• Title/Summary/Keyword: 국가경찰

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Comparative Study of Security Services Industry Act and Police Assigned to Special Guard Act - Focused on special guards and police assigned to special guard duty - (경비업법과 청원경찰법의 비교 연구 특수경비원과 청원경찰을 중심으로)

  • Noh, Jin-keo;Lee, Young-ho;Choi, Kyung-cheol
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.57
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    • pp.177-203
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    • 2018
  • Police Assigned to Special Guard Act was legislated in 1962 to solve issues regarding the protection of various staple industrial installations, and in 2001, the Security Services Industry Act was revised to establish an effective security system for important national facilities. Thereby the Special Guards System was instituted. The current law has two parts, with the Police Assigned to Special Guard System and Special Guards System, and many scholars have actively discussed the appropriateness of the integration of both systems to solve problems caused by a bimodal system. However, in spite of these discussions taking place in the academic world, the idea of unification lost its power when the guarantee of status regulation was established for the police assigned to special guard. Strictly speaking, police assigned to special guard is a self-guard, and a special guard is a contractual guard. So, both of them have pros and cons. Thus, it would be desirable to give a legal, constitutional guarantee for both systems by strengthening each of them and making up for the weakness of each of them rather than trying to unify police assigned to special guard and special guard. To begin this process, we need to revise unreasonable legal provisions of Security Services Industry Act and Police Assigned to Special Guard Act as below. First, since the actual responsibilities of special guards and police assigned to special guard duty are the same, we need to make the facilities which they use equal. Second, legal provisions need to be revised so that a special guard may perform the duties of a police officer, according to the Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers, within the facility that needs to be secured in order to prevent any vacancy in the guarding of an important national facility. Third, disqualifications for the special guards need to be revised to be the same as the disqualifications for the police assigned to special guard duty. Fourth, it is reasonable to unify the training institution for special guards and for police assigned to special guard duty, and it should be the training institution for police. On-the-job education for a security guard needs to be altered to more than 4 hours every month just like the one for police assigned to special guard duty. Fifth, for a special guard, it is not right to limit the conditions in their using weapons to 'use of weapon or explosives' only. If one possesses 'dangerous objects such as weapon, deadly weapon, and so on' and resists, a special guard should be able to use their weapon against that person. Thus, this legal provision should be revised. Sixth, penalty, range of fines, and so on for police assigned to special guard duty need to be revised to be the same as the ones for a special guard. If we revise these legal provisions, we can correct the unreasonable parts of Security Services Industry Act and Police Assigned to Special Guard Act without unifying them. Through these revisions, special guards and police assigned to special guard duty may develop the civilian guard industry wholesomely under the law, and the civilians would have a wider range of options to choose from to receive high quality security service.

Perceptions of the Security Management at Critical Facilities in South Korea: College students' attitudes toward increasing demand for security personnel and the alternatives to police (공공부문 정규직 전환 및 의무경찰제도 폐지에 따른 보안산업 변화에 대한 인식)

  • Wang, Sug-Won;Choi, Yeon-Jun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.61
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    • pp.87-107
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    • 2019
  • With the government policy on converting contract workers to full-time employees, there have been significant changes about the security personnel at the nation's critical facilities, including the National Assembly Building and airports. Moreover, the scheduled disbandment of the conscripted police force in 2023 has raised concerns about security management at different government agencies. To examine the college students' perceptions on the possible alternatives to fill the expected security gap, 234 undergraduate students of security management and protection in the Seoul metropolitan region were surveyed. Particularly, a comparative analysis was conducted on the legal bases and supervision, the employment types and salaries, and the scopes of responsibility and authority of suggested alternatives were compared. The results showed that utilization of private police forces was thought to be the most effective option. Based on the research findings, the university departments should develop and maintain a quality curriculum to educate their students to be prepared security professionals with a focus on emergency response capabilities and martial arts, including the courses on private police law and emergency rescue and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

A Study of U.S. Coast Guard(USCG) (미 해안경비대(U. S. Coast Guard)의 고찰을 통한 한국 해양경찰의 제도적 개선방안)

