• Title/Summary/Keyword: 건물형태

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Estimation of Optimum Raate of Cattle Slurry Application for Forage Production Using Idled Rice Paddy I. The Effect of cattle slurry application on annual dry matter yield in reed canarygrass. (유휴 논토양에서 조사료 생산을 위한 적정 액상구비 시용수준의 추정 I. 액상구비의 시용이 Reed Canarygrass의 연 건물수량에 미치는 영향)

  • 이주삼;조익환;김성규;안종호
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 1994
  • This study was investigated for the purposes of securing forage resource using idled rice paddy recently increased in accordance to a current trend of farm products' liberalization and also of presevation of environment by using cattle sluny as liquid manure, which is seriously increasing these days. In this study, mean annual dry matter yield and its seasonal variation with reed canarygrass, and a optimum rate of cattle sluny application were investigated. The results are as follows: 1. According to the conditions of cutting frequencies(3, 4 and 5 cutting per year), mean annual dry matter yield was recorded from 8.9 tons to 10.9 tons per hectare and was the highest at 3 cutting frequency. 2. The use of cattle sluny with the levels of between 300 and 360 kg N per hectare showed a significantly higher mean annual dry matter yield than that of the control (non-fertilization). 3. The treatments with 3 and 4 cutting frequencies(90 kg Nhdyear, 120 kg Nhdyear) recorded higher dry matter yields than the control of the former level by 1.23 tons and 2.34 tons respectively and in the treatment of 5 cutting frequency, the second level with cattle sluny of 300 kg Nhdyear showed an increased dry matter yield of 2.11 tons compared to the former level(l50 kg Nhdyear). With regards to nitrogen efficiency, one kg of nitrogen is applied to 13.7, 19.4 and 14.1 kg of dry matter yields in the conditions of 3, 4 and 5 cutting frequencies respectively. 4. In view of seasonal variance of annual dry matter yield, the second cut in 3 cutting frequency, the third cut in 4 cutting frequency and the third in 5 cutting frequency showed the highest ratio as 42, 37 and 32% respectively compared to the total. 5. Under the conditions of this study, the 'Input-Output curve' from 5 cutting frequency was the closest to sigmaformed process(i=0.9993) of various cutting frequencies, and the maximum marginal yield in the treatment was obtained at the level of 250 kg Nha with cattle sluny. The economic level of cattle sluny was between 371.0 and 402.2 kg N and the highest dry matter yield was obtained at 489.3 kg Mdyear in the same treatment

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Fire-countermeasures of Majority-used Buildings -Centering around Busan Metropolitan City- (다중이용업소의 소방안전관리방안 -부산광역시(사상구, 사하구, 북구)를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Soon-Goo;Kong, Ha-Sung;Han, Sang-Yong
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.54-60
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    • 2008
  • The occurrence of fires in heavily populated multiplex buildings is a serious concern. It causes a great threat to many people and a serious social problem. Whenever this kind of fire happens, the authorities are busy preparing partial countermeasures to control the crisis situations. Luckily, the government has enforced a special law regarding safety supervision of majority-used buildings to prepare the basic countermeasures for the buildings' safety. Recently, the multiplex buildings which have multi type compounds have increased in size by getting bigger and bigger. As there are many people who would need to escape and the complicated structures like mazes in buildings of this type, it is not only difficult to prevent a fire but also easy to cause a large loss of lives. For a better fire safety supervision of the buildings, there needs to be passers and owners' good sense of safety, fire proof of the buildings and education of the fire authorities.

