• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간적 접근성 측정방법

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Measures to improve the DEM using SAR images in the river corridor (합성개구레이더 영상을 이용한 하천내 DEM 개선 방안)

  • Kim, Joo-Hun;Noh, Hui-Seong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.11
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    • pp.913-922
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this research is to propose the measurement of improving DEM by using the water surface range of SAR image analysis for river corridors and to suggest the construction of satellite-based 3D river spatial information of inaccessible regions such as North Korea. For this research, it has been progressed from the accessible area, watershed of Namgang river, the branch of Nakdonggang river. The satellite image was collected from SAR satellite image data for a year in 2021 which was provided by ESA from Sentinel-1A/B data and extracted from the seasonal water surface area. Ground gauge water level was collected from hourly intervals data by WAMIS. The DEM was improved by analysis of the river altitude of water surface area change by the combination of the ground water level of minimum to maximum water surface area data extracted from SAR image analysis. After the improvement of DEM, the altitude of the river varied that it is defined to comprise more natural form of river DEM than the existing DEM. The correction validation of improvement DEM was necessary in field survey elevation data; however, the correction validation was not progressed due to the absence of the data. Although, the purpose of this research is to provide the improvement of DEM by using the analyzed water surface by existing DEM data and SAR image analysis. After the progression of additional correction validation research, we would plan to examine the application in other places and to progress the additional methodological research to apply in inaccessible and unmeasured area including the North Korea.

A Study on the Application of River Surveying by Airborne LiDAR (항공라이다의 하천측량 적용 방안 연구)

  • Choi, Byoung Gil;Na, Young Woo;Choo, Ki Hwan;Lee, Jung Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2014
  • The river plan executes the role for prevention of disaster and protection of environment, and requires the surveying results with high accuracies for managing river, dam, reservoir which will be the major infrastructures. The purpose of this study is for comparing and analyzing the results of river surveying which is used widely for disaster management and construction industry support. The results are gathered by using LiDAR which is being used in Korea recently and by using Total station. Study area is chosen at upper area of Bukhan River which is located at Gangwon-do. Total 2 cross-sections of the two methods are extracted from the study area. The standard deviation of land part is about 0.017m which shows little difference between two methods, but the Airborne LiDAR results cannot survey the heights of the points accurately at the singular points with vertical structure and water body part. To overcome the problems through this study, there should be ways to survey the bottom river through transmission of water level within the same margin scope as land part and to survey detailed facilities used by laser exactly through continuous research and experiment. When implementation stage comes, this study expect that this document will be utilized variously for making decision in the area of planning and drawing of business and engineering not just for river regarding the major area or the area that people cannot access.

Estimation of Hydraulic Effects Inside of Riverbank with Experimental Information Modeling (EIM을 이용한 제외지 수리모형 내 수리영향 분석)

  • Oh, Hee-Chang;Kim, Soo-Young;Joo, Sung-Sik;Lee, Seung-Oh
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.147-147
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    • 2011
  • 이상기후 및 극한 홍수 발생빈도의 증가 등으로 인해 많은 수공 구조물이 붕괴 위험에 노출되어 있다. 사전 피해 예방 및 경감을 위해 다양한 수공구조물의 붕괴 현상에 대하여 수리실험적 접근방법을 통한 현상이해 및 예상결과 비교 검증이 필요하다. 그 중에서 제방붕괴에 대한 수리실험은 수치모의를 통한 분석의 어려움 때문에 대부분 모형실험을 통해서 이루어지고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 실제규모의 제방붕괴 선행실험의 측정결과를 활용하여 실험설계에 이용 하였다. 모형은 실험공간의 규모를 고려하여 축척을 1:10 으로하고, 하도내 흐름 안정을 위해 수로의 길이 는 16, 저폭은 $b\geq10h$를 만족하는 하천으로 설계하여 b를 3m로 설정 하였다. Fr수는 0.29로 원형과 동일하게 하고, 그에 따른 유량 ( )는 0.538m/s로 하였다. 실제 모형 제작에서는 현장 실험실의 펌프용량에 따른 가용유량 ($Q__{max}$)의 제약에 따라 수로가 직선이고 좌우가 대칭인 점을 감안하여 폭을 1/2로 절단 하고 유량은 $0.269m^3/s$(Q/2)를 공급하였다. 위와 같이 모형제작을 위한 실험 설계시 현장 여건을 고려하여 모형을 변형할 경우 EIM(Experimental Information Modeling)을 이용한 수리영향에 대한 분석을 통한 설계검증이 필요하다. FLOW-3D를 이용한 3차원 수치모의를 통하여 동일 지점에서의 유속과 수심을 분석하여 흐름양상을 비교 하였으며, 유속과 수심의 측정위치는 그림 1에 도시하였다. 수치모의 결과 측정지점에서의 수위가 하도 바닥을 기준으로 0.25m로 동일할 경우 수로 단면에 대한 유속 분포가 제방을 기준으로 2b/3까지는 유사한 경향을 보였다. 그 결과, $b\geq10h$인 수로에서 제방붕괴를 위한 모형 설계시 하도 폭을 1/2만 만들 경우에도 실험의 신뢰성이 확보된다는 것을 확인하였다.

