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Sur la notion d'imagination naturelle de Du Bellay (뒤 벨레의 '자연스러운 상상력' 개념 연구)

  • 손주경
    • 한국프랑스학논집
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    • v.108
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    • pp.69-113
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    • 2019
  • S'il est évident que la publication de la Deffence marquait le triomphe du français sur le latin dans le domaine littéraire, elle annonçait également une nouvelle idée sur l'imagination à laquelle Du Bellay préfère le mot d'invention(inventio). Aux yeux de Du Bellay, l'art n'est que la part la plus superficielle du travail poétique. L'essentiel de la poésie, sa "sève" ou son "énergie" réside dans son contenu intellectuel. Pour inventer, c'est-à-dire trouver cet energeia des choses, si l'on reprend le terme d'Aristote, et ce qui constitue l'objet de l'imitation et de la représentation, le poète doit faire opérer l'imagination naturelle par laquelle peut se découvrir ce qui est caché dans la nature ou ce que la Nature a caché dans les choses imitées. Cette invention ou cette imagination naturelle exige au poète de se munir non seulement de la finesse et de la sagacité intellectuelles mais de l'art naturel qui se différencie de l'art porté sur "la nue écorce", parce qu'il peut transposer le naturel des choses en langue poétique et fictive. Cela peut témoigner aussi de l'inspiration authentique du poète. Cette idée sur le dynamisme créatif de l'imagination naturelle permet au poète de saisir la force vitale immanente aux choses qu'il imite. Du Bellay refuse ainsi de considérer les forces productrices du texte comme objectives, extérieures au poète. Considérée jusqu'ici comme comme une manifestation de la Pléiade pour la langue française, la Deffence nous propose une des idées primordiales sur l'imagination qui découvre "la vive Energie" qui caractérise le naturel. Cette notion d'imagination naturelle contibue à assurer l'individualité et la créativité aux poètes, puisqu'ils auront la liberté de saisir le naturel invisible en se donnant la propre manière.

Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries in Naver News by Web Crolling : Based on Keyword Analysis and Semantic Network Analysis (웹 크롤링에 의한 네이버 뉴스에서의 한국농수산대학 - 키워드 분석과 의미연결망분석 -)

  • Joo, J.S.;Lee, S.Y.;Kim, S.H.;Park, N.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.71-86
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to find information on the university's image from words related to 'Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries (KNCAF)' in Naver News. For this purpose, word frequency analysis, TF-IDF evaluation and semantic network analysis were performed using web crawling technology. In word frequency analysis, 'agriculture', 'education', 'support', 'farmer', 'youth', 'university', 'business', 'rural', 'CEO' were important words. In the TF-IDF evaluation, the key words were 'farmer', 'dron', 'agricultural and livestock food department', 'Jeonbuk', 'young farmer', 'agriculture', 'Chonju', 'university', 'device', 'spreading'. In the semantic network analysis, the Bigrams showed high correlations in the order of 'youth' - 'farmer', 'digital' - 'agriculture', 'farming' - 'settlement', 'agriculture' - 'rural', 'digital' - 'turnover'. As a result of evaluating the importance of keywords as five central index, 'agriculture' ranked first. And the keywords in the second place of the centrality index were 'farmers' (Cc, Cb), 'education' (Cd, Cp) and 'future' (Ce). The sperman's rank correlation coefficient by centrality index showed the most similar rank between Degree centrality and Pagerank centrality. The KNCAF articles of Naver News were used as important words such as 'agriculture', 'education', 'support', 'farmer', 'youth' in terms of word frequency. However, in the evaluation including document frequency, the words such as 'farmer', 'dron', 'Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs', 'Jeonbuk', and 'young farmers' were found to be key words. The centrality analysis considering the network connectivity between words was suitable for evaluation by Cd and Cp. And the words with strong centrality were 'agriculture', 'education', 'future', 'farmer', 'digital', 'support', 'utilization'.

