• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경관분류

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리모트센싱 데이터를 이용한 컴퓨터그래픽에 의한 도시 토지피복 및 녹지경관의 변화 특성

  • 한갑수;김경남
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.351-353
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    • 2003
  • 위성데이터를 이용한 토지피복분류에 의한 녹지의 경년변화의 특성 및 표고데이터와의 중첩에 의한 CG의 작성에 의해 경관으로서의 토지피복의 경년별 변화특성을 파악하였다. 1989년에서 2000년에 걸쳐 녹지는 약 3.9% 감소하였으며, 경관화상을 통해서는 약 2.3% 감소한 것으로 분석되었다 평면적인 녹지의 감소가 경관상의 녹지량의 감소율과 깊은 관련이 있는 것이 확인되었다.

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Townscape Color Character by Form Finishes of the Traditional Area - Focusing on Stockholm, Sweden - (전통지역의 형태 마감재별 경관 색채 특성 - 스웨덴 스톡홀름시의 실례를 대상으로 -)

  • Choe, Seung-Heuy
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2011
  • This article attempts to propose the control planning of townscape color around the historic and cultural heritages. The streets and roads of historic conservation and the changing perspectives to which it gives rise in Stockholm has changed dramatically during this century. New development or changes to existing buildings should be carried out in a way which acknowledges its surroundings and is a good neighbour, both in the cultural and social sense that makes good color design sense. There are many examples of townscape color, but the conservative and the historical streets and roads in the whole of the Stockholm city should benefit from careful design of the environment. To achieve this purposes, some strategies of case study of several streets and roads are reviewed; designing color context to relate to urban architectural design proposals of specific sites of cultural heritages are explored. In all new developments the scale of new buildings and the material finishes and colors used should respect the character of their surroundings and have due regard to the setting of any listed building. Streetscape color of visual assessment proposals should aim to help assimilate the development into the local scene. Important streets and roads should also include color townscape.

Basic Research on the Possibility of Developing a Landscape Perceptual Response Prediction Model Using Artificial Intelligence - Focusing on Machine Learning Techniques - (인공지능을 활용한 경관 지각반응 예측모델 개발 가능성 기초연구 - 머신러닝 기법을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jin-Pyo;Suh, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.70-82
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    • 2023
  • The recent surge of IT and data acquisition is shifting the paradigm in all aspects of life, and these advances are also affecting academic fields. Research topics and methods are being improved through academic exchange and connections. In particular, data-based research methods are employed in various academic fields, including landscape architecture, where continuous research is needed. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the possibility of developing a landscape preference evaluation and prediction model using machine learning, a branch of Artificial Intelligence, reflecting the current situation. To achieve the goal of this study, machine learning techniques were applied to the landscaping field to build a landscape preference evaluation and prediction model to verify the simulation accuracy of the model. For this, wind power facility landscape images, recently attracting attention as a renewable energy source, were selected as the research objects. For analysis, images of the wind power facility landscapes were collected using web crawling techniques, and an analysis dataset was built. Orange version 3.33, a program from the University of Ljubljana was used for machine learning analysis to derive a prediction model with excellent performance. IA model that integrates the evaluation criteria of machine learning and a separate model structure for the evaluation criteria were used to generate a model using kNN, SVM, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Neural Network algorithms suitable for machine learning classification models. The performance evaluation of the generated models was conducted to derive the most suitable prediction model. The prediction model derived in this study separately evaluates three evaluation criteria, including classification by type of landscape, classification by distance between landscape and target, and classification by preference, and then synthesizes and predicts results. As a result of the study, a prediction model with a high accuracy of 0.986 for the evaluation criterion according to the type of landscape, 0.973 for the evaluation criterion according to the distance, and 0.952 for the evaluation criterion according to the preference was developed, and it can be seen that the verification process through the evaluation of data prediction results exceeds the required performance value of the model. As an experimental attempt to investigate the possibility of developing a prediction model using machine learning in landscape-related research, this study was able to confirm the possibility of creating a high-performance prediction model by building a data set through the collection and refinement of image data and subsequently utilizing it in landscape-related research fields. Based on the results, implications, and limitations of this study, it is believed that it is possible to develop various types of landscape prediction models, including wind power facility natural, and cultural landscapes. Machine learning techniques can be more useful and valuable in the field of landscape architecture by exploring and applying research methods appropriate to the topic, reducing the time of data classification through the study of a model that classifies images according to landscape types or analyzing the importance of landscape planning factors through the analysis of landscape prediction factors using machine learning.

