• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간 복잡도

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Applying Spitz Trace Interpolation Algorithm for Seismic Data (탄성파 자료를 이용한 Spitz 보간 알고리즘의 적용)

  • Yang Jung Ah;Suh Jung-Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 2003
  • In land and marine seismic survey, we generally set receivers with equal interval suppose that sampling interval Is too narrow. But the cost of seismic data acquisition and that of data processing are much higher, therefore we should design proper receiver interval. Spatial aliasing can be occurred on seismic data when sampling interval is too coarse. If we Process spatial aliasing data, we can not obtain a good imaging result. Trace interpolation is used to improve the quality of multichannel seismic data processing. In this study, we applied the Spitz algorithm which is widely used in seismic data processing. This algorithm works well regardless of dip information of the complex underground structure. Using prediction filter and original traces with linear event we interpolated in f-x domain. We confirm our algorithm by examining for some synthetic data and marine data. After interpolation, we could find that receiver intervals get more narrow and the number of receiver is increased. We also could see that continuity of traces is more linear than before Applying this interpolation algorithm on seismic data with spatial aliasing, we may obtain a better migration imaging.

A Study on Monolithic Expression Characteristics of Concrete Buildings With focus on insulated lightweight aggregate concrete (콘크리트 건축물의 모놀리스적 표현특성에 관한 연구 단열경량골재콘크리트를 중심으로)

  • Won, Kyoung-Sop
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.363-373
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    • 2018
  • In today's diversified society, it is hard to know which building style represents the architectural style of the time. The simplicity found in monolithic-style buildings forms a symmetrical point with fairly complex structure, and its value can be acknowledged. This study analyzes buildings made of insulating lightweight aggregate concrete in the early 21st century, defines the concept of monolithic expression, and examines how these characteristics are expressed in the space, forms, and structural methods in construction. Unlike a multi-layered exterior wall system, which features multiple layers composed of a variety of materials, the exterior walls built with insulating lightweight aggregate concrete comes in a lump form with a mold form that is tightly filled with concrete as a single material and is monolithic. This is attributed to the creation of spaces characterized by the homogeneity of inner and outer spaces with the use of the same material, continuity of the surface as solidity, spatial characteristics of the stereotomic construction, expression of materiality with the use of exposed concrete, and the contrast of the lump and the space. This not only reveals formal characteristics that expose a discourse about monolithic architecture in contemporary architecture but also provide an opportunity to extend the range of discussion to structures and materials and even to their effects on space.

Development of 3D Addressing Data Model Based on the IndoorGML (IndoorGML 기반 입체주소 데이터 모델 개발)

  • Kim, JI Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.591-598
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    • 2020
  • The all revision of the Road Name Address Act, which contains the contents to be used by expanding the road name address as a means of indicationg the location, has been resloved by the National Assembly. Addresses will be assigned to large-sized facilities (3D mixed-use complex spaces). Here, the 3D (Three-dimensional) address is assigned an indoor path section in the inner passage, dividing the section at intervals. The 3D address will be built on the address information map. For 3D address, data should be built and managed for a 3D complex space(indoor space). Therefore, in this study, the object of the 3D address is defined based on the address conceptual model defined in the international standard, and the 3D address data model is proposed based on IndoorGML. To this, it is proposed as a method of mapping the Core and Navigation module of IndoorGML so that the entity of the 3D address can be expressed in IndoorGML. This study has a limitation in designing a 3D address data model only, but it is meaningful that it suggested a standard for constructing 3D address data in the future.