Embryonic and Larval Development of Slender Catfish, Silurus microdorsalis Mori, 1936, Endemic to Korea (한국 고유종 미유기(Silurus microdorsalis Mori, 1936)의 난 발생 및 자치어 형태발달)

  • Kang-Rae Kim;Yeong-Ho Kwak;Mu-Sung Sung;Heon Yang;Seong-Jang Cho;Bong Han Yun;In-Chul Bang
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2023
  • The early life history of Silurus microdorsalis living in Jahocheon Stream was studied by observing egg and morphological development. Live fish were captured in June 2018, then reared in a circulating filtration system under a 14L : 10D photoperiod with a water temperature of 18℃. To artificially induce spawning, females were injected with 0.5 mL of Ovaprim (Syndel, Nanaimo, BC, Canada) per kg of body weight, and males were injected with 10,000 IU/kg body weight of human chorionic gonadotropin. Approximately 15 h later, eggs were artificially inseminated by the dry method. Mature eggs were light pale yellow, which separated them from immature eggs. Fertilized eggs were 2.16±0.06 mm (n=8) in diameter and fully hatched at 181 h after fertilization. The fertilization rate was 63.1±2.2%, and 10.0±3.7% of the embryos were malformed at 18℃. The rates of development were 181 h at 18℃, 109 h at 21℃, and 76 h at 24℃. The larval size immediately after hatching was 4.64±0.22 mm (n=8), and the larvae displayed negative phototaxis at 1 day after hatching. The total larval length on 7 days after hatching was 12.47±0.53 mm, with 25~30 basal anal fin rays and 14~16 basal caudal fin rays observed. The total larval length was 14.13±0.51 mm on 9 days after hatching, and approximately 90% of the black endoplasmic reticulum was deposited on the head and body. The dorsal fin had formed, and a single basal body was observed. On 15 days after hatching, the total larval length was 16.69±0.31 mm; the number of basal caudal fin rays (18 poles) was an integer because 2 dorsal fin basal rays and 60~63 anal fin basal rays were observed. The total larval length was 28.96±1.10 mm on 50 days after hatching; the numbers of caudal fins (n=18), dorsal fins (n=3), pectoral fins (n=11), and anal fin basal rays (n=67~73) were integers.

Pathophysiology of olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus suffering from emaciation (여윔증 넙치, Paralichthys olivaceus의 증상에 대한 병태생리학적 고찰)

  • Kim, Yi-Kyung;Jeong, Joon-Bum;Lee, Mu-Kun;Park, Soo-Il;Park, Myeong-Ae;Choe, Mi-Kyung;Yeo, In-Kyu
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2011
  • This study was aimed to investigate the pathophysiological changes of olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus suffering from emaciation. A plasma osmolality was higher in the emaciated and control flounders than that of normal teleost, suggesting osmoregulatory failure in both of them. Also, the control in the same stock with emaciated flounder seem to be classified into a primary degree of emaciation. According to microscopic observations, the inflammatory responses were observed in the submucosal layer of anterior intestine, although the some of mucosal intestinal epithelium still remained. It was suggested that the pathological changes of the anterior part give rise to malabsorption of nutrients through the mucosa. In the posterior intestine and rectum, the mucosal epithelium were almostly sloughed off and severe inflammatory responses were observed in the submucosa. Immunoreaction for NKCC was not detected in the mucosal epithelial cells in intestine because of sloughing of epithelium. These changes would lead to functional disorder in the intestine, such as malabsorption of nutrients and osmoregulatory failure. Also important is to investigate the recovery phase.

