• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간관리

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Big-Data Traffic Analysis for the Campus Network Resource Efficiency (학내 망 자원 효율화를 위한 빅 데이터 트래픽 분석)

  • An, Hyun-Min;Lee, Su-Kang;Sim, Kyu-Seok;Kim, Ik-Han;Jin, Seo-Hoon;Kim, Myung-Sup
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.541-550
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    • 2015
  • The importance of efficient enterprise network management has been emphasized continuously because of the rapid utilization of Internet in a limited resource environment. For the efficient network management, the management policy that reflects the characteristics of a specific network extracted from long-term traffic analysis is essential. However, the long-term traffic data could not be handled in the past and there was only simple analysis with the shot-term traffic data. However, as the big data analytics platforms are developed, the long-term traffic data can be analyzed easily. Recently, enterprise network resource efficiency through the long-term traffic analysis is required. In this paper, we propose the methods of collecting, storing and managing the long-term enterprise traffic data. We define several classification categories, and propose a novel network resource efficiency through the multidirectional statistical analysis of classified long-term traffic. The proposed method adopted to the campus network for the evaluation. The analysis results shows that, for the efficient enterprise network management, the QoS policy must be adopted in different rules that is tuned by time, space, and the purpose.

A Study on the Improvements of eBook Services for Children in the Public Library (공공도서관 어린이 전자책 서비스 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Ji-Won
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.63-87
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to analyse the actual condition of the ebook services and propose the improvements of ebook services for children in the Korean public library. For this purpose, the current condition of the ebook services in the public libraries were analyzed and categorized by three criteria. Secondly, the ebook use analysis was conducted using PCs and mobile devices in terms of access to ebook library site, searching method, contents type and viewer, lending process, and user help. As a result of the analysis, several issues such as the difficulty in access to ebook site, the complexity of setting and usage depending on the file format, the insufficient user guide, the relatively lower quality service than the commercial's, and the lack of retrieval functions specialized for the ebook were presented. The improvement plan for the ebook services, especially for children in the public library was suggested.

A Foreign Serials Overlap Study for Collaborative Collection Development (협력형 자원개발을 위한 해외학술지 중복 연구)

  • Hwang, Hye-Kyong;Kim, Soon-Young;Lee, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.131-161
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    • 2008
  • Recently electronic journal articles prevail throughout researchers because of the development of internet and electronic publishing technology. It is caused by limited collection development budget, lack of physical storage space for printed journals in libraries, and the user convenience of web services. But from the view of ownership, electronic journals can be unfavorable to information users or libraries who cannot have the permanent right to access all the subscribed journals. Actually the libraries only have right to access journals for subscription periods in using electronic journals. So the users and libraries are willing to purchase printed journals in spite of high cost. As an basis for collaborative collection development and sharing preservation of Korean libraries for the foreign journals, the data analysis is carried out for the journals collection in terms of regional distribution, overlapping status, and journal subject. And the considerables are discussed for collaborative strategic collection development, which means the reduction of overlapped subscription and maximization of utilization in a national standpoint.

Classification of Unit Ecosystems in Damyang Riverine Wetland (담양 하천습지 내 단위 생태계의 분류)

  • Son, Myoung Won;Chang, Mun Gi;Yoon, Kwang Sung;Choi, Tae Bong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2013
  • Damyang Wetland Reserve with $980,575m^2$ area is located in Damyang-gun, Jeonlanam-do and Buk-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City. The purpose of this paper is to divide Damyang riverine wetland into several geomorphic units, to analyze their sediments, and to categorize small ecosystem units composing riverine wetland. Riverine wetlands are classified into three types such as riverbed-, floodplain-, and abandoned-channel-wetland, and Damyang riverine wetland belongs to riverbed-wetland type. In this paper to categorize small geomorphic units of riverine wetland, we divide small geomorphic units from aircraft images analysis, and modify and supplement them following field survey results. Damyang Wetland Reserve is categorized into 22 ecosystem units. That physical and chemical properties of their sediments are different spatially, implicate that inorganic environment of Damyang riverine wetland ecosystem is very extensive. On the basis of the results of this study, policymakers will be able to design a strategy which manage Damyang Riverine Wetland Reserve more effectively, and for them interdisciplinary researches on relationships between various fluvial landforms and various lifeforms inhabiting them in Damyang Riverine Wetland Reserve are required.