  • PDF

Can We Hear the Shape of a Noise Source\ulcorner (소음원의 모양을 들어서 상상할 수 있을까\ulcorner)

  • Kim, Yang-Hann
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.586-603
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    • 2004
  • One of the subtle problems that make noise control difficult for engineers is “the invisibility of noise or sound.” The visual image of noise often helps to determine an appropriate means for noise control. There have been many attempts to fulfill this rather challenging objective. Theoretical or numerical means to visualize the sound field have been attempted and as a result, a great deal of progress has been accomplished, for example in the field of visualization of turbulent noise. However, most of the numerical methods are not quite ready to be applied practically to noise control issues. In the meantime, fast progress has made it possible instrumentally by using multiple microphones and fast signal processing systems, although these systems are not perfect but are useful. The state of the art system is recently available but still has many problematic issues : for example, how we can implement the visualized noise field. The constructed noise or sound picture always consists of bias and random errors, and consequently it is often difficult to determine the origin of the noise and the spatial shape of noise, as highlighted in the title. The first part of this paper introduces a brief history, which is associated with “sound visualization,” from Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing on vortex street (Fig. 1) to modern acoustic holography and what has been accomplished by a line or surface array. The second part introduces the difficulties and the recent studies. These include de-Dopplerization and do-reverberation methods. The former is essential for visualizing a moving noise source, such as cars or trains. The latter relates to what produces noise in a room or closed space. Another mar issue associated this sound/noise visualization is whether or not Ivecan distinguish mutual dependence of noise in space : for example, we are asked to answer the question, “Can we see two birds singing or one bird with two beaks?"

An Introduction to the DECOVALEX-2019 Task G: EDZ Evolution - Reliability, Feasibility, and Significance of Measurements of Conductivity and Transmissivity of the Rock Mass (DECOVALEX-2019 Task G 소개: EDZ Evolution - 굴착손상영역 평가를 위한 수리전도도 및 투수량계수 측정의 신뢰도, 적합성 및 중요성)

  • Kwon, Saeha;Min, Ki-Bok
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.306-319
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    • 2020
  • Characterizations of Excavation Damage Zone (EDZ), which is hydro-mechanical degrading the host rock, are the important issues on the geological repository for the spent nuclear fuel. In the DECOVALEX 2019 project, Task G aimed to model the fractured rock numerically, describe the hydro-mechanical behavior of EDZ, and predict the change of the hydraulic factor during the lifetime of the geological repository. Task G prepared two-dimensional fractured rock model to compare the characteristics of each simulation tools in Work Package 1, validated the extended three-dimensional model using the TAS04 in-situ interference tests from Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory in Work Package 2, and applied the thermal and glacial loads to monitor the long-term hydro-mechanical response on the fractured rock in Work Package 3. Each modelling team adopted both Finite Element Method (FEM) and Discrete Element Method (DEM) to simulate the hydro-mechanical behavior of the fracture rock, and added the various approaches to describe the EDZ and fracture geometry which are appropriate to each simulation method. Therefore, this research can introduce a variety of numerical approaches and considerations to model the geological repository for the spent nuclear fuel in the crystalline fractured rock.

Location Positioning System Based on K-NN for Sensor Networks (센서네트워크를 위한 K-NN 기반의 위치 추정 시스템)

  • Kim, Byoung-Kug;Hong, Won-Gil
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.1112-1125
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    • 2012
  • To realize LBS (Location Based Service), typically GPS is mostly used. However, this system can be only used in out-sides. Furthermore, the use of the GPS in sensor networks is not efficient due to the low power consumption. Hence, we propose methods for the location positioning which is runnable at indoor in this paper. The proposed methods elaborate the location positioning system via applying K-NN(K-Nearest Neighbour) Algorithm with its intermediate values based on IEEE 802.15.4 technology; which is mostly used for the sensor networks. Logically the accuracy of the location positioning is proportional to the number of sampling sensor nodes' RSS according to the K-NN. By the way, numerous sampling uses a lot of sensor networks' resources. In order to reduce the number of samplings, we, instead, attempt to use the intermediate values of K-NN's signal boundaries, so that our proposed methods are able to positioning almost two times as accurate as the general ways of K-NN's result.

