• 제목/요약/키워드: 腦(brain)

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뇌(腦)의 신명기능(神明機能)과 뇌(腦)의 호르몬 작용(作用)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察) (Study on the Shin-myung(神明) activity of Brain and Brain hormon effect)

  • 김진형;김윤식;설인찬
    • 혜화의학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2002
  • This thesis was written in order to help set groundwork of the mutuality between brain hormon and Shin-myung(神明) activity. 1. Shin-myung(神明) means all spritual functions, and Shin(神) represents thinking, myung(明) represents consciounsness. 2. As a origin of Shin-myung(神明) activity, in ancient times Heart(心) was regared as one, but since Chung-Dynasty(淸朝), Brain(腦) is regared as a main controller to manage Shin(神) in human body. 3. Shin-myung(神明) activity would should between Brain(腦) and Shin-Sin(心神) 4. Hormon is chemical substance to serve convey infomations and stimuiate them. In Present day Western medical science, make an attempt to understand Shin-myung(神明) activity of Brain(腦) as a activity of hormon doings. In conculusion, Shin-myung(神明) represent that Brain(腦) inculde Mind-Sprit(精神) activety, and it can be able by the function of brain hormon activety.

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뇌(腦)의 기능(機能)에 대(對)한 장상론적(藏象論的) 고찰(考察) (Bibliographic Study on the Function of the Brain on the Basis of Zangxang Theory)

  • 성강경
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제16권1호통권29호
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    • pp.468-474
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    • 1995
  • After bibliographic study on function of the brain(腦, nao) on the basis of zangxiang theory(藏象論的), the theory of visceral activities), the following conclusions were obtained: 1. Brain is the organ conglomerated with marrow(隨, sui) between Baihui(百會) and Fengfu(風府) 2. Brain has different function and names according to the parts. 3. Brain is on anatomical view the extraordinary organ(奇恒之府, qiheng zhi fu) and stores clarified air(氣, qi) of fresh air. 4. Brain is the places where the viral essence (精, jeong) of five viscera is activated. 5. Brain is the places where the vital essence congeries into the mind(神, shen) Yang form of the essence. 6. The mind converted from the brain emerges in the whole body the sensory organs and carries vital function. 7. Brain reservoirs the mind, while the heart(心, xm) is thought to make judgement inroyght the speculation on the outward stimulus of matter and give orders to the mind in the chest.

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熱處理大豆가 흰쥐腦와 大動脈의 Cholesterol 含量에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Heated Soybean on the Cholesterol Contents in Brain and Aorta of the Albino Rat)

  • 고진복;이경로
    • 한국동물학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 1973
  • 成長期雄性흰쥐(Wister Institute, albino rat) 72마리를 對照群, 無處理大豆給食群 및 $100^{\circ}C$$120^{\circ}C$ 加熱處理大豆給食群으로 나누고 各 食餌는 蛋白質含量(14%)과 熱量400kcal/100g)을 一定하게 조절하였다. 該當食餌로 5日, 15日 및 30日 급식후 급식기간별로 腦와 大動脈의 cholesterol 含量을 관찰한 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 腦의 totaㅣ, free형 및 ester형 cholesterol은 각 급식기간별로 각 群은 對照群과 비슷한 함량을 보였다. 2. 大動脈의 total, free형 cholesterol은 5日 급식군에서 對照群보다 $100^{\circ}C$$120^{\circ}C$ 加熱處理給食群이 높은 含量을 보였으나 15日 급식군이나 30日 급식군은 모두 비슷한 함량을 보였다. 그러나 ester형 cholesterol은 각 급식기간 一定한 경향을 보이지 않았다. 이상의 결과로 보아 大豆를 無處理했을때나 $100^{\circ}C$$120^{\circ}C$ 加熱處理하여 給食시켰을 때 흰쥐의 腦와 大動脈 cholesterol 함량에 별차이가 없었음을 알수있었다.