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Personal Information Detection by Using Na$\ddot{i}$ve Bayes Methodology (Na$\ddot{i}$ve Bayes 방법론을 이용한 개인정보 분류)

  • Kim, Nam-Won;Park, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.91-107
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    • 2012
  • As the Internet becomes more popular, many people use it to communicate. With the increasing number of personal homepages, blogs, and social network services, people often expose their personal information online. Although the necessity of those services cannot be denied, we should be concerned about the negative aspects such as personal information leakage. Because it is impossible to review all of the past records posted by all of the people, an automatic personal information detection method is strongly required. This study proposes a method to detect or classify online documents that contain personal information by analyzing features that are common to personal information related documents and learning that information based on the Na$\ddot{i}$ve Bayes algorithm. To select the document classification algorithm, the Na$\ddot{i}$ve Bayes classification algorithm was compared with the Vector Space classification algorithm. The result showed that Na$\ddot{i}$ve Bayes reveals more excellent precision, recall, F-measure, and accuracy than Vector Space does. However, the measurement level of the Na$\ddot{i}$ve Bayes classification algorithm is still insufficient to apply to the real world. Lewis, a learning algorithm researcher, states that it is important to improve the quality of category features while applying learning algorithms to some specific domain. He proposes a way to incrementally add features that are dependent on related documents and in a step-wise manner. In another experiment, the algorithm learns the additional dependent features thereby reducing the noise of the features. As a result, the latter experiment shows better performance in terms of measurement than the former experiment does.

Bitmap Indexes and Query Processing Strategies for Relational XML Twig Queries (관계형 XML 가지 패턴 질의를 위한 비트맵 인덱스와 질의 처리 기법)

  • Lee, Kyong-Ha;Moon, Bong-Ki;Lee, Kyu-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.146-164
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    • 2010
  • Due to an increasing volume of XML data, it is considered prudent to store XML data on an industry-strength database system instead of relying on a domain specific application or a file system. For shredded XML data stored in relational tables, however, it may not be straightforward to apply existing algorithms for twig query processing, since most of the algorithms require XML data to be accessed in a form of streams of elements grouped by their tags and sorted in a particular order. In order to support XML query processing within the common framework of relational database systems, we first propose several bitmap indexes and their strategies for supporting holistic twig joining on XML data stored in relational tables. Since bitmap indexes are well supported in most of the commercial and open-source database systems, the proposed bitmapped indexes and twig query processing strategies can be incorporated into relational query processing framework with more ease. The proposed query processing strategies are efficient in terms of both time and space, because the compressed bitmap indexes stay compressed during data access. In addition, we propose a hybrid index which computes twig query solutions with only bit-vectors, without accessing labeled XML elements stored in the relational tables.

Broadcasting and Caching Schemes for Location-dependent Queries in Urban Areas (도심환경에서 위치의존 질의를 위한 방송과 캐싱 기법)

  • Jung Il-dong;Yu Young-ho;Lee Jong-hwan;Kim Kyongsok
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.56-70
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    • 2005
  • The results of location-dependent queries(LDQ) generally depend on the current locations of query issuers. Many mechanisms, e.g. broadcast scheme, hoarding, or racking policy, have been developed to improve the system peformance and provide better services, which are specialized for LDQs. Considering geographical adjacency of data and characteristics oi target area, caching policy and broadcast scheme affect the overall performance in LDQ. For this reason, we propose both the caching policy and broadcast scheme, which these features are reflected in. Based on the adjacency of data in LDQ, our broadcast scheme use Hilbert curve to cluster data. Moreover, in order to develop the caching policy suitable for LDQ on urban area, we apply the moving distance of a MH(Mobile Host) to our caching policy We evaluate the performance of the caching policy measuring the workload of MHs and the correctness of LDQ results and the performance of the broadcast scheme measuring the average setup-time of MHs in our experiments. Finally, we expect that our caching policy Provides more correct answers when executing LDQ in focal cache and leads significant improvement of the performance of MHs. It also seems quite probable that our broadcast scheme leads improvement of battery life of the MH.

