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대구지역 대기환경용량평가에 관한 연구

  • Choe, Geun-Sik;Kim, Hae-Dong
    • 한국지구과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.90-91
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    • 2010
  • 우리나라는 산업화와 도시화의 급속한 발전으로 인한 대기오염물질배출시설, 자동차 통행량, 에너지 사용량의 증가 등으로 대기오염물질배출원의 수와 규모가 증대되어 광역도시를 중심으로 대기질이 악화되고 있다. 특히 우리나라의 수도권대기질은 선진국의 주요 도시에 비해 대기오염 상태가 좋지 않은 것으로 평가됨에 따라 정부는 대기질을 OECD선진국 수준으로 개선한다는 목표를 세우고 있으나, 지역의 대기상태 및 그 동안의 대기질 개선을 위해 이행된 정책의 효율성 측면에서 볼 때 사후적인 규제위주의 농도규제 방식으로는 급증하는 대기오염배출시설의 배출량총량 관리가 어렵고, 지자체별로 개별적인 분산관리로는 광역적으로 이동되는 대기오염물질의 관리가 불가능하다. 또한 대기오염과 상관성이 큰 에너지정책, 산업정책, 도시계획 등 관련 정책과의 통합적 접근이 어렵기 때문에 사전에 이를 예방하는 총량관리가 요구되어 진다. 총량규제란 특정지역의 기상, 지형조건 등을 이용하여 대기환경용량을 산출하고 이를 기초로 지역별 배출허용총량을 할당하여 궁극적으로는 오염원별로 대상오염물질의 삭감량을 정하는 제도로 선진국에서는 대기환경용량을 바탕으로 1970년대부터 사업장을 중심으로 배출농도 규제와 함께 총량규제를 병행 실시하고 있으며, 최근에는 자동차에도 실시하고 있다. 우리나라에서도 대기환경보전법 제9조에서 환경기준을 초과하여 사람의 건강이나 재산, 동식물의 생육에 중대한 위해를 가져올 우려가 있다고 인정되는 경우에는 동 지역 또는 특별대책지역 중 사업장이 밀집되어 있는 구역에 대하여 배출되는 오염물질을 총량으로 규제할 수 있도록 규정하고 있다. 또한, 환경부는 2003년도에 서울, 인천, 경기도내 19개시 지역을 대상으로 대기오염물질의 배출총량을 관리하는 대기오염총량제 실시를 포함한 '수도권대기질개선에관한특별법'을 제정하였고, 현재는 사업장에게 연도별 배출허용총량을 할당하고, 할당량 이내로 오염물질을 배출하도록 관리하는 사업장 대기오염물질총량관리 제도로 시행 중에 있다. 그러나 수도권대기질개선특별대책을 수립하면서 총량관리의 본격 이행 및 배출권 거래제도 도입에 대한 특별법안이 제정되고 부분적으로 시행되고 있으나, 우리나라에 총량관리를 본격 이행하는데 있어서의 필요한 준비여건은 아직 초기 단계이고, 관련 연구의 수행실적 또한 수도권에 제한되어 적은 편이다. 따라서 현재는 총량관리가 수도권에 국한하여 실시되고 있으나, 점차 타 도시까지 광역적으로 확대될 것으로 예상되는 바 이에 필요한 제반 사항들에 대한 조사 분석을 통하여 정책방향을 설정하는 더 많은 연구가 필요할 것이다. 이러한 배경에서 본 연구에서는 대구지역을 대상으로 대기오염농도 및 대기오염물질 배출량에 대한 현황조사를 실시하고, 이를 토대로 고농도가 자주 발생되거나 그러할 가능성이 높은 $NO_X$을 대상으로 대기오염기여도를 평가하고 대기확산모델을 통한 대기환경용량을 산정하였다. 