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뇌(腦)와 심(心)의 한의학적 상관성에 대한 연구 (Study on the Relationship of Brain and Heart Based on Oriental Medicine)

  • 조학준
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.1496-1503
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    • 2005
  • This study aims to define the relationship between brain and heart through several literatures about oriental medicine and the conclusions are as follows. Heart in oriental medicine is called as Sinmyeongjishim(神明之心) which has a close connection with Mind, Consciousness, Emotion, and Physiological instinct of Drain in modern medicine. According to Oriental medicine, Brain stores Wonsin(元神) as Heart stores mind(神). Heart is where mind rests whereas Brain is where mind reveals. The external evidences that prove the relationship of Heart and Mind are as follows: First, with ears, eyes, mouth, and nose the subject of cognition is recognized as Sinmyeongjishim(神明之心). Second, Bulin(不仁), which means decreased movement power and sensibility of limbs, proves that Sinmyeongjishim(神明之心) is involved with movement power and sensibility of limbs. The physiological evidences that prove the relationship of Heart and Mind are as follows; First, Heart as the operation of Sinmyeongjishim(神明之心) manages language. Second, Heart is related with Tongue. Third, Heart is linked to Ears through the ear hole. Fourth, Heart is a store of Mind. Fifth, the five viscera control emotional and psychological activities. The pathological evidence of the relationship of Heart and Mind is that the symptoms of heart disease which are related to Sinmyeongjishim(神明之心) are also related to the functions of Brain. Though Brain has a close connection with Heart in oriental medicine, it is recognized that there are distinctive symptoms of disease of Brain and Hyeolyookjishim(血肉之心) respectively. The relationship of Heart and Brain has been researched in this study, even though there are not enough written materials about oriental medicine. But the fact that the majority of Heart operation is deeply connected with Brain activities cannot be denied. Therefore the research of Heart should be done as well as Brain in the clinical study of Brain.

PCB가 흰쥐의 조직(組織) 효소(酵素) 활성(活性)에 미치는 영향(影響) (제일보(第一報)) - Lactatedehydrogenase에 관(關)해서 - (The Effect of Polychlorinated Biphenyl on the Enzyme Activity in the Tissues of the Albino Rat (I) : The Effect of PCB on the Lactatedehydrogenase Activity)

  • 권정숙
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.202-206
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    • 1983
  • PCB의 투여량(投與量) 및 투여기명(投與期明)에 따른 흰쥐의 간(肝), 뇌(腦) 및 신장조직(腎臟組織)의 LDH생활(生活) 변화(變化)를 연구(硏究)한 결과(結果) 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. 간(肝), 뇌(腦) 및 신장조직(腎臟組織)의 LDH활성(活性)은 PCB 투여량(投與量)에 비례(比例)하여 점차(漸次) 증가(增加)함이 나타났다. 2. 간(肝)의 LDH생활(生活)은 PCB 투여(投與)에 의해 현저(顯著)히 증가(增加)하였으며, 50ppm, 100 ppm 투여군(投與群)에서는 투여(投與) 후(後) 처음 5일(日)사이에, 10ppm 투여군(投與群)에서는 투여(投與) 후(後) 5일(日)에서 10일(日)사이에 최대증가율(最大增加率)을 나타냈다. 3. 뇌(腦)의 LDH활성(活性)은 50ppm, 100ppm 투여군(投與群)에서 투여후(投與後) 처음 5일(日) 사이에 최대증가율(最大增加率)을 나타내었으며, 그 후(後) 계속 현저(顯著)한 증가(增加)를 나타낸 반면(反面), 10ppm 투여군(投與群)은 투여(投與) 후(後) 10일까지 거의 변화(變化)가 없었다. 4. 신장(腎臟)의 LDH 생활(生活)은 투여(投與) 후(後) 10일에서 15일 사이에 최대(最大)의 증가(增加)를 보였다.

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뇌(腦)와 심포(心包)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the actual relationship between brain and SIMPO)

  • 배오성
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제18권4호통권31호
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2005
  • On the importance of brain, Nei Ching has many descriptions, but it has been 3,000 years since the theory was issued that brain should be considered as a viscera. Nowadays scientists rush more studies on brain in international scientific field, Eastern medicine is to be required for the solution of it. This study is on the identical pathological mechanism between Simpo and brain based on my researches on senil dimentia through continued reports last 15 years. A psychosis is caused by stress and abnormality of neurotransmitter on brain, for which is caused by seven emotions and pathological material on Simpo in Pyun Jahk Simseo, so it shows Simpo is brain clearly. Therefore Simpo is no more intangible organ but brain, Samcho which has been debated similarly for thousands of years in the orient is no more intangible but spinal nerve system on central nerve with its structure and physiological points, and both two organs are composed of inside and outside relationship in Eastern medicine, I report hereby today.

