• Title/Summary/Keyword: 국어

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Effect of Intrinsic Learning Motivation on Korean Language Performance: Moderating Effect of Social Support (내재적 학습동기가 국어수행에 미치는 영향: 사회적 지지의 조절효과)

  • Kim Hey Kyoung;Chung Eun Kyoung
    • The Korean Journal of Coaching Psychology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2022
  • There are many studies that intrinsic learning motivation and social support play an important role in the study of children and adolescents. However, studies examining the effects of intrinsic learning motivation and social support by measuring the actual academic performance of elementary school students are rare. This study attempted to verify the effect of intrinsic learning motivation on Korean language performance and moderating effect of social support in 5th and 6th graders in elementary school. 122 elementary school students in local county-level areas participated in this study. The Korean language test was conducted about 5 months after intrinsic learning motivation and social support of families and teachers were measured. The results revealed that Korean language performance showed a significant positive correlation with intrinsic learning motivation and social support, and also showed a significant correlation between learning motivation and social support. In the regression analysis with control variables, it was found that intrinsic learning motivation had a significant effect on Korean language performance. The moderating effect of social support was analyzed by dividing it into family support and teacher support. The interaction effect of learning motivation and social support was significant only in teacher support, not in family support. In specific, when teacher support was high, Korean language performance was high regardless of the student's learning motivation level, but when teacher support was low, the student's learning motivation mattered in the performance. Based on the results of this study, implications and limitations were discussed.

The Difference between the Interpretations of Korean Language Experts and Science Education Experts on the Cognitive Domain of Science Achievement Standards: Focus on 'Explain' (과학과 교육과정 성취기준의 인지적 영역에 대한 국어교육전공자와 과학교육전공자의 해석 차이:설명하기를 중심으로)

  • Song, Eunjeong;Je, Minkyeong;Cha, Kyungmi;Yoo, Junehee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.371-382
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    • 2017
  • The texts in the national science curriculum documents are expected to be interpreted in the same meaning as that of the authors. In this study, the science achievement standards in national curriculum documents were examined through an analysis of the differences between the interpretations of Korean language education experts and science education experts. Three Korean language education experts designed and utilized an analysis framework on science curriculum standards from their viewpoints while three science education experts utilized TIMSS cognitive domain framework to analyze the 2009 Korean revised science curriculum achievement standards. The differences between interpretations of both groups were analyzed qualitatively through interviews. First of all, the two groups seemed to have different meanings for terms such as "explain," "analyze," "define," and "cause and effect." The science achievement standards described by general verbs like "explain" were interpreted in various ways. The verb "explain" that appears many times in the science achievement standards seem to be representing the "describe" subsections in the framework of Korean language education expert rather than the "explain" subsections of the framework of science education experts. Science education experts seemed to focus on prepositional phrases, which indicate inquiry process, while Korean language education experts seemed to focus on objective phrases. Moreover, the science education experts would interpret the achievement standards based on their background knowledge while the Korean language education experts would interpret them based on the structure of the sentences. This study suggests that achievement standards should specifically indicate the levels and scopes of cognitive domain as well as the knowledge domain. Also, integrations of achievement standards in cognitive domains of Korean language and science subjects should be considered.

시간 및 다국어 공간에서 어휘 분포에 기반한 다국어 사건 링크 탐색

  • 이경순
    • Communications of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2004
  • 사건 탐색 및 추적(TDT: Topic Detection and Tracking) 연구 [1]은 전세계 각 나라에서 매일 보도 되고 있는 신문이나 방송 뉴스 기사에서 "어떤 중요한 사건이 발생했는가\ulcorner"또는 "새로운 사건이 일어났는가\ulcorner"와 같이 그날 처음 발생한 사건을 탐색하거나, 같은 사건을 다루는 기사들을 탐색하거나, 예전에 발생한 사건과 관련된 사건인지를 추적해 나가는 것이다.된 사건인지를 추적해 나가는 것이다.

알아둡시다-식생활용어 3백41개 순화

  • Korea Dairy Industries Association
    • 우유
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    • s.51 winter
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    • pp.44-45
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    • 1992
  • 문화부는 최근 요식업소나 각종요리 관련서적, 강좌 등에서 사용되고 있는 식생활관련 외래어 및 잘못된 표기의 개정사항을 발표했다. 이번에 개정된 식생활 관련용어는 국립국어연구원이 지난해부터 시장 · 백화점 서울시내 80여개 대중음식점과 각종요리책에 있는 식생활 관련용어 4천여 개를 조사 연구해 순화대상을 선정한 후 국어심의회 심의를 거쳐 확정했다. 다음은 순화된 용어들이다.

