• 제목/요약/키워드: 계절 차이

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동중국해 북부해역 수온, 염분의 분포 변동 특성

  • Jang, Lee-Hyeon;Kim, Sang-U;Go, U-Jin;Geleekko, Yamada;Seo, Yeong-Sang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 한국환경과학회 2007년도 춘계 학술발표회 발표논문집
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    • pp.331-335
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    • 2007
  • 본 연구에서는 장기간의 현장관측 수온, 염분자료를 분석하여 동중국해 북부해역에서 계절별 수온, 염분의 변동 특성을 조사하였다. 표층의 경우 춘계 수온상승에는 공간적인 차이가 있다. 또한 서부해역($125^{\circ}E$ 이서)에서는 32 psu 이하의 저염 분포가 나타나고 제주 남서해역에서 33psu 이하의 저염수가 춘계부터 제주 주변해역으로 확장한다. 하계 표층염분은 $28.0{\sim}32.4$ psu로 연중 최저값은 보이며, 전해역 표층 염분이 33psu 이하로 저염의 양자강 희석수가 하계에 동중국해 북부해역 표층 전체에 영향을 미치고 있다. 추계의 표층수온과 염분은 동고서저형의 수평분포를 나타낸다. 수온 하강은 서부해역인 대륙 연안수역이 동부의 대마난류수역에 비해 크고, 서부해역에서 33psu 이하의 설상형 저염분포가 이시기에 남동쪽으로 관입되는 형태로 나타나 동계의 남북방향의 염분전선과 이어지게 된다. 연직해황의 경우 동계 수온과 염분은 활발한 대륙작용에 의해 전수층에서 균일한 분포를 나타내며, 대륙연안수역에서는 저온, 저염($12^{\circ}C$, 33psu 이하)의 분포를, 대마난류수역에서는 고온, 고염($16^{\circ}C$, 34.4psu 이상)분포의 지역적인 특성으로 구별된다. 춘계에는 수온약층이 형성되며, 저층에는 동계에 형성되어 대륙연안수와 외양수 사이에 고립된 $13^{\circ}C$ 이하의 냉수괴가 분포한다. 염분은 표층 저염화가 시작된다. 하계에는 양자강 유출수의 영향으로 전해역 표층에서는 30psu 이하로 전해역에서 저염화 양상이 나타나며, 표층에서 30m 층까지 매우 강한 염분약층이 형성된다. 추계 수온 엽문은 균일한 연직수온분포가 나타나며, 동부해역에서는 수심 $75{\sim}100m$사이에서 수온, 염분약층이 형성된다. 동중국해의 수괴는 뚜렷한 계절 변동을 보이며, 대마난류수역인 동부해역에서는 수괴 계절변동의 요인으로 계절 수온변동이 지배적이고, 수온변동은 춘계와 하계 사이에 가장 크다. 중앙부와 대륙연안역인 서부해역에서는 수괴 계절변동에 수온외에 염분 변화가 주요한 요인으로 작용하며, 염분은 하계와 추계 사이에 가장 변동이 크게 나타난다. 즉, 동중국해의 수괴변동에는 변동요인에 따른 공간적인 차이가 있으며, 수괴변화 특성으로 동중국해는 수온변화가 수괴변동에 직접요인이 되는 동부 대마난류수역과 염분변화가 수괴변동의 직접요인인 서부의 대륙연안수역으로 구분된다.

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Seasonal and Interannual Variation in Species Composition of Fish Assemblages Collected by Pots in the Southern Coast of East Sea, Korea (동해 남부 연안해역 통발에서 채집된 어류 군집의 계절변동과 연간변동)

  • Park, Joo Myun;Huh, Sung-Hoi
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.310-316
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    • 2015
  • The seasonal and interannual variation in the species composition and abundance of the fish assemblage were studied. Fish samples were collected seasonally over 4 year (2005 to 2008) using pots in the southern coast of East Sea. During the study period, a total of 32 fish species belonging to 24 families were collected. The dominant species were Conger myriaster, Paracentropogon rubripinnis, Liparis tanakae, Parapercis sexfasciata, Eptatretus burgeri and Clupea pallasii pallasii, which accounted for 91.9% of the total number of individuals collected. The number of species, number of individuals, biomass, and diversity fluctuated with season. The peak number of species and number of individuals occurred were in August 2008, whereas the biomass was the highest in August 2005 and diversity was in May 2008. The abundance of dominant species also showed some seasonal and interannual changes. A one-way analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) showed that the fish assemblage in 2008 was significantly different from those of 2005, 2006 and 2007, whereas there was no significant difference among seasons over 4 years.

