• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구원

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Reader-Response Criticism about the Functional relation of Romance, Women and Patriarchy -Based on Janice A. Radway's Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy and Popular Literature (로맨스, 여성, 가부장제의 함수관계에 대한 독자반응비평 -제니스 A. 래드웨이의 『로맨스 읽기: 여성, 가부장제와 대중문학』을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jung-Oak
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.349-383
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    • 2019
  • This paper examined the meaning and task of romance research with a focus on Reading the Romance(1984) by Janice A. Radway. This book, which analyzes romance texts by examining the situation and meaning of reading romance by women readers integrating between cultural studies and literary studies, is one of the most popular studies on the romance genre. Radway scrutinized the practical significance of reading romance in a community of women readers. Through a study involving questionnaires and in-depth interviews, she found that for women, romance reading is a 'compensatory fiction' that brings happiness and emotional redemption through a sense of liberation achieved by escaping from patriarchal daily life. The romance that women prefer is composed of 4 stages and 13 divisions: 'Encounter → Attest → Recovery → Happy End'. It also maintains a formula that begins with an immature female character's identity crisis and ends with a blissful union that recognizes the intrinsic value of the main character, who has turned into a man who is considerate of the women. Therefore, romance plays the role of pursuit of the 'female utopian fantasy' and at the same time a reconciliation of women to patriarchy. Feminist critics of the day criticized this argument. However, reading romance is a 'feminine reading', and romance is literature about the functional relationship between women's lives and patriarchy. Yet the interpretation could differ depending on the different viewpoints and definitions of the women's utopian fantasy. In recent years, the conditions of female reader's lives, awareness and imagination have been changing rapidly. As a result, the female utopian fantasy has also changed significantly. Nevertheless, women's lives in the real patriarchal system are still contradictory, and their adventurous imagination is spreading in alternative spaces such as the subculture. In this regard, the question is about the definition of romance and the meanings of romance research are still important task.

Melodrama, the Paradox of Modern Imagination Coordinating Moral Norms and Emotions -Based on the Developmental Approach (멜로드라마, 도덕규범과 감정을 조율하는 근대적 상상력의 역설 -발생론적 접근을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jung-Oak
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.9-54
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    • 2019
  • Since the birth of melodrama in the early Enlightenment era, it has flowed through various cultures and media. In order to grasp the principle of differentiation of melodrama and the direction of its change, a developmental approach to the formation process of melodrama is necessary. In this regard, this paper examines the formation process of modern melodrama and its aesthetic features around the time of the French Revolution. The modern melodrama was formed in the period between the end of the 18th century and the start of the 19th century. It was born at the intersectional point of the contradictions of the modern imagination and the political paradox of the French Revolution, which demanded an autonomous citizenship but did not recognize a woman as a citizen. The aesthetic of women's sacrifice and tears reproduced in the modern melodrama is a political aspiration to restore a corrupt society by glamorizing a woman as a moral icon. This was an icon to save a society under divide and crisis and a coordination of emotions to conceal sexist violence in the politics of the exclusion of women. The aesthetic of women's sacrifice and tears reproduced in modern melodrama has consistently been considered under negative evaluation such as a play of moral hypocrisy and vulgar drama. However, the academic interest in melodrama in the 1970s has been amplified due to the "Sirk-melo" which is a transition to the new aesthetic of women's sacrifice and tears, encompassing not only women, but also races and classes. In modern society, entering the era of uncertainty, where various social problems, national disasters, and global disasters have become commonplace, 'the aesthetic of women's sacrifice and tears' are shifting from gender differences to various victim narratives. Reviewing new theoretical trends and changes of recent melodrama as well as analyzing specific works are left as follow-up tasks.Since the birth of the melodrama in the early Enlightenment era, it has flowed through various cultures and media. In order to grasp the principle of differentiation of melodrama and the direction of its change, a developmental approach to the formation process of melodrama is basically necessary. In this regard, this paper examines the formation process of modern melodrama and its aesthetic features around the time of the French Revolution.

