• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공공시장성과

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Analysis on Perspectives and Types of Schools-Communities Cooperation (학교와 지역사회 협력의 관점과 유형 분석)

  • Shin, Gi-Wang;Ahn, Byung-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.129-139
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    • 2021
  • This study categorized the viewpoint of cooperation between schools and communities into marketability and publicness, and the viewpoint of school education and lifelong education. The perspective of school education consider to utilize local resources for the growth of students. The lifelong education perspective sees cooperation between schools communities to support the learning of residents. While the marketability perspective pursues individual choices and diversity of opportunities, the publicness perspective focuses on ensuring citizens' right to learn and evenly distributing learning opportunities. From the point of view of school education, it seeks to utilize local resources for the growth and development of students, and in the view point of lifelong education schools are understood to support the learning activities of residents. Cooperation between schools and communities could be presented by categorizing them into private organization-led, educational authorities-led, and provincial authorities-led depending on the subject of the promotion. Recently, local governments and educational governments, schools and communities are developing to a stage where they cooperate to realize the vision of a educational community. For the cooperation between schools and communities the local community, cooperation between local government and educational government and the harmony between publicness and marketability are emerging as tasks.

A Study on Public Data Opening Status and Utilization Policy (공공데이터 개방 현황 및 이용 활성화 방안)

  • Han, Eok-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.75-76
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    • 2018
  • 공공데이터 공개 의무 확대와 법제도 개선에 따라 한국 정부 및 지자체를 중심으로 공공데이터 서비스가 촉진되고 있다. 공공데이터 개방의 당초 취지는 일상 업무를 통해 만들어낸 수많은 데이터를 기업체와 국민이 쉽게 접근하고, 재사용을 가능하게 함으로써 정부는 신뢰성과 투명성을 향상시키고, 예비 창업자들에게는 새로운 시장과 창업 기회를 창출하며, 국민 참여 및 국민의 의사결정에 도움을 준다는 것이다. 하지만 이러한 정책 취지와 노력에도 불구하고 공공데이터 개방과 활용에 있어서는 여전히 어려움과 한계가 존재하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 현재 진행되고 있는 정부 및 공공기관의 데이터 개방과 개방 데이터의 활용 현황을 분석, 진단해 보고 향후 공공데이터 개방 촉진 및 이용 활성화를 위한 정책적 방안을 제언해 보고자 한다.

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Effects of CEO's Leader Style on Quality Management Activities and Financial Performance in Public Performing Arts Theater (공공 공연장 CEO의 리더 스타일이 품질경영 활동과 경영 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Kye-Hwa;Kim, Hwa-Rye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.170-182
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of the leadership style of a CEO of a public performing arts theater to the quality management and business performance, with a focus on the differences by the leadership styles. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with the CEO of 165 public performing arts theaters in country, from whom 98 valid replies were collected for analysis and further validation of hypothesis of this study. The validation revealed that, first, the task oriented and change oriented leadership provided positive influences to the quality management activities, while relations oriented leadership failed to do so. Secondly, the quality management activities by the CEOs of the public performing arts theaters had positive correlations with the financial performance and market performance, which are part of the business performance indices of a performance art center. Thirdly, while the task oriented and change oriented leadership styles did have influences over the business performance; it was revealed that the quality management activities wielded only indirect influence toward such elements. The relations oriented leadership style appeared to fail to influence with significance. Such results as above show that only the task oriented and change oriented leadership style of a CEO in a public performing arts theater had positive influences over the business performance, with an implication that the CEOs of such facilities shall keep this in mind and exercise such leadership styles. In addition, another implication of this study was that it is also important to give efforts to the quality management activities, which turned out to influence the business performance significantly. The implication of this study is that the study was conducted with direct participation by the CEOs themselves of public performing arts theaters in country and an examination was made to see the differences by leadership styles.

