• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경관 시뮬레이션

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A Study on Securing the View Axis of Cultural Heritage Using Landscape Simulation Analysis in Downtown - Focused on Historical and Cultural Environment's Conservation Area of State-Designated Heritage in the Tongyeong City' Downtown - (경관시뮬레이션분석기법을 활용한 도심권 문화재의 조망축 확보방안에 관한 연구 -통영시 도심 내 국가지정문화재의 역사문화환경 보존지역을 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Hong-Seok
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 2012
  • If cultural Heritageis located in the downtown, conservation areas was developed or is being developed In most cases Therefore, in this case, the relative height of the building during construction than the regulatory limit is reasonable, is emerging need to be objectified. This study was utilizes GIS analysis techniques for 'View Corridor' and building height standards were determined. First, 'View Corridor' set and building height restrictions for the analysis of urban environmental factors were analyzed in. In particular, the topography and urban planning, and existing buildings, including the distribution of the physical urban environment, with detailed analysis on the major historical and cultural assets with a combination of a review of the impact factor for the formation of the urban landscape recognize the scope has been expanded. Second, the key selection criteria for View point largely focused on cultural Heritageand the surrounding communicative point of view and, consequently, connectivity, and symbolism, accessibility, analysis, factors such as Prospect, setting the standards by applying a detailed assessment of each item the main view point were derived. Third, the derived key View point on the terrain and landscape characteristics simulation analysis carried out by considering together the main axis, and this suggests a reasonable height for the proposed standards.

Influence of Tectonic Uplift on Longitudinal Profiles of Bedrock Rivers: Numerical Simulations (융기가 기반암 하상하천의 종단곡선에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 -수리 모형을 통한 연구-)

  • Kim Jong Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.5 s.104
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    • pp.722-734
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    • 2004
  • Longitudinal profiles of bedrock rivers play a fundamental role in landscape history by setting the boundary conditions for landform evolution. Longitudinal profiles are changed with climatic conditions, lithology and tectonic movements. Tectonic movement is an important factor controlling longitudinal profiles, especially in tectonically active area where uplift rates are regarded as a major factor controlling channel gradient. However study on bedrock channel has made little progress, because controls over bedrock river incision are yet to be clarified. Previous numerical simulations have used a simple diffusion model, which links together the overall processes of bedrock channel erosion as in other landform evolution models. In this study, previous bedrock incision models based on physical processes (especially abrasion) are reviewed and new modifications are introduced. Using newly formulated numerical model, the role of spatial pattern and intensity of tectonic uplift on changes in river longitudinal profile was simulated and discussed.

The Effect of The Special Law on the Waterfront-Space Use on Space and Landscape Change of Four Major Rivers - Focused on the EcoDeltaCity Project of Nakdong River - (4대강 친수구역 활용에 관한 제도가 하천 유역의 공간 변화에 미치는 영향 분석 - 낙동강 유역 에코델타시티 지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Jong Gu;Kim, Yu Jun;Kang, Youn Won;Hong, Ji Su
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.699-710
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    • 2014
  • Government enacted "The special Law on the waterfront-space" to conduct four-river refurbishment project and to construct systematically regions around national rivers from 2009. This law allows public apartments and recreational facilities etc. to be located around four-river, then the law may give rise to serious space change and landscape damage. So we draw some problems of the established development project about the riverside area, and expected a space and landscape change of waterfront-space with a 3D simulation. The result, it is important to adjust the development density of site and apply various contents with take the regional characteristics into consideration for sustainable development.

An Effectiveness Analysis of Landscape Management for the Historic and Cultural Environment Preservation Area of the Pungnammun Gate, Jeonju, by Applying 3D Visual Exposure (3차원 시각노출도를 이용한 전주 풍남문 역사문화환경보존지역의 경관 관리 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2018
  • The uniformed regulations for control of the height of buildings owned by individuals to protect landscape of cultural properties are causing serious social conflicts by limiting the development of landowners. It is urgent need of introducing indicators that can resolve such conflicts and evaluate the regulations of buildings, which can satisfy urban development as well as landscape management of cultural properties. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to simulate landscape changes according to the Cultural Heritage Protection Act and National Land Planning and Utilization Act by using Unity3D in the Pungnammun Gate(Treasure No. 308) of Jeonju and its surroundings, where architectural cultural property forms the symbolic landscape of the city. Then some items such as view points, target points were introduced and the quantitative evaluation of landscapes was attempted by applying the indicator of 3D Visual Exposure. As a result, the viewing opportunity and viewing area of Pungnammun Gate were not significantly influenced by changes in landscape according to the two laws. However, the change of the height of buildings by the National Land Planning and Utilization Act, which has the greatest development capacity, confirmed the possibility of weakening the identification of the Pungnammun Gate by increasing 3D Visual Exposure of the background buildings more than two times. Finally, it was confirmed that the skyline of Pungnammun Gate was clearly infringed upon development under the National Land Planning and Utilization Act, but the skyline was maintained similar to the current situation in the regulation by the Cultural Heritage Protection Act. Thus, this study is meaningful in that the application of 3D Visual Exposure showed the possibility of utilization as an indicator for quantitatively evaluating the protection of view on cultural property and skyline according to the changes of building heights.

