• Title/Summary/Keyword: 국가경찰

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A Study on the Use of Scientific Investigation Equipment to Support Decision-making of the Resident Evacuation in the Event of a Chemical Accident (화학사고 발생에 따른 주민대피 의사결정 지원을 위한 과학조사장비 활용방안 연구)

  • Oh, Joo-Yeon;Lee, Tae Wook;Cho, Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_3
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    • pp.1817-1826
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    • 2022
  • After the hydrogen fluoride leak in Gumi in 2012, the government has been systemizing the disaster management system, such as responding to and managing chemical accidents. In particular, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) is in charge of evacuation of residents following chemical accidents based on the Framework Act on Management of Disaster and Safety. In this study, an application plan was presented to support and utilize the decision-making support for evacuation of residents after a chemical accident using the chemical accident investigation equipment of the National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI). In the equipment operation system for scientific information collection due to chemical accidents, the roles and purpose of use of long/short distance measurement equipment were presented according to regular and emergency situations. Using the data acquired through long/short distance measurement equipment, it can be used as basic data for resident evacuation decision-making by monitoring whether chemicals are detected in an emergency and managing data on detected substances by company in a regular situation. As a result of measuring chemical substances in order to verify on-site usability by equipment only for the regular operation system, it was confirmed that real-time detection of chemical substances is possible with long distance measuring equipment. In addition, it was confirmed that it was necessary to check the measurable distance and range of the equipment in the future. In the case of short distance measurement equipment, hydrocarbon-based substances were mainly detected, and it was confirmed that it was measured at a higher level in Ulsan-Mipo National Industrial Complex than in Onsan National Industrial Complex. It is expected that it can be used as basic data to support decision-making in the event of chemical accidents through continuous data construction in the future.

Development of Traffic Accident frequency Prediction Model by Administrative zone - A Case of Seoul (소규모 지역단위 교통사고예측모형 개발 - 서울시 행정동을 대상으로)

  • Hong, Ji Yeon;Lee, Soo Beom;Kim, Jeong Hyun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.1297-1308
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    • 2015
  • In Korea, the local traffic safety master plan has been established and implemented according to the Traffic Safety Act. Each local government is required to establish a customized traffic safety policy and share roles for improvement of traffic safety and this means that local governments lead and promote effective local traffic safety policies fit for local circumstances in substance. For implementing efficient traffic safety policies, which accord with many-sided characteristics of local governments, the prediction of community-based traffic accidents, which considers local characteristics and the analysis of accident influence factors must be preceded, but there is a shortage of research on this. Most of existing studies on the community-based traffic accident prediction used social and economic variables related to accident exposure environments in countries or cities due to the limit of collected data. For this reason, there was a limit in applying the developed models to the actual reduction of traffic accidents. Thus, this study developed a local traffic accident prediction model, based on smaller regional units, administrative districts, which were not omitted in existing studies and suggested a method to reflect traffic safety facility and policy variables that traffic safety policy makers can control, in addition to social and economic variables related to accident exposure environments, in the model and apply them to the development of local traffic safety policies. The model development result showed that in terms of accident exposure environments, road extension, gross floor area of buildings, the ratio of bus lane installation and the number of crossroads and crosswalks had a positive relation with accidents and the ratio of crosswalk sign installation, the number of speed bumps and the results of clampdown by police force had a negative relation with accidents.

History of Guard System during the Period of Military Rule in the Goryeo Dynasty (고려 무신집권기 호위제도의 경호학적 고찰)