A Study on Business Ecosystem Model for Technology Commercialization: Focused on Its Application to Public R&D Commercialization (기술사업화의 비즈니스 생태계 모형에 관한 연구: 공공 연구개발성과 사업화에의 적용을 중심으로)

  • Park, Wung;Park, Ho-Young
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.786-819
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    • 2014
  • Emphasizing the importance of R&D as a source of open innovation, Korean government is developing various programs focused on technology commercialization and is expanding investment on it. In spite of those efforts, technology commercialization is not vitalized yet due to the lack of demand for technology transfer, R&D planning scheme without considering market, immaturity of technology market, and so on. This study aims to suggest the business ecosystem model so that technology commercialization could be facilitated based on business ecosystem perspective. We set the framework for modeling a business ecosystem through reviewing the previous works, and draw several problems to be solved regarding public R&D commercialization in Korea from the perspective of ecosystem. Considering those, this research proposes the business ecosystem model for public R&D commercialization as a reference model for describing, discussing, and developing the technology commercialization strategy. The proposed model consists of 4 domains as follows: R&D, technology market, information distribution channels, and customers. The business ecosystem model shows that technology commercialization could be facilitated to create the market value through close relationship and organic cooperation among its members that form the ecosystem. Public research institutes as a keystone player could control the fate of the ecosystem. In this regard, this paper suggests roles of public research institutes for evolving the business ecosystem.

Data-Driven Technology Portfolio Analysis for Commercialization of Public R&D Outcomes: Case Study of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Fields (공공연구성과 실용화를 위한 데이터 기반의 기술 포트폴리오 분석: 빅데이터 및 인공지능 분야를 중심으로)

  • Eunji Jeon;Chae Won Lee;Jea-Tek Ryu
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2021
  • Since small and medium-sized enterprises fell short of the securement of technological competitiveness in the field of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) field-core technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is important to strengthen the competitiveness of the overall industry through technology commercialization. In this study, we aimed to propose a priority related to technology transfer and commercialization for practical use of public research results. We utilized public research performance information, improving missing values of 6T classification by deep learning model with an ensemble method. Then, we conducted topic modeling to derive the converging fields of big data and AI. We classified the technology fields into four different segments in the technology portfolio based on technology activity and technology efficiency, estimating the potential of technology commercialization for those fields. We proposed a priority of technology commercialization for 10 detailed technology fields that require long-term investment. Through systematic analysis, active utilization of technology, and efficient technology transfer and commercialization can be promoted.

Analysis of Labor Market Activation Policy and Its Employment Outcomes: the Effects of Employment and Tailored Social Service Provision (한국의 노동시장 활성화 정책 특성과 취업 성과: 취업지원서비스와 맞춤형 사회서비스 중심 정책의 비교)

  • Ryu, Kirak
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.149-183
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    • 2012
  • This article aims to analyze main features of activation policy and compare major programmes in terms of their impact on employment performances in Korea. Since the introduction of National Basic Living Security Act in 2000, a series of activation policies have been in place for social assistance recipients, low-income employees, and youth unemployed by means of providing tailored employment and social services via in-depth counselling and case management. These activation policies carry both enabling and demanding elements: requiring programme participation in exchange for public assistance benefit receipts on the one hand, and providing various social services to remove barriers to employment through case management on the other hand. Therefore, it merits attention to analyze how various features of activation programmes affect employment outcomes, the effectiveness of delivery system and policy instruments as well. In analyzing employment outcomes of activation policy of which main characteristics lie in provision of employment and social services, this article points out the features and policy instruments of the activation policy that contribute to labor market entry of public assistance recipients and low income employees. In addition, it also delineates the determinants of exit from benefit receipts. Results from statistical analysis show that activation policy with intense employment service helps both benefit recipients and low income employees enter into the labor market at a faster rate. However, tailored social service provision enables social assistance recipients to exit from benefit receipts. These results suggest theoretical and policy relevant implication in regards to redesigning the delivery mechanisms and service instruments of activation policy.

