• Title/Summary/Keyword: 개마총

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The Pigment Analysis of 『Procession of the Ladies』 Mural painting from Gaemachong, Koguryo (고구려 개마총 『여인행렬도』의 안료분석)

  • Yun, Eunyoung;Kim, Yuran;Kang, Hyungtae
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.12
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated ingredient of the pigment of wall painting piece of women parade of Gaemachong Goguryo that the National Museum of Korea kept. XRF, a non-destructive analyzer, was used to investigate ingredient of the pigment. At the analysis, not only cinnabar/ vermillion(HgS) but also hematiae(Fe2O3) was used to produce red, and carbon was done to produce black, and lead white was done to produce white. The face was painted by mixture of not only cinnabar/ vermillion but also hematiae: No coloring was done depending upon situation.

Conservation and Analysis of Wall Painting Fragments of Goguryeo Possessed by National Museum of Korea (국립중앙박물관 소장 고구려 벽화 편의 보존과 분석)

  • Jo, Yeontae
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.14
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    • pp.37-60
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    • 2013
  • Conservation and analysis of wall painting Goguryeo was performed to classify the unknown fragments. The conservation naked eye observation, optical microscopy, and infrared examination were carried out in order to figure out the structure, quality of constituting materials, and damages such as cracks, and discolored fragments of colored areas. Based on such investigation, conservation was proceeded. and it was completed with strengthening the weakened pigment layer of wall blocks. In addition tombs where the wall painting fragments were excavated were investigated by making comparison with gelatin dry plates and copies possessed by National Museum of Korea. According to the result, they were Kaemachong, Gosan-ri Tomb No.1 Gamsinchong, and Wonbong-ri Tomb. The components of colors with which Goguryeo wall painting fragments were painted and the mineral pigments of the wall layer were analyzed. Portable µ-XRF spectrometer and X-ray diffractometer were employed. It showed that lime (CaCO3) used for the wall layer, and the brown color is hematite(Fe2O3) and cerusite (PbCO3) and lead oxide(PbO) were identified. In the red color, cinnabar (HgS) were detected.