  • Lee, Sung-Jin;Cho, Sung-Jin
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.34
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    • pp.233-258
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    • 2013
  • In the early days of the Goryeo Dynasty, the royal guard was comprised of the central regular army in the 2-gun-6-wi system, and Nasungeomgun was in charge of the security inside the palace. However, the military system became disorganized during the period of military rule and the royal guard had to rely on military subjects. The military officials suppressed the civil ministers centering on Jungbang, the guarding organization close to the King to incapacitate the royal authority and control the state affairs. When the rule of the three leaders of the military rule became short-lived and Dae-seung Gyeong is raised to the ruler, he organized a do-or-die squad comprised of a hundred and more people for his personal safety, and this became the first dobang. Dobang was disassembled after Dae-seung Gyeong died of disease, but under the rule of Chung-heon Choe, Dae-seung Gyeong's dobang was revived and reinforced into 'Yukbeon Dobang' to provide the ruler with personal protection and intensify the ruling system, and it was quite a large organization with more refined system. Yukbeon Dobang was expanded and reinforced into Naeoedobang under the rule of Woo Choe, the son of Chung-heon Choe, and it was enhanced even more into Dobang Samsipyukbeon System under the rule of the grandson, Hang Choe. Dobang can be considered as the guard organization in modern sense, and it collected information and surveyed the area where guarding is required and house troops that belonged to Naedobang eliminated the risks that may follow afterwards to make assurance doubly sure for guarding. The Choe's regime established Mabyeolcho as a private guard organization in addition to dobang, and this formed the cavalry and infantry units with dobang. Yabyeolcho organized by Woo Choe in the reign of King Gojong was divided into Joabyeolcho and Ubyeolcho, and later Sineuigun was integrated with them to form Sambyeolcho. Originally, Yabyeolcho was established under the rule of Woo Choe to prevent crime in the evening, but after Sineuigun was organized with the ones who were captured by Mongolian army but escaped, in other words when Sambyeolcho was organized, the organization displayed much broader influence by covering military and police affairs as well as punishment and imprisonment. The guarding organization during the Period of Military Rule in the Goryeo Dynasty did not have strict distinction between official guard and personal guard. The private guard in modern days which is the equivalent of personal guard is characterized by its commerciality, however, house troops and the members of dobang did not seem to pursued profit. The guard organization during the period of military rule started from dobang which was organized for personal safety but gradually developed publicness through the participation of civil ministers and expansion, and later it played the pivotal role for social security serving official purpose up to the level where the distinction between official and private activities was blurred during the period of Sambyeolcho.

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A Study on Xu Bing's artworks Contributed to expansion of printmaking in Contemporary Chinese Art (중국 현대미술에서의 판화 매체 확장을 일으킨 쉬빙(徐冰) 작품 연구)

  • Song, Dae-Sup;Cho, Ye-In
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.45
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    • pp.321-343
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this thesis is to look through the political and social background of China preparing for a new era after getting out of the Communist Party of Mao Zedong, rapid inflow of the Western modernism and the avant-garde art arising in China with the focus of art works of Xu Bing, which contributed to the expansion of printmaking of China. Particularly, 85 New Wave Movement arose by young artists since 1985 and the China/Avant-Garde Exhibition held in Beijing in 1989 are the two important issues which reflect a new change from the traditional Chinese art. The artists of 85 New Wave Movement, who pursued a historical revolution and novelty, worked very actively by leading private exhibitions. Since the Cultural Revolution, the government owned the National Museum of Fine Art Beijing had exhibitions on a large scale displaying various visual arts such as performing art, installation, painting, sculpture but the Chinese government interrupted exhibitions two time due to bold performing art and unconcealed installation. Some artists were even taken to the police when performing art. Under these circumstances, Xu Bing, who majored printmaking, produced one of his major works, Books from the sky(1988), while he was working on various experiments focusing on the production process of printmaking and its repetitiveness. Xu Bing devised letters, carved them in trees and finally created approximately 2000 characters. Going further he displayed it as installation work, which means the developed characters go beyond a printed form, for audiences. This made him earn favorable reviews since it was a form of western art coupled with Chinese contents 'Chinese character'. After he received unfavorable reviews, however, he went to America leaving his last work in China, Ghost Pounding the Wall, in 1990, which was not able to exhibited. In those days, China society was going through a chaotic era thanks to the extinction of the Cultural Revolution and Deng Xiaoping's(1904-1997) reformation after the debacle of Tiananmen Massacre. This study looks into Xu Bing's artworks from his initial print works until he went to the US in 1991 and examines how he performed experiments utilizing reproductivity and plurality of prints tinged with Chinese traditional elements, and ultimately became one of the avant-garde artists representing the period.