Comparative Monthly Analysis of Goat Milk Components by Individual Farms (우리나라 산양유의 농장별 및 계절별 성분 비교분석)

  • Ahn, Jong-Ho;Park, Woong-Yeoul
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.321-330
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    • 2008
  • In order to investigate any differences of the characteristics of goat milk according to seasons and individual farms, we analysed and compared the components of fat, protein lactose, total solid, solid-not fat (SNF) and cells of goat milk collected from 8 individual farms between December 2006 and June 2007. Milk fat content has shown higher values in December to March than in other seasons, and SNF appeared especially higher in February. However, lactose content was not different according to seasons. Regional differences of milk components were not big at all either. Milk components from goats were in general similar to cow milk except a little lower fat content, but appeared higher than mare milk. Production of goat milk is in difficulty in aspects of balancing demand and supply due to its seasonal reproductive system. For the future of goat milk industry, it is necessary to develop various products of longer storage life.

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Analysis of Regional Effects of the Seasonal Management Policy on Coal-fired Power Plant Using Difference-in-difference Method (이중차분법을 이용한 석탄화력발전소에 대한 미세먼지 계절관리제의 지역별 효과 분석)

  • Kang, Heecha
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.343-365
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    • 2022
  • This paper tries to identify the effect of reducing PM2.5 concentration of the First Seasonal Management Policy implemented by Korean government by using statistical method. In particular, this paper tests the hypothesis that this policy effect may differ by region (west-coast, south-coast, and east-coast). To this end, this paper analyzed only pure policy effects by removing temporal abnormalities such as COVID-19, warm winter temperature during the policy implementation period (December 2019 to March 2020) by using the difference-in-difference method (DID). As a result of the analysis, this policy had the effect of reducing PM2.5, but the effect is not homogenous by region. In particular, PM2.5 reducing effect is the largest in west-coast region and south-coast region folllows, but its effect is not statistically significant in the east-cost region. In conclusion, this paper drew implications that the current Seasonal mamangement policy which is implemented regardless of the regional difference needs to be changed.

Seasonal Succession of Zooplankton Community in a Large Reservoir of Summer Monsoon Region (Lake Soyang) (몬순지역 대형댐(소양호)에서 동물플랑크톤 군집의 계절천이)

  • Kim, Moon Sook;Kim, Bomchul;Jun, Man-Sig
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제52권1호
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    • pp.40-49
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    • 2019
  • Seasonal succession of zooplankton community and species composition was studied from 2003 to 2014 in a deep reservoir, Lake Soyang, in monsoon climate region, Korea. Annual precipitation was concentrated more than 70% between June and September and it showed remarkably that seasonal variation in water quality. Seasonal variation of water quality in Lake Soyang appeared to be more significant than annual variations, and the inflow of turbid water during the summer rainfall was the most important environmental factor. Zooplankton sepecies composition in Lake Soyang showed obvious tendency through two periods (May to June and August to October) every year. Small zooplankton (rotifer; Keratella cochlearis, Polyarthra vulgaris) dominated in spring and mesozooplankton such as copepods and crustaceans were dominant in summer and fall. Zooplankton biomass showed the maximum in September after monsoon rainfall, and chlorophyll showed a similar seasonal variation and it showed a high correlation (r=0.45). The increase of zooplankton biomass is considered to be a bottom-up effect due to the increase of primary producers and inflow of nutrients and organic matter from rainfall. In this study, we found that the variation of zooplankton community was affected by rainfall in monsoon climate region and inflow of turbid water was an important environmental factor, which influenced the water quality, zooplankton seasonal succession in Lake Soyang. It was also considered to be influenced by hydrological characteristics of lake and environment of watershed. In conclusion, seasonal succession of zooplankton species composition was the same as the PEG model. But seasonal succession of zooplankton biomass differed not only in the temperate lake but also in the monsoon region.

Long-term Behavior of FCM Bridges considering Seasonal Temperature Variation - Part 1 (계절변화에 따른 PSC 균형 켄틸레버 교량의 장기거동 특성)

  • Lee, Son-Ho;Lee, Hak-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2001
  • The objective of this study is to derive a shrinkage correction formula that considers temperature effect and to develop a methodology for the improved prediction of the long-term behavior of the FCM bridges by considering seasonal temperature variations in-situ. Thereby, current formulation were performed by using the actual experimental shrinkage data including seasonal temperature variation. The investigation of the long-term behavior of the FCM bridge was performed on the construction site in order to decide applicability of the shrinkage formula Numerical results by the general method indicates inaccurate values of total strain when considering real strain, whereas the applied method demonstrates a good agreement in the resultant strain. In consequently, the applied method will improve the prediction of the long-term deformation of the FCM Bridges.