Interpretation Method of Eco-Cultural Resources from the Perspective of Landscape Ecology in Jeju Olle Trail (제주 올레길 생태문화자원 경관생태학적 해석기법 연구)

  • Hur, Myung-Jin;Han, Bong-Ho;Park, Seok-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.128-140
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    • 2021
  • This study applied the theory of Landscape Ecology to representative resources of Jeju Olle-gil, which is a representative subject of walking tourism, to identify ecological characteristics and to establish a technique for landscape ecological analysis of Olle-gil resources. Jeju Olle Trail type based on the biotope type, major land use, vegetation status around Olle Trail and roads were divided into 12 types. Based on the type of ecological tourism resource classification, the Jeju Olle-gil walking tourism resource classification was divided into seven types of natural resources and seven types of humanities resources, and each resource was characterized by Geotope, Biotope, and Anthropopope, just like the landscape ecology system. Geotope resources are strong in landscape characteristics such as coast and beach, rocks, bedrocks, waterfalls, geology and Jusangjeolli Cliff, Oreum and craters, water resources, and landscape viewpoints. The Biotope resources showed strong ecological characteristics due to large tree and protected tree, Gotjawal, forest road and vegetation communities, biological habitat, vegetation landscape view point. Antropotope include Culture of Jeju Haenyeo and traditional culture, potting and lighthouses, experience facilities, temples and churches, military and beacon facilities, other historical and cultural facilities, and cultural landscape views. Jeju Olle Trail The representative resources for each type of Jeju Olle Trail are coastal, Oreum, Gotjawal, field and Stonewall Fencing farming land, Jeju Village and Stone wall of Jeju. In order to learn about the components and various functions of the resources representing the Olle Trail's ecological culture, the landscape ecological technique was interpreted. Looking at the ecological and cultural characteristics of coastal, the coast includes black basalt rocks, coastal vegetation, coastal grasslands, coastal rock vegetation, winter migratory birds and Jeju haenyeo. Oreum is a unique volcanic topography, which includes circular and oval mountain bodies, oreum vegetation, crater wetlands, the origin and legend of the name of Oreum, the legend of the name of Oreum, the culture of grazing horses, the use of military purposes, the object of folk belief, and the view from the summit. Gotjawal features rocky bumps, unique microclimate formation, Gotjawal vegetation, geographical names, the culture of charcoal being baked in the past, and bizarre shapes of trees and vines. Field walls include the structure and shape of field walls, field cultivation crops, field wall habitats, Jeju agricultural culture, and field walls. The village includes a stone wall and roof structure built from basalt, a pavilion at the entrance of the village, a yard and garden inside the house, a view of the lives of local people, and an alleyway view. These resources have slowly changed with the long lives of humans, and are now unique to Jeju Island. By providing contents specialized for each type of Olle Trail, tourists who walk on Olle will be able to experience the Olle Trail in depth as they learn the story of the resources, and will be able to increase the sustainable use and satisfaction of Jeju Olle Trail users.

Types of Scenic Sites of State-Designated Cultural Property and Relationship between Pal-Kyung and Doncheon-Gugok (국가 지정 문화재 '명승'의 유형과 팔경(八景), 동천구곡(洞天九曲)과의 연관성)