  • Lee, Jae-Seung;Lee, Wan-Hee;Moon, Jun-Seop
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.36
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    • pp.443-467
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to introduce United States Coast Guard (USCG) in order to suggest a direction to advance the system of Korea Coast Guard. After the effect of United Nations on the Law of the Sea in 1994, the world is facing with new era of maritime age with emergence of new maritime border 'Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ)'. Along with new maritime era, Korea also has been facing with the conflicts caused from EEZ. Also, there is a increasing concern about maritime safety and security since people looking for maritime tourism and leisure sports are dramatically increasing in Korea. Moreover, national security matters are a big issue in Korea due to the several incidents occurred in the sea such as the attack on Yeon-Pyung Island and the sinking of Cheonan naval vessel. Arising concern on these issues in maritime space requires Korea Coast Guard to handle these effectively. However, the systematical and structural limitation of Korea Coast Guard limits the effective management of recent issues. The United States Coast Guard which is considered as one of the military force in the United States has continuously reformed and developed its system and structure to better handle the maritime safety and security issues through developing project such as the Integrated Deep Water system. Also, maritime police system and structure in the United States is different with in Korea. This study expects to suggest a way to advance the system and structure of Korea Coast Guard through examination of United States Coast Guard and comparing maritime police system and structure between Korea and the United States in order to properly deal with the maritime safety and security issues arising recently.

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A Critical Review of the Transfer of Presidential Security Work to the Police (대통령경호업무 경찰 이관에 대한 비판적 소고)

  • Jo, Sung-gu
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.58
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    • pp.177-194
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    • 2019
  • Last year, the Moon Jae-In administration made an attempt to abolish the presidential security office overseeing the presidential security and to transfer the work to the presidential security service under the National Police Agency. Currently, all of the G7 nations maintain a security system spearheaded by the police, so the policy of transferring the presidential security to the National Police Agency may be discussed. However, it is necessary to focus on the following reality. First, the current presidential security system is consisted of the overlapping security organizations classified into (1) inner ring of the presidential security agency, (2) middle ring of the police agency, and (3) outer ring of the capital defense command. If the presidential security agency is abolished, a vacuum will result as per the principle of class. Second, for the efficient security guard of the President, currently, the presidential security agency at the Presidential Security Safety Measure Committee plays the role of coordinating the tasks. If the National Police Agency becomes the control tower of the presidential security, whether command will be available for the military and diplomatic aspects of the presidential security work should also be considered. Third, Korea is currently in a truce with North Korea, so there is a big difference in terms of the security environment with such G7 nations as the UK, Germany, France, and Japan.

Police Networks for Criminal Intelligence Functions: Based on Informal Social Network Analysis (경찰 범죄정보 수집 활동의 관계망 분석: 비공식적 사회연결망 분석을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Yeong Jin;Yang, Chang Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.448-459
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the necessities of gathering, producing, and sharing criminal information are critically important as intelligence functions of police agencies to improving public safety and national security. However, the inadequacies and barriers within which police agencies have in regard to intelligence functions impede criminal information gathering, intelligence producing within their agency, and intelligence sharing with other agencies. In this study, we analyzed informal networks constructed from a survey dataset of information and intelligence sharing among officers in police agencies. The results revealed the different structural properties of intelligence networks between police agencies. We did find that officers with high indegree and outdegree in a network played critical role on the dynamics and degree of intelligence gathering and assessment responsibilities. Finally, we could find evidence that the potential role of intermediary triggered relational dynamics for developing and sharing critical information among all police agencies.

A Study on Changes in Media Report of Police Assigned for Special Guard Using Big Kinds

  • Park, Su-Hyeon;Cho, Cheol-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2021
  • The objective of this study is to present the academic implications and developmental direction of the police assigned for special guard system through big data analysis on the objective and macroscopic viewpoint of the media. As research method, this study conducted the analysis on 'police assigned for special guard' and the analysis of related words that would visualize the keywords highly related to keyword trend and news. Also, after dividing the period into the 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s, the number of relevant articles in each period was drawn for understanding the flow. In the results of this study, the perception of media report of police assigned for special guard was about the recruitment of police assigned for special guard, and relevant events/accidents, which showed the coexistence of positive interest in the recruitment of police assigned for special guard and negative image of events/accidents related to police assigned for special guard. As a result, however, the necessity and demand for police assigned for special guard are increasing. Thus, the police assigned for special guard should be engaged in work after carefully thinking of its role in charge of ethical responsibility and safety as an axis for maintaining the national safety and social order.

