• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공항환경

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A Develpment of System Dynamics Model for Airport Sustainability Assessment (공항의 지속가능성 평가모형의 개발)

  • Yu, Gwang-Ui;Kim, Won-Gyu;Kim, Byeong-Jong;Kim, Mi-Gyeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.7-24
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    • 2005
  • A large scale international airport is an essential ingredient of the regional and the national economy. It helps the regional and the national economy booming. On the other hand, some international airport forms a region by itself with the surrounding community, which tends to keep growing. The airport development can be viewed as a sort of regional development and its sustainability needs to be examined during both planning phase and operating phase. n this paper, a system dynamic model is proposed to access the sustainability of airport develpment and the model is applied to address the sustainability of Korea's new international airport. Incheon International Airport, develpment. The study reveals that the phase 2 facilities need to be built quickly to meet anticipated future traffic and that the air pollutants need to be reduced by 6% to keep the airport development sustainable.

Growth Strategy and Privatization of Chinese Airports: Implications for IIAC (중국공항들의 성장전략과 민영화: 인천국제공항에 대한 시사점)

  • Choi, Gyoung-Gyu
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.551-581
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    • 2009
  • This case study explores the stock sale, the resulting governance structures, and the airport management and development in Beijing Capital International Airport and Shanghai International Airport at Pudong. It is imperative for Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC) to change the management paradigm to survive in the changing environment and to become hubs in the relevant regions. And IIAC needs to search for the new ownership and governance structure to cope with the internal and external demands for innovation. In this study, along with the recent trends of the global airport industry, we suggest the implications for the IIAC's major decisions, especially, for the stock sale, the resulting governance structure, and the airport development and management. It is suggested that Korean government retain the majority control in the process of privatization to keep IIAC as a government-owned enterprise to provide the public goods to the citizen. Furthermore, to maximize the value of stock sale, IIAC needs to decide strategically the time and speed in the hybrid form of stock selling using trade sale and IPOs.

A Study on the NOx Concentration Change of Kimpo Area by Transfer of the Kimpo International Airport Using EDMS (EDMS를 이용한 김포 국제공항 이전에 따른 주변지역 NOx 오염도 변화에 대한 연구)

  • 장영기;조종식
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.453-454
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    • 2003
  • 현재 우리 나라에서는 수송분야 중 항공기, 선박, 건설기계 농기계 등과 같은 비토로 이동오염원에 의한 대기오염에 대해서는 연구가 부진한 실정이다. 2001년 김포공항을 이용하던 국제선 항공기는 인천국제공항의 개항에 따라 이전하게 되었다. 이에 따라 항공기 이착륙에 의한 대기오염 배출이 상당 부분 김포지역에서 인천 영종도지역으로 이전되었을 것으로 예상된다. 본 연구에서는 미국 FAA에서 공항의 대기오염배출량 산출 및 주변지역의 농도예측에 선정모델로 추천하고 있는 EDMS (Emission and Dispersion Modeling System)을 사용하여 국제선 이전에 따른 김포공항 주변지역의 NOx 오염도 변화를 예측하고 이를 실측치와 비교 평가하고자 한다. (중략)

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System Design Plan for Departure Manager Considering Operation Environment in Korea (국내 운용환경을 고려한 항공기 출발관리시스템 설계 방안)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Gyeong;Jeon, Dae-Geun;Eun, Yeon-Ju
    • 한국항공운항학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2015.11a
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    • pp.117-120
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    • 2015
  • 공항에서의 항공기 운영을 효율적으로 수행하기 위한 항공기 출발관리시스템이 국내에 적용되기 위해 고려할 사항에 대해 기술하였다. Eurocontrol에서 정의한 출발관리시스템의 기본 요구사항과 해외 개발 사례를 바탕으로 기본적인 항공기 출발관리를 위해 필요한 환경 요건을 분석하였으며, 출발관리와 관련한 국내 공항의 운용 방법과 연동 가능한 시스템 현황을 분석하였다. 이를 통해 항공 교통량 증가율이 가장 높은 국내 대표 공항인 인천공항과 제주공항을 대상으로 한 항공기 출발관리 시스템을 설계하기 위해 고려할 사항에 대해 분석하고, A-CDM 등 다양한 외부 조건에 대해 독립적인 시스템 설계방안을 제시하고자 한다.

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Airport security supervisor's individual attitude effets on the screening equipment factors (공항보안감독관의 개인태도가 검색장비 운영요인에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Joo-Sub
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.29
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    • pp.279-300
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    • 2011
  • Countries recognize seriousness and concern about aviation terrorism, try to stamp out of it but aviation terrorism has been increasing in the world. Airport security is completely up to the result of security screening for passengers, check-in baggages and cargo at the check point. To complete effectively human and physical screening at the airport, it is essential to secure modernized screening equipment and specialized security screener, and airport security supervisor to supervising them. In this study, A survey conducted to find out the effect on screening equipment operating factors of airport security supervisor's individual attitude. The results of the study are as follow First, the duty view of airport security supervisor meaningfully affect expertise of screening equipment operating factors, satisfaction, reliability, and education and training, national point of view meaningfullly doesn't affect screening equipment operating factors. Second, the working condition effects on the education and training, if the working condition is getting better, intent to change occupation is getting lower. Third, duty stress meaningfully effects on the intent to change occupation, now airport security supervisor works in poor condition. Therefore, airport security supervisor needs to be prude of protecting the airport from the terrorism and various attacks and various kinds of aviation security regulations and procedures and comply with operating standards and keep the life of the country and its people, and needs to change awareness. And It is nessasary for government or airport authority or airline to prepare countermeasure for the improvement of their labor conditions.