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A study on parsimonious periodic autoregressive model (모수 절약 주기적 자기회귀 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jiho;Seong, Byeongchan
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes a parsimonious periodic autoregressive (PAR) model. The proposed model performance is evaluated through an analysis of Korean unemployment rate series that is compared with existing models. We exploit some common features among each seasonality and confirm it by LR test for the parsimonious PAR model in order to impose a parsimonious structure on the PAR model. We observe that the PAR model tends to be superior to existing seasonal time series models in mid- and long-term forecasts. The proposed parsimonious model significantly improves forecasting performance.

Seasonal and Diurnal Changes of Antioxidant Enzymes in Four Subtropical Plant Species (아열대성 식물 4종의 항산화효소 활성과 Isoenzyme의 계절적.일주기적 변화)

  • 오순자;고석찬
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 한국자원식물학회 2002년도 제9차 국제심포지움 및 추계정기학술발표회
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    • pp.67-67
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    • 2002
  • 아열대성 식물 4종 (문주란, Crinum asiaticum var. japonicum; 박달목서, Osmanthus insularis; 죽절초, Chloranthus glaber; 파초일엽, Asplenium antiquum)을 대상으로 자연 환경요인의 변화에 의한 항산화 효소 (superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase)의 활성과 isoenzyme 패턴의 변화를 전기영동으로 조사하였다. 그 결과, peroxidase의 활성과 isoenzyme 패턴이 식물종이나 환경조건에 따라 가장 다양하게 나타났다. Peroxidase는 4종 모두에서 여름철보다 겨울철에 활성이 높았고 문주란, 박달목서, 파초일엽에서는 겨울철에 특이적으로 발현되는 isoenzyme들도 관찰할 수 있었다. Catalase는 문주란, 박달목서, 파초일엽에서 검출되었다. 문주란 잎에서는 겨울철에 비해 여름철에 다소 높은 활성을 보였으며, 박달목서와 파초일엽에서는 겨울철에 높은 활성을 나타내었다. 그리고 문주란과 박달목서에서는 겨울철에 새벽이나 밤보다 낮시간에 높은 활성을 보였는데 파초일엽에서는 낮시간의 catalase 활성이 낮았다. Superoxide dismutase는 문주란, 박달목서, 파초일엽에서 검출되었으며, 특히 박달목서에서는 겨울철에 높은 활성을 보였다. Ascorbate peroxidase는 문주란과 파초일엽에서 관찰되었으나 계절적으로 큰 차이가 없었으며, 겨울철에는 isoenzyme 패턴의 일주기적 변화가 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과, 종별로는 문주란, 파초일엽에서 4종의 항산화효소가 모두 검출되었고, 박달목서에서는 ascorbate peroxidase가, 죽절초에서는 peroxidase를 제외한 모든 항산화 효소가 검출되지 않았다. 식물종에 따라 또는 환경요인의 변화에 따라 항산화효소의 활성 또는 isoenzyme 패턴의 차이를 보이고 있지만 항산화효소의 계절적 그리고 일주기적 변화가 관찰되어, 본 연구에서 조사된 4종의 아열대성 식물이 자연환경 조건 하에서도 산화적 스트레스에 처하고 있는 것으로 보인다.

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Diel and Seasonal Variations in Species Composition of Fishery Resources Collected by a Bag Net off Kogunsan - gundo (서해 고군산군도 연안 낭장망 어획 수산생물의 종조성 및 주야.계절 변동)

  • Hwang, Sun-Do
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 1998
  • To determine diel and seasonal variations in abundance and species composition of fishery resources, day and night samples were collected by a bag net from April through November 1997 off Kogunsan-gundo. A total of 75 species was collected. The total catch was consisted of 71% fish, 18% shrimps, 7% cephalopods and 4% crabs. Pholis fangi and Engraulis japonicus predominated, and accounted for 87% of the total number of fish collected. Most of them were larvae and juvniles. P. fangi and Ammodyres personatus occurred from April to June, and E. japonicus occurred from July to November, suggesting that they used the coastal areas as nursery ground at the different season to avoid competition. Dominant fish larvae and juveniles showed the significant diel difference in catch.

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