A Study on the Reorganization of the National Critical Facilities Protection Personnel System in Accordance with the Changes in the Government Policy of the Temporary Position into Permanent Position (비정규직의 정규직화 정책기조 변화에 따른국가중요시설 방호인력체계 개편 방안)

  • Shin, Hyeong-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.57
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    • pp.9-26
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    • 2018
  • In order to reflect the Changes in this government's policy of making Temporary Position employees into the Public sector permanent, special security guards from Private Security firms in the National Critical Facilities protection Position are moving forward transformation to Permanent Position. Especially, the organization of the protection personnel of the National Government Buildings designated as the National Critical Facilities is comprised of various types of security personnels, protective officer, special security guards from Private Security firms, Private police guards, police officers and these types of security personnels protect for the Government Buildings. Recently, The Government Security planning division is discussing various types of transformation, Special Security guards are employed directly by the Government in order to convert them into Permanent position, Special Security guards are employed directly through a establishment of Public Security corporation, protective officers are hired by the Government, Self-guards are hired directly by the Government, Private police guards are employed directly by the Government. In order to reflect the Changes the Government policy of making Temporary position employees into the Permanent, the Special Security Guards from Private Security Firms in the National Critical Facility's protection environment, protective personnels operation characteristic under various circumstances. Especially, in the process of making Special Security Guards to Permanent position, it is necessary to take precedence over the various opinions of Special Security Guards and stakeholder.

Encounter Measure System Against Cyber-Terror And Legalism (사이버테러 대응체제와 법치주의)

  • Jeong, Jun-hyeon;Kim, Kui-nahm
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2004
  • Preventive measures and control over cyber terrorism in Korea is a complex problem. Today laws should meet requirements made by modern technologies development, Law enforcement, special services and judicial system cooperation, their efforts coordination and their material security are priority directions, None of the country is able to prevent cyber terror independently and international cooperation in this field is vital. Taking the above into consideration, we propose and inisit that National Intelligence Service(NIS) should share cyber terror data with Police Agency and have top police authority over the cyber terror.

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A Study on the Countermeasures against International Computer Crimes - Focusing on The Police Investigation Procedure - (컴퓨터범죄의 국가간 대응방안에 관한 연구 - 경찰 수사절차를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh Tae-Kon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.3 s.35
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    • pp.287-295
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    • 2005
  • A Study on the Countermeasures against International Computer Crime focusing on the Police Investigation Procedure. These days, much more intelligent, varied and advanced techniques for computer crimes have been used than for development of technology. In particular, it has been reported that the damages are enormous. Damages of some computer crimes can not be accurately reported. This study is to speculate specific types of computer crimes and obtain its prevention and countermeasures centering on the Police Investigation Procedure. In particular, it is to speculate international cooperation under the condition that global damages occur frequently due to preparation of advanced network environment.

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A Review on the realities, the issued points and the sound cultivating in the private guarding (민간경비업의 실태 및 문제점과 건전육성에 관한 검토)

  • Kim, Pyong-Soo;Son, Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.194-196
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    • 2010
  • 현재 청원경찰과 민간경비 운용에 있어 가장 문제시 되고 있는 것은 국가중요시설 등에 있어서의 청원경찰에 의한 경비와 민간경비가 동시에 실시되는 경우이다. 본 발표에서는 청원경찰과 민간경비의 이원적 운용체제에서 오는 문제점을 제기해 봄으로써 그 비효율성을 지적하고 논의함으로서 양 제도의 통합 내지 단일화를 위한 논의의 전제 조건이 된다는 점에서 그 의의가 있다. 발표자는 다음의 제언을 통해 민간경비업의 건전육성을 위한 검토과제로서 논의를 전개하고자 한다. 첫째, 사건 발생시 신속하고 책임있는 대응조치를 취할 수 있는 실질적인 지휘 및 감독이 행해져야 한다. 둘째, 비용의 경제성, 배치의 신속성, 관리의 용이성에 따른 배치와 비용이 이루어져야 한다, 셋째, 이원적법적지위로 인한 신분상의 갈등은 제고되어야 한다. 넷째, 민간경비와 청원경찰간의 무기휴대의 법적 문제는 제고되어야 한다.

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