다. 2000년이 되면서 대중 천문활동 을 위해 이동 천문대를 제작하여 4륜 자동차에 견인하여 여러 지역을 찾아 관측과 강연 활동 등 학과의 대중천문 활동의 특성을 살리는 계기를 만들게 되었다. 학과 설립 20주년(2008년)을 맞으면서 충북 진천에 16개 자동분할 개폐식 스릿의 9m 돔 안에 1m 망원경을 원격관측 시설을 완비하여 대학 본부의 기관으로 충북대학교천문대를 개관하고 관측시설을 완비하였다. 우리의 전통적인 세종시대 천문시설은 당대 최대의 시설이지만 당시 유물들이 모두 소실되어 현존하는 것이 하나도 없음은 실로 아쉬움이 큰 것이었다. 누군가는 그 구조, 형태, 원리, 기능, 사용방법 등을 밝히고 복원을 시도해야 할 시급함이 있었다. 문헌을 통해 1991년부터 학부졸업 논문으로 "고천문 의기(儀器) 복원연구" 분야의 발표를 시작하였다. 그 결과를 통해 세종탄신일에 영릉에서 숭모제 행사 후 그 곳에서 수년간 세종시대 고천문의기 한가지씩 작동모델을 복원하여 제막식을 거행하였다, 유물복원 회사 (주)옛기술과 문화 와 함께 팀을 이루어 매년 제작할 종목을 준비하게 되었다. 간의(簡儀)를 복원한 후에는 일성정시의, 소간의, 앙부일구, 정남일구, 석각천문도, 혼천의, 혼상, 각종 해시계 등 매년 지속적으로 복원되어 큰 규모의 야외 전시장이 완성되었다. 작동모델 설계연구팀의 자문과 제작팀과의 팀웍으로 이룬 성과인 것이다. 한번 시작품이 발표된 모델들은 국내 과학관과 박물관, 천문관에서 후속 모델을 설치하였다. 한국천문연구원과 부산 동래읍성 내에 장영실 과학 동산은 간의와 혼상을 비롯한 각종 해시계들을 설치한 큰 규모의 야외 전시장이다. 조선의 명망 높은 유학자들이 인격적인 하늘을 살펴보았던 혼천의와 일만원권에 그려 있는 국보 230호 자명종 혼천시계(일만원권의 그림)의 작동 모델을 제작하였다. 이와 같은 연구 결과들은 석사과정 박사과정을 통하여 더 심층적인 연구들이 발표되었고, 각종 조선(한국)의 천문의기(天文儀器) 연구 자료들은 연구팀들을 통해 중국과 일본 등 해외에서도 발표되었다. 지금까지 복원된 유물들이 완성되기까지는 참여한 많은 연구원들과 제작팀들이 합심하여 각자의 역할을 수행하여 최종 작동모델들이 하나 둘 완성되는 것이었다. 이것은 참으로 보람된 일이었고, 은퇴 후 지금은 재능기부자로서 즐거운 삶을 이어 갈수 있게 되었다.

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Primary Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Stomach (위에서 발생한 선-편평세포암종)

  • Cho, Yong-Kwon;An, Ji-Yeong;Hong, Seong-Kweon;Choi, Min-Gew;Noh, Jae-Hyung;Sohn, Tae-Sung;Kim, Sung
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.31-35
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: A primary adenosquamous carcinoma of the stomach is relatively rare, accounting for only about 0.5% of all gastric cancers. However, its histopathologic characteristics are still unclear, and the most appropriate form of therapy has not been established yet. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the clinicopathologic features of 8 patients with pathologically confirmed primary adenosquamous carcinomas out of 8,268 patients who underwent gastric cancer surgery at Samsung Medical Center between September 1994 and December 2004. Results: The median age of the 8 patients was 49 ($41{\sim}69$) years, and the male : female ratio was 5 : 3. In 3 patients, the tumor was located at the mid body of the stomach, and in 5 patients, at the lower body or antrum. The tumor sizes were $2.5{\sim}8cm$. Seven patients showed metastases to the regional lymph nodes. The UICC stage distribution were: 5 stage II, 2 stage III, and 1 stage IV. In the stage IV patient, a palliative gastrojejunostomy was performed, and he died 5 months after surgery. Of the 7 patients who underwent a radical gastrectomy and adjuvant chemotheratpy, the median survival was 34 ($12{\sim}66$) months, 2 patients died of cancer recurrence, and 4 patients are being followed up without evidence of recurrence. Conclusion: As for an adenocarcinoma of the stomach, a radical gastrectomy including regional lymph node dissection and postoperative adjuvant therapy should be performed for appropriate treatment of an adenosquamous carcinoma of the stomach.