A Study on the Establishment of desirable Model for Licensed Private Investigation Service System (공인탐정제도의 올바른 모델설정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Hun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.20
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    • pp.249-270
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    • 2009
  • There have been great demands for various private searches and collecting information activities. but in korea it is still banned to supply private investigation service and to use the term 'private investigation'. So establishment of desirable model for private investigation service system is essential factor in strategic approaching for privatization of policing. In most developed countries private investigation service system is generally permitted and various methods to solve the side effects of that are considered. It is necessary to revise more the Security Business Law to introduce private investigation service system so that the dispute on determining how to do and what to do. It looks like that police agrees with the introduction of the private investigation service system because this could be an option when it comes to the job that its members can take after retirement and because this system helpful their own work. Actually Korea government have tried to prepare the law enactment of the private investigation service system since 1999 but have been failed. This study focuses on implementing the suitable system for private investigation service in Korea, which includes the consideration of the logical validity of the introduction by comparing with other foreign private investigation service system. We should make research and effort to cope with such as a partial amendment about the problem and the side effect that can be happened in a beginning stage of system trial.

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Record management in Great Han Empire (대한제국시기의 기록관리)

  • Lee, Young-Hak
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.19
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    • pp.153-192
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    • 2009
  • Appearing newly on June 1894, Gaboh regime enforced modern reformation policy. In light of archives' management, it was totally different from before. Government established individual department of record management in every division and proclaimed a legislative bill which was stipulated about record management process. They modified archives' form including peculiar declaration of the name of an era and use together with Korean and Chinese. Also they tried to conserve the original copy of the archives. As King Gojong announced the Great Han Empire(Taehan Cheguk, 大韓帝國) on October 1897, he reinforced Gaboh regimes' weakened royal authority and enforced reformation policy which was designed for himself. First he abolished the administration which restricted royal authority, and established new department called Euijungbu(議政府). To restrain the royal power, he separated the Royal House and government and reinforced Gungnaebu(宮內府). In addition, King Gojong enforced the policy which he can manage directly about troops, policies, and finances. Consequently, He established Wonsubu(元帥府), Kyungbu(警部), and made direct belonging of an emperor. Also, department called Naejangwon(內藏院) tried to levy many kinds of taxes directly to build up the financial foundation under the emperor. The record management system of Great Han Empire succeeded to that of Gaboh regimes Times'. First, government and powerful organization directly under the emperor set up the department of record management. Euijungbu (議政府) and governmental department, of course, Gungnaebu(宮內府), Wonsubu(元帥府), Kyungbu(警部), Tongshinwon(通信院), Jikyeahmun(地契衙門) which support the right of an emperor established document division and record division individually. To carry out government's service effectively and systematically, it was considered effective to divide record management department. Moreover, despite the difference between the divisions, they were separated into current record division and non current record division. Generally, document department took charge of acceptance, sending and crafting of current document and archives department was eligible for preservation and compilation of major document and eternal conservation document. This seems to consider life cycle of the record and keep the evaluation of record in mind. Finally, perception for the record management has revealed to modern configuration.

A Critical Review and Legislative Direction for Criminal Constitution of Piracy (해적행위의 범죄구성요건에 대한 비판적 고찰과 입법 방향)

  • Baeg, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.55
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    • pp.167-191
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    • 2018
  • Despite international cooperation, piracy has not yet been eradicated in major waters around the world. From the perspective of South Korea, which is absolutely dependent on exporting and importing, it's a lifeline for us to secure safe maritime traffic so it is a situation we have to be vigilant about maritime safety and security. However, criminal law on punishment of piracy is still insufficient and legislative consideration is needed. Since pirates are regarded as enemies of humankind, all nations can punish pirates regardless of their damage. The international community has done its best in cooperation from hundreds of years ago to secure maritime trade through this universal jurisdiction and marine transportation in international waters which is an essential space for military activities, particularly in the Gulf of Aden, the advanced nations have dispatched fleets to combat maritime security threats through joint operations to crack down on Somali pirates. Even if universal jurisdiction is allowed for piracy in accordance with the International Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, it is difficult to effectively deal with piracy if it not fully complied with a domestic legal system for this purpose or is stipulated as different from international regulations. In other words, universal jurisdiction corresponding to international norms and constitution of piracy should be defined in criminal law in accordance with criminal statutory law. If the punishment of pirates by unreasonably applying our criminal law without prejudice to such work can lead to diplomatic disputes in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or other international norms. In South Korea, there is no provision to explicitly prescribe piracy as a crime, but punish similar acts like piracy in criminal law and maritime safety law. However, there is a limit to effective piracy punishment because we are not fully involved in internationally accepted piracy. In this study, we critically examine the proposals of the constitutional elements of piracy, propose the legislative direction, and insist on the introduction of globalism to pirate sins.