대기오염농도 현황을 살펴본 결과, 대구지역의 대기오염은 $NO_2$, $SO_2$, CO는 전형적인 1차오염물질의 변화경향을 보였으며, $PM_{10}$는 봄철에 황사의 영향을 크게 받는 것으로 나타나 실제 대구지역에서 배출되는 양을 추정하기 힘든 것으로 판단된다. 또한 $NO_2$는 공업, 상업지역에서 $SO_2$$PM_{10}$는 공업지역, CO는 상업지역, $O_3$은 교외지역에서 높은 농도를 나타내는 것으로 파악되었다. 대구지역의 대기오염물질 배출량 현황은 CO가 47%, NOX가 43%로 전체 배출량의 90%를 차지하였고, 2005년 이후 $NO_X$는 감소하고 $SO_X$가 증가하는 추세이다. 또한 배출원대분류 중도로 및 비도로이동오염원에서 발생되는 선 오염원이 75%로 대구지역에서 가장 크게 기여하는 것으로 나타났다. ISCST3 대기확산모델을 이용하여 대기환경용량을 산정하기위하여, 먼저 대구지역의 대기환경용량평가는 가시적인 위해성이 높고 개선정책이 용이한 $NO_X$을 대상물질로 선정하였고, 배출량과 오염농도간의 상관도가 0.659로 높은 것으로 판단되어, 배출량을 삭감하였을 때 대기오염농도의 개선이 명확히 나타나는 것을 알 수 있었다. 다음으로, 단위격자 당 한계배출율을 알아내는 작업을 실시하여, 대구지역을 동일하게 장기환경기준 80%수준인 22.4ppb를 만족시키기 위한 한계배출율은 2.23g/s가 필요한 것으로 파악되었고, 산출한 한계배출율을 이용하여 장기환경기준치 80%수준 달성을 목표로 하는 경우의 대기환경용량을 산정하고 실제 배출량과 비교 분석하였다. 그 결과, 대구지역 전체의 환경용량은 약 3만 톤으로 실제 배출량 2만2천 톤에 약 8천 톤 이상의 여유가 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 그러나 구역별로 상이한 차이를 보였으며, 이에 따른 구역별 개선정책이 필요할 것으로 사료된다. 대기환경용량을 파악한 후 단위격자 당 한계배출율을 초과하는 대상 지역을 추출하여 삭감한 결과 초과배출량의 80%를 삭감해야 대구지역 전체에서 50ppb이하 농도가 되는 것을 알 수 있었는데, 실제로 초과배출량의 80%를 삭감하는 것은 어려움이 있다고 판단되어, 대구지역을 동일한 %율로 삭감한 결과 30% 삭감했을 때 50ppb수준을 달성하였고, 50%삭감했을때 2007년 환경기준인 30ppb수준을 달성하였다. 또한 배출원대분류 중 기여율이 높은 도로와 비도로오염원을 50%삭감한 결과 도로이동오염원의 삭감만으로도 상당한 고 배출지역의 농도저감에 효과가 있는 것으로 파악되고, 비도로오염원을 포함하여 삭감하였을 때는 대구지역 전체에서 50ppb이하로 내려가는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 따라서 향후 총량규제의 실시에 맞추어 대구지역의 실제적인 환경용량의 정확한 파악과 고배출지역에 대한 삭감방법에 관한 더 많은 연구가 필요하다고 사료된다. 이 연구 결과는 앞으로 시행될 지역총량규제에 대한 기초적인 방법론으로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