Design and Implementation of Autonomic De-fragmentation for File System Aging (파일 시스템 노화를 해소하기 위한 자동적인 단편화 해결 시스템의 설계와 구현)

  • Lee, Jun-Seok;Park, Hyun-Chan;Yoo, Chuck
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.16A no.2
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2009
  • Existing techniques for defragmentation of the file system need intensive disk operation for some periods at specific time such as disk defragmentation program. In this paper, for solving this problem, we design and implement the automatic and continuous defragmentation free system by distributing the disk operation. We propose the Automatic Layout Scoring(ALS) mechanism for measuring defragmentation degree and suggest the Lazy Copy mechanism that copies the defragmented data at idle time for scattering the disk operation. We search the defragmented file by Automatic Layout Scoring mechanism and then find for empty spaces for that searched file. After lazy copy of searched fils to empty space for preventing that file from being lost, the algorithm solves the defragmentation problem by updating the I-node of that file. We implement these algorithms in Linux and evaluate them for small and defragmented file to get the layout scoring. We outperform the Linux EXT2 file system by $2.4%{\sim}10.4%$ in layout scoring evaluation. And the performance of read and write for various file size is better than the EXT2 by $1%{\sim}8.5%$ for write performance and by $1.2%{\sim}7.5%$ for read performance. We suggest this system for solving the problem of defragmentation automatically without disturbing the I/O task and manual management.

A Ranking Cleaning Policy for Embedded Flash File Systems (임베디드 플래시 파일시스템을 위한 순위별 지움 정책)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ki;Park, Sung-Min;Kim, Chae-Kyu
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.9A no.4
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    • pp.399-404
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    • 2002
  • Along the evolution of information and communication technologies, manufacturing embedded systems such as PDA (personal digital assistant), HPC (hand -held PC), settop box. and information appliance became realistic. And RTOS (real-time operating system) and filesystem have been played essential re]os within the embedded systems as well. For the filesystem of embedded systems, flash memory has been used extensively instead of traditional hard disk drives because of embedded system's requirements like portability, fast access time, and low power consumption. Other than these requirements, nonvolatile storage characteristic of flash memory is another reason for wide adoption in industry. However, there are some technical challenges to cope with to use the flash memory as an indispensable component of the embedded systems. These would be relatively slow cleaning time and the limited number of times to write-and-clean. In this paper, a new cleaning policy is proposed to overcome the problems mentioned above and relevant performance comparison results will be provided. Ranking cleaning policy(RCP) decides when and where to clean within the flash memory considering the cost of cleaning and the number of times of cleaning. This method will maximize not only the lifetime of flash memory but also the performance of access time and manageability. As a result of performance comparison, RCP has showed about 10 ~ 50% of performance evolution compared to traditional policies, Greedy and Cost-benefit methods, by write throughputs.

A Study on the Development of Cyberpolice Volunteer System Using the Collective Intellectual Network (집단지성 네트워크형 사이버폴리스 자원봉사시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Doo-Hyun;Park, Sung-Joon;Na, Gi-Sung
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.61
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    • pp.59-85
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    • 2019
  • In the reality that the boundary between the real world and the virtual world disappears with the 4th Industrial Revolution, cyber crimes that occur beyond time and space have clear limitations in fulfilling their duties only with the police force of government organizations established under the real law system. The research method of this thesis is based on the literature research and the experience of security work. The purpose of this paper is to establish a social system where collective intelligence of each social field can participate voluntarily to respond to cyber crimes occurring beyond the time and space before the law and institutionalization. In addition, the social system in which collective intelligence in each social sector can participate voluntarily was established to define crime types in cyberspace in real time and to prevent crimes defined by the people themselves and the counter-measures had been proposed in order to form social consensus. First, it is necessary to establish a collective intelligent network-type cyberpolice volunteer system. The organization consists of professors of security and security related departments at universities nationwide, retired public officials from the National Intelligence Service, the National Police Agency, and the National Emergency Management Agency, security companies and the organizations, civilian investigators, security & guard, firefighting, police, transportation, intelligence, security, national security, and research experts. Second, private sector regulation should be established newly under the Security Business Act. Third, the safety guard of the collective intelligent cyberpolice volunteer system for the stability of the people's lives should strengthen volunteer work. Fourth, research lessons and legal countermeasures against cybercrime in advanced countries should be introduced. Fifth, the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Act on the Utilization and Protection of Credit Information, and the Special Act on the Materials and Parts Industry should be amended. Sixth, police officers should develop cybercrime awareness skills for proactive prevention activities.