노사관계(勞使關係) 개혁(改革)과 노동시장(勞動市場) 변화(變化)

  • Lee, Ju-Ho;Kim, Dae-Il
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.3-74
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    • 1997
  • 우리나라의 과거 노사관계 개혁을 평가하고 향후 노사관계의 진로를 모색하기 위해서는 우리나라 노동시장기능(勞動市場機能)에 대한 정확한 인식이 필요하다. 노사관계에 있어서 제도개혁(制度改革)과 시장기능(市場機能)은 밀접히 연관되어 잇다. 본고에서는 우리나라에서 1987년과 1997년의 두 차례에 걸쳐 이루어진 노사관계 개혁을 '노동시장(勞動市場)의 성과(成果)(labor market performance)'를 분석함으로써 평가하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는, (1)우리나라 노동시장에서는 상품시장의 경쟁이 제한되어 있는 대기업부문을 제외하고는 시장의 가격기능(價格機能)이 기본적으로는 작동하고 있으며, (2)우리 노동시장의 경직화(硬直化)가 수급상황(需給狀況)의 변화에 따라 진행되고 있는바 시장기능(市場機能)을 보다 강화하기 위한 제도개혁(制度改革)이 요구되고 있고, (3)노사관계에 대한 시장규율(市場規律)(market discipline)을 강화하기 위해 상품시장에서의 경쟁 촉진, 공공부문의 개혁, 노동정책 틀의 변화 등이 요구된다는 결론(結論)에 도달하였다.

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The Publicness of Public Art : Focused on the "Golden market, Golden Age" Public Art Project (공공미술의 공공성과 주체간 관계의 특성 -<황금시장 황금시대> 공공미술 사업 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Nahm, Kee-Bom;Nam, Miyoung
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.118-134
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    • 2013
  • This paper analyzes the pubic nature of New Genre Public Arts. It is very sensitive to the social issues and supports democracy and communities with the diverse civic participation. Therefore, it is be widely known without doubt that new genre public arts is more public in nature compared to the previous public arts. This research observes the practices of new genre public art and focuses on the problems of the revealing nature of new genre public art through the analysis of the interrelations among government, artists, and the residents by through observation on the , Seoul City Gallery project from October 2008 to January 2009. The implementation of the project is divided into three constituent parts: local government for funding, artists for planning and implementing, and residents. Local government supports and commands the public art works to create more competitive and harmonious city. Artists emphasize the revitalization of community and take the residents as the passive objects of enlightenment. Whereas, the residents hope to use the funds to improve economic conditions. Artists accept the top-down commands of government, whereas residents tend to passively participate and become objects for enlightenment by artists, after all, might be alienated by the project. These kinds of communications and relationships raise the issue of the possibility of failure of public arts projects.

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A Study on Policy Model for Improving Market Performance of Korean Performing Arts in International Cultural Exchanges (국제문화교류에서 전통공연예술의 시장성과 제고를 위한 정책 모형 연구)

  • Goo, Moon-mo
    • Review of Culture and Economy
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.61-85
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    • 2017
  • It is recognized universally that international cultural exchanges have the potential to weaken ethnic rivalries and conflicts and promote cultural diversity rather than commercial interests. However, there are often cases in which these exchanges are transformed into private businesses with a great success in markets due to changes in cultural consumption patterns. This research aims to analyze the performance of international cultural exchanges and to develop a policy model that can guide the overseas market performance for Korean traditional performing arts. This study analyzes domestic and foreign cases for comparison. The domestic case is drawn from the research report published by Korea Arts Management Service and the foreign case is Ireland's Riverdance. The results of this study indicate that the policy political model in which a traditional culture may be translated globally with innovative performing activities has the potential to raise market performance overseas.

A Proposal of the Social Commerce Strategy for the Public Services' Performance Improvement (공공행정서비스 성과향상을 위한 소셜커머스 적용 전략 제안)

  • Chang, Yun Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.161-176
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    • 2014
  • Social commerce is a new internet business model which are types of joint purchase, social link, promotion, and on-off association etc. The recent public organization has the dual target to increase sound finance, and to improve customer satisfaction and the quality of public service. The purpose of this study is to propose the strategy of public social commerce which makes it's customers become positive purchasers. We analyzed 31 public organizations, and found that the type of social link interlocking with SNS site in the various purpose of public, and the offline association type using the service of location base would be utilized very highly. We also found that the joint purchase type and the promotion type would be used in the area of public and private selective services intending to make a profit. The anticipated performance are as follows: rapidity and reliance, customer made thing and goodwill, convenience for the service environment quality, publicity and diffusion, and sales promotion, productivity increase and new finding of revenue model for the profit increase outcome.