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Authigenic Phillipsite in Deep-sea Manganese Nodules from the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zones, NE Equatorial Pacific (적도 북동 태평양, 클라리온-클리퍼톤 균열대에서 산출되는 망간단괴내의 자생 필립사이트)

  • Lee, Chan Hee;Lee, Sung-Rock
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.421-428
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    • 1996
  • The occurrence, optical property, chemical composition, crystal structure and formation environments of the phillipsite within deep-sea manganese nodules were systematically investigated in this study. Phillipsite in manganese nodules occurs in nucleus of nodules along with consolidated bottom sediments, weathered volcanic debris, and interstitial grains in the each layer of manganese encrusts. Phillipsite is predominantly pseudomorphs of volcanic shards, and occurs as white to pale yellow in color lath-shaped and equant crystals. These show aggregations of prismatic, blocky, and bladed of 2 to $20{\mu}m$ long, and 2 to $5{\mu}m$ thick. The simplified average chemical formula of phillipsite is $({Ca_{0.1}Mg_{0.3}Na_{1.1}K_{1.5}})_3{(Fe_{0.3}Al_{4.2}Si_{11.8})O_{32}{\cdot}10H_2O}$ with a very siliceous and alkalic. The $Si/(Al+Fe^{+3})$ ratio is 2.37 to 2.78 and alkalis greatly exceed the divalent exchangeable cations, and Na/K ratio is 0.59 to 0.81. The phillipsite is monoclinic ($P2_l/m$) with the unit-cell parameters, $a=10.005{\AA}$, $b=14.129{\AA}$, $c=8.686{\AA}$, ${\beta}=124.35^{\circ}$, and $V=1013.6{\AA}^3$. Phillipsites in manganese nodules formed apparently authigenically at a temperature less than $10^{\circ}C$, and they crystallized at a pressure of less than 0.7 kb, and pH of about 8 in deep-sea environments.

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Economic Impact Analysis on High-yield Groundwater Development R&D Project in Jeju (제주도 청정 대용량 지하수개발 연구사업의 경제적 효과분석)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young;Kim, Seong-Yong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2009
  • For economic impact analysis on a R&D project of high-yield groundwater development in Jeju conducted by KIGAM from 2004 to 2007, benefit/cost ratio(BCR), net present value(NPV), and internal rate of return(IRR) were calculated by contingent valuation method(CVM), production function analysis, domestic water market analysis and technology factor analysis. Measurable direct impact parameters among the major outputs of this R&D project consisted the estimation 4 high-yield and high mineral groundwater reserve in Jeju. Annual use of the reserve by piped water and bottled water was estimated as 12.23 million ton and its monetary value was calculated as 293.4 million dollar in 2006 year value applied of 5.5% discount rate. Economic impact of this R&D project in NPV of year 2006, with applying a discount rate of 5.5%, was identified and estimated as 13.66 million dollar in NPV, 4.05 points in BCR, and 22.74% in IRR, respectively. Additional early launch benefit was 5.58 million dollar. Even increased of the 1% discount rate, NPV of this R&D project was also positive as 12.18 million dollar and BCR was 3.71.

The Study on the Internet-based Virtual Apartment Remodeling and Auto Estimation Simulator (인터넷 기반의 아파트 리모델링 및 자동 내역산출을 위한 시뮬레이터 디자인 연구)

  • 서재은;김성곤
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.191-202
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    • 2002
  • As family types have been diverse, patterns of living and living space became diverse as much as users are. Therefore, it is needed to provide various remodeled design of living space corresponding to changes of users'living patterns, and to provide these remodeling process to users directly on the web. In this paper, use scenario for the Internet-based Virtual Apartment Remodeling Simulator is researched as an export system to remodel space in accordance with users diverse lifestyle paradigm and the website is developed. The study consists of four parts. First, the general concept of remodeling, including the range and types of remodeling, are defined, and the misleading terms in this field are reviewed and organized by secondary research Second, fixed factors and variable factors are differentiated in the complex building for residence and business that was decided as a basic building type in this study. Third, there needed a database for consulting, final material, pre-estimation real estimation for simulation of remodeling. This database was introduced along with floor plan and elevation. Finally, the remodeling simulator is presented by the case study developed on the web. The system structure and use scenario are also presented. In order to present and inspect design alternatives, prototype was produced. The Final simulator was enhanced by defeating problems regarding interface efficiency and missing information of existing online site.