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Legal Review on the Regulatory Measures of the European Union on Aircraft Emission (구주연합의 항공기 배출 규제 조치의 국제법적 고찰)

  • Park, Won-Hwa
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.3-26
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    • 2010
  • The European Union(EU) has recently introduced its Directive 2008/101/EC to include aviation in the EU ETS(emissions trading system). As an amendment to Directive 2003/87/EC that regulates reduction of the green house gas(GHG) emissions in Europe in preparation for the Kyoto Protocol, 1997, it obliges both EU and non-EU airline operators to reduce the emission of the carbon dioxide(CO2) significantly in the year 2012 and thereafter from the level they made in 2004 to 2006. Emission allowances allowed free of charge for each airline operator is 97% in the first year 2012 and 95% from 2013 and thereafter from the average annual emissions during historical years 2004 to 2006. Taking into account the rapid growth of air traffic, i.e. 5% in recent years, airlines operating to EU have to reduce their emissions by about 30% in order to meet the requirements of the EU Directive, if not buy the emissions right in the emissions trading market. However, buying quantity is limited to 15% in the year 2012 subject to possible increase from the year 2013. Apart from the hard burden of the airline operators, in particular of those from non-European countries, which is not concern of this paper, the EU Directive has certain legal problems. First, while the Kyoto Protocol of universal application is binding on the Annex I countries of the Climate Change Convention, i.e. developed countries including all Member States of the European Union to reduce GHG at least by 5% in the implementation period from 2008 to 2012 over the 1990 level, non-Annex I countries which are not bound by the Kyoto Protocol see their airlines subjected to aircraft emissions reductions scheme of EU when operating to EU. This is against the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol dealing with the emissions of GHG including CO2, target of the EU Directive. While the Kyoto Protocol mandates ICAO to set up a worldwide scheme for aircraft emissions to contribute to stabilizing GHG concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, the EU ETS was drawn up outside the framework of the international Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO). Second, EU Directive 2008/101 defines 'aviation activities' as covering 'flights which depart from or arrive in the territory of a Member State to which the [EU] Treaty applies'. While the EU airlines are certainly subject to the EU regulations, obliging non-EU airlines to reduce their emissions even if the emissions are produced during the flight over the high seas and the airspace of the third countries is problematic. The point is whether the EU Directive can be legally applied to extra-territorial behavior of non-EU entities. Third, the EU Directive prescribes 2012 as the first year for implementation. However, the year 2012 is the last year of implementation of the Kyoto Protocol for Annex I countries including members of EU to reduce GHG including the emissions of CO2 coming out from domestic airlines operation. Consequently, EU airlines were already on the reduction scheme of CO2 emissions as long as their domestic operations are concerned from 2008 until the year 2012. But with the implementation of Directive 2008/101 from 2012 for all the airlines, regardless of the status of the country Annex I or not where they are registered, the EU airlines are no longer at the disadvantage compared with the airlines of non-Annex I countries. This unexpected premium for the EU airlines may result in a derogation of the Kyoto Protocol at least for the year 2012. Lastly, as a conclusion, the author shed light briefly on how the Korean aviation authorities are dealing with the EU restrictive measures.

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The Prediction of Purchase Amount of Customers Using Support Vector Regression with Separated Learning Method (Support Vector Regression에서 분리학습을 이용한 고객의 구매액 예측모형)

  • Hong, Tae-Ho;Kim, Eun-Mi
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.213-225
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    • 2010
  • Data mining has empowered the managers who are charge of the tasks in their company to present personalized and differentiated marketing programs to their customers with the rapid growth of information technology. Most studies on customer' response have focused on predicting whether they would respond or not for their marketing promotion as marketing managers have been eager to identify who would respond to their marketing promotion. So many studies utilizing data mining have tried to resolve the binary decision problems such as bankruptcy prediction, network intrusion detection, and fraud detection in credit card usages. The prediction of customer's response has been studied with similar methods mentioned above because the prediction of customer's response is a kind of dichotomous decision problem. In addition, a number of competitive data mining techniques such as neural networks, SVM(support vector machine), decision trees, logit, and genetic algorithms have been applied to the prediction of customer's response for marketing promotion. The marketing managers also have tried to classify their customers with quantitative measures such as recency, frequency, and monetary acquired from their transaction database. The measures mean that their customers came to purchase in recent or old days, how frequent in a period, and how much they spent once. Using segmented customers we proposed an approach that could enable to differentiate customers in the same rating among the segmented customers. Our approach employed support vector regression to forecast the purchase amount of customers for each customer rating. Our study used the sample that included 41,924 customers extracted from DMEF04 Data Set, who purchased at least once in the last two years. We classified customers from first rating to fifth rating based on the purchase amount after giving a marketing promotion. Here, we divided customers into first rating who has a large amount of purchase and fifth rating who are non-respondents for the promotion. Our proposed model forecasted the purchase amount of the customers in the same rating and the marketing managers could make a differentiated and personalized marketing program for each customer even though they were belong to the same rating. In addition, we proposed more efficient learning method by separating the learning samples. We employed two learning methods to compare the performance of proposed learning method with general learning method for SVRs. LMW (Learning Method using Whole data for purchasing customers) is a general learning method for forecasting the purchase amount of customers. And we proposed a method, LMS (Learning Method using Separated data for classification purchasing customers), that makes four different SVR models for each class of customers. To evaluate the performance of models, we calculated MAE (Mean Absolute Error) and MAPE (Mean Absolute Percent Error) for each model to predict the purchase amount of customers. In LMW, the overall performance was 0.670 MAPE and the best performance showed 0.327 MAPE. Generally, the performances of the proposed LMS model were analyzed as more superior compared to the performance of the LMW model. In LMS, we found that the best performance was 0.275 MAPE. The performance of LMS was higher than LMW in each class of customers. After comparing the performance of our proposed method LMS to LMW, our proposed model had more significant performance for forecasting the purchase amount of customers in each class. In addition, our approach will be useful for marketing managers when they need to customers for their promotion. Even if customers were belonging to same class, marketing managers could offer customers a differentiated and personalized marketing promotion.

