• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과학성

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Illusionism and Enlightment of the Magic Lantern Images - On the Scientific and Technological Development of the pre-modern optical instrument, Magic Lantern and the Transition of Its Images - (마술환등 영상의 환상성과 계몽성 근대 영상기구 마술환등의 과학기술적 발전과 영상문화의 변화)

  • LEE, Sang-Myon
    • Korean Association for Visual Culture
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    • v.17
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    • pp.65-92
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    • 2011
  • This thesis investigates the complex functions of the magic lantern in illusionism and enlightment which was the most popular visual media and the direct ancestor of cinema. Especially, the thesis focuses on the characteristics of magic lantern's images which had been varied with the scientific and technological development. During the early period of the magic lantern, from the late 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, it frightened viewers by showing magic images with ghosts and spectres, 'phantasmagoria', and wondered with images of natural catastropes and interesting stories like fables and fairy tales, which fulfilled the entertainment function. Since the mid 19th century the magic lantern began to show not only pictures of the 'scientific themes' on the earth, nature and human, but also them of the ethnological on the far, exotic worlds like Africa, Amazon and Syberia etc. from the European perspective. These contents conducted the educative function and contributed to the process of Enlightment to the peoples in the pre-modern age. The two functions of the magic lantern such as entertainment and education had been neither historically followed, nor clearly divided, but the one was predominant according to the development of lantern techniques as well as the changes of the world view and the culture of the time. The entertainment function of the magic lantern based on the visual fantacy did exist in the late 19th century further, and also in the late industrial society, even in the age of highly developed science and technology, viewers want rather 're-enchantment' by illusionism than facts and truths on the reality. This is an essential characteristic of the moving image media, as it had already been presented in the images of the magic lantern.

Isolation and characterization of Citrobacter freundii from Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) (극동산 뱀장어(Anguilla japonica)에서 Citrobacter freundii의 분리 및 특성 연구)

  • Eun Sup Lee;Hyunwoo Kim;Sung Jun Lee;Jun-Young Song;Se Ryun Kwon
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.223-237
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    • 2024
  • Citrobacter freundii was the second most abundant bacterium isolated from domestically farmed Anguilla japonica. C. freundii is distributed across various environments as a facultative pathogen, and disease outbreaks have been reported in various aquatic and terrestrial animals. In this study, phylogenetic analysis, strain characteristics, antibiotic susceptibility, and pathogenicity to freshwater fish were analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis performed on 12 strains revealed the strains isolated from the same region belonged to the same clade. Three isolates (C. freundii AC52, C. freundii AC74, and C. freundii AG102) grew well in LA, BHIA, TSA, NA and MHA. They also showed growth under conditions of salinities of 0.5 to 7.5%, temperature of 10 to 40℃, and pH 5 to 10. As the results of antibiotic susceptibility test, 12 strains showed high resistance to ampicillin, amoxicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, cephalexin, clindamycin, and erythromycin. Moreover, they also had resistance genes such as tetD, floR, qnrB, strA-strB, and bla_TEM. When immunosuppressed by dexamethasone injection, mortality was induced by C. freundii injection in Cyprinus carpio and Anguilla japonica. These results suggest that C. freundii can survive under various conditions of temperature, salinity, and drugs, spread through aquaculture wastewater or equipment, and can cause pathogenicity in freshwater fish.

Diversified Analysis of the Correlation between Investment and Performance of Korean R&D Programs (우리나라 국가연구개발사업 정부연구비 투입 대비 성과의 다각적 분석)

  • Shim, Woo-Jung;Kim, Eun-Sil
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2010
  • In this paper We analyze the correlation between investment and performance of Korean R&D programs, by six factors diversified, based on evolutionary economics of technology. National Science and Technology Information Service(NTIS) started from March, 2008 was used for collecting investment and performance data of national R&D program. We search the investment cost according to science-technology standard classification of Korea, research conductors, socio-economic objectives and cooperation types per year from 2002 to 2008, and we regard this data as "investment". Similarly, we search the number of papers, patents, commercializations, royalties and so forth according to science technology standard classification of Korea, research organizations, socio-economic objectives and cooperation types per year from 2002 to 2008, and this data is regarded as "performance". We expected analysis results of this investment and performance data confirm the diversified factors to affect advancement of science and technology. And we though, as a result, we will get some meaningful directions of investment of national R&D from the analysis results. But this study has several limitations because we did not consider enough microscopic characteristics of sector or technology, research organizations, cooperation network types, and external effect of social, politic, cultural factors.