Estimation of Spatial Distribution Using the Gaussian Mixture Model with Multivariate Geoscience Data (다변량 지구과학 데이터와 가우시안 혼합 모델을 이용한 공간 분포 추정)

  • Kim, Ho-Rim;Yu, Soonyoung;Yun, Seong-Taek;Kim, Kyoung-Ho;Lee, Goon-Taek;Lee, Jeong-Ho;Heo, Chul-Ho;Ryu, Dong-Woo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.353-366
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    • 2022
  • Spatial estimation of geoscience data (geo-data) is challenging due to spatial heterogeneity, data scarcity, and high dimensionality. A novel spatial estimation method is needed to consider the characteristics of geo-data. In this study, we proposed the application of Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) among machine learning algorithms with multivariate data for robust spatial predictions. The performance of the proposed approach was tested through soil chemical concentration data from a former smelting area. The concentrations of As and Pb determined by ex-situ ICP-AES were the primary variables to be interpolated, while the other metal concentrations by ICP-AES and all data determined by in-situ portable X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) were used as auxiliary variables in GMM and ordinary cokriging (OCK). Among the multidimensional auxiliary variables, important variables were selected using a variable selection method based on the random forest. The results of GMM with important multivariate auxiliary data decreased the root mean-squared error (RMSE) down to 0.11 for As and 0.33 for Pb and increased the correlations (r) up to 0.31 for As and 0.46 for Pb compared to those from ordinary kriging and OCK using univariate or bivariate data. The use of GMM improved the performance of spatial interpretation of anthropogenic metals in soil. The multivariate spatial approach can be applied to understand complex and heterogeneous geological and geochemical features.

A Guidance Methodology Using Ubiquitous Sensor Network Information in Large-Sized Underground Facilities in Fire (대형 지하시설물에서 화재발생 시 USN정보를 이용한 피난 유도 방안)

  • Seo, Yonghee;Lee, Changju;Jung, Jumlae;Shin, Seongil
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.4D
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    • pp.459-467
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    • 2008
  • Because of the insufficiency of ground space, the utilization of underground is getting more and more in these days. Moreover, underground space is being used not only buildings but multipurpose space for movement, storage and shopping. However, ground space has vital weakness for fire compared to ground space. Especially in case of underground shopping center, there are various stuffs to burn and poisonous gas can be exposed on this count when the space is burned. A large number of casualties can be also occurred from conflagration as underground space has closed structures that prevent rapid evacuation and access. Therefore, this research proposes the guidance methodology for evacuation from conflagration in large-sized underground facilities. In addition, suggested methodology uses high technology wireless sensor information from up-to-date ubiquitous sensor networks. Fire information collected by sensors is integrated with existing underground facilities information and this is sent to guidance systems by inducing process. In the end, this information is used for minimum time paths finding algorithm considering the passageway capacity and distance. Also, usefulness and inadequacies of proposed methodology is verified by a case study.

Marine Heat Waves Detection in Northeast Asia Using COMS/MI and GK-2A/AMI Sea Surface Temperature Data (2012-2021) (천리안위성 해수면온도 자료 기반 동북아시아 해수고온탐지(2012-2021))

  • Jongho Woo;Daeseong Jung;Suyoung Sim;Nayeon Kim;Sungwoo Park;Eun-Ha Sohn;Mee-Ja Kim;Kyung-Soo Han
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1477-1482
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    • 2023
  • This study examines marine heat wave (MHW) in the Northeast Asia region from 2012 to 2021, utilizing geostationary satellite Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS)/Meteorological Imager sensor (MI) and GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK-2A)/Advanced Meteorological Imager sensor (AMI) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data. Our analysis has identified an increasing trend in the frequency and intensity of MHW events, especially post-2018, with the year 2020 marked by significantly prolonged and intense events. The statistical validation using Optimal Interpolation (OI) SST data and satellite SST data through T-test assessment confirmed a significant rise in sea surface temperatures, suggesting that these changes are a direct consequence of climate change, rather than random variations. The findings revealed in this study serve the necessity for ongoing monitoring and more granular analysis to inform long-term responses to climate change. As the region is characterized by complex topography and diverse climatic conditions, the insights provided by this research are critical for understanding the localized impacts of global climate dynamics.

