• Title/Summary/Keyword: 腦(brain)

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A case study on patient with diplopia caused by stroke (뇌경색(腦梗塞)으로 인한 복시(複視) 증상 치료(治療) 1례(例)에 대한 증례보고(證例報告))

  • Lee, Han-Eol;Ahn, Taek-Won
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.199-206
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    • 2007
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to report treated case about patient with diplopia caused by stroke. Methods : The improvement of diplopia was observed as he was treated with acupuncture therapy and herb medicine named Bo-gan-san(保肝散). Results : Diplopia improved and disappeared gradually with acupuncture therapy and herb medicine named Bo-gan-san(保肝散). The patient was discharged with favorable recovery. Conclusion : In traditional Korean medicine, diplopia is caused by disorder of JungKi(精氣), intrusion of PoongSa(風邪) into Neoi(腦), and hollowness of Gan(肝), Shin(腎). Treating it is by expelling PoongSa(風邪) or strengthening Gan(肝), Shin(腎). The patient was diagnosed as cerebral infarction according to Brain MRI. Diplopia was improved after acupunctural therapy and intaking Bo-gan-san(保肝散), herbal prescription selected from DongYiBoGam(東醫寶鑑).

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Effects of Chengwhabosimtang on depression, anxiety, TH and c-Fos of the brain in the CMS treated rats (청화보심탕(淸火補心湯)이 우울증(憂鬱症) 막형동물(模型動物)의 절망행동(絶望行動), 불안(不安) 및 뇌(腦)의 TH 와 c-Fos 발현(發展)에 미치는 효과(效果))

  • Cho, Chung-Hoon;Shin, Hyeun-Kyoo;Whang, Wei-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.157-178
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    • 2003
  • Objective : This study was designed to assess the protective effects of Chengwhabosimtang on the animal model of depression, chronic mild stress(CMS). Method : Male Sprague-Dawley rats Were used for this experiment. The subjects Were divided into 3 groups (1. CMS-drug: Chengwhabosimtang administered during CMS treatment, 2. CMS-vehicle: water administered, 3. normal ). After 4 weeks of CMS treatment they were executed Forced swimming test(FST) and Elevated plus maze. Tyrosine hydroxylase(TH) in ventral tegmental area(VTA) and c-Fos in paraventricular nucleus(PVN) were measured. Result : 1. In FST, CMS-drug group showed significantly decreased immobility behavior. 2. CMS-drug group showed no significantly lower TH level in VTA than CMS-vehicle group. 3. CMS-drug group showed significantly less c-Fos expressed cell bodies in PVN than CMS-vehicle group. 4. In Elevated plus maze, CMS-drug group showed no significantly anxiety. Conclusion : These results suggest that Chengwhabosimtang may have protective antidepressant effects in CMS model rats. And these effects could be explained by the elevated stress-copying behaviors which are related with PVN of hypothalamus and dopaminergic neurons in VTA.

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Histopathologic Studies on the Brain and Lymphoid Organs in Hog Cholera I. Clinical and Pathological Observation in Hog Cholera (Hog Cholera 병돈(病豚)의 뇌(腦) 및 임파장기(淋巴臟器)에 관한 병리조직학적(病理組織學的) 연구(硏究) I. 임상(臨床) 및 병리해부학적(病理解剖學的) 관찰(觀察))

  • Kwak, Soo-Dong;Lee, Cha-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 1982
  • This study was taken to clarify the clinical signs and macroscopical lesions of pigs naturally infected with hog cholera. The clinical and macroscopical observation on the natural cases of hog cholera and experimental cases inoculated with ALD Virus and isolated virus strains were carried out. The results obtained are as follow; In clinical inspection of the natural cases, diarrhea (73.1%) blotching of ear (50.0%), staggering (42.3%), erythema of skin (40.0%), constipation (38.5%), conjunctivitis (32.7%) and dyspnea (30.8%) were observed. Dyspnea, constipation and erythema of skin were observed mainly in the experimental cases, however, staggering and conjunctivitis in pigs infected with ALD virus were found and convulsion and hemorrhage of skin of pigs infected with isolated virus were seen, respectively. The gross lesions of natural cases were hemorrhage of lymph node (82.5%), enteritis and hemorrhage of large intestine (65.0%), splenic infarction (57.5%), pneumonia (55.0%), gastritis and hemorrhage (52.5%), cardiac hemorrhage (40.0%) and renal petechiation (37.5%), while in the experimental cases, hemorrhage of lymph node, pneumonia, gastritis and hemorrhage, enteritis and hemorrhage of laryge intestine and splenic infarction were seen mainly.