대순진리회 구천상제(九天上帝) 신앙과 도교 보화천존(普化天尊) 신앙 비교

  • 위꿔칭
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.21
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    • pp.157-195
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    • 2013
  • 대순진리회는 '구천응원뇌성보화천존강성상제(이하 '구천상제')'를 주신(主神)으로 신앙하는 종교단체이다. 그렇다면 대순진리회의 '구천상제'와 중국 도교에서 모셔지는 '구천응원뇌성보화천존'(이하 '보화천존')은 어떤 연관성이 있는 것인가? 이런 질문을 토대로 본 글에서는 이 신들의 기원과 칭호, 도세법문(度世法門 : 세상을 제도하고자 펼친 법도) 등의 관점에서 그 차이점과 공통점을 하나씩 비교해 보았다. 먼저 기원이라는 측면에서 '구천상제'와 '보화천존'을 비교해보면, '구천상제'는 천지인 삼계의 최고신으로서 강씨 가문을 선택하여 인간의 육신으로 태어났다. 강씨 성은 상고 신농씨에서 시작되었는데, 고대 문헌에 근거하면 신농씨는 태양신, 남쪽, 불(火) 등으로 상징화된다. 이런 상징들은 '구천상제'가 인간으로 태어날 때 나타난 "하늘이 남북으로 갈라지다", "큰 불덩이가 몸을 덮치다", "천지가 밝아지는도다" 등의 현상들에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 도교의 '보화천존'은 뇌신의 특징을 가지면서 일신(日神), 월신(月神)과 관계를 맺고 있는데, 이런 면들은 신농씨로부터 분석한 '구천상제'의 신적 기원과 일치하고 있다. 또한 도교에서는 신농씨가 다스리던 세상을 중국 상고시대의 가장 이상적인 사회형태로 보고 있는데, 이것을 '구천상제'가 건설하려는 후천선경과 연관 지어 생각해보면 '구천상제'가 신농씨의 후손인 강씨 종가에서 태어난 배경을 이해할 수 있다. 도교의 '보화천존' 역시 중생의 이익을 도모하고, 조화로운 인간세상을 만드는 것을 목표로 삼고 있으며, 이것은 대순진리회 '구천상제'가 행한 대순의 목적과 거의 비슷하다고 볼 수 있다. 다음으로 '구천상제'와 '보화천존'은 칭호에서도 공통점과 차이점을 살펴볼 수 있다. 단적으로 말하자면, '구천상제'에는 '보화천존'에 비해 '강성상제'라는 칭호가 추가되어 있다는 것이다. 또한 도교에서는 '보화천존'을 최고신으로 모시지 않으며, '구천상제' 신앙에서는 '보화천존' 신앙에서와 달리 뇌신과의 관계에 대한 설명을 찾아볼 수 없다. 마지막으로 '구천상제'와 '보화천존'의 도세법문을 비교해보면 첫째, 구천상제는 세상이 혼란, 불공평, 죄악에 빠졌기에 육신으로 인간 세상에 강림한 후 대순진리를 선포하였다. 이와 유사하게 보화천존도 천하와 인간세상을 순시하여 죄악과 겁액을 없앤다는 '순시천하(巡視天下)' 사상이 있다. 물론 여기에는 차이점이 존재하는데, 그 중 하나는 '보화천존'은 순시할 때 인간의 육신으로 화하지 않았다는 점이다. 또 다른 하나는 '보화천존'이 인간 세상에 창교의 방법을 통하여 선경을 건설하고자 하는 목표를 전해주지 않았다는 점이다. '보화천존'은 교리를 가르치거나 신통을 발휘하는 데에만 중점을 두고 있다. 둘째, '구천상제'가 내린 가르침인 해원상생은 후천선경을 건설하기 위한 수단과 과정이다. 도교의 '보화천존'도 인간이 지은 많은 죄악과 겁액은 세상 사람들이 맺은 원한과 관계가 있으므로, 이런 겁액과 죄를 해소하려면 해원부터 해야 한다는 것을 수차례에 걸쳐 언급하고 있다. 도교에서 말하는 '해원'의 구체적인 내용은 주로 인간의 시비, 질병, 겁액에 관한 것이며, 그 해결 방법으로는 주로 마음속으로 『옥추보경』을 읽는 것이다. 이를 '구천상제'의 '해원상생' 가르침과 비교하면 그 사상의 폭이나 깊이, 중요성, 이론적 측면 등에서 비교적 간단한 형태로서 체계적인 면모로까지 나아가지는 못하였다. 셋째, '구천상제' 는 곤경에 처한 사람이 신명의 호칭을 부르면 그에 상응하는 신명이 달려와서 구원해준다는 '소리감응' 방법을 사용하고 있는데, 이 방법은 도교의 '보화천존' 역시 사용하고 있는 것이다. 넷째, '구천상제'는 과오를 범한 사람이 자신의 과오를 뉘우치면, 그 다음에 상제의 용서를 받음으로써 그 원한이 풀리게 된다는 참법(懺法 : 懺悔法)을 세인(世人) 교화에 자주 사용하였다. 물론 이것은 해원상생의 구체적인 적용이라 할 수 있다. 기능면에서 보면 이 방법은 『구천응원뇌성보화천존옥추보참(九天應元雷聲普化天尊玉樞寶懺)』의 참의(懺儀)와 공통되는 점이 있다. 참의는 수도자 스스로 자신의 잘못을 뉘우치고, 수도에 정진하며, 사회의 안정을 도모하고, 포덕에 힘쓰고, 악을 물리치고 선을 널리 펼친다는 것인데, 이런 의미에서 양자는 일치한다고 생각된다. 필자가 생각하건대, 대순진리회의 '구천응원뇌성보화천존강성상제'와 도교의 '구천응원뇌성보화천존' 사이에는 공통점이 아주 많지만 동시에 차이점 또한 적지 않다. 만약 더욱 다양한 자료들을 수집하여 더욱 깊고 광범위한 연구를 진행한다면 한국 대순진리회와 중국 도교, 특히 도교의 뇌법종파(雷法宗派)와의 상관관계를 해석하는 데 큰 도움이 될 것이라 생각한다.