Estimation of Flood Damage Considering Land Use in Urban Area (도시지역 토지이용을 고려한 침수피해액 산정)

  • Tak, Yong Hun;Lee, Jae Kwang;Kim, Young Do;Kang, Boosik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.4-4
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    • 2018
  • 도시의 발전으로 인해 시 도를 비롯한 시가 및 건조지역의 토지이용은 매우 복잡하게 변화되었다. 과거 농경이 주된 경제활동인 경우 주거지역은 매우 단순한 형태로 구성되었고 논, 밭, 산림 지역 등이 주를 이루었지만, 도시로 산업이 집중, 발달하고 인구가 밀집되며 주거지역, 상업, 공업, 교통지역 등 시가지역은 매우 다양하고 복잡하게 변화되었다. 도시가 발달하며 주거지의 건물가치와 상업 및 공업지역의 자산, 교통 및 공공시설의 공공적 가치가 상승하였고, 침수 발생시 사유재산 및 사회적 피해가 증대되고 있다. 시가 및 건조지역은 대부분 불투수율이 높은 지역으로 구성되어있으며, 이러한 도시에서 침수가 발생할 경우 지표수의 이동, 매설된 관거의 형상과 통수능에 의한 월류가 주된 원인으로 작용하여, 도로 및 건물의 형태에 의해 매우 복잡한 형태로 침수현상이 나타난다. 이러한 도시의 침수피해를 분석하기 위해 복잡하고 고 가치화된 도시의 토지이용 특성을 잘 반영한 침수 피해분석이 필요하고, 피해를 줄이고 재산을 보호하기 위한 치수시설의 도입에 따른 피해액 감소 및 경제성 분석이 우선시 되어 효율성과 타당성을 판단할 수 있어야 한다. 토지이용 특성이 반영되지 않을 경우 피해액을 다소 과소, 과대하게 산정할 수 있다. 홍수피해의 경제성을 분석하기 위한 방법에는 다차원 홍수피해 산정방법이 있으며, 경제성 분석은 하천의 정비상태, 하도 및 관거, 제방 및 유수지 등 홍수 방지시설 등 구조적, 비구조적 대책을 모두 대상으로 하여야 하며, 인명과 재산이 집중된 도시의 경우 보다 정확한 피해액을 산정할 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 과거 침수피해가 있었던 도림천 유역을 대상으로 도시지역의 유출모의에 적합하다고 알려진 SWMM 모형을 활용하여 도시유출 해석 및 침수현상을 분석하였으며, 다차원 홍수피해 산정방법을 활용하여 주거, 상업 및 공업자산을 반영하기 우해 토지이용 특성에 따른 침수피해액을 분석하였다.

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Effects of Substrate Type, Soil Depth, and Drainage Type on the Growth of Sedum kamtschaticum in Extensive Green Roof Systems (저토심 옥상녹화 시스템에서 기린초의 생육에 대한 인공배지 종류, 토심, 그리고 배수 형태의 효과)

  • Huh, Keun-Young;Kim, In-Hye;Ryu, Nam-Hyong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.90-100
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 기존 건축물 옥상녹화에 이용 가능한 저토심 옥상녹화 시스템 을 연구하고 개발하고자 수행되었다. 연구목적을 달성하기위해서 시스템의 개념적 모델이 선행 연구로부터 유추되었고 개념적 모델로부터 실험을 위한 시스템들이 제안되었다. 건축물 옥상 위에 설치된 이 시스템들에서 기린초의 생육에 대하여 인공배지 종류, 토심, 그리고 배수 형태의 효과들이 2002년 4월 3일부터 10월 18일까지 연구되었다. 인공배지 종류는 단용과 혼용이고, 토심은 5cm, l0cm,그리고 15cm이며, 배수 형태는 저수$.$배수형과 배수형으로 하였다. 여기서, 인공배지 단용은 폐유리 미분 100에 발포제를 1∼2정도 첨가하고, 착색제를 1정도 첨가한 후, 6∼8$^{\circ}C$/min로 승온하여 750∼85$0^{\circ}C$의 온도에서 발포시킨 다공질 유리를 수냉식으로 급랭하고, 분쇄기로 이송하여 l0mm이하로 분쇄하고 입도를 조절하여 얻어진 다공질 유리 파쇄물과 수피를 부피 비 6:4로 혼합하여 조성된 것이며 인공배지 혼용은 인공배 지 단용에 양토(모래 46%, 미사 40%, 점토 14%)를 부피비 5:5로 혼합하여 조성된 것이다. 피복면적, 지상부와 지하부의 생체중과 건물중, 그리고 시각적 질을 조사하였다. 각 변수들은 던칸의 다중범위 검정으로 통계처리 하였으며 처리들간의 유의수준은 5%였다. 그리고 기존 건축물 옥상에 대한 과부하의 위험을 피하기 위해서 각 시스템의 중량이 평가되었다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 실험기간 중에 피복면적에 대한 배수 형태의 효과는 유의성 있는 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 인공배지 혼용의 피복면적은 인공배지 단용의 것보다 통계적으로 유의성 있게 높았다. 토심 5cm처리의 피복면적은 나머지 처리들의 피복면적보다 통계적으로 유의성 있게 낮았다. 토심 l0cm처리와 토심 15cm처리는 통계적으로 유의성이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 지상부와 뿌리의 생체중 및 건물중과 시각적 질에 대한 처리들의 효과는 피복면적에 대한 것과 유사하거나 동일하였다. 결과적으로, 기린초의 생육은 인공배지 단용보다 인공배지 혼용에서 더 높았고, 토심 10∼15cm에서 더 높았으며, 배수 형태에서는 뚜렷한 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 이 결과를 토대로, 기존 건축물 옥상에 적용 가능한 시스템의 허용하중과 기린초의 생육을 동시에 고려해볼 때, 저토심 옥상녹화 시스템 은 인공배지 종류에서는 혼용이, 토심은 10cm, 그리고 배수형태는 배수형이 적합하다고 보았다. 제안된 조건으로 조성된 시스템은 인공배지가 포장용수량상태일 때 그 중량이 약 115kg/$m^2$정도로 나타났다.