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현대국어 음변화 규칙의 기능 부담량

  • Lee, Sang-Eok
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 1990.11a
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 1990
  • 이 연구는 현대 국어에 나타나는 음성규칙, 음운규칙, 형태음운규칙, 기타 등등의 발생빈도를 조사하여, 각 규칙이 차지하는 기능 부담량(Functional Load)을 알아 보려는 것이다.

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기술용어(技術用語)의 국어화론(國語化論)

  • Lee, Dong-Han
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 1990.11a
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 1990
  • 기술개발의 근원인 사고활동을 효과적으로 수행하고, 고도 정보화사회에 대응하는 국가의 지적영역을 확보하기 위해 모든 기술적 개념을 어휘 수준, 구문 수준, 의미수준에서 모국어를 확충 발전시키는 것이 기술 용어의 국어화 과제이다.

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Multilingual Story Link Detection based on Properties of Event Terms (사건 어휘의 특성을 반영한 다국어 사건 연결 탐색)

  • Lee Kyung-Soon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.12B no.1 s.97
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose a novel approach which models multilingual story link detection by adapting the features such as timelines and multilingual spaces as weighting components to give distinctive weights to terms related to events. On timelines term significance is calculated by comparing term distribution of the documents on that day with that on the total document collection reported, and used to represent the document vectors on that day. Since two languages can provide more information than one language, term significance is measured on each language space and used to refer the other language space as a bridge on multilingual spaces. Evaluating the method on Korean and Japanese news articles, our method achieved $14.3{\%}\;and\;16.7{\%}$ improvement for mono- and multi-lingual story pairs, and for multilingual story pairs, respectively. By measuring the space density, the proposed weighting components are verified with a high density of the intra-event stories and a low density of the inter-events stories. This result indicates that the proposed method is helpful for multilingual story link detection.

Automatic translation system for hangul's romanization Based on the World Wide Web (웹 기반하의 국어의 로마자 전사 표기 자동 변환 시스템)

  • 김홍섭
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.108-114
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    • 2002
  • After automatic translation system for hangul's romanization based on the World Wide Web converting korean-word, sentence, document to Transliteration letters by applying algorithm based phonological principles. even though a user do not know the basic principles of the usage of Korean-to-Romanization notations, It refers to corresponding character table that has been currently adopted the authority's standard proposition for Korean-to-Romanization notation rule concurrently, add to make possible to convert a machinized code as well. It provides font for toggling Korean-English mode, insert-edit mode by assigning ASCII codes and Unicode are hardly used to them. This program could be made in C++ progamming language and Unified Modeling Language to implement various font. font-expanding and condensing. alternative printing.

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Similar Question Search System for Q&A board of The National Institute of the Korean Language using Topic Classification (주제 분류를 활용한 국립국어원 질의응답 게시판 유사 질문 검색 시스템)

  • Mun, Jung-Min;Song, Yeong-Ho;Jin, Ji-Hwan;Lee, Hyun-Seob;Lee, Hyun-Ah
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.201-205
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    • 2014
  • 국립국어원의 온라인 가나다 서비스는 한국어에 대한 다양한 질문과 정확한 답변을 제공한다. 만일 새롭게 등록되는 질문에 대해 유사한 질문을 자동으로 찾을 수 있다면, 질문자는 빠른 시간에 답변을 얻을 수 있고 서비스 관리자는 수동 답변 작성의 부담을 덜 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 국립국어원 질의응답게시판의 특성을 분석하여 질문의 주제를 6가지로 분류하고, 주제 분류 정보와 벡터 유사도, 수열 유사도를 결합하여 유사한 질문을 검색하는 시스템을 제안한다. 평가에서는 본 논문에서 제시한 주제 분류 정보를 활용한 결과 1위 정답 검색 정확률이 향상되는 결과를 얻었다. 최종 실험에서는 MRR이 0.62, 정답이 1위, 5위내에 검색될 확률은 각각 54.2%, 78.2%를 보였다.

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