Development of a UAV-Based Urban Thermal Comfort Assessment Method (UAV 기반 도시 공간의 열 쾌적성 평가기법 개발)

  • Seounghyeon Kim;Bonggeun Song;Kyunghun Park
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.61-77
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a method for rapidly diagnosing urban thermal comfort using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based data. The research was conducted at Changwon National University's College of Engineering site and Yongji Park, both located in Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do. Baseline data were collected using field measurements and UAVs. Specifically, the study calculated field measurement-based thermal comfort indices PET and UTCI, and used UAVs to create and analyze vegetation index (NDVI), sky view factor (SVF), and land surface temperature (LST) images. The results showed that UAV-predicted PET and UTCI had high correlations of 0.662 and 0.721, respectively, within a 1% significance level. The explanatory power of the prediction model was 43.8% for PET and 52.6% for UTCI, with RMSE values of 6.32℃ for PET and 3.16℃ for UTCI, indicating that UTCI is more suitable for UAV-based thermal comfort evaluation. The developed method offers significant time-saving advantages over traditional approaches and can be utilized for real-time urban thermal comfort assessment and mitigation planning

Outdoor Noise Propagation: Geometry Based Algorithm (옥외 소음의 전파: 음 추적 알고리즘)

  • 박지헌;김정태
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.339-438
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents a method to simulate noise propagation by a computer for outdoor environment. Sound propagated in 3 dimensional space generates reflected waves whenever it hits boundary surfaces. If a receiver is away from a sound source, it receives multiple sound waves which are reflected from various boundary surfaces in space. The algorithm being developed in this paper is based on a ray sound theory. If we get 3 dimensional geometry input as well as sound sources, we can compute sound effects all over the boundary surfaces. In this paper, we present two approaches to compute sound: the first approach, called forward tracing, traces sounds forwards from sound sources. while the second approach, called geometry based computation, computes possible propagation routes between sources and receivers. We compare two approaches and suggest the geometry based sound computation for outdoor simulation. Also this approach is very efficient in the sense we can save computational time compared to the forward sound tracing. Sound due to impulse-response is governed by physical environments. When a sound source waveform and numerically computed impulse in time is convoluted, the result generates a synthetic sound. This technique can be easily generalized to synthesize realistic stereo sounds for virtual reality, while the simulation result is visualized using VRML.

Signature-based Indexing Scheme for Similar Sub-Trajectory Retrieval of Moving Objects (이동 객체의 유사 부분궤적 검색을 위한 시그니쳐-기반 색인 기법)

  • Shim, Choon-Bo;Chang, Jae-Woo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.2
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    • pp.247-258
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    • 2004
  • Recently, there have been researches on storage and retrieval technique of moving objects, which are highly concerned by user in database application area such as video databases, spatio-temporal databases, and mobile databases. In this paper, we propose a new signature-based indexing scheme which supports similar sub-trajectory retrieval at well as good retrieval performance on moving objects trajectories. Our signature-based indexing scheme is classified into concatenated signature-based indexing scheme for similar sub-trajectory retrieval, entitled CISR scheme and superimposed signature-based indexing scheme for similar sub-trajectory retrieval, entitled SISR scheme according to generation method of trajectory signature based on trajectory data of moving object. Our indexing scheme can improve retrieval performance by reducing a large number of disk access on data file because it first scans all signatures and does filtering before accessing the data file. In addition, we can encourage retrieval efficiency by appling k-warping algorithm to measure the similarity between query trajectory and data trajectory. Final]y, we evaluate the performance on sequential scan method(SeqScan), CISR scheme, and SISR scheme in terms of data insertion time, retrieval time, and storage overhead. We show from our experimental results that both CISR scheme and SISR scheme are better than sequential scan in terms of retrieval performance and SISR scheme is especially superior to the CISR scheme.

Urban Street Planting Scenarios Simulation for Micro-scale Urban Heat Island Effect Mitigation in Seoul (미시적 열섬현상 저감을 위한 도시 가로수 식재 시나리오별 분석 - 서울시를 대상으로 -)

  • Kwon, You Jin;Lee, Dong Kun;Ahn, Saekyul
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2019
  • Global warming becomes a serious issue that poses subsidiary issues like a sea level rise or a capricious climate over the world. Because of severe heat-wave of the summer in Korea in 2016, a big attention has been focused on urban heat island since then. Not just about heat-wave itself, many researches have been concentrated on how to adapt in this trendy warming climate and weather in a small scope. A big part of existing studies is mitigating "Urban Heat Island effect" and that is because of huge impervious surface in urban area where highly populated areas do diverse activities. It is a serious problem that this thermal context has a high possibility causing mortality by heat vulnerability. However, there have been many articles of a green infrastructures' cooling impact in summer. This research pays attention to measure cooling effect of a street planting considering urban canyon and type of green infrastructures in neighborhood scale. This quantitative approach was proceeded by ENVI-met simulation with a spatial scope of a commercial block in Seoul, Korea. We found the dense double-row planting is more sensitive to change in temperature than that of the single-row. Among the double-row planting scenarios, shrubs which have narrow space between the plant and the land surface were found to store heat inside during the daytime and prevent emitting heat so as to have a higher temperature at night. The quantifying an amount of vegetated spaces' cooling effect research is expected to contribute to a study of the cost and benefit for the planting scenarios' assessment in the future.