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Influences of Hydrocortisone, DHEA, Estradiol and Testosterone on the Polyamine Metabolism of Mouse Brain, Kidney, Liver and Intestine (Glucocorticoid 및 성(性) Steroid 홀몬에 의한 뇌(腦) 및 복부내(腹部內) 장기(臟器)의 Polyamine 대사(代謝)의 변동(變動)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Sang-Hyun;Chun, Boe-Gwun;Chun, Jong-Cheol;Chun, Yeon-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 1991
  • The bilateral castration of male mice was operated under light ether anesthesia, and the sham operated mice were considered as the uncastrated. The treatments of mice with the following steroids were started one hour after operation. Hydrocortisone 50 mg/kg (HC), dehydroepiandrosterone 250 mg/kg (DHEA), ${\beta}-estradiol$ 5 mg/kg (E2), and testosterone 20mg/kg (TS) were subcutaneously injected into male ICR mice at noon for four days. Animals were sacrificed in the next-morning (at 10-12 A.M.) after the last injection. The intestinal putrescine(PT) content was lower and the liver and intestinal spermine(SM) contents were higher in castrated mice(CM), comparing with those of uncastrated mice (UCM). The intestinal PT content of UCM was markedly increased HC. But all brain polyamines of CM were significantly decreased by it. And HC also increased the spermidine(SD) content of kidney and liver and the intestinal PT content in CM. E2 induced the marked increase of liver PT content with the moderate increase of renal SD in UCM. And E2 significantly increased the brain and liver PT contents and the all renal polyamine contents in CM. Both of DHEA and TS induced the increase of renal PT content in UCM, and they also induced the marked increases of all renal polyamines of CM. In addition, TS increased the brain SM of CM. These results suggest that the steroidal regulation mechanism of brain, kidney, liver, and intestine seems to be different from one another, and the renal activity of polyamine synthesis can be markedly enhanced by sex steroids.

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Central Localization of Facial Nerve and L14 related to the Large Intestine Meridian (수양명대장경(手陽明大腸經)과 관련(關聯)된 경혈(經穴)과 안면신경(顔面神經)의 표식영역(標識領域)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Park Woo-Soon;Lee Chang-Hyun;Lee Sang-Ryoung
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.117-133
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this morphological study was to investigate the relationship to facial nerve and LI4 related to the large intestine meridian. The common locations of the spinal cord and brain projecting to the LI4 and facial nerve were observed fallowing injection of transsynaptic neurotropic virus, pseudorabis virus(PRV), into the LI4 and facial nerve of the rat. After survival times of 96 hours following injection of PRV, the rats were perfused, and their spinal cord and brain were frozen sectioned(30${\mu}m$). These sections were stained by PRV immunohistochemical staining method, and observed with light microscope The results were as follows: 1. The PRV labeled spinal cord segments projecting to the LI4 and facial nerve were founded in cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral segments. Dense labeled areas of each spinal cord segment were founded in lamina IV, V, X, lateral spinal nucleus, intermediolateral nucleus and dorsal nucleus. 2. The PRV labeled medulla oblongata projecting to the LI4 and facial nerve were founded in the A1 noradrenalin cells/C1 adrenalin cells/caudoventrolateral reticular nucleus, rostroventrolateral reticular nucleus, medullary reticular nucleus, nucleus tractus solitarius, raphe obscurus nucleus, raphe pallidus nucleus, raphe magnus nucleus, gigantocellular nucleus, lateral paragigantocellular nucleus, and spinal trigeminal nucleus.

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The Effect of Juglandis Semen Extract Solution on Oxidant-Induced Alteration of Glutamate Uptake in Rabbit Brain Synaptosome (호도약침액(胡桃藥鍼液)이 가토(家兎) 뇌(腦)의 Synaptosome에서 Oxidant에 의한 물질이동계(物質移動系)의 장애(障碍)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim Tae-Kook;Youn Hyoun-Min;Jang Kyung-Jeon;Song Choon-Ho;Ahn Chang-Beohm
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.179-190
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    • 2000
  • This study was undertaken to determine whether Juglandis semen extract solution (JLS solution) exerts protective effect against oxidant-induced inhibition of glutamate uptake by synaptosomes. Synaptosome was prepared from rabbit brain cortex. Glutamate uptake increased by incubation time during 10 minutes, which was significantly inhibited by 1mM t-buthylhydroperoxide(t-BHP). JLS solution prevented t-BHP-induced inhibition of glutamate uptake in a dose-dependent manner. t-BHP reduced glutamate uptake in dose-dependent fashion, which was significantly prevented by 2% JLS solution. t-BHP(1mM) and $ascorbate/Fe^{2+}(50/1{\mu}M)$ increased lipid peroxidation in synaptosomes by 5-fold, and it was significantly prevented by 2% JLS solution. $HgCl_2(0.1mM)$ inhibited glutamate uptake and increased lipid peroxidation. These changes were prevented by 2% JLS solution. Synaptosomal Na-K-ATPase activity was inhibited by t-BHP(1mM) and $H_2O_2(50mM)$, which was prevented by 2% JLS solution. The results indicate that JLS solution prevents oxidant-induced inhibition of glutamate by synaptosomes, and this may result from inhibition of lipid peroxidation induced by oxidants.