  • Rho, Jae Hyun;Shin, Sang Sup
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.128-159
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the progress of domestic cultural properties designation, the changes and problems in classification were examined, and the relationship among Traditional Pal-kyung, Dongcheon-gukok, and Modern Pal-kyung were investigated targeting total of 68 cases of state-designated cultural properties of scenic sites in order to show that the traditional significance and value are being inherited today. The major results of this study are as follows. First, increase in scenic site designations with historical, cultural, and scenic characteristics can be viewed as an active intent to embrace the concepts such as cultural utilities, historical characteristics, literary value, and ideological backgrounds, which were specified as the basis for designation in the early Cultural Property Protection Law. Accordingly, it is very encouraging that the concept of cultural attractions such as traditional gardens and observatory points are regarded as an important standard for designation of scenic sites. Second, as for the classification of scenic sites per type, it was found that 'places with excellent natural scenery' were 44.16%(30 cases), followed by 'famous buildings or gardens and places with important legend' occupying 30.9%(21 cases), 'places with famous scenery' occupying 13.2%(9 cases), 'places with outstanding historical cultural and scenic value' that occupying 10.3%(7 cases), and 'animal and vegetation habitat with beautiful scenery' (1 case). Third, according to the current classification standards for scenic sites, there were only 7 cases which could be classified into Pal-kyungs(Famous 8 Sceneries) and 3 cases classified into Dongcheon(beautiful scenery surrounded by mountains and rivers), but there was no Gugok(beautiful valleys). Consequently, in terms of external appearance, the scenic sites among the total scenic sites that could be classified into Palkyung and Gugok were only 14.7%(10 cases). Fourth, the traditional scenic sites based on literal references and Internet analysis occupied 67.7%(46 cases), which were found to be scenic sites related to the traditional Pal-kyung among which 38 cases(55.9% of 46 cases) were included based on the scenery and 8 cases(11.8% of 46 cases) were included due to the scenery at the time. Fifth, there were 8(11.8%) scenic sites which were related to Dongcheon, and 4 cases(5.9%) related to Gugok. Also, it was found that total of 40(48.9%) scenic sites designated as modern scenic sites were playing the role of local scenic sites, and they were used as the tourism advertising contents. Sixth, it was identified that there were 62 cases(91.2%) of scenic sites in total related to traditional and modern Pal-kyung or Dongcheon-gugok, and unlike explicit classifications, most of the designated scenic sites were found to be deeply connected with the historical and cultural significance contained in the scenaries.

An Analysis on the Relationship between the Art Elements and Preference of Urban Street Furnitures (도시 가로시설물의 조형 요소와 선호도 간의 상관성 분석)

  • Kang, Gui-Bum;Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.10-20
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out for the purpose of analysis correlations between street furniture design elements and preference of street furniture. This research analyzed the various street furniture set on Ilsan new town street, which are rest, hygiene, light, information, sale, traffic, and landscape. This study has processed by analysing street furniture literature investigation and consideration of theory. First, for analysed effect of street furniture element, has been appear as element 'relaxation facilities', 'information facilities', landscape facilities' mainly effect on street. Specially, 'rest', 'landscape', 'information' in order had a major influence on scenery. Each kind of 'chair elements' in rest facilities, 'sign board' in information facilities, 'sculpture', 'fountain' in 'landscape facilities' has analyzed as the main elements in the landscape affinity property affecting factor. Second, the results of analyzed landscape elements (shape, colour, texture, scale) affect to the affinity of street furniture. chair which are included in rest facilities affect "texture", "form", "scale", "color" in the order of preference of the molding design elements that influence landscape. Particularly, showed statistically significant on 'colour' element affecting the landscape preference than the other three elements. It means as the chair element which is rest facilities mainly affect on preferences, rather than texture, form, scale, colour. Monument in the landscape associated with a preference 'colour', 'shape', 'texture' 'scale' and appears to be in order of impact so we could get the consequence like chair and rest facilities show different aspects of the respectively. It means, visual element which are colour and shape significantly impact on landscape preferences. Third, information facilities such as signboard formative elements of landscape design preferences and correlation with negative showed that the correlation. That mean if the sign board is very negative influence on landscape preferences and the correlations of the design formative elements appear in order of 'scale', 'colour', 'texture'. It also means that the 'scale' namely the size of advertising material and colour are adversely affected in terms of landscape. As these results, when design street furniture as the street scenery, facilities according to the kind of the shape element and need to focus on relative shape element according to the kind of facilities difference. Finally, so far as to clarify the street furniture, mainly 'function' and 'system' classification shows undesirable in outdoor scape. Thus, performed studies in relationship with landscape, classify 'kind of facilities' is more desirable than 'system'.