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The Methodology for Prediction and Control of Hazardous Chlorine Gas Flow Releases as Meteorological Data (기상조건에 따른 유해독성염소가스의 가상흐름누출에 관한 예측 및 제어론)

  • Kim, Jong-Shik;Park, Jong-Kyu
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.1155-1160
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    • 1999
  • The screening methodology modeling, dispersion modeling procedures for continuous and instantaneous releases of the gas phase flow from the storage tank and pressure relief valve were considered. This study was performed to develop the screening methodology for prediction and control of hazardous/toxic gas releases by estimating the 1-hr average maximum ground-level concentration of $Cl_2$ gas vs. downwind distance by incorporating source term model including the general/physical properties of released material and release mode of the $Cl_2$ storage tank of the chemical plant facilities, dispersion model, and meteorological/topographical data into the TSCREEN model. As the results of the study, it was found that dispersion modes of the dense gas were affected by the state of the released material, the released conditions, physical-chemical properties of released material, and the released modes (continuous and instantaneous releases), and especially largely affected by initial (depressurized) density of the released material and release emission rate as well as the wind velocity. Especially, this study was considered to release hazardous material as meteorological data. It was thought that this screening methodology can be useful as a preliminary guideline for application of the refined analysis model by developing the generic sliding scale methodology for various senarios selected.

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A Study on the Influence of Factors That Makes Web Sites Credible (웹사이트의 신뢰성 평가에 영향을 미치는 요인과 각 요인의 중요도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.93-111
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    • 2007
  • The Internet is now an integral part of the everyday lives of a majority of people. Web users are becoming increasingly skeptical of the information and services offered online. They are demanding web sites that offer credible information. This study focused on what features of web sites affect the perception of web credibility. For this purpose, I took the responses from 648 people and extracted 49 factors that affect web credibility. I placed the individual factors - the specific questions asked in the survey - into one of four categories expertise. trustworthiness, ads and other and calculated the means for each of the 49 factors. As a result, 29 out of 49 factors increase the Perceptions of credibility and 20 factors decrease the web credibility. Sites with frequently update. the credentials of authors, strict content guides, search capabilities, clear connections to the real world fared good in credibility. Technical problems such as broken links, site sown, or typographical errors were rated the most negative on this scale On the other end of the scale, a domain name that ends in' .org' or' .or.kr' caused little change in perception of credibility.

An Efficient Disk Sharing Technique supporting Single Disk I/O Space in Linux Cluster Systems (리눅스 클러스터 시스템에서 단일 디스크 입출력 공간을 지원하는 효율적 디스크 공유 기법)

  • 김태호;이종우;이재원;김성동;채진석
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.635-645
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    • 2003
  • One of very important features that are necessarily supported by clustered parallel computer systems is a single I/O system image in which users can access both the local and remote I/O resources transparently. In this paper, we propose an efficient disk sharing technique supporting a single disk I/O system image architecture. The design separates the I/O subsystem of a cluster into the file system and a set of virtual hard disk drivers. The virtual hard disk driver deals with a hard disk in the remote node as a local hard disk. All services provided by it are performed in the device driver level without any modification of file systems. Users can, therefore, access all the disks in the cluster regardless of their locations. Our virtual hard disk driver is implemented under the linux, and also tested in a linux cluster system. We find by experiments that it can successfully support a single disk I/O space, and at the same time it shows better performance than NFS. We are sure that this paper can be a guideline for single I/O space of other devices to be easily constructed.

Design and Implementation of 3D Studio Max Plug-In in Collaborative Systems (협력시스템에서 3D 스튜디오 맥스 플러그인 설계 및 개발)