A study on building outline simplifications considering digital map generalizations (수치지도 작성을 위한 건물외곽선 단순화기법 연구)

  • Park, Woo-Jin;Park, Seung-Yong;Jo, Seong-Hwan;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.657-666
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    • 2009
  • In GIS area, many line simplification algorithms are studied among generalization methods used for making the building data in the form of digital map from the original line data. On the other hand, there are few studies on the simplification algorithm considering the drawing rules of the digital map in Korea. In this paper, the line simplification algorithm based on the drawing rules is proposed as the methodology to create or update the building data of digital map by extracting the building outline from the CAD data used in construction. To confirm the usefulness of the algorithm, this algorithm and four other effective and general line simplification algorithms (e.g., Douglas-Peucker algorithm) are applied to the same building outlines. Then, the five algorithms are compared on five criteria, the satisfaction degree of the drawing rules, shape similarity, the change rate of the number of points, total length of lines, and the area of polygon. As a result, the proposed algorithm shows the 100% of satisfaction degree to the drawing rules. Also, there is little loss in four other mentioned criteria. Thus, the proposed algorithm in this paper is judged to be effective in updating the building data in digital map with construction drawings.

Utilizing Airborne LiDAR Data for Building Extraction and Superstructure Analysis for Modeling (항공 LiDAR 데이터를 이용한 건물추출과 상부구조물 특성분석 및 모델링)

  • Jung, Hyung-Sup;Lim, Sae-Bom;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.227-239
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    • 2008
  • Processing LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) data obtained from ALS (Airborne Laser Scanning) systems mainly involves organization and segmentation of the data for 3D object modeling and mapping purposes. The ALS systems are viable and becoming more mature technology in various applications. ALS technology requires complex integration of optics, opto-mechanics and electronics in the multi-sensor components, Le. data captured from GPS, INS and laser scanner. In this study, digital image processing techniques mainly were implemented to gray level coded image of the LiDAR data for building extraction and superstructures segmentation. One of the advantages to use gray level image is easy to apply various existing digital image processing algorithms. Gridding and quantization of the raw LiDAR data into limited gray level might introduce smoothing effect and loss of the detail information. However, smoothed surface data that are more suitable for surface patch segmentation and modeling could be obtained by the quantization of the height values. The building boundaries were precisely extracted by the robust edge detection operator and regularized with shape constraints. As for segmentation of the roof structures, basically region growing based and gap filling segmentation methods were implemented. The results present that various image processing methods are applicable to extract buildings and to segment surface patches of the superstructures on the roofs. Finally, conceptual methodology for extracting characteristic information to reconstruct roof shapes was proposed. Statistical and geometric properties were utilized to segment and model superstructures. The simulation results show that segmentation of the roof surface patches and modeling were possible with the proposed method.

