• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고속 추진

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A Technical Review of Endothermic Fuel Use on High Speed Flight Cooling (흡열연료를 이용한 고속비행체 냉각기술 동향)

  • Kim, Joong-Yeon;Park, Sun-Hee;Chun, Byung-Hee;Kim, Sung-Hyun;Jeong, Byung-Hun;Han, Jeong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2010
  • As hypersonic flight speeds and engines efficiencies increase, heat loads on an aircraft and it's engine increase. Because the temperature of the air flow is too high to cool the aircraft structure at hypersonic flight speeds, it is essential to use the aircraft fuel as the primary coolant. Endothermic fuels are liquid hydrocarbon aircraft fuels which are able to absorb the heat loads by undergoing endothermic reactions, such as thermal and catalytic cracking. The endothermic reactions are improved by catalysts which change the extent of reaction and product distribution. At high temperature, liquid hydrocarbons would lead to coke formation that can reduce the effectiveness of heat exchanger and cause rapid degradation of the catalyst, thus endothermic capacity of endothermic fuels is limited to the temperature at which coke doesn't form. In this study, the essential cooling technologies by applying endothermic fuels and the properties of the endothermic fuels are described.

Experimental Study on the Two-Stage Light-Gas Gun (2단 경가스총에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Kuen;Lee, Jong-Sung;Kim, Heuy-Dong;Koo, Ja-Ye
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.345-348
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    • 2010
  • Light gas guns have a large number of applications in various fields of engineering. A two-stage light gas gun can develop an extremely high pressure in a very short interval of time. This can be employed efficiently in the application of ultra-high pressure liquid jets. In general, the two-stage light gas gun is made up of a high pressure tube, a compression tube and a launch tube, each stage being separated by diaphragms. The first diaphragm is installed downstream of the high pressure tube and the second, downstream of the compression tube. In the present study, experiments are carried out to investigate the projectile velocity and pressure behavior in the tubes according to the pressure changes at diaphragm opening. It is found that the rupture pressure of the first diaphragm has a dominant influence on projectile velocity. It is also observed that at pressures greater than 14 bar, the pressure in the launch tube exceeds that in the compression tube.

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An Evaluation on Thermal-Structural Behavior of Nozzle Assembly during Burning Time (연소시간 중 노즐조립체의 열-구조적 거동분석에 관한 연구)

  • Ro, Younghee;Seo, Sanggyu;Jeong, Seongmin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.536-542
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    • 2017
  • A great deal of difficulty is encountered in the thermo-mechanical analyses of nozzle assembly for solid propellant rocket motors. The main issue in this paper is the modeling of the boundary conditions and the connections between the various components-gaps, relative movements of the components, contacts, friction, etc. This paper evaluated the complex phenomena of nozzle assembly during burning time with co-simulation which include fluid, thermal surface reaction/ablation and structural analysis. The validity of this approach was verified by comparison of analysis results with measured strains.

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Changes in Corrosion Rate of Gas Turbine Engines by the Korean Sea Area (우리나라 해역별 가스터빈엔진 부식률의 변화)

  • Oh, Kyungwon;Hur, Jangwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.137-138
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    • 2017
  • The sea of the Korean peninsula has various marine changes, including naval vessels, naval operational aircrafts, air force fighters, coastal airports and airfields. In particular salt directly affected by the marine environment, equipment operating in a high temperature / high speed as the gas turbine is the high temperature corrosion(Hot Corrosion) caused by sulfur components and salinity of the fuel used. When the height of the demister (air intake) is less than 7m, the salinity entering the sea increases and the corrosion increases rapidly. In addition, the weapon systems operating in the East Sea than the West Sea showed a 17% increase in corrosion rate due to the relatively high salinity scattered by saline, wind, and wave. In order to minimize the salinity inflow, it should be operated at more than 13m from the sea to minimize rapid hot corrosion.

