• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간 보간

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Design of Real-Time PreProcessor for Image Enhancement of CMOS Image Sensor (CMOS 이미지 센서의 영상 개선을 위한 실시간 전처리 프로세서의 설계)

  • Jung, Yun-Ho;Lee, Joon-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Seok;Lim, Won-Bae;Hur, Bong-Soo;Kang, Moon-Gi
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.38 no.8
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    • pp.62-71
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents a design of the real-time digital image enhancement preprocessor for CMOS image sensor. CMOS image sensor offers various advantages while it provides lower-quality images than CCD does. In order to compensate for the physical limitation of CMOS sensor, the spatially adaptive contrast enhancement algorithm was incorporated into the preprocessor with color interpolation, gamma correction, and automatic exposure control. The efficient hardware architecture for the preprocessor is proposed and was simulated in VHDL. It is composed of about 19K logic gates, which is suitable for low-cost one-chip PC camera. The test system was implemented on Altera Flex EPF10KGC503-3 FPGA chip in real-time mode, and performed successfully.

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Inverse characterization method for color gamut extension in multi-color printer (색역 확장을 위한 멀티 칼라 프린터의 역 특성화 방법)

  • Jang, In-Su;Son, Chang-Hwan;Park, Tae-Yong;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.44 no.2 s.314
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2007
  • In current printer industry, four or more colorants are added for color gamut extension because the gamut of printer is smaller than other devices. However, these additional colorants make a redundancy problem that several combinations of colorants reproduced same color stimulus in colorimetric inverse characterization process. Thus, we propose a method of colorimetric inverse characterization using color correlation between colorant's amount. First, for analyzing the combination of colorants which represent the same color stimulus, we estimate the color stimulus for all combination of colorants by Cellular Yule-Nielsen Spectral Neugebauer printer model. The combination of colorants which has higher color correlation factor comparing combinations of colorant around itself in color space is selected. It can reduced the color difference from the tetrahedral interpolation process which is estimation of the output value(colorants combination) for arbitrary input(color stimulus). The selected combinations of colorants and their color stimulus are stored to the lookup table. In experiment, the CMYKGO printer was used. As a result, the dark region of color gamut was extended and the color tone was more naturally represented.

Development of Spatial Statistical Downscaling Method for KMA-RCM by Using GIS (GIS를 활용한 KMA-RCM의 규모 상세화 기법 개발 및 검증)

  • Baek, Gyoung-Hye;Lee, Moun-Gjin;Kang, Byung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.136-149
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this study is to develop future climate scenario by downscaling the regional climate model (RCM) from global climate model (GCM) based on IPCC A1B scenario. To this end, the study first resampled the KMA-RCM(Korea meteorological administration-regional climate model) from spatial resolution of 27km to 1km. Second, observed climatic data of temperature and rainfall through 1971-2000 were processed to reflect the temperature lapse rate with respect to the altitude of each meteorological observation station. To optimize the downscaled results, Co-kriging was used to calculate temperature lapse-rate; and IDW was used to calculate rainfall lapse rate. Fourth, to verify results of the study we performed correlation analysis between future climate change projection data and observation data through the years 2001-2010. In this study the past climate data (1971-2000), future climate change scenarios(A1B), KMA-RCM(Korea meteorological administration-regional climate model) results and the 1km DEM were used. The research area is entire South Korea and the study period is from 1971 to 2100. Monthly mean temperatures and rainfall with spatial resolution of 1km * 1km were produced as a result of research. Annual average temperature and precipitation had increased by $1.39^{\circ}C$ and 271.23mm during 1971 to 2100. The development of downscaling method using GIS and verification with observed data could reduce the uncertainty of future climate change projection.

A Study on the Soil Contamination(Maps) Using the Handheld XRF and GIS in Abandoned Mining Areas (휴대용 XRF와 GIS를 이용한 폐광산 지역의 토양오염에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Gyu;Choi, Yo-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2014
  • In this study, soil contamination maps related to Cu and Pb were created at the Busan abandoned mine in Korea using a handheld X-Ray Fluorescence(XRF) and Geographic Information Systems(GIS). Hydrological analysis was performed using the Digital Elevation Model(DEM) of the study area to identify the flow directions of surface runoff where pollutants can be dispersed from the soil contamination sources. 24 locations for measuring the soil contamination related to Cu and Pb were selected by considering the result of hydrological analysis. The results measured at the 24 locations using the handheld XRF showed that the highest value of Cu contamination is 8,255ppm and that of Pb is 2,146ppm. The field investigation data were entered into ArcGIS software, and then soil contamination maps regarding Cu and Pb with a 5m grid-spacing were created after performing spatial interpolations using the ordinary kriging method. As a result, we could know that high concentrations of Cu and Pb are presented at the waste and tailings dumps around the abandoned mine openings. This study also showed that the handheld XRF and GIS can be utilized to create soil contamination maps related to Cu and Pb in the field.

