• Title/Summary/Keyword: 갑상선자극 호르몬

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Physical Dosimetry in Radioactive Iodine Treatment in the Patients with Thyroid Cancer (갑상선암 환자에 대한 방사성옥소 치료시 물리적 선량 측정)

  • Kim, Myung-Seon;Jeong, Nae-In;Lee, Jai-Yong;Kim, Chong-Soon;Kim, Chong-Ho;Lee, Myung-Chul;Koh, Channg-Soon;Kim, Hee-Geun;Kang, Duck-Won;Song, Myung-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 1994
  • Radioactive iodine has been widely used in patients with thyroid cancer combined with surgical treatment. However, due to individual variations in absorption and excretion and uptake by tumor tissue of radioactive iodine, there are differences in therapeutic effect and adverse effects even if the same doses are administrated. So this study compared the therapeutic effect and radiation hazard by measuring internal radiation dose. Of total 27 patients with well differentiated thyroid cancer who had been thyroidectomized, we administered radioactive iodine 100 mCi, 150 mCi, 200 mCi. According to BEL DOSIMETRY PROTO-COL, beta and gamma ray dose were estimated from a pelt of the logarithm of the percent of dose per liter of whole blood versus day, and percent dose retained versus day using somilogarithmic paper, respectively. 1) Physical dose to whole blood averaged $56.54{\pm}13.02$ rad in 100 mCi administered group, $76.83{\pm}19.97$ rad in 150 mCi administered group, $95.08{\pm}25.51$ rad in 200 mCi administered group and there has been a significant correlation among the groups. 2) Mean percent dose retained 48 hours later was 26.34%. 3) There was no significant correlation of physical dose between absence and presence of metastasis. 4) 17 of 19 patients who has been followed up with TSH and serum throglobulin, Thallium scan were successfully ablated by radioactive iodine. 5) Leukocyte, lymphocyte, neutrophil, platelet counts all deelined in 4.6 weeks and most of all were restored 3 months later. 6) There was no significant correlation between physical dosimetry and biologic dosimetry. Generally administered doses of radioactive iodine (100-200 mCi) to patients with thyroid cancer postoperatively had developed transient bone marrow suppression and minimal chromosomal aberration, but they were within safety dose to blood (200 rad). And there has been no significant differences in residual dose 48 hours later between Korean and western people.

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A Gene Encoding Endoplasmic Reticulum Resident 29 kDa Protein is Regulated by TSH-Dependently at the Transcription Level (갑상선자극호르몬에 의한 분자\ulcorner페론 ERp29 유전자의 발현)

  • Park, Soo-Jung;Lee, Woong-Hee;Goo, Tae-Won;Yun, Eun-Young;Hwang, Jae-Sam;Kim, Ho;Shong, Min-Ho;Kwon, O-Yu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.150-156
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    • 2000
  • This experiment was performed to evaluate the effect of TSH (thyroid-stimulating) on the ERp29 (endoplasmic reticulum resident 29 kDa protein) gene expression in the rat thyrocytes of FRTL-5 cells. Although ERp29 mRNA was constantly expressed, its expression began to increase remarkably from 10-9 M TSH. and its maximum expression was at 5×10-9 M TSH (about 3.5 fold). On the other hand, the effect of TSH on the abundance of ERp29 mRNA started within 6 h, and peaked at 8 h (about 2.5 fold). Actinomycin D (transcription inhibitor) strongly blocked this effect while cycloheximide (translation inhibitor) did not. The half-life of ERp29 mRNA was about 4.5 h in the presence or absence of TSH that was not affected by the stability of ERp29 mRNA. The effect of TSH on the ERp29 gene expression was specific, while other growth factors (transfferin, insulin, and hydrocortisone) did not alter its expression. Our data indicate for the first time that the expression of ERp29 is regulated transcriptionally by TSH in the thyrocytes.

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Report on the Stability of Freeze-dried Standard Solution (동결건조표준액의 안정성에 관한 보고)

  • Park, Jun Mo;Yoo, Hye Jung;Kim, Han Chul;Han, Geul Soon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2012
  • Purpose : Since standard solution is the one that knows its exact concentration, the curve of the dissolution has been determined according to the amount of the solution, compared to the amount of the unknown sample. Therefore, the antigen that makes up standard materials should be made in a pure form. The configuration of the standard substance solution in the kit we use is a freeze-dried material, or made and comes as a liquid. Lyophilized reference material is used after dissolving in usually D.W. (Distilled Water), and if the antigen to use is too sensitive, reagents should be freeze-dried. Furthermore, when freeze-dried reference has to be frozen again after being dissolved, it should be kept under $-20^{\circ}C$ until the expiration date according to the reports. Since it is not expressed in the experiment if it is safe or stable to reuse the solution which was dissolved a few times, thus, this time it is tested and evaluated that the changes of the standard solution by freezing and melting several times, and its results and the effectiveness of it were compared to the solution which was kept in a fridge. Materials and Methods : Among Vitro diagnostic kits on the market made by radioimmunoassay, parathyroid hormone (PTH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), luteinizing hormone (LH) are made of freeze-dried standard solution and all composed of the same Lot.NO. These hormones melted in D.W. and were separated into three groups. In the first group, melting and freezing were repeated, and in the second group, The solution only for one time use was put into a test tube after melting and freeze it. The third group was kept in the refrigerator. This experiment has been conducted from January to February in 2012. January to 2012. PH test was employed because ph is prone to changing depending on the change of protein. Each group of the standard solution, cpm (counter per minute), and the patient relative concentration values were compared by date, and Through the correlation coefficient and Paired t-test, the significant level of each group was analyzed. Results : ACTH, PTH, LH pH values were too subtle denaturation rather than numerical changes in the protein. In addition, when the standard solution of ACTH, PTH, LH was refrigerated, after 3 days and 7 days, there was a significant difference observed between the solution being kept in a refrigerator and a freezer within a significance level. Conclusion : Standard solution should be kept in a freezer, and being kept in a fridge, it is recommended to use the solution as soon as possible.

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Differences in Clinical Laboratory Data between the Elderly and the Young Adults (노인군과 청장년군 간의 정상 검사치의 비교 분석)

  • Lee, Kun-A;Lee, Keun-Mi;Jung, Seung-Pil;Bae, Seong-Wook
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.430-442
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    • 1997
  • Due to the lowering of biological functions resulted from old age, the elderly is known to have many different clinical laboratory data compared with the young adults. But, in korea, such study is lacking. This research is to find the differences between the elderly and the young adults, and also to know the sexual differences, by comparing the outcomes of the clinical. laboratory data. Along with that, it is to help clinical usage of the data in the future. The age of the elderly was between 60 and 83(average age 63.8), and that of the young. controls was between 20 and 35. In both sexes, MCV, MCH, ESR, CRP, AST, ALT, ${\gamma}$GTP, ALP, BUN, total cholesterol were significantly higher in the elderly than in the controls. And lymphocyte count(%), total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, total protein, albumin, $T_3$ were significantly lower in the elderly than in the controls(P<0.05). Hemoglobin, Hct, platelet count, $T_4$ were significantly lower only in the male elderly, and eosinophil count(%), creatinine were significantly higher only in the female elderly(P<0.05). HDL cholesterol was significantly higher only in the male elderly(P<0.01). There were no significant difference between two groups regarding WBC count, segment neutrophil count(%), monocyte count(%), TSH. Many clinical laboratory data are different between the elderly and the young adults, and some clinical laboratory data also have sexual differences.

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