Selection Model of System Trading Strategies using SVM (SVM을 이용한 시스템트레이딩전략의 선택모형)

  • Park, Sungcheol;Kim, Sun Woong;Choi, Heung Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2014
  • System trading is becoming more popular among Korean traders recently. System traders use automatic order systems based on the system generated buy and sell signals. These signals are generated from the predetermined entry and exit rules that were coded by system traders. Most researches on system trading have focused on designing profitable entry and exit rules using technical indicators. However, market conditions, strategy characteristics, and money management also have influences on the profitability of the system trading. Unexpected price deviations from the predetermined trading rules can incur large losses to system traders. Therefore, most professional traders use strategy portfolios rather than only one strategy. Building a good strategy portfolio is important because trading performance depends on strategy portfolios. Despite of the importance of designing strategy portfolio, rule of thumb methods have been used to select trading strategies. In this study, we propose a SVM-based strategy portfolio management system. SVM were introduced by Vapnik and is known to be effective for data mining area. It can build good portfolios within a very short period of time. Since SVM minimizes structural risks, it is best suitable for the futures trading market in which prices do not move exactly the same as the past. Our system trading strategies include moving-average cross system, MACD cross system, trend-following system, buy dips and sell rallies system, DMI system, Keltner channel system, Bollinger Bands system, and Fibonacci system. These strategies are well known and frequently being used by many professional traders. We program these strategies for generating automated system signals for entry and exit. We propose SVM-based strategies selection system and portfolio construction and order routing system. Strategies selection system is a portfolio training system. It generates training data and makes SVM model using optimal portfolio. We make $m{\times}n$ data matrix by dividing KOSPI 200 index futures data with a same period. Optimal strategy portfolio is derived from analyzing each strategy performance. SVM model is generated based on this data and optimal strategy portfolio. We use 80% of the data for training and the remaining 20% is used for testing the strategy. For training, we select two strategies which show the highest profit in the next day. Selection method 1 selects two strategies and method 2 selects maximum two strategies which show profit more than 0.1 point. We use one-against-all method which has fast processing time. We analyse the daily data of KOSPI 200 index futures contracts from January 1990 to November 2011. Price change rates for 50 days are used as SVM input data. The training period is from January 1990 to March 2007 and the test period is from March 2007 to November 2011. We suggest three benchmark strategies portfolio. BM1 holds two contracts of KOSPI 200 index futures for testing period. BM2 is constructed as two strategies which show the largest cumulative profit during 30 days before testing starts. BM3 has two strategies which show best profits during testing period. Trading cost include brokerage commission cost and slippage cost. The proposed strategy portfolio management system shows profit more than double of the benchmark portfolios. BM1 shows 103.44 point profit, BM2 shows 488.61 point profit, and BM3 shows 502.41 point profit after deducting trading cost. The best benchmark is the portfolio of the two best profit strategies during the test period. The proposed system 1 shows 706.22 point profit and proposed system 2 shows 768.95 point profit after deducting trading cost. The equity curves for the entire period show stable pattern. With higher profit, this suggests a good trading direction for system traders. We can make more stable and more profitable portfolios if we add money management module to the system.