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수치모의를 통한 인천국제공항 건설 후 안개발생과 관련한 국지기상변화 고찰

  • 이화운;임헌호;김동혁
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.185-187
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    • 2004
  • 인천국제공항 건설후 안개 발생과 관련한 국지 기상의 변화를 살펴보고자 하였다. 먼저 온도의 시계열 변화를 살펴 보았을 때 건설 전과 대비해 건설 후에 약 $2^{\circ}C$ 정도의 온도 상승효과가 나타났으며 지표면이 Urban일 경우 주간에 가장 온도가 높고 야간에 온도가 가장 낮게 나타났다.

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Development of Environmental Load Calculation Method for Airport Concrete Pavement Design (공항 콘크리트 포장 설계를 위한 환경하중 산정방법 개발)

  • Park, Joo-Young;Hong, Dong-Seong;Kim, Yeon-Tae;Jeong, Jin-Hoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.729-737
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    • 2013
  • The environmental load of concrete pavement can be categorized by temperature and moisture loads, which mean temperature distribution, and drying shrinkage and creep in the concrete slab. In this study, a method calculating the environmental load essential to mechanistic design of airport concrete pavement was developed. First, target area and design slab thickness were determined. And, the concrete temperature distribution with slab depth was predicted by a pavement temperature prediction program to calculate equivalent linear temperature difference. The concrete drying shrinkage was predicted by improving an existing model to calculate differential shrinkage equivalent linear temperature difference considering regional relative humidity. In addition, the stress relaxation was considered in the drying shrinkage. Eventually, the equivalent linear temperature difference due to temperature and the differential shrinkage equivalent linear temperature difference due to moisture were combined into the total equivalent linear temperature difference as terminal environmental load. The environmental load of eight civilian and two military airports which represent domestic regional weather conditions were calculated and compared by the method developed in this study to show its application.

Competitive Composition of Main Airports in North Asia - Focused on Air Cargo - (동아시아 주요 공항의 항공화물 경쟁구도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Tae-Won
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to outline the strategic implications of a structure analysis and trends of transferred air cargoes for the main airports of the North Asian region for 13 years from 2000 to 2012. To do so, it analyses the concentration levels using a Gini coefficient and Hirschmann Herfindahl index and represents the competitive positioning with regard to the main East Asian airports using the BCG framework and shift-share analysis. Currently, the concentration level is getting weaker in response to the emergence of Chinese airports in the north-east region. It is likely that the steady growth of air cargo of Shanghai airport (PVG) has caused the increase in concentration levels in the region. Seoul airport (ICN) may be directly in competition with PVG for air cargo in the region, giving consideration to reducing or maintaining an average increase ratio of air cargoes of ICN, NRT (Tokyo), and KIX (Osaka) for same period. In the same sense, the average increase in ratio for ICN for same period yields 1.3%, which is far behind the 6.2% and 5.2% of the north-east region and PVG respectively. Additionally, shift-share effect analysis indicates that ICN lost 422,180 tons in the north-east region during the same period, suggesting that transferred cargoes might have been forwarded to PVG.

Spatial Planning Approach to Noise Mitigation for Areas Adjacent to Civil Airports (민간공항주변 항공기소음 관리를 위한공간계획적 접근)

  • Kwon, Tae-Jung
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.83-109
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    • 2010
  • The main purpose of this paper is to suggest a spatial planning approach to effectively deal with airport noise problems in neighborhoods adjacent to civil airports. Rapid urbanization around the airports, as well as growing concerns on quality-of-life, resulted in ever-growing airport noise complaints, lawsuit, and central government's financial burden. S. Korea government adopted a restriction- and compensation-based airport noise management policy against the problems in mid 1990s. It, however, turns out to be ineffective in guiding incompatible land uses and facilities away from the airports' environs and to encourage compatible ones to locate around the airports. Base on the United State's and United Kingdom's airport noise management practices, therefore, this study suggests a new spatial planning approach that emphasizes the following: 1) diversification of current airport noise mitigation programs, 2) introduction of "sector"-based, spatial management system, and 3) central government's close cooperation with local governments and communities.

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대우건설-서울시 지하철 9호선 901공구 현장을 찾아서

  • korea construction safety engineering association
    • Journal of the Korea Construction Safety Engineering Association
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    • s.35
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    • pp.30-33
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    • 2006
  • 지하철 노선망 체계의 완성으로 서울시 도시교통난 완화를 위한 제3기 지하철9호선(김포공항~방이동) 901공구 현장(대우건설 이섬범 현장소장)을 찾았다. 서울시 지하철9호선 901공구는 서울시 강서구 개화동에서 김포공항 계류장 지하를 관통하는 3,285.5m 구간으로 901 현장은 농경지에 건설되는 차량기지 398,851㎡(약120,000평)와 김포공항 계류장 지하를 관통하는 구간이 있기에 어느 공구보다 안전 및 환경관리를 절대적으로 중요한 요소로 삼아야 하는 구간이다.

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