A Numerical Model for Analysis of Groundwater Flow with Heat Flow in Steady-State (열(熱)흐름을 동반(同伴)한 정상지하수(定常地下水)의 흐름해석(解析) 수치모형(數値模型))

  • Wang, Soo Kyun;Cho, Won Cheol;Lee, Won Hwan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 1991
  • In this study, a numerical model was established and applied to simulate the steady-state groundwater and heat flow in an isotropic, heterogeneous, three dimensional aquifer system with uniform thermal properties and no change of state. This model was developed as an aid in screening large groundwater-flow systems as prospects for underground waste storage. Driving forces on the system are external hydrologic conditions of recharge from precipitation and fixed hydraulic head boundaries. Heat flux includes geothermal heat-flow, conduction to the land surface, advection from recharge, and advection to or from fixed-head boundaries. The model uses an iterative procedure that alternately solves the groundwater-flow and heat-flow equations, updating advective flux after solution of the groundwater-flow equation, and updating hydraulic conductivity after solution of the heat-flow equation. Dierect solution is used for each equation. Travel time is determined by particle tracking through the modeled space. Velocities within blocks are linear interpolations of velocities at block faces. Applying this model to the groundwater-flow system located in Jigyung-ri. Songla-myun, Youngil-gun. Kyungsangbuk-do, the groundwater-flow system including distribution of head, temperature and travel time and flow line, is analyzed.

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Development of Information Technology Infrastructures through Construction of Big Data Platform for Road Driving Environment Analysis (도로 주행환경 분석을 위한 빅데이터 플랫폼 구축 정보기술 인프라 개발)

  • Jung, In-taek;Chong, Kyu-soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.669-678
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    • 2018
  • This study developed information technology infrastructures for building a driving environment analysis platform using various big data, such as vehicle sensing data, public data, etc. First, a small platform server with a parallel structure for big data distribution processing was developed with H/W technology. Next, programs for big data collection/storage, processing/analysis, and information visualization were developed with S/W technology. The collection S/W was developed as a collection interface using Kafka, Flume, and Sqoop. The storage S/W was developed to be divided into a Hadoop distributed file system and Cassandra DB according to the utilization of data. Processing S/W was developed for spatial unit matching and time interval interpolation/aggregation of the collected data by applying the grid index method. An analysis S/W was developed as an analytical tool based on the Zeppelin notebook for the application and evaluation of a development algorithm. Finally, Information Visualization S/W was developed as a Web GIS engine program for providing various driving environment information and visualization. As a result of the performance evaluation, the number of executors, the optimal memory capacity, and number of cores for the development server were derived, and the computation performance was superior to that of the other cloud computing.

Development and validation of poisson cluster stochastic rainfall generation web application across South Korea (포아송 클러스터 가상강우생성 웹 어플리케이션 개발 및 검증 - 우리나라에 대해서)

  • Han, Jaemoon;Kim, Dongkyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.335-346
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    • 2016
  • This study produced the parameter maps of the Modified Bartlett-Lewis Rectangular Pulse (MBLRP) stochastic rainfall generation model across South Korea and developed and validated the web application that automates the process of rainfall generation based on the produced parameter maps. To achieve this purpose, three deferent sets of parameters of the MBLRP model were estimated at 62 ground gage locations in South Korea depending on the distinct purpose of the synthetic rainfall time series to be used in hydrologic modeling (i.e. flood modeling, runoff modeling, and general purpose). The estimated parameters were spatially interpolated using the Ordinary Kriging method to produce the parameter maps across South Korea. Then, a web application has been developed to automate the process of synthetic rainfall generation based on the parameter maps. For validation, the synthetic rainfall time series has been created using the web application and then various rainfall statistics including mean, variance, autocorrelation, probability of zero rainfall, extreme rainfall, extreme flood, and runoff depth were calculated, then these values were compared to the ones based on the observed rainfall time series. The mean, variance, autocorrelation, and probability of zero rainfall of the synthetic rainfall were similar to the ones of the observed rainfall while the extreme rainfall and extreme flood value were smaller than the ones derived from the observed rainfall by the degree of 16%-40%. Lastly, the web application developed in this study automates the entire process of synthetic rainfall generation, so we expect the application to be used in a variety of hydrologic analysis needing rainfall data.