Intents of Acquisitions in Information Technology Industrie (정보기술 산업에서의 인수 유형별 인수 의도 분석)

  • Cho, Wooje;Chang, Young Bong;Kwon, Youngok
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates intents of acquisitions in information technology industries. Mergers and acquisitions are a strategic decision at corporate-level and have been an important tool for a firm to grow. Plenty of firms in information technology industries have acquired startups to increase production efficiency, expand customer base, or improve quality over the last decades. For example, Google has made about 200 acquisitions since 2001, Cisco has acquired about 210 firms since 1993, Oracle has made about 125 acquisitions since 1994, and Microsoft has acquired about 200 firms since 1987. Although there have been many existing papers that theoretically study intents or motivations of acquisitions, there are limited papers that empirically investigate them mainly because it is challenging to measure and quantify intents of M&As. This study examines the intent of acquisitions by measuring specific intents for M&A transactions. Using our measures of acquisition intents, we compare the intents by four acquisition types: (1) the acquisition where a hardware firm acquires a hardware firm, (2) the acquisition where a hardware firm acquires a software/IT service firm, (3) the acquisition where a software/IT service firm acquires a hardware firm, and (4) the acquisition where a software /IT service firm acquires a software/IT service firm. We presume that there are difference in reasons why a hardware firm acquires another hardware firm, why a hardware firm acquires a software firm, why a software/IT service firm acquires a hardware firm, and why a software/IT service firm acquires another software/IT service firm. Using data of the M&As in US IT industries, we identified major intents of the M&As. The acquisition intents are identified based on the press release of M&A announcements and measured with four categories. First, an acquirer may have intents of cost saving in operations by sharing common resources between the acquirer and the target. The cost saving can accrue from economies of scope and scale. Second, an acquirer may have intents of product enhancement/development. Knowledge and skills transferred from the target may enable the acquirer to enhance the product quality or to expand product lines. Third, an acquirer may have intents of gain additional customer base to expand the market, to penetrate the market, or to enter a foreign market. Fourth, a firm may acquire a target with intents of expanding customer channels. By complementing existing channel to the customer, the firm can increase its revenue. Our results show that acquirers have had intents of cost saving more in acquisitions between hardware companies than in acquisitions between software companies. Hardware firms are more likely to acquire with intents of product enhancement or development than software firms. Overall, the intent of product enhancement/development is the most frequent intent in all of the four acquisition types, and the intent of customer base expansion is the second. We also analyze our data with the classification of production-side intents and customer-side intents, which is based on activities of the value chain of a firm. Intents of cost saving operations and those of product enhancement/development can be viewed as production-side intents and intents of customer base expansion and those of expanding customer channels can be viewed as customer-side intents. Our analysis shows that the ratio between the number of customer-side intents and that of production-side intents is higher in acquisitions where a software firm is an acquirer than in the acquisitions where a hardware firm is an acquirer. This study can contribute to IS literature. First, this study provides insights in understanding M&As in IT industries by answering for question of why an IT firm intends to another IT firm. Second, this study also provides distribution of acquisition intents for acquisition types.

Macroeconomic Consequences of Pay-as-you-go Public Pension System (부과방식 공적연금의 거시경제적 영향)

  • Park, Chang-Gyun;Hur, Seok-Kyun
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.225-270
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    • 2008
  • We analyze macroeconomic consequences of pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) public pension system with a simple overlapping generations model. Contrary to large body of existing literatures offering quantitative results based on simulation study, we take another route by adopting a highly simplified framework in search of qualitatively tractable analytical results. The main contribution of our results lies in providing a sound theoretical foundation that can be utilized in interpreting various quantitative results offered by simulation studies of large scale general equilibrium models. We present a simple overlapping generations model with a defined benefit(DB) PAYGO public pension system as a benchmark case and derive an analytical equilibrium solution utilizing graphical illustration. We also discuss the modifications of the benchmark model required to encompass a defined contribution(DC) public pension system into the basic framework. Comparative statics analysis provides three important implications; First, introduction and expansion of the PAYGO public pension, DB or DC, result in lower level of capital accumulation and higher expected rate of return on the risky asset. Second, it is shown that the progress of population aging is accompanied by lower capital stock due to decrease in both demand and supply of risky asset. Moreover, risk premium for risky asset increases(decreases) as the speed of population aging accelerates(decelerates) so that the possibility of so-called "the great meltdown" of asset market cannot be excluded although the odds are not high. Third, it is most likely that the switch from DB PAYGO to DC PAYGO would result in lower capital stock and higher expected return on the risky asset mainly due to the fact that the young generation regards DC PAYGO pension as another risky asset competing against the risky asset traded in the market. This theoretical prediction coincides with one of the firmly established propositions in empirical literature that the currently dominant form of public pension system has the tendency to crowd out private capital accumulation.