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What Drives International Science and Technology Cooperation? (과학기술분야 국제협력 필요성의 인식에 대한 연구: 거래비용이론, 성과측청관점, 지식기반관점을 중심으로)

  • Shin, Hyung-Deok;Chung, Tae-Young;Ryu, Choon-Ho;Lee, Joung-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.638-655
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    • 2010
  • The importance of international science and technology cooperation is growing more and more, but we do not know much about what criteria could be used to choose a science or a technology that needs international cooperation first and foremost among many kinds of competing sciences and technologies. Moreover, this selection process is affected by evaluators' or science/technology experts' perception, but we do not quite know what they actually see when they evaluate the needs of international cooperation. This study investigates the conditions that international science and technology cooperation is encouraged by scholars and researchers in various areas. Based on theoretical arguments of Transaction Cost Economics, Measurement View, and Knowledge-Based View, we drew hypotheses on when experts perceive greater needs of international cooperation. Using the classification categories of 10 major sciences and technologies, we collected data from 151 respondents from scientists in research institutions and colleges. As a result, we found that experts in science and technology areas perceive strong needs of international cooperation when the importance of focal science or technology is high and the relative national level of focal science or technology is low. Also, we found that the importance and relative level of focal science and technology have positive moderating effects each other. Lastly, we found that when experts evaluate their own major areas, the strength of positive relationship between the importance of science and technology and needs of international cooperation is diminished.

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Biological Function and Structure of Transposable Elements (이동성 유전인자의 구조 및 생물학적 기능)

  • Kim, So-Won;Kim, Woo Ryung;Kim, Heui-Soo
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.1047-1054
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    • 2019
  • Transposable elements (TEs) occupy approximately 45% of the human genome and can enter functional genes randomly. During evolutionary radiation, multiple copies of TEs are produced by duplication events. Those elements contribute to biodiversity and phylogenomics. Most of them are controlled by epigenetic regulation, such as methylation or acetylation. Every species contains their own specific mobile elements, and they are divided into DNA transposons and retrotransposons. Retrotransposons can be divided by the presence of a long terminal repeat (LTR). They show various biological functions, such as promoter, enhancer, exonization, rearrangement, and alternative splicing. Also, they are strongly implicated to genomic instability, causing various diseases. Therefore, they could be used as biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases such as cancers. Recently, it was found that TEs could produce miRNAs, which play roles in gene inhibition through mRNA cleavage or translational repression, binding seed regions of target genes. Studies of TE-derived miRNAs offer a potential for the expression of functional genes. Comparative analyses of different types of miRNAs in various species and tissues could be of interest in the fields of evolution and phylogeny. Those events allow us to understand the importance of TEs in relation to biological roles and various diseases.

Effects of Breed, Laying Age, and Egg Storage Period on the Vitality of Hatched Chicks in Korean Native Chickens (한국토종닭의 품종, 산란 연령 및 종란의 보관 기간이 병아리의 강건성에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Eun Sik;Sohn, Sea Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2021
  • We investigated the effects of breed, laying age, and egg storage period on the vitality of chicks using the Hwanggalsaek Jaeraejong, Korean Rhode Island Red, and Korean White Leghorn chicken breeds. Their eggs were collected during the early laying period (27~29 weeks) and late laying period (50~52 weeks) and were stored for 3 days, 7 days and 14 days. After the eggs hatched, the hatching time, production performance, and organ weight of chicks were investigated. IL-6 gene expression level and relative length of telomeres were analyzed to determine the physiological activity of the chicks. HSP gene expression level and heterophil to lymphocytes ratio were also analyzed to examine the degree of stress response in the chicks. The results showed that breed and laying age influenced the vitality of chicks, but the egg storage period did not. Korean Leghorn chicks were considered the weakest breed in terms of vitality owing to their low survival rate, small heart size, low physiological activity, and high stress response level. Although the survival rate of chicks produced in the early laying period was low, their high physiological activity and low stress response indicated that they had a high vitality than the chicks produced in the late laying period. In conclusion, to obtain chicks with high vitality, it would be desirable to select a high vitality breed and avoid the use of chicks produced in the late laying period.

Effects of Early- and Late-Feathering Phenotypes on Growth Performance and Mortality in Korean Native Commercial Chickens (토종 실용닭의 깃털 조만성 형태가 산육능력 및 생존율에 미치는 영향)

  • Sohn, Sea Hwan;Choi, Eun Sik;Cho, Eun Jung;Kim, Bo Gyeong
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2021
  • Sex identification in day-old chicks is essential in the poultry industry. Currently, the feather-sexing using a sex-linked inheritance is a chick sexing method used extensively in the poultry industry. For chicks produced by feather-sexing, all females are early-feathering (EF) chicks and all males are late-feathering (LF) chicks. Therefore, investigating the effects of EF and LF phenotypes on production traits of chickens is critical. The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the production performance between EF and LF chickens in Korean native commercial chickens. The results showed that the survival rate of the EF chickens was significantly higher than that of the LF chickens, from hatching to 12 weeks of age (P<0.05), with the highest difference observed in females. However, no significant difference was observed in body weight between the EF and LF chickens at almost all ages. In addition, no significant difference was observed between in feed utility, such as average daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio, between the EF and LF groups. In conclusion, although the survival rate of early-feathering chickens was superior to that of late-feathering chickens, no significant difference was observed in growth performance and feed utility among Korean native chickens. The results suggest that production capacity is not influenced by feathering type in the establishment of a breeder structure and production system for feather-sexing Korean native chickens, which is valuable for the practical application of feather-sexing in the poultry industry.