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Spray Characteristics of Jet According to Position of Injector Hole in Cross Flow (횡단유동내 인젝터 홀의 위치에 따른 제트의 분무 특성)

  • Choi, Myeung Hwan;Shin, DongSoo;Radhakrishna, Kanmaniraja;Son, Min;Koo, jaye
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.905-911
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    • 2017
  • Effects of injector position and momentum flux ratio on a vertical jet in a cross flow field were studied qualitatively and shown by using air and water. The experiment was carried out by fixing the momentum flux ratio and varying the position of the injector hole. Conversely, the injector hole position was fixed and the momentum flux ratio was varied. Image visualization was performed by a Shadowgraph technique using a high speed camera. The visualized images were compared for finding differences in spraying through Density Gradient Magnitude Image. It is observed that as the x/d of the apparatus increased the jet break up height decreases and the spray angle also decreases. When x/d is 0, the spray reaches the floor and ceiling at any momentum flux ratio.

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신세기통신 2000년 전략

  • 정태기
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.58-63
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    • 2000
  • 새 천년을 맞이하여 국내 이동전화 시장은 규모와 기술적 측면에서 놀랄만한 변화 를 겪게 될 것이다. 음성중심의 2세대 이동전화 서비스는 보급율이 50%를 넘어서며 포화수 준에 근접하고 있으며, 앞으로 무선데이타 통화량이 크게 증가하여 3~4년 후에는 총 통화량 의 50% 이상을 점유할 것으로 예측된다. 통신사업자들은 통신망의 광대역화와 글로벌화, IP Network 화를 더욱 강력하게 추진하고 있으며, 올 연말로 예정된 IMT-2000 사업자 선정은 이러한 추세를 더욱 가속화시킬 것으로 전망된다. 특히, 인터넷과 이동전화의 융화는 인간의 삶과 문화를 한순간에 변모시킬 혁명적 위력을 내포하고 있다. 정보화 시대를 향한 정보통 신업계의 대변혁이 그 절정을 향해 가속도를 붙이기 시작한 것이다. 신세기통신은 이러한 변화와 혼돈의 거친 물결 속에서 21세기 '정보통신 업계의 강자'로 도약하기 위한 힘찬 항해 를 진행하고 있다. 2000년 상반기까지 IS-2000시스템을 구축하여 최대 144kbps 수준의 고속 데이타 서비스를 제공하는 한편 i-TOUCH 017 컨텐츠 (Contents)를 한층 다양화, 첨단화 하는 등 본격적인 이동인터넷 사업을 전개해 나갈 것이다. 또 CDMA 국제 자동로밍 서비스 를 일본, 미국, 유럽 등 전세계로 확대하여 017 서비스의 글로벌화를 이룩할 계획이다. 이러 한 통신망 진화와 이동 인터넷 사업의 상당 부분을 SK텔레콤과 함께 추진하게 될 것이며 이러한 양사간의 전략적 제휴에 따른 시너지 효과는 오는 연말 IMT-2000 사업권의 성공적 확보로 이어질 것으로 기대된다. 21세기 정보통신산업은 광대역 통신망으로 대변되는 하드 웨어와 인터넷 컨텐츠로 대변되는 소프트웨어가 서로 융화되는 방향으로 발전할 것이다. 이에 따라 고객의 서비스 만족도나 사업자 선택 기준은 기존 통화물질 중심에서, 사업자가 제공하는 컨텐츠의 다양성이나 편리성으로 변화하는 것이 국적을 바꾸는 것보다 어려운 시 대가 멀지 않은 미래에 도래할 것이다. 신세기 통신 과 SK 텔레콤에는 현재 1,300만명이 넘 는 고객이 있으며. 이들 고객은 어 이상 음성통화 중심의 이동전화 고객이 아니라 신세기 통신과 SK텔레콤이 함께 구축해 나갈 거대란 무선 네트워크 사회에서 정보화 시대를 살아 갈 회원들이다. '컨텐츠의 시대'가 개막되는 것이며, 신세기통신과 SK텔레콤은 선의의 경쟁 과 협력을 통해 이동인터넷 서비스의 컨텐츠를 개발해 나가게 될 것이다.