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An Analysis of Imports by Domestic Producers of Competing Goods (메이커에 의한 수입(輸入)의 문제점(問題點)과 대응방안(對應方案))

  • Nam, Il-chong
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.55-75
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    • 1992
  • At the outset of import liberalization, most economists expected a significant drop in the prices of domestic goods that faced foreign competition. However, it is now generally acknowledge that a significant drop in prices of those goods has not occurred. A common claim is that the prices did not drop significantly because the major importers of many imported goods were also the domestic producers of competing goods. The objective of this paper is to analyze the welfare effect of importation by domestic firms that produce competing goods, to identify the factors that facilitate such business practices, and to formulate a policy that could improve the welfare. We proved that importation by competing domestic firms definitely raises the prices of both imported and domestic goods compared to the situation where foreign goods are imported by non-producers, ceteris paribus. The intuition behind this result is that since a producer-importer is essentially a cartel, its overall profit maximization requires reduced competition between the products that it sells. On the other hand, if a producer-importer is more efficient at distrinbution than a simple importer, the comparison between the two cases is a priori indeterminate. We also find that the industries in which domestic producers are actively involved in importing competing goods are the ones in which the distribution channels are tightly controlled by importer-producers. This finding suggests that exclusive dealing contracts, which work as an entry barrier, may be the source of importing by domestic producers. We argue that in a country such as Korea, where financial market is highly incomplete, tight control of the distribution channels by oligopolistic manufacturers is likely to be an effective entry barrier that leads to importing by domestic producers of similar goods. We further argue that seemingly superior distribution costs of importer-producers is likely to be a result of market foreclosure which would disappear once the entry barrier of exclusive dealing contracts is removed. Above findings suggest that market imperfections are the source of importation by domestic competitors, which in turn constitutes a market imperfection in itself and reduces consumer welfare. As potential remedies, we considered three alternatives; direct price control by the government over the imported goods sold by major domestic producers, regulation of trade itself between major producers, and regulation of exclusive dealing contracts. For reasons both theoretical and pratical, we find that the last alternative is the most attrative. Prohibiting exclusive contracts between manufacturers and dealers in industries where exclusive dealing contracts are a significant entry barrier is expected to break up the importer-producer cartel and improve the welfare.

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A Study on Trust Transfer in Traditional Fintech of Smart Banking (핀테크 서비스에서 오프라인에서 온라인으로의 신뢰전이에 관한 연구 - 스마트뱅킹을 중심으로 -)

  • Ai, Di;Kwon, Sun-Dong;Lee, Su-Chul;Ko, Mi-Hyun;Lee, Bo-Hyung
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.167-184
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we investigated the effect of offline banking trust on smart banking trust. As influencing factors of smart banking trust, this study compared offline banking trust, smart banking's system quality, and information quality. For the empirical study, 186 questionnaire data were collected from smart banking users and the data were analyzed using Smart-PLS 2.0. As results, it was verified that there is trust transfer in FinTech service, by the significant effect of offline banking trust on smart banking trust. And it was proved that the effect of offline banking trust on smart banking trust is lower than that of smart banking itself. The contribution of this study can be seen in both academic and industrial aspects. First, it is the contribution of the academic aspect. Previous studies on banking were focused on either offline banking or smart banking. But this study, focus on the relationship between offline banking and online banking, proved that offline banking trust affects smart banking trust. Next, it is the industrial contribution. This study showed that offline banking characteristics of traditional commercial banks affect the trust of emerging smart banking service. This means that the emerging FinTech companies are not advantageous in the competition of trust building compared to traditional commercial banks. Unlike traditional commercial banks, the emerging FinTech is innovating the convenience of customers by arming them with new technologies such as mobile Internet, social network, cloud technology, and big data. However, these FinTech strengths alone can not guarantee sufficient trust needed for financial transactions, because banking customers do not change a habit or an inertia that they already have during using traditional banks. Therefore, emerging FinTech companies should strive to create destructive value that reflects the connection with various Internet services and the strength of online interaction such as social services, which have an advantage over customer contacts. And emerging FinTech companies should strive to build service trust, focused on young people with low resistance to new services.