Development of Educational Science Magic Program in Elementary Science Education and Effects of its Application (초등과학 수업에서 과학교육마술 프로그램의 개발 및 적용에 따른 효과)

  • Yoon, Jung-Hyun;Choi, Sun-Young
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.52-67
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of educational science magic program on creative problem solving ability, inquiry skill, and scientific attitude in elementary school science. For this, two classes of 3th grade were chosen in the J elementary school located in Suwon city as the experimental class(30 students) and the comparative class(30 students). The two groups were selected through a diagnostic examining program. Instruction using educational science magic program was applied to the experimental class. The results of this study were as follows. 1. the creative problem solving ability of the experimental class has statistically meaningful differences and improved, compared with the comparative class(p<.05). 2. the scientific inquiry skill was improved, but it has no meaningful difference statistically. However, science tasks applied educational science magic program had valuable significance to ability of measure(p<.05). 3. the scientific attitude score also was improved, but it has no meaningful difference statistically. However, science tasks applied educational science magic program had valuable significance to endurance(p<.05). 4. the results of survey showed that educational science magic program influence students' interests and concerns in science, class participation, pleasure in class, and comprehension of what is said in class positively. Therefore, a educational science magic program applied in this study might be useful to improve the creative problem solving ability, interests and concerns in science, class participation, pleasure in class, and comprehension of what is said in class.

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The Development of Students' Scientific Perspectives on Historical Heritages through the Science Field Trip of Hwasong Fortress (수원 화성 과학 탐방을 통한 문화재에 대한 과학적 안목 형성 지도)

  • Choi, Jae-Hyeok;Pak, Sung-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.930-936
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    • 2004
  • Science field trip on historical heritages in Korea has developed since 1998. There are a few discussion of effectiveness of science field trip on historical heritages. In this research, the aim of science field trip on historical heritages was discussed in view of developing scientific perspectives on historical heritages with cases of science field trip of Hwasong fortress. Material for science field trip of Hwasong fortress was developed and instructional strategy was designed. The material contained convergent and divergent scientific inquiry activities. The goal of the activity was to help students to build scientific perspectives on the historical heritage, so they can evaluate the scientific excellency of historical heritage. The subjects were ten ninth grade students of middle school science club in Seoul. A questionnaire, "evaluation of scientific excellency of historical heritage" was administered before and after the field trip. From the analysis of a change in perspective by field trip, it was investigated how the scientific perspective on historical heritages was developed. The first draft of material for science field trip of Hwasong fortress was developed based on science education experts' discussion. The material has three parts; activities before the trip, activities during the trip and activities after trip. Instructor's guide has the same structure. Before the field trip, students watched the videotape and learned the short history lesson about Hwasong fortress to develop familiarity. During the trip, there were exploring stage and intensive inquiring stage. These activities were designed to develop scientific perspective on historical heritage. After the field trip, evaluation activity about scientific value of Hwasong was done based on the activities done during the trip. After the science field trip of Hwasong fortress, most of students showed positive changes. Some of them reflected on their previous thoughts. Some recognized the necessity of the proper criteria for scientific excellency of historical heritage. All changed in their perspective on evaluating scientific aspects on historical heritage, such as considering the social environment, scientific principles and the influence of science and technology of that age on the society, when the fortress was built. These results show that the science field trip focused on the criteria for evaluating the scientific excellency of historical heritage was significant in helping students to develop the scientific perspective on historical heritage.

Antimicrobial Coating Agent (항균 코팅제)

  • Ko, Jong-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.96-115
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    • 2013
  • This article describes the concept and the trend of antimicrobial coating agents, which will help to establish the direction of the research and development on antimicrobial coating agent. Antimicrobial agents are compounds that inhibit or kill microorganisms. They are classified into inorganic, metallic, low molecular weight organic, natural organic, and polymeric compounds. Antimicrobial coatings are applied to the surface of daily necessities, medical devices, industrial products, electrical appliances, fabrics, and interior building materials, etc. Conventional antibiotics penetrate microbes without damaging bacterial cell walls, leading to drug resistance which polymeric antimicrobials can prevent by disrupting cell walls. Most polymeric antimicrobials are focused on cationic polymers. Improvement in the selectivity and durability of antimicrobials and reduction of their toxicity will come true by more reasonable design of molecular structures and their combination in coating system.