Virtual Landscape Classification Standards and Representative Spatial Types in Digital Games (디지털 게임 내 가상경관 분류 기준 확립 및 대표 유형 산출)

  • Kim, IkHwan;Lee, Injung;Lee, Ji-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2016
  • Digital games are generating various types of virtual landscape and the importance of virtual landscape has been arises. However, there has not been any research done how to design the virtual landscape. To establish virtual landscape design methodology, establishing the classification system and suggesting the representative type of virtual landscape is needed. With this research, I collected the classification standard and established five standards; story, cooperation, interaction level, dimensions and shape of the space. With that system, I classified digital game and could prove the effectiveness. Also by classifying cases through 20 years of timeline, I could come out with three representative types. This result will work as a reference to the future research; establishing design methodology on virtual landscape.

Chungnam Symbol Representing Rural Landscape Elements and Compares the Importance Discussion of Using the AHP technique (AHP기법을 이용한 충남상징요소 및 농산어촌 대표경관 중요도 비교고찰)

  • Song, Byeong-Hwa;Kim, Hag-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Seob
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.17-17
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 지역이 가지고 있는 중요한 자원을 자연 생태적 요소, 역사 문화적 요소, 시각 환경적 요소 등으로 분류한 후 충남지역 16개 시 군을 대상으로 군의 상징적 요소로서 가치 있는 자원의 발굴과 동시에 개발에 밀려 점점 사라져가는 농산어촌 대표경관의 추출을 통해 자원의 중요성을 AHP(계층 분석적 의사 결정기법)모델을 통해 분석하여 상호 중요도를 파악하고자 한다. 이러한 연구를 통해 지역의 대표적인 상징적 요소와 경관적 요소의 상관성을 파악함과 동시에 중요도에 따라 순위(ranking ordering)를 결정함으로서 지역의 정체성(identity)을 확보하고, 향후 보전할 자원의 특성을 파악함으로써 지역의 문화적, 환경적, 생태적 자원가치의 패러다임을 구축하고자 한다. 연구방법은 1차적으로 문헌조사를 통한 지역의 자원특성에 대한 분류체계를 설정한 후 전문가 집단을 선정하여 설문조사를 통한 통계적 분석방법을 사용하고자 한다. 전문가 집단은 지역에 대한 비교적 잘 파악하고 있는 지역전문가(관련대학 교수, 공무원, 연구원 등)로 구성하였으며, 1, 2차 설문을 통한 상징성 및 대표경관자원을 최종적으로 선정한 후, 3차 설문에서는 농촌 및 경관관련 전문가 집단을 재선정하여 AHP(계층 분석적 의사결정)기법을 통한 자원의 중요도를 파악하고자 한다. 분석방법은 자료의 계량적 분석을 위해 통계프로그램인 SPSS 12.0 for Windows와 도출된 상징요소의 가중치를 파악하기 위해 AHP 프로그램인 ExpertChoice 2006을 사용하여 도출된 상징요소의 가중치별 순위를 측정하여 분석의 과학성, 논리성, 타당성을 확보하고자 한다.

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The Characteristics of Geomorphological and Geological Landscapes in Sado, Yeosu City, Korea (여수 사도의 지형 및 지질경관 특성)

  • Kim, Hai-Gyoung;Koh, Yeong-Koo;Oh, Kang-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2013
  • This study is intended to provide resources of on-the-spot experience learning activities for students by investigating characteristics of geomorphological and geological landscapes in Sado(including Jungdo and Jeungdo). There are nine types of geomorphological and geological landscape according to the classification from NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) or seventeen types of it, according to the categorization from KEI(Korea Environment Institute). Such geomorphological and geological landscapes are useful as a place for on-the-spot learning activities that various types of geographical and geological features suggested in the elementary and middle school textbooks and also as a basic data for ecotourism and geotourism for visitors in Sado. In addition, specific targets to be investigated for geographical and geological heritage suggested by KEI should be determined in terms of conservation value through professional and thorough field investigation.