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松蟲變態에 따른 알라타體의 호르몬 生産과 그 構造的變化의 相關 (Structural Correlates of Hormone Production by the Corpora Allata in the Pine Moth, Dendrolimus spectablis Butler, during Larval-Pupal-Adult Transformations)

  • Kim, Chang-Whan
    • 한국동물학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.25-41
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    • 1973
  • 昆蟲의 알라타體의 호르몬 生産과 그 構造的變化를 밝히기 위하여 松蟲을 對象으로 變態 各時期의 알라타腺細胞의 微細構造의 變化를 電子顯微鏡으로 追究했다. 미토콘드리아는 越冬에서 最終齡幼蟲까지와 용화 直後에서 20日용 까지는 活動相을 보이는 反面 營繭期부터 용화 直前의 전용까지는 不活性相을 보인다. 알라타體의 변두리 細胞는 幼蟲期 특히 越冬幼蟲에서는 滑成小胞體의 液胞속에 電子密度가 높은 顆粒을 가졌고 管狀粗性小胞體의 一端이 膨張하여 굵은 滑性小胞體의 液胞로 되며 그中 얼마는 纖維性蛋白質을 含有한다. 한편 두 細胞사이의 空腔에도 液胞가 나타나는데 그들은 서로 融合하여 커지지만 이들 兩者는 용화 直前에 없어진다. 그러나 용화후 細胞質內液胞는 다시 나타나므로 分泌活動은 再開된다고 생각된다. 알라타體에 와있는 軸索속에 神經分泌顆粒이 羽化直前인 20日용부터 5日되는 成蟲까지에서만 나타난다는 事實은 알라타體의 分泌가 이 時期에는 腦의 支配下에 있음을 알려주고 幼蟲期부터 早期용까지는 그런 顆粒이 나타나지 않으므로 그 分泌가 腦와는 아무런 關係가 없음을 意味한다. 3日 되는 成蟲에서 電子密度가 높은 顆粒이 細胞質속 核부근의 큰 液胞속에 나타나고 그 液胞는 數와 크기가 增加하므로 核은 5日成蟲에서 畏縮한다. 이것은 아마 腺細胞의 機能退化相일 것으로 생각된다. 따라서 알라타體는 호르몬 生産과 그 分泌機構에서 볼 때 年齡에 따라 적어도 두가지 호르몬 卽最終齡幼蟲까지 腦의 直接的刺戟없이 幼若호르몬을, 그다음 늦은 용기부터 成蟲까지 腦의 刺戟을 받아서 生殖腺刺戟호르몬을 分泌한다고 보며8 老熟幼蟲에서 전용까지에 觀察되는 分泌相은 아마 ecdysone에 의한 蛋白質合成과 관계가 있을 것이고 또 腦의 支配下에 있지 않는 早期용 에서의 分泌相은 前胸腺刺戟活動과 관계있을 것으로 생각된다.

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전뇌조사시(全腦照射時) 뇌(腦)에 있어서의 선량분포(線量分布) (Dose Distribution in the Brain in Radiotherapy of Whole Brain)

  • 강위생;하성환;박찬일
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.37-40
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    • 1983
  • Whole brain irradiation is one mode in the treatment of brain cancer and brain metastasis, but it might cause brain injury such as brain necrosis. It has been studied whether the dose distribution could be a cause of brain injury. The dose distribution in whole brain irradiated by Co-60 beam has been measured by means of calibrated TLD chips inserted in the brain of Humanoid phantom. The following results were obtained. 1. Dose distribution on each transverse section of the brain was uniform. 2. On the midsagital plane of the brain, the dose was highest in upper portion and lowest in lower portion, varying 8 from 104% to 90%. 3. When the radiation field includes free space of 2cm or more width out of the head, the dose distribution in the whole brain is almost independent of the field width. 4. It is important to determine adequate shielding area and to set shielding block exactly in repetition of treatment.

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내경(內經)에 나타난 뇌(腦)의 개념(槪念) 및 생리적(生理的) 기능(機能)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Study on the meaning and biological function of brain in Nei-jing(內經))

  • 김기록;홍석;강화정
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.48-56
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    • 1999
  • This study has been carried out to investigate Brain in Nei-jing. The results of this study were as follows. 1. Kidney energy becomes the marrow by warm caring function of Meong-mun(命門) and the marrow becomes brain by ascending and gathering between a hole Back-hoi(百會) and a hole pung-ji(風池) 2. Brain is a sea of the marrow that five vital organs are eraporated togather. 3. In Nei-jing(內經), there is a explanation the connectin between brain and mind, thanking by drawing in a concept of head. 4. Brain regulrates physical excercise. 5. There is a direct connection between brain and biosis. 6. Brain achieves function of sense, relating with the five sensory organs. 7. Brain controls a change of emotion. 8. Brain has immunological function.

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