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A Study on Antioxidative Effects of Sipyimiguanjungtang and Osuyubujayijungtang, Korean Traditional Prescriptions for Soum Constitutes, in Brain and Liver of Rat (소음인(少陰人) 십이미관중탕(十二味寬中湯), 오수유부자이중탕(吳茱萸附子理中湯)이 흰쥐의 뇌(腦)와 간조직(肝組織)의 항산화(抗酸化) 기전(機轉)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Jung, Bong-yeon;Song, Il-byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.227-250
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    • 1999
  • The free radical theory of aging was introduced in 1956 by Denham Harman. This aging theory proposed that normal aging results from random deleterious damage to tissues by free radical and supplying antioxidant lead to decrease oxidative damage, inhibit aging process. In this study, we investigated antioxidantive effects of four Korean constitutional prescriptions for 'Soum' constitution - Palmulgunjatang(Y1), Sipyimiguanjungtang(Y2), Osuyubujayijungtang(Y3) and Seungyangyikkibujatang(Y4). Antioxidative activity of this prescriptions was examined by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhyrdazyl radicals, superoxide anion radicals, peroxyl radical, hydroxyl radical scavenging effects and erythrocyte hemolysis inhibitory effects. Y2 and Y3 were shown to have relatively high antioxidative activity on this methods. In additions, result of the cytoprotective effects of Korean constitutional prescriptions agianst 2,2'-azobis(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH), a free radical initiator, induced cytotoxcity in human hepatoblastoma cell line was similarly obtained. On the basis of this result, we assayed the antioxidative effects of Y2 and Y3 on experimental oxidative damage, induced in mouse by 100mg/kg AAPH. Male ICR mouse were given oral administration of 500mg/kg Y2 and Y3 for 4 weeks. Thiobarbuturic acid reactive substance (TBARS) and protein degradation level in liver, plasma and brain as index of oxidative damage were decreased and thiol compound, total antioxidant status in plasma were increased by Y2 administration. But, Y3 injected group was decreased only protein degradation level in brain. Also, glutathione, a potent water-soluble endogenous antioxidant, concentration was increased by Y2 and Y3 administration in liver and brain. However, superoxide dismutase and catalase activity as a major antioxidative enzyme in vivo were not shown change by Y2 and Y3 administration. On the basis of these result, Y2 have an antioxidative effects on both water-soluble fraction and lipid-solube fraction in cell and tissues. But, Y3 has a lower antioxidative effects on lipid-soluble fraction than Y2 in cell and tissues. These results suggest that Y2 has a antioxidative effects by protect the tissue against oxygen free radical mediated oxidative damage and Y3 has a limited antioxidaitve effects on water-soluble fraction in vivo. Therefore, we make report that Y2 is more effective prescriptions for anti-aging or therapeutics of diseases.

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Influences of Reserpine and Cocaine on the Changes of Brain Norepinephrine Content and Plasma Corticosterone Level induced by Ketamine (Ketamine의 뇌(腦) Norepinephrine함량(含量)과 혈장(血漿) Corticosterone치(値) 변동(變動)에 미치는 Reserpine과 Cocaine의 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Yang-Sook;Kim, Hak-Ryul;Cheon, Yun-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.107-113
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    • 1983
  • The influences of reserpine and cocaine on the changes of brain ana cardiac norepinephrine (NE) contents and plasma corticosterone level induced by ketamine in mice were studied. The results obtained were summarized as follow: 1) Various doses(5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg and 40 mg/kg) of ketamine gradually increased the plasma corticosterone levels in 30 minutes, especially 20 mg/kg and 40 mg/kg dose treatments markedly increased the levels. 2) Brain and cardiac NE contents were decreased in 30 minutes and 60 minutes after ketamine treatment. 3) The plasma corticosterone level induced by ketamine was decreased by reserpine pretrement(36 hr.) but not affected by cocaine pretreatment(15 min.). 4) Brain and cardiac NE contents induced by ketamine were decreased by reserpine pretreatment, but increased by cocaine pretreatment.