A Study on the Perception of Policy Targets to Improve the Effectiveness of Child Safety Measure - Focusing on Children, Guardians, and Workers in Children's Facilities - (어린이 안전대책 실효성 향상을 위한 정책대상자 인식조사 연구 - 어린이, 보호자, 어린이이용시설 종사자 중심으로 -)

  • ChangYoung Song;WonHoi Koo
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.869-881
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aims to come up with improvement measures to improve the effectiveness of child safety measures. Method: The current status of child safety accidents was investigated and implications were deduced by analyzing major child safety measures by government department in the past. In addition, a perception survey was conducted on 1,000 people including children, guardians, and children's facility workers who are subject to child safety policies. Result: Regarding the safety of children's living space(environment), 35.3% of guardians answered that more than 1/3 of them were not safe. Both guardians(95.3%) and children's facility workers(89%) answered that there was the highest risk of 'traffic accidents', and the second risk factor was parents(carelessness of workers at children's facilities) and children's facility workers(careless of guardians at home). Looking at the risks by place, "road and sidewalk" was the most dangerous place and for child safety, guardians(64.3%) and workers (78.3%) both said that the role of "parent" is the most important. For improvements to prevent child safety accidents, the response rate of "strengthening safety management of road traffic facilities" is the most necessary with 75.8% for guardians and 65% for child use facilities. Conclusion: The reinforcement measures to strengthen the effectiveness of child safety measures are as follows. First, in order to ensure the continuity of child safety measures, it should be operated effectively so that those subject to the establishment of the Comprehensive Plan for Child Safety, which took effect in August 2022, can feel it. Second, in order to improve the sensitivity of children's policy targets, promotion measures that take into account the characteristics of each child safety field should be continuously strengthened. Third, it is necessary to expand safety infrastructure for each field to secure child safety. Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen safety education that can ensure safety for children themselves and to come up with detailed measures to make safety education for parents(guardians) mandatory.

The Interpretation of German Fairy Tale "Three Dogs" from the Aspect of Analytical Psychology (독일민담 '세 마리 개 Die drei Hunde'(Ludwig Bechstein)의 분석심리학적 관점에서의 이해)

  • Kwang Ja Lee
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.194-223
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    • 2010
  • I tried here to interpret german fairy tale "Three Dogs" from the aspect of analytical psychology. A poor young shepherd will be 'hero'accidently while wandering the world to find good luck. When he was exhausted and frustrated in wandering life, a stranger appeared before him. A stranger offered barter. So he exchanged three sheep with three black dogs which a stranger had. One dog can bring the food. Another dog can tear everything. The last one can break even steel and iron. After that, shepherd led a satisfactory wandering life. On the way, he met a sad princess who should sacrifice herself for the piece of the country to the dragon which swallows a young girl yearly. But the strong black dog which tears everything, killed the dragon and saved the princess from the sacrifice. After that, a young shepherd promised princess to come back to her after three years of wandering life. In the meanwhile a horse driver played hero false. But the princess couldn't reveal the truth because of the threat of horse driver. Three years later, the young shepherd appeared in the castle. But the true hero was caught in the prison and finally cried out the strongest dog and succeeded in escaping from the prison. And with help of another dog which bring food to him, he could meet the princess and finally married her. So they lived happy life for a long time. But he remembered the poor younger sister. So he wanted to live together with her. After that, three dogs left him with saying, they stayed to see whether he shares his good fortune with his younger sister. Then they turned into birds and disappeared in the air. In this fairy tale can we find many important symbols. With the amplification of symbols and the interpretation of this fairy tale in terms of Jung's analytical psychology, I tried to find the meaning of individuation process in this fairy tale. Hero kills the dragon which could symbolize negative mother archetype. After overcoming the negative mother complex, he could get princess which could be expressive of Anima. This marriage could symbolize coniunctio oppositorum, an important process in individuation. Each fairy tale tells us the individuation process in a different way. And the fairy tale works always in our mind with plain, simple, pure, crystal like nature. Through it can we take precious treasure like wisdom for life.