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A Study on e-B/L Korea Service and its Facilitation Strategies (한국형 전자선하증권 활성화 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Yoon-Say
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.51-79
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    • 2011
  • Korea has accomplished the establishment of the National Single Window for Paperless Trade. Since 1991, it has developed Trade Automation Service System based on EDI technology. In 2003, Korean government and private sectors jointly began to set up National Paperless Trade Service( e-Trade Service) as one of the e-government projects. In 2008, they commenced the uTradeHub Service which was equipped with Internet based e-B/L and e-Nego service systems for the first time in the world To facilitate the service Korea amended its e-Trade facilitation Act and Law by 2007. At the end of 2011, Korea historically recorded its trade volume of 1 trillion US dollars and joined '$1 trillion trade club' as the 9the member country since the country had started international trade less than five decades ago. A rolling out of the e-B/L and e-Nego service will 'ally reduce the transaction costs of trading businesses and accelerate the activation e-trade services. The purposes of the study are to examine 'e-B/L Korea' service and its facilitation strategies as well as identify obstacles to utilize the 'e-B/L Korea' service. The paper reviewed and analyzed Korea's Paperless trade system and distinctive characteristics of the 'e-B/L Korea Service. Parts of the fOWld distinctive characteristics of the Korea's e-B/L service are as follows; It is well equiped with IT and legal system. It also has more that 30,000 potential users who are already uTradeHub service users. The paper indicated several weaknesses of the current system such as global KPI issues, circulation of the electronic documents not only in the domestic market but also among economies, development of the electronic Bill of Exchange. As resolution measures, the paper recommended the introduction of mutual recognition system of PKI among trade partner counties, setting up e-trade solution for small and medium companies, and special attention to raise users' awareness of the e-B/L service.

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A Study on the Efficiency Enhancement Plan of the Broadcasting: Advertising Industry Infrastructure Construction Direction in Korea (한국 방송광고산업 인프라 구축방향에 관한 효율성 제고방안 연구)

  • Yeom, Sung-Won
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.22
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    • pp.131-166
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    • 2003
  • The opening of advertising market and introduction of the free competition doctrine make the competition harsher among advertising agencies. Advertising agencies do their best to execute their ad more efficiently and scientifically. But, it is the reality that broadcasting advertising industry in korea did not construct enough infrastructure to execute the systematic activities compared with that of advanced countries. So, we need to grasp the present conditions and draw a time-table to construct primarily necessary infrastructures. In case of hardware infrastructure in advertising industry, digitalization of broadcasting and convergence of broadcasting with telecommunication make it hurry to construct that. But as the ad agencies was in the situation to compete each other, they have a difficulty to construct common hardware infrastructure enthusiastically. Thus, it is necessary to build hardware infrastructure in advertising industry for policy. And the construction of that should be executed systematically not for the short term effects but for the long term objectives. Also, it is the most important to construct reliable Software infrastructure in advertising industry from all of ad agencies. In these days, ad agencies have a tendency not to believe the important information, like the data of ratings and advertising transaction information, in relation to the advertising activities. And they do not share and communicate about the information of the advertising industry trends, research trends, advertisement related information. So, it is also hurry to build the on-line and off-line database system. Finally, for the development of brainware infrastructure in advertising industry, it is the most necessary to activate the cooperation relation between university and advertising agencies. Universities need to invite experts in the advertising to teach the students practical knowledge and ad agencies to recruit students who want to develop their carrier in the advertising industries. In conclusion, advertising industry in korea to solve these tasks for the development of advertising industry infrastructure in the way of cooperation and harmony of each other rationally and efficiently.

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