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Performance Simulation of Geothermal Heat Pump (GHP) System with Different Control Schemes (제어 방식에 따른 지열 히트펌프 시스템의 성능 시뮬레이션)

  • Lee, Doo-Young;Choi, Jae-Ho;Min, Kyong-Chon;Sohn, Byonghu
    • Transactions of the KSME C: Technology and Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2016
  • Geothermal heat pump (GHP) systems have been proved to be one of the most efficient systems for heating and cooling in buildings. However, an optimal energy performance depends on a good control of the system components, including heat pumps and circulation pumps, which affect to the total energy consumption of system. This paper presents the simulation results of the heat pump performance for two different control schemes, i.e. constant setting temperature (Control-A) and variable setting temperatures (Control-B) in buffer tank. A dynamic simulation tool, TRNSYS 17, was used to model the entire system and to assess the performance of the system. Simulation results show that the Control-B, which controls the temperature in buffer tank with outdoor air temperature, is a effective way to reduce the energy consumptions in heat pump (7.7%) and circulation pump (7.5%).

Influence of Personality Traits, Social Support, and Career Decision Self-efficacy on Career Preparation Behavior in Nursing College Students (간호대학생의 성격특성, 사회적지지, 진로결정 자기효능감이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Ha
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.399-408
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    • 2018
  • This study was examined to confirm the influence of personality traits, social support, and career decision self-efficacy on career preparation behavior in nursing college students based on the social recognition career self-management model. The subjects were nursing students attending 3rd and 4th grade in two nursing colleges in Gwangju and Chonnam area. The 208 data collected were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis with SPSS 23.0 for windows. Personality traits, social support, and career decision self-efficacy were positively correlated with career preparedness behaviors. Conscientiousness and career decision self-efficacy were reported to have a statistically significant effect on career preparation behavior. Extraversion and social support were reported to have no statistically significant effect on career preparation behavior. These findings suggest that in order to promote career preparation behavior of nursing college students, the strategies to improve conscientiousness and career decision self-efficacy should be provided in nursing education field.

Performance Improvement of Stratified Thermal Storage Tank Using Heat Insulator (단열층 사용을 통한 성층 축열조 성능개선)

  • Lim, Se Hwa;Lee, Tae Gyu;Shin, Seungwon
    • Transactions of the KSME C: Technology and Education
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to design a heat insulator for reducing available energy loss in stratified thermal storage tank. Heat insulator is operated by buoyancy effect from density difference between hot and cold water without extra equipment. Analysis model using the Matlab Simulink was developed to estimate the internal temperature distribution in thermal storage tank and also used to select proper material and thickness of the heat insulator. Operational feasibility was confirmed through reduced scale experiment. As a result, heat insulator can effectively delay the formation of thermal boundary layer between hot and cold water. In reduced scale experiment, heat insulator can preserve additional 1540J of available energy. When applied to the real thermal storage tank, increase of 6% thermal storage efficiency can be expected.

Middle-School Programming Classes Utilizing App Inventor Game Creation and the Analysis of their Educational Outcomes (앱 인벤터 게임 작성을 활용한 중학생의 프로그래밍 수업 및 학습 성과 분석)

  • Kim, Sungkyung;Kim, Sangchul
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2018
  • In many countries, recently computer programming eduction has become mandatory for K-12 students. Generally since programming is difficult for K-12 students to learn, a lot of previous works have been published in which the study motivation and class satisfaction increased when game programming was applied to programming classes. We investigated a research in which we used game programming in the programming classes for middle-school students, and analyzed educational effects. In this paper, we described the specification of the games and our class model that were applied in the research. Also, we analyzed changes made to computation thinking abilities, creative thinking abilities, and perceived support for programming after the programming classes. As a result, it was found that those abilities and the perceived support were increased. Additionally, we applied Havruta learning, a kind of paired learning, in the programming class, and have known that it increased the educational outcome with respect to the traditional method.