Train interval control and train-centric distributed interlocking algorithm for autonomous train driving control system (열차자율주행제어시스템을 위한 간격제어와 차상중심 분산형 연동 알고리즘)

  • Oh, Sehchan;Kim, Kyunghee;Choi, Hyeonyeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • Train control systems have changed from wayside electricity-centric to onboard communications-centric. The latest train control system, the CBTC system, has high efficiency for interval control based on two-way radio communications between the onboard and wayside systems. However, since the wayside system is the center of control, the number of input trains to allow a wayside system is limited, and due to the cyclic-path control flows between onboard and wayside systems, headway improvement is limited. In this paper, we propose a train interval-control and train-centric distributed interlocking algorithm for an autonomous train-driving control system. Because an autonomous train-driving control system performs interval and branch control onboard, both tracks and switches are shared resources as well as semaphore elements. The proposed autonomous train-driving control performs train interval control via direct communication between trains or between trains and track-side apparatus, instead of relying on control commands from ground control systems. The proposed interlocking algorithm newly defines the semaphore scheme using a unique key for the shared resource, and a switch that is not accessed at the same time by the interlocking system within each train. The simulated results show the proposed autonomous train-driving control system improves interval control performance, and safe train control is possible with a simplified interlocking algorithm by comparing the proposed train-centric distributed interlocking algorithm and various types of interlock logic performed in existing interlocking systems.

The Distribution and Characteristics of Geographical Names on 1:50,000 Topographic Map of the Korean Peninsula in the Early 20th Century ("오만분일지형도(五萬分一地形圖)"에 나타난 20세기 초 한반도의 지명 분포와 특성)

  • Kim, Sun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.87-103
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    • 2008
  • The geographical name is an expression of human knowledge about living conditions and a basic tool for understanding about regional cultures and history as a result of spatiotemporal changes. This study aims to understand the historical and regional characteristics by analyzing the frequency and distribution of geographical names of 1:50,000 topographic map in the early 20th century and materializing on electronic cultural atlas. The result of this analysis is as follows. First, the aspect of distributed geographical names on the Korean Peninsula reflects a general trait of the country's natural and human environment included geographical features, population, arable land, the number of counties and villages, and functions of administration and military, etc. Second, through the frequency and weight of their names, the analysis shows not only the change of native names, but also the country's phase of the time by Japanese colonial policies such as exploitation of resources, the construction of railroads, and a desire to control of the border area with Manchuria. In addition, the study identified regional characteristics and differences in environmental perception and preferences, and naming basis and forms by the comparative analysis of each type of geographical names associated with village and ridge such as 'Chi' 'Ryung' 'Duk' 'Hang' 'Pyeong' 'Gok'. In particular, those characteristics were largely affected from environmental difference of each area.

Input and Output Characteristics of Input Current Controlled Inverter Arc Welding Machine with High Efficiency (입력전류 제어형 고효율 인버터아크용접시스템의 입력 및 출력 특성연구)

  • 최규하
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.358-369
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    • 2000
  • Shielded metal arc welding machines with AC transformer have been widely used for thin-plate welding applications. Because of being bulky, heavy and of tap-changing property, so the SMAW's are changing to new power electronic circuits such as inverter circuit in order to reduce the system size and also to improve the welding performances at input output sides. The PWM inverter arc welding machine with diode rectifier has better output welding performances but it is has the plentiful harmonics and the lower input power factor. To solve these problems, input current-controlled scheme is considered for PWM inverter arc welding system, and then total input power factor is maintained to be more than 99%. Also a new combined control is proposed which can control both instantaeous welding output voltage and current under constant power condition, and as a result the variations of instantaneous current and voltage can be reduced to very narrow range in the V-I curve relationship, and hence the variance of welding current and voltage become so reduced. In addition the spatter generated during welding process is greatly reduced up to 70%. And the overall effiency can be improved up to 10%, which becomes higher when the load is lower.