Actual Conditions of Burglaries and Analysis on Residential Invasion Burglaries in Daegu Area (강도 범죄의 실태 및 대구 지역 침입 강도 범죄 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Ho;Kwak, Jyung-Sik
    • Journal of forensic and investigative science
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.5-20
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    • 2007
  • During the period from 2001 to 2005, 29,892 burglaries took place in Korea with the approximate average annual number - 5,978 cases. This study was conducted to analyze the reported burglaries and the result was summarized as follows. There were 8,605 residential invasion burglaries (28.8%) as the most frequent characteristic pattern. The exit was used as the most frequent invasion route for 4,031 invasion burglaries (64.3%), and an unlocked exit door or window was used as the most frequent invasion method for 2,462 invasion burglaries (28.6%). The hours just after midnight (between 00:00 and 04:00) were the most frequent time for invasion burglary to occur. Also, 5,652 burglaries occurred on Wednesday which was twice higher than on Sunday (2,988 burglaries). It was shown that the number of persons injured during burglaries were 260 deaths and 10,610 injuries. The places of the highest occurrence were the street with 10,183 burglaries (34%) and then residential place with 7,527 burglaries (approximately 25%). One-man burglary was the highest complicity: 15,012 offenders (56.1%). The knife was used as the most frequent instrument for 6,498 burglaries (24,3%) what is rare, while no criminal tool or instrument was used for 15,631 burglaries (58.4). During the period from 2001 to 2006, 1,506 burglaries occurred in Daegu and the average annual number was 251 burglaries. Among those,515 residential invasion burglaries (34.2%) took place and the average annual number was approximately 86 cases. The hours just after midnight (between 00:00 and 04:00) were the most frequent time for invasion burglary to occur (194 cases, 37.7%), the place of the highest invasion occurrence was the residential place (259 cases, 50.3%), and the exit was used as the most frequent invasion route (87 cases, 37.7%). An unlocked exit door or window was the most frequent invasion method (65 cases, 25.1%). In addition, pretending to be a delivery man, visitor or following the victim methods were used for 26 burglaries (10%). It is apparent that personal preventive measures against crimes, as well as governmental and social measures, play an important role in preventing burglaries. In particular, based on the analyzed result that an unlocked window or exit door was most frequently used for reported burglaries, it seems that there is a lack of understanding of crime prevention while little effort has been made to prevent crimes. Although everyone knows that locking a door is one of the basic measures to prevent crimes, many people tend to pay little attention to lock a door properly so burglary takes place. This study, therefore, is intended to encourage people to pay more careful attention to crime prevention, in order to help reduce the probability of burglary. With the recent improvement in social understanding of scientific crime investigation, a wide variety of police professions, including crime analysts, crime victim police counselors and coroners, have been prepared to develop the scientific crime investigation and crime analysis. In addition, it is hoped that further this study will contribute to encourage studies on crime prevention to be carried out in the future.

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Environmental Pollution in Korea and Its Control (우리나라의 환경오염 현황과 그 대책)

  • 윤명조
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1972.03a
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    • pp.5-6
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    • 1972
  • Noise and air pollution, which accompany the development of industry and the increase of population, contribute to the deterioration of urban environment. The air pollution level of Seoul has gradually increased and the city residents are suffering from a high pollution of noise. If no measures were taken against pollution, the amount of emission of pollutant into air would be 36.7 thousand tons per year per square kilometer in 1975, three times more than that of 1970, and it would be the same level as that of United States in 1968. The main sources of air pollution in Seoul are the exhaust has from vehicles and the combustion of bunker-C oil for heating purpose. Thus, it is urgent that an exhaust gas cleaner should be instaled to every car and the fuel substituted by less sulfur-contained-oil to prevent the pollution. Transportation noise (vehicular noise and train noise) is the main component of urban noise problem. The average noise level in downtown area is about 75㏈ with maximum of 85㏈ and the vehicular homing was checked 100㏈ up and down. Therefore, the reduction of the number of bus-stop the strict regulation of homing in downtown area and a better maintenance of car should be an effective measures against noise pollution in urban areas. Within the distance of 200 metres from railroad, the train noise exceeds the limit specified by the pollution control law in Korea. Especially, the level of noise and steam-whistle of train as measured by the ISO evaluation can adversely affect the community activities of residents. To prevent environmental destruction, many developed countries have taken more positive action against worsening pollution and such an action is now urgently required in this country.

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