Spatial Distribution Patterns and Planar Geometric Characteristics of Vegetated Bars in the Naesungcheon Stream (내성천 식생사주의 공간적 분포 유형과 평면 기하 특성)

  • Jiwon Ryu;Eun-kyung Jang;Un Ji
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.90-99
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    • 2024
  • This study classified spatial distribution patterns of vegetated bars in the Naesungcheon Stream, defined universally applicable planar geometric variables, and quantified characteristics of dominant vegetated bar distribution forms. The analysis identified four primary types of spatial distribution, with two types (vegetated alternate/point bars and vegetated floodplains with single or multi-vegetated bars) accounting for more than 90% of the study area. Study results indicated that relatively large vegetated bars tended to be widely spaced or distributed in combination with multiple smaller vegetated bars that were overlapped in the Naesungcheon stream. Quantified spatial distribution characteristics of vegetated bars derived from this study could be used as essential basis information for vegetation management in rivers similar to the Naesungcheon Stream. Additionally, analysis results for planar geometric variables and spatial distribution forms are expected to facilitate experimental designs that mimic river conditions in flood management and ecohydraulic studies, contributing to the interpretation of complex characteristics of interactions between vegetated bars, flow, and bed changes.

Estimation of Optimal Water Surface Width/River Width Ratio and Investigation of Visual Preference for the River Scenery (하천경관을 고려한 적정 수면폭/하폭 비의 산정 및 시각적 선호도 조사)

  • Lee, Joo-Heon;Yoo, Sang-Wan;Jeong, Sang-Man;Kim, Do-Hee;Lee, Yong-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구는 유량에 의한 수면폭의 변화로 인한 하천경관의 시각적 선호도에 미치는 선호요인 파악하였다. 등간척도의 점수부가체계를 적용하여 이용자에 의한 금강경관의 시각적 선호를 평가한 후 시각적 선호와 이에 영향을 미치는 선호요인들과의 관계를 다중회귀분석방법으로 검정하였다. 수면폭 변화에 따른 금강경관의 시각적 선호요인 변수는 심미성 인자, 물리적 특성 인자, 복잡성 인자로서 3개 변수 모두 유의성이 있는 것으로 판명되었다. 모든 선호요인의 값이 증가함에 따라 시각적 선호의 값도 증가를 가져오고 그 반대의 경우도 마찬가지였다.다중회귀모형에서 다른 조건이 불변일 경우, 심미성 인자의 값이 증가할 때 전체적인 시각적 선호에 가장 크게 영향을 미치고, 다음으로 물리적 특성 인자가 두 번째로 영향을 미치는 것으로 판명되었다. 선호요인이 시각적 선호에 기여하는 상대적 중요도는 심미성 인자, 물리적 특성 인자, 복잡성 인자 순으로 나타났다. 심미성 인자는 복잡성 인자에 비해 3.2배 만큼 중요도가 크며 물리적 특성 인자는 복잡성 인자에 비해 3배의 중요도를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 심미성인자는 가장 중요한 선호요인으로 판명되었다. 수면폭 변화에 따른 금강경관의 시각적 평가에 의한 선호 요인 분석 결과는 하천의 수면폭 및 수량에 큰 영향을 미칠 것이다. 수위 변화로 인한 하천 경관의 선호 요인을 파악함으로서 금강 유지유량의 결정에 지침을 마련하고, 시각적 선호도에 따른 최적의 수면폭/하폭비 산정하였으며 본 연구 결과는 수량에 의한 수면폭/하폭 비의 변화로 인한 하천경관의 수량결정에 중요한 정보를 제공하고 이용자의 만족을 극대화할 수 있는 경관조성에 기여할 것으로 판단된다. 통하여 유기농업의 실현을 도모하여 소비자의 욕구에 맞는 작물 생산 및 농촌관광단지 조성을 통해 부가가치증대 및 소득증대를 꾀함으로 농촌문제 해결에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다. 본 연구를 통해 GIS 와 RS의 기술이 농촌분야에 더 효율적으로 적용될 것으로 기대되며, 농업기술센터를 통한 정보제공을 함으로써 대농민 서비스 및 농업기관의 위상이 제고 될 것으로 기대된다.여 전자파의 공간적인 가시화를 수행할 수 있었다. 본 전자파 시뮬레이션 기법이 실무에 이용될 경우, 일반인이 전자파의 분포에 대한 전문지식을 습득할 필요 없이, 검색하고자 하는 지역과 송전선, 전철 등 각종 전자파의 발생 공간 객체를 선택하여 실생활과 관련된 전자파 정보에 예측할 수 있어, 대민 환경정보 서비스 질의 개선측면에서 획기적인 계기를 마련할 것으로 사료된다.acid$(C_{18:3})$가 대부분을 차지하였다. 야생 돌복숭아 과육 중의 지방산 조성은 포화지방산이 16.74%, 단불포화지방산 17.51% 및 다불포화지방산이 65.73%의 함유 비율을 보였는데, 이 중 다불포화지방산인 n-6계 linoleic acid$(C_{18:2})$와 n-3계 linolenic acid$(C_{18:3})$가 지질 구성 총 지방산의 대부분을 차지하는 함유 비율을 나타내었다.했다. 하강하는 약 4일간의 기상변화가 자발성 기흉 발생에 영향을 미친다고 추론할 수 있었다. 향후 본 연구에서 추론된 기상변화와 기흉 발생과의 인과관계를 확인하고 좀 더 구체화하기 위한 연구가 필요할 것이다.게 이루어질 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.는 초과수익률이 상승하지만, 이후로는 감소하므로, 반전