  • PDF

A Study on the Intelligence Information System's Research Identity Using the Keywords Profiling and Co-word Analysis (주제어 프로파일링 및 동시출현분석을 통한 지능정보시스템 연구의 정체성에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Seong Jeong;Kim, Min Yong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to find the research identity of the Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society through the profiling methods and co-word analysis in the most recent three-year('2014~'2016) study to collect keyword. In order to understand the research identity for intelligence information system, we need that the relative position of the study will be to compare identity by collecting keyword and research methodology of The korea Society of Management Information Systems and Korea Association of Information Systems, as well as Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society for the similar. Also, Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society is focusing on the four research areas such as artificial intelligence/data mining, Intelligent Internet, knowledge management and optimization techniques. So, we analyze research trends with a representative journals for the focusing on the four research areas. A journal of the data-related will be investigated with the keyword and research methodology in Korean Society for Big Data Service and the Korean Journal of Big Data. Through this research, we will find to research trends with research keyword in recent years and compare against the study methodology and analysis tools. Finally, it is possible to know the position and orientation of the current research trends in Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society. As a result, this study revealed a study area that Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society only be pursued through a unique reveal its legitimacy and identity. So, this research can suggest future research areas to intelligent information systems specifically. Furthermore, we will predict convergence possibility of the similar research areas and Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society in overall ecosystem perspectives.

Fish Community and Upstream of Glass Eels (Anguilla japonica) in the Imjin River Estuary, Korea (임진강 하구역의 어류 군집과 실뱀장어 소상)

  • Byeon, Hwa-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.47 no.spc
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2014
  • The fish community and upstream of glass eels (Anguilla japonica) in the Imjin River estuary Gyeonggi-do, Korea was investigated from 2008 to 2012. During the surveyed period 43 species belonging to 18 families were collected. Korean endemic species was Microphysogobio jeoni which showed a ration of 0.04% in collected species. Exotic fishes were Carassius cuvieri and Ctenophayngodon idellus, and comprised 0.06% of the total individual number. Among the fish species observed, 17 species of the freshwater fish (40.5%), 6 species of migration fish (14.2%), 8 species of the brackish water fish (19.1%) and 11 species of sea water fish (26.1%). In terms of composition ration, Anguilla japonica (glass eels, 49.8%), Coilia ectens (23.3%), Saurogobio dabryi (8.1%), Repomucenus olidus (3.3%), Lateolabrax maculata (2.9%) and Chelon haematocheilus (2.8%) were found to display high individual number. On the other hand, C. ectens (33.6%), C. haematocheilus (14.2%), Cyprinus carpio (10.5%), Mugil cephalus (9.1%) and S. dabryi (7.6%) were dominated of biomass. The dominant species of individual was A. japonica (glass eels), and subdomint species included C. ectens. The fish biomass catched of fisherman in the Imjin River (Paju-si) were 83.6~240.3 t by each year. The year 2011 and 2012 were decreased rapidly. Among these, M. cephalus (48.0~80.0%), C. carpio (6.7%), Carassius auratus (4.9%), Silurus asotus (3.9%), Takifugu obscurus (2.5%), Anguilla japonica (adult, 2.2%) and Pseudobagrus fulvidraco (2.1%) dominated of biomass. Body weight of glass eels at each year were 0.03~ 1.13 t, average 212.0 kg and 1,325,000 individual by 0.16 g each one individual.

Performance Evaluation of Re-ranking and Query Expansion for Citation Metrics: Based on Citation Index Databases (인용 지표를 이용한 재순위화 및 질의 확장의 성능 평가 - 인용색인 데이터베이스를 기반으로 -)

  • HyeKyung Lee;Yong-Gu lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.249-277
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the potential contribution of citation metrics to improving the search performance of citation index databases. To this end, the study generated ten queries in the field of library and information science and conducted experiments based on the relevance assessment using 3,467 documents retrieved from the Web of Science and 60,734 documents published in 85 SSCI journals in the field of library and information science from 2000 to 2021. The experiments included re-ranking of the top 100 search results using citation metrics and search methods, query expansion experiments using vector space model retrieval systems, and the construction of a citation-based re-ranking system. The results are as follows: 1) Re-ranking using citation metrics differed from Web of Science's performance, acting as independent metrics. 2) Combining query term frequencies and citation counts positively affected performance. 3) Query expansion generally improved performance compared to the vector space model baseline. 4) User-based query expansion outperformed system-based. 5) Combining citation counts with suitability documents affected ranking within top suitability documents.