Unity3D-Based Flood Simulation Visualization Web System for Efficient Disaster Management (효과적인 재난관리를 위한 Unity3D 기반 홍수 시뮬레이션 가시화 웹시스템)

  • GANG, Su-Myung;RYU, Dong-Ha;CHOI, Yeong-Cheol;CHOUNG, Yun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.98-112
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    • 2017
  • Recently, various research has been conducted on the use of a game engine instead of a commercial geographic information system (GIS) engine for the development of 3D GIS. The advantage of the 3D game engine is that it allows developers to develop various modules according to their abilities. In particular, in the area of disasters, a wide range of alternatives for prevention as well as prediction can be presented when new analyses are attempted by combining geographic information and disaster-related information. Furthermore, 3D analysis can be an important factor in analyzing the phenomena occurring in the real 3D world because of the nature of disasters. Therefore, in this study, we tried to develop a visualization module for flood disaster information through a 3D game engine by considering the solutions for cost and manpower problems and the degree of freedom of development. Raw flood data was mapped onto spatial information and interpolation was performed for the natural display of the mapped flood information. Furthermore, we developed a module that intuitively shows dangerous areas to users by generating cumulative information in order to display multidimensional information based on this information. The results of this study are expected to enable various flood information analyses as well as quick response and countermeasures to floods.

Cross-Validation of SPT-N Values in Pohang Ground Using Geostatistics and Surface Wave Multi-Channel Analysis (지구통계기법과 표면파 다중채널분석을 이용한 포항 지반의 SPT-N value 교차검증)

  • Kim, Kyung-Oh;Han, Heui-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.393-405
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    • 2020
  • Various geotechnical information is required to evaluate the stability of the ground and a foundation once liquefaction occurs due to earthquakes, such as the soil strength and groundwater level. The results of the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) conducted in Korea are registered in the National Geotechnical Information Portal System. If geotechnical information for a non-drilled area is needed, geostatistics can be applied. This paper is about the feasibility of obtaining ground information by the Empirical Bayesian Kriging (EBK) method and the Inverse Distance Weighting Method (IDWM). Esri's ArcGIS Pro program was used to estimate these techniques. The soil strength parameter of the drilling area and the level of groundwater obtained from the standard penetration test were cross-validated with the results of the analysis technique. In addition, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) was conducted to verify the techniques used in the analysis. The Buk-gu area of Pohang was divided into 1.0 km×1.0 km and 110 zones. The cross-validation for the SPT N value and groundwater level through EBK and IDWM showed that both techniques were suitable. MASW presented an approximate section area, making it difficult to clearly grasp the distribution pattern and groundwater level of the SPT N value.

An Electric Load Forecasting Scheme with High Time Resolution Based on Artificial Neural Network (인공 신경망 기반의 고시간 해상도를 갖는 전력수요 예측기법)

  • Park, Jinwoong;Moon, Jihoon;Hwang, Eenjun
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.527-536
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    • 2017
  • With the recent development of smart grid industry, the necessity for efficient EMS(Energy Management System) has been increased. In particular, in order to reduce electric load and energy cost, sophisticated electric load forecasting and efficient smart grid operation strategy are required. In this paper, for more accurate electric load forecasting, we extend the data collected at demand time into high time resolution and construct an artificial neural network-based forecasting model appropriate for the high time resolution data. Furthermore, to improve the accuracy of electric load forecasting, time series data of sequence form are transformed into continuous data of two-dimensional space to solve that problem that machine learning methods cannot reflect the periodicity of time series data. In addition, to consider external factors such as temperature and humidity in accordance with the time resolution, we estimate their value at the time resolution using linear interpolation method. Finally, we apply the PCA(Principal Component Analysis) algorithm to the feature vector composed of external factors to remove data which have little correlation with the power data. Finally, we perform the evaluation of our model through 5-fold cross-validation. The results show that forecasting based on higher time resolution improve the accuracy and the best error rate of 3.71% was achieved at the 3-min resolution.