A Study on the Fire Spread Risk of Resident Buildings With Pilotis (필로티 건물 이격거리에 따른 화재확산 위험성 연구)

  • Choi, Seung-Bok;Choi, Doo-Chan;Choi, Don-Mook
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2017
  • With the common tendency in the accordance with the trend, low-stories built edifices that are Pilotis-oriented structured exponentially and constantly increasing its number of buildings. It inevitably contains its risks of facing conflagrations as most of its part is used as parking lots. In the parking lots, the length of the flame has a heavy-weighted possibility that it would get increased because the heat release rate gets relatively high due to the vehicle insulation. Following on top of that, due to the nature of the Pilotisconsisting of pillars, there is a risk of flame spread to the adjacent building if the same Pilotis-structured buildings are adjacent to each other, if the flame spreads to the surroundings due to the influence of the wind. Because the most of the pilotis-structured-buildings have this entrance that makes the residents be able to enter, if the entrance were plugged the resident get a serious risk of a poisonous gas and a flame. Therefore, if the parking-lots of the pilotis-structured-buildings are adjacent to each other it requires a space to prevent the place from the spread of flame. This research studied how far is appropriate to prevent flame spreading with FDS. As a result, the study found that the distance at least 3.0 m is required.

Automatic 3D Object Digitizing and Its Accuracy Using Point Cloud Data (점군집 데이터에 의한 3차원 객체도화의 자동화와 정확도)

  • Yoo, Eun-Jin;Yun, Seong-Goo;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2012
  • Recent spatial information technology has brought innovative improvement in both efficiency and accuracy. Especially, airborne LiDAR system(ALS) is one of the practical sensors to obtain 3D spatial information. Constructing reliable 3D spatial data infrastructure is world wide issue and most of the significant tasks involved with modeling manmade objects. This study aims to create a test data set for developing automatic building modeling methods by simulating point cloud data. The data simulates various roof types including gable, pyramid, dome, and combined polyhedron shapes. In this study, a robust bottom-up method to segment surface patches was proposed for generating building models automatically by determining model key points of the objects. The results show that building roofs composed of the segmented patches could be modeled by appropriate mathematical functions and the model key points. Thus, 3D digitizing man made objects could be automated for digital mapping purpose.

Documentation of the History of Ok-Cheon Catholic Church by standardized 2D CAD and 3D Digital Modeling (표준화된 2D CAD와 3D Digital Modeling을 이용한 옥천천주교회의 연혁 기록)

  • Kim, Myung-Sun;Choi, Soon-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.523-528
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    • 2011
  • Ok-Cheon catholic church has been changed 4 times since it's first construction in 1955. Prior three changes were small ones of windows, doors, roof finish etc. but the last alteration was the extension of it's plan from 一 shape to long cross shape and along with it the size, structure and form of it changed. This history of the church has not been recorded in drawing but only in text with indistinct features not documented. This study makes a new 2D CAD files using layers matched the changes and 3D digital models, these have not only present information but also change informations of the church. They are useful data for effective management, conservation restoration or possible reuse of it.

A development of CO2 emission estimation model based on the spatial configuration of street networks, building capacity and building usages (도로부문 이산화탄소 배출량 추정 모델의 개발: 도로망, 건물규모, 건물용도의 공간배치를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young-Ook;Kim, Kyoung-Yong;Park, Hoon-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.3879-3887
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a model to estimate the amount of $CO_2$ emitted by cars in cities. Based on the spatial configuration of street networks, building masses and usages, it first develops a deductive model to combine them in a way to account for $CO_2$ emission amount by cars. It then proceed to validate model behaviours through a series of simulations on some ideal urban settings and finally calibrate it following its real application to the five case study cities in Korea. In contrast to the conventional 'top-down' approaches, we expect our model to have high utilities, particularly in the field of urban planning and design, where we cannot but deal directly with the spatial configuration of urban components and microscopic human activities.