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A Simple Calculational Method by using Modified Von Mises Transformation applied to the Coaxial Turbulent Jet Mixing (유동함수를 이용한 난류제트혼합유동 계산에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Dong-Whan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2005
  • A simple but efficient grid generation technique by using the modified compressible form of stream function has been formulated. Transformation of a physical plane to a streamline plane, the Von Mises Transformation, has been widely used to solve the differential equations governing flow phenomena, however, limitation arises in low velocity region of boundary layer, mixing layer and wake region where the relatively large grid spacing is inevitable. Modified Von Mises Transformation with simple mathematical adjustment for the stream function is suggested and applied to solve the confined coaxial turbulent jet mixing with simple $\kappa-\epsilon$ turbulence model. Comparison with several experimental data of axial mean velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, and Reynolds shear stress distribution shows quite good agreement in the mixing layer except in the centerline where the turbulent kinetic energy distributions were somewhat under estimated. This formulation is strongly suggested to be utilized specially for free turbulent mixing layers in axisymmetric flow conditions such as the investigation of mixing behavior, jet noise production and reduction for Turbofan engines.

Wave Drag Reduction due to Repetitive Laser Pulses (반복 레이저 펄스를 이용한 초음속 비행체의 항력저감)

  • Kim, Jae-Hyung;Sasoh, Akihiro;Kim, Heuy-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.381-384
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    • 2011
  • Wave drag reduction due to the repetitive laser induced energy deposition over a flat-nosed cylinder is experimentally conducted in this study. Irradiated laser pulses are focused by a convex lens installed in side of the in-draft wind tunnel of Mach 1.94. The maximum frequency of the energy deposition is limited up to 80. Time-averaged drag force is measured using a low friction piston which was backed by a load cell in a cavity as a controlled pressure. Stagnation pressure history, which is measured at the nose of the model, is synchronized with corresponding sequential schlieren images. With cylinder model, amount of drag reduction is linearly increased with input laser power. The power gain only depends upon the pulse energy. A drag reduction about 21% which corresponds to power gain of energy deposition of approximately 10 was obtained.

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Experimental Study on a Two-Stage Light-Gas Gun (2단 경가스총에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Keun;Kim, Heuy-Dong;Koo, Ja-Ye
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.10-15
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    • 2010
  • Light gas guns have a large number of applications in various fields of engineering. A two-stage light-gas gun can produce an extremely high pressure in a very short interval of time. In general, the two-stage light-gas gun is made up of a high pressure tube, a compression tube and a launch tube, each stage being separated by diaphragms. This can be employed efficiently in the application of ultra-high pressure liquid jets. In the present study, experiments are carried out to investigate the projectile velocity and pressure behavior in the tubes according to the pressure changes at the frist diaphragm opening. In the present study result was found that the rupture pressure of the first diaphragm has a dominant influence on piston acceleration.

Flame Formation of Ultrasonically-atomized Liquid-fuel Injected through a Slit-jet Nozzle (Slit-jet 노즐을 통해 분사되는 초음파 무화 액체연료 화염의 형성)

  • Kim, Min Sung;Kim, Jeong Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2017
  • An experimental study was performed for the combustion-field visualization of the burner which burns the liquid hydrocarbon fuel atomized by an ultrasonic oscillator. Configurations of the flame and temperature gradient were caught by both high-speed camera and thermo-graphic camera, and those images were analyzed in detail through a post-processing. In addition, the fuel consumption was measured using the balance during the combustion reaction. As a result, the consumption of atomized fuel increased with the increasing flow-rate of carrier-gas, but any correlation between the air/fuel ratio and carrier-gas flow-rate was not found at the low flow-rate condition. Also, the combustion-field grew and reaction-temperature rose due to the strengthening of combustion reaction with the increasing flow-rate of carrier-gas and power consumption of ultrasonic oscillator.