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A Schematic Map Generation System Using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation and Icon-Label Replacement Algorithm (중심 보로노이 조각화와 아이콘 및 레이블 배치 알고리즘을 이용한 도식화된 지도 생성 시스템)

  • Ryu Dong-Sung;Uh Yoon;Park Dong-Gyu
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 2006
  • A schematic map is a special purpose map which is generated to recognize it's objects easily and conveniently via simplifying and highlighting logical geometric information of a map. To manufacture the schematic map with road, label and icon, we must generate simplified route map and replace many geometric objects. Performing a give task, however, there are an amount of overlap areas between geometric objects whenever we process the replacement of geometry objects. Therefore we need replacing geometric objects without overlap. But this work requires much computational resources, because of the high complexity of the original geometry map. We propose the schematic map generation system whose map consists of icons and label. The proposed system has following steps: 1) eliminating kinks that are least relevant to the shape of polygonal curve using DCE(Discrete Curve Evolution) method. 2) making an evenly distributed route using CVT(Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation) and Grid snapping method. Therefore we can keep the structural information of the route map from CVT method. 3) replacing an icon and label information with collision avoidance algorithm. As a result, we can replace the vertices with a uniform distance and guarantee the available spaces for the replacement of icons and labels. We can also minimize the overlap between icons and labels and obtain more schematized map.

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LLR-based Cooperative ARQ Protocol in Rayleigh Fading Channel (레일리 페이딩 채널에서 LLR 기반의 협력 ARQ 프로토콜)

  • Choi, Dae-Kyu;Kong, Hyung-Yun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2008
  • Conventional cooperative communications can attain gain of spatial diversity and path loss reduction because destination node independently received same signal from source node and relay node located between source node and destination node. However, these techniques bring about decreased spectral efficiency with relay node and increased complexity of receiver by using maximal ratio combining (MRC). This paper has proposed cooperative ARQ protocol that can improve the above problems and can get the better performance. This method can increase the spectral efficiency than conventional cooperative communication because if the received signal from source node is satisfied by the destination preferentially, the destination transmits ACK message to both relay node and source node and then recovers the received signal. In addition, if ARQ message indicates NACK relay node operates selective retransmission and we can increase reliability of system compared with that of general ARQ protocol in which source node retransmits data. In the proposed protocol, the selective retransmission and ARQ message are to be determined by comparing log-likelihood ratio (LLR) computation of received signal from source node with predetermined threshold values. Therefore, this protocol don't waste redundant bandwidth with CRC code and can reduce complexity of receiver without MRC. We verified spectral efficiency and BER performance for the proposed protocol through Monte-Carlo simulation over Rayleigh fading plus AWGN.