A Study on the Change of Urban Land Use According to the Change of Transportation Accessibility (교통 접근성 변동에 따른 도시 토지이용 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Won, Seok Hwan;Hwang, Chul-sue
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.127-142
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the status of urbanization of Namyangju-Si from 2001 till 2008, analyze the correlation of the change of surrounding land use according to the change of accessibility and analyze the correlation of the change of land use. Based on the result from correlation analysis, I simulated from the view point of interactions between agents of land use and transportation accessibility by using MAS. I tried to forecast, based on space, the change of surrounding land use caused by the change of accessibility. I conducted landscape analysis by using a land registration map. Also, I conducted GIS analysis statistical analysis simulation analysis of traffic data, land use data in order to analyze the correlation of the change of surrounding land use according to the change of accessibility. I could find out a certain pattern that new roads and railroads causes the within 500m adjacent land to change into urban land use, which led me to construct a system through which land use changing phenomenon can be expected according to the change of accessibility. It is expected that it can make the best use of selecting the location where new transportation facilities are constructed.

Expression method of simulation which is execution of media facade (미디어파사드 시뮬레이션 표현방법)

  • Lee, Chang-Jo;Ha, Dong-One;Han, Tae-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2009
  • This study's purpose is to revive pre-construction situation earlier than construction of media facade using light-emitting diode, and analyze the strong and weak points of simulation image making process and technology, including lots of expressing methods. Exterior building decoration that was originated from Super Graphic led to the LED construction with a trend of increased night activities of these days. Initial Super Graphic was just in the level of deciding what to do with simple CAD drawings, but today's media facade construction is not so simple as the previous ones. This is because of the problems that should think about balances between neighboring environment and buildings, including high construction costs. According to survey results, media facade construction simulation's various expressing methods, its processes of analysis, and its strong & weak points will suggest standards for its size of construction and simulation purpose, including recommending suggestions that can respond rapidly by clients' diverse demands.

The Basic Research of Road Design Simulation Using Digital Aerial Photos (수치항공사진을 이용한 도로설계시뮬레이션의 기초적 연구)

  • Oh, Il-Oh;Kang, Ho-Yun;Choi, Hyun;Kang, In-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2007
  • This research is about applying aerial photos to three-dimensional simulation of road design. Instead of existing road design approach using digital map, which inexactly represent some part of topography and landmarks, digital aerial photos are applied to three-dimensional road design to address such inexactness of the map. First of all, ortho-photos are made using aerial photos, and a digital elevation model is created by extracting DEM. Then, by applying the coordinates practically using in planar design to three-dimensional approach, this model will be much helpful in the analyses of road route and viewscape. In addition, through the use of Virtual GIS, many evaluation factors such as urban design, flora, soil, water channel or road shape, flood plan are used for examination, and the effectiveness of applying three-dimensional simulation based on such route design standard is to be reviewed. In this paper, a basic research about three-dimensional design of structures is performed, and through the three-dimensional design, some effective determination to decision-making was carried out. Hereafter, it appears some research regarding environment-friendly construction and design should be followed.

Lighting Source Comparison Evaluation for Efficient Installation.Operation of Roadway Lighting (도로조명의 효율적 설치.운영을 위한 광원별 비교평가)

  • Jeong, Hee-Suk;Kwon, Ki-Tae;Lim, Jong-Min;Lee, Young-Joo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.113-116
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    • 2009
  • 최근 차별화된 도시 이미지의 창출전략으로 도시 야간경관의 중요성이 강조되고 다양한 도로의 환경조건에 따른 광원이 새롭게 개발되고 있다. 현재 적용되고 있는 도로조명의 기준을 살펴보고 광원별 배광특성을 이용한 시뮬레이션을 통하여 도로조명의 효율적 설치 및 운영을 위한 정보를 제공하고자 한다.

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Prediction of Urban Development and Cityscape with a Simulation Model (시뮬레이션 모형을 이용한 도시 개발형태 및 경관의 변화 예측)

  • 이인성;김충식
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.106-113
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    • 2004
  • The shapes(mass) of buildings are determined by many interrelated factors, such as planning and building regulations, the size and shape of building parcels, and adjoining road conditions. Understanding the effects of the determinants on the building shapes is not a simple task because of the multiplicity and complex interrelationships of the determinants. This study developed a prototype of three dimensional computer model that can simulates the determination process of building shape using GIS and CAD techniques. A commercial block in the south of Seoul was selected for the case study. Several methods of building height control were applied, and their effects on the cityscape were evaluated. The results shows that the three dimensional computer modelling offers an effective means for evaluating the effects of planning and building regulations. The implication of the case study and future research directions were discussed.

Grid-Connected Off-Shore Wind Power System Using 3-Level ANPC VSC (Active Neutral-Point-Clamped Voltage Source Converter) (Active NPC를 적용한 계통연계형 해상 풍력 발전용 전력변환 시스템)

  • Hong, Seok-Jin;Shin, Soo-Cheol;Lee, Hee-Jun;Choi, Chi-Hwan;Won, Chung-Yuen;Kim, Hack-Seong
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2012.11a
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    • pp.249-250
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    • 2012
  • 해상 풍력 발전은 가장 유망한 재생 에너지원의 하나이며, 육상 풍력 발전보다 풍력이 강력하고 일정하여 장시간 고출력 발생이 가능하다. 또한 소음, 공간적 한계, 경관훼손 등 기존 육상 풍력 발전의 단점을 보완하고 초대형 단지조성이 가능한 장점이 있다. 초대형 해상풍력단지에는 일반적으로 MW급의 해상풍력발전기가 사용된다. 본 논문에서는 MW급의 해상 풍력발전기에 ANPC(Active Neutral-Point-Clamped) Multi-Level VSC(Voltage Source Converter)를 적용하여 Back-to-Back으로 구성한 시스템을 제안하고 계통연계형 풍력 발전 시스템을 모의한 시뮬레이션을 통하여 제안된 시스템의 성능을 검증한다.

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