  • Kwon, Tai-Sook;Lee, Sung-Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.498-509
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    • 2001
  • Collaborative systems allow users, who may be far removed from each other geographically, to do collaborative work such as 3D animation, computer game, and industrial design in a single virtual space. This paper describes our experience to develop a collaborative system framework that aims at expanding the some functions of a stand-alone visual modeling tool, called 3D Studio Max, into those of the distributed collaborative working environments. The paper mainly deals with design and implementation of a 3D shared-object Plug-In with respect to the 3D Studio Max Plug-In Software Development Kit in the distributed collaborative system developed by the authors. There are two major functions of the proposed scheme; one is to write 3D object-information to the shared memory after extracting it from the 3D Studio Max, the other is to create 3D objects after retrieving them from the shared memory. Also, the proposed scheme provides a simple way of storing 3D objects that have variable size, by means of shared memory which located in between the collaborative system clients and 3D studio Max. One of the remarkable virtures of the Plug-In is to reduce a considerable amount of shared object data which in consequence can mitigate the network overhead. This can be achieved by the fact that the system is able to extract a minimum amount of 3D objects that are required to transmit. Also, using the proposed scheme, user can facilitate 3D Studio Max into distributed collaborative working environments. This, in consequence give many benefits such as saving time as well as eliminating space constraints in the course of 3D modeling when we are under industrial design process.

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Field Test and Performance Verification of On-board Oriented Train Control System (차상중심 열차제어시스템의 현장시험을 통한 성능검증)

  • Baek, Jong-Hyen
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.5513-5521
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    • 2015
  • There is an operational efficiency problem about wayside equipment applied to the domestic low-density branch as the equipment has been installed and operated similarly in the mainline. On-board oriented train control system, which has been developed for train safety and operation efficiency, ensures safe train operation without expensive ground control signal devices. Such system consists of on-board control system, wayside control system, and local control system. In this paper, the details of tests such as suitability test, communication test, and interface test are described by installing the on-board control system and wayside control system in field. Installation tests include checking power, voltage, cable connection, LED status, etc. Field applicability of the developed system is also verified through the dynamic operation tests with diverse scenarios, which are performed on the virtual line similar to the real environment including switch machine and level crossing gate. Dynamic operation tests were conducted for total 7 scenarios, and several tests were repeated for each scenario. The elapsed time for each operation was computed by analyzing main process log, and we could check that each operation was accomplished within several seconds. Furthermore, the developed system was verified through field test with an accredited institute, and testing certificates were issued.

A Remote Control System for Home Appliance using Low Speed Network (저속 네트워크 기반의 가전기기를 위한 원격 제어 시스템)

  • 김용호;이종환;유동희;김경석
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.699-711
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    • 2003
  • Home networking and Internet control technologies must satisfy three requirements with a view to being applied to home for raising the qualify of human life. Firstly, the cost of adding home networking ability to the traditional appliance must be minimized. Secondly, the mutual accessibility between home network and Internet must be guaranteed in the various Internet service environment of home. Finally, communication must be possible between the home network and the Internet that use different communications protocols. This paper proposes the ARCS (Appliance Remote Control System) that controls appliances based on LnCP (Living network Control Protocol) via the Internet. LnCP is the most cost-effective network and control protocol for home network. ARCS guarantees the accessibility from the Internet to home network and provides users with the virtual interface designed for controlling appliances using the Internet application program. In addition, this paper proposes AICS (Appliance Internet Control Specification). AICS, is based on LnCP, defines the message structure and control commands for the Internet control communication. ARCS and home gateway are developed to meet AICS.

Uniform Posture Map Algorithm to Generate Natural Motion Transitions in Real-time (자연스러운 실시간 동작 전이 생성을 위한 균등 자세 지도 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Bum-Ro;Chung, Chin-Hyun
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.549-558
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    • 2001
  • It is important to reuse existing motion capture data for reduction of the animation producing cost as well as efficiency of producing process. Because its motion curve has no control point, however, it is difficult to modify the captured data interactively. The motion transition is a useful method to reuse the existing motion data. It generates a seamless intermediate motion with two short motion sequences. In this paper, Uniform Posture Map (UPM) algorithm is proposed to perform the motion transition. Since the UPM is organized through quantization of various postures with an unsupervised learning algorithm, it places the output neurons with similar posture in adjacent position. Using this property, an intermediate posture of two active postures is generated; the generating posture is used as a key-frame to make an interpolating motion. The UPM algorithm needs much less computational cost, in comparison with other motion transition algorithms. It provides a control parameter; an animator could control the motion simply by adjusting the parameter. These merits of the UPM make an animator to produce the animation interactively. The UPM algorithm prevents from generating an unreal posture in learning phase. It not only makes more realistic motion curves, but also contributes to making more natural motions. The motion transition algorithm proposed in this paper could be applied to the various fields such as real time 3D games, virtual reality applications, web 3D applications, and etc.

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