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Radioautographical observations of development and appearance of glia cells in brain II. Division and migration of ectodermal glial cell in the brain (뇌신경교세포(腦神經膠細胞) 집단(集團)의 발생(發生)과 이동(移動)에 대한 방사선(放射線) 자기법적(自記法的) 관찰 II. 뇌(腦) 외배엽성(外胚葉性) 신경교세포(神經膠細胞)의 분열(分裂)과 이동(移動)에 대하여)

  • Kwak, Soo-dong
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.489-496
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    • 1992
  • The division, distribution and migration of the macroglial cells in the juvenile mouse brain were investigated with the radioautography. Forty mice (ICR) were randomly subdivided into two groups. The twenty mice from group 1 were weighing initially 5 to 6g, aged 10 to 12 days and were sacrificied at 2 hrs, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 20 days after a single intraperitoneal injection of $^3H$-thymichine ($4{\mu}$ Ci/g of body weight). Twenty mice from group 2 were weighing intially 2.5 to 5g, aged 3 to 8 days and were sacrificed at 2 hrs, 2, 3, 5. 7, 10, 15 and 20 days after a single($4{\mu}$ Ci/g of body weight) and/or after intraperitoneal repeated injections($2{\mu}$ Ci/g of body weight/interval) at 2, 3 and 5 days after the first injection. The brain preparations were processed for autoradiogrouphy using Kodak NTB-3 emulsion following development in Kodak D-19, fixation in Kodak fixer, and then stained with cresyl echt violet or hematoxylin counterstain. The labeling index of the ectodermal glial cells in the subependymal layers of the lateral ventricles (SLLV), corpus callosum (CC), molecular layer of the neocortex (MLN ), inner layer except the molecular layer in the neocortex (ILN) and medulla of the cerebrum (MC) were invested. 1. Labeling cells appeared from 2 hour and some of them sustained in the 20 day after injection. In the single injection group, the peak of the labeling index reached a 7.6% at 3 day, 3.6% at 7 day, 3.3% at 2 day, 5.0% at 3 day and 2.3% at 2 day from the SLLV. CC, MLN, ILN and MC, respectively. In the repeated injecton group, the peak of the labeling index reached a 32.0 at 7 day, 11.0% at 10 day, 89% at 7 day, 16.0% at 10 day and 10.8% at 15 day from the SLLV, CC, MLN, ILM and MC, respectively. 2 The glial cells of the SLLV were recognized as to be migrated into the CC and to be not or less to be into the MC and ILN but to be not into the MLN. Glial cell aggregates in the neocotex and MC were recognized as to be proliferated and then disappeared in the itself regions.

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Effect of Thyroxie and Propylthiouracil on the Responses of Plasma Corticosterone and Brain Norepinephrine to Swim-Stress (수영(水泳)-스트레스에 의한 혈장 Corticosterone 함량 및 뇌(腦) Catecholamine대사(代謝)의 변동(變動)에 미치는 Thyroxine 및 Propylthiouracil의 영향)

  • Shin, Kyung-Ho;Hong, Ki-Nam;Kim, Hyung-Gun;Chun, Boe-Gwun
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 1989
  • The circadian rhythm of spontaneous motor activity was not significantly altered by $T_4$(4mg/kg, i.p. inj. once a day for 5 days: $T_4$) and PTU (fed ad lib in 0.01% drinking water for 5 weeks: PTU). The plasma thyroxine level was markedly increased by $T_4$ but reduced by PTU, and the plasma thyrotropin level was markedly increased by PTU but moderately increased by $T_4$. Clonidine slightly increased the plasma CS level, but the clonidine effect was significantly enhanced by $T_4-pretreatment$. The brain NE and MHPG contents were little affected by $T_4$ but the NE content was significantly decreased by PTU. The SS-induced increase of plasma CS level was moderately decreased by PTU but increased by $T_4$. However, clonidine significantly inhibited the SS-induced increase, and the inhibitory effect of clonidine was not significantly affected by PTU and $T_4$, respectively. The brain MHPG content and MHPG/NE ratio were significantly decreased by clonidine but increased by SS. The clonidine- and SS-induced changes of brain MHPG content and MHPG/NE ratio were not altered by $T_4$. PTU did not affect the SS-induced increase of brain NE turnover but significantly attenuated the clonidine-induced decrease. The SS-induced increases of brain MHPG content and MHPG/NE rtatio were markedly inhibited by clonidine, and the inhibitory effect of clonidine was not affected by $T_4$ and PTU, respectively. These results suggest that the responses to swim-stress is not signigicantly affected by the alteration of thyroid function and that the hypothalamo-adenohypophysis-adrenocortical stimulation in response to swim-stress seems to be mediated via hypothalamic noradrenergic activation, and the stress response may be inhibited by the agonistic activity of clonidine on the presynaptic ${\alpha}_2-adrenoceptor$.

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