• Title/Summary/Keyword: , absorbance

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Optimization for Decolorization and UV-Absorbility of Refined Sea Buckthorn Oil Using CCD-RSM (CCD-RSM을 이용한 시벅턴 오일의 탈색공정 최적화 및 자외선 흡수능력 평가)

  • Hong, Seheum;Zheng, Yunfei;Lee, Seung Bum
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the adsorption decolorization process of sea buckthorn oil was carried out to verify the possibility of the sea buckthorn oil as a natural UV absorber. The optimization was carried out by using the central composite design model-response surface methodology (CCD-RSM). The response values of CCD-RSM were selected as the decolorization effect through the process, acid value after decolorization, and UV absorbance of the decolored oil at 290nm. The amount of adsorbent, temperature and time were selected as the process variables for the experiments. According to the results of CCD-RSM, the results of optimization were all consistent. The optimal conditions, which satisfy CCD-RSM statically and mathematically, were 4.32 wt.%, 134.90 ℃, and 19.8 min for the amount of adsorbent, temperature and time, respectively. The estimated response values expected under these optimal conditions values were 94.78%, 2.08 mg/g KOH, and 2.91 for the decolorization effect, acid value and UV absorbance at 290 nm, respectively. Also the average error from actual experiment for verifying the conclusions was smaller than 2%. Therefore, it was confirmed that the application of CCD-RSM to the adsorption decolorization process of sea buckthorn oil showed a very high level of acceptable results and that the sea buckthorn oil has high possibility to be used as a natural UV absorber.

Study on the Evaluation of Thermal Damage According to the Manufacturing Conditions of Korean Paper (한지의 제조 조건에 따른 열 손상 평가 연구)

  • Kim, Ji Won;Park, Se Rin;Han, Ki Ok;Jeong, Seon Hwa
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.648-658
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we aimed to analyze the chemical changes that occur in Korean paper in an accelerated deterioration environment of 105℃. We selected the Korean paper produced with different types of cooking agents (plant lye, Na2CO3) and during different manufacturing seasons (winter, summer). The degree of deterioration of the Korean paper was confirmed by measuring the brightness, yellowness, and pH level, and the degree of change in each vibrational region of cellulose as deterioration progressed through infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The FT-IR analysis showed that, as deterioration progressed, the absorbance of the amorphous region in cellulose decreased, whereas the absorbance of the crystalline region slightly increased. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and Raman spectroscopy were performed to verify the changes in the crystalline and amorphous regions in cellulose indicated by the FT-IR results. Furthermore, the crystallinity index (CI) was calculated; it showed a slight increase after deterioration; therefore, CI was confirmed to follow the same trend as that observed for absorbance in the FT-IR results. In addition, as a result of Raman spectroscopic analysis, the degree of decomposition of the amorphous region in the cellulose under the manufacturing conditions was confirmed by the fluorescence measured after the deterioration.

Effect of Babassu Oil on the Improvement of Damaged Hair (바바수오일이 손상된 모발 개선에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ju-Sub;Uhm, Sang Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.471-478
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    • 2022
  • This study attempted to find out the improvement effect the improvement effect of Babassu oil on damaged hair by damaged hair by applying a hair-improving formulation with Babassu oil to damaged hair after manufacturing. As the experimental raw material, the contents of babassu oil were changed to 0 g, 3 g 6 g, and 9 g and added to the perm base agent. The prepared formulation was applied to 8 levels of bleached sample hair. Each sample and damaged hair were measured and compared and analyzed. As for the measurement method, tensile strength, absorbance using methylene blue, and gloss were measured to know the effect of improving damage hair Statistical analysis was conducted for the reliability of the research results. As a result of the research, it was found that the tensile strength was higher than that of the damaged hair in all samples applied by adding babassu oil. As a result of absorbance analysis using methylene blue, it was found that absorbance was decreased in all samples compared to damaged hair. As a result of the gloss measurement, it was found that the gloss was increased in all samples compared to the damaged hair. In conclusion, it was found that babassu oil had an improvement effect on damaged hair.

High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Xanthinol Nicotinate (HPLC에 의한 Xanthinol Nicotinate의 정량(定量))

  • Han, Cho-Duk
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.321-325
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    • 1984
  • A HPLC determination method of xanthinol nicotinate(I) was developed for study of its stability and characteristics in solutions. I was determined using an ${\mu}-Bondapak\;C_{18}$ column with a mobile phase of methanol: $H_2O$ (1 : 1) and UV absorbance detection at 254nm. The results revealed that the method was enough to use as stability indicating determination with the mean of 99.9% and standard deviation of ${\pm}1.42%$ when analyzed 10 times for standard solution.

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Clay Coating for UV Resistant Nylon Fiber

  • Usami, Hisanao;Taniguchi, Akinori;Fujimatsu, Hitoshi;Suzuki, Eiji
    • Proceedings of the Korean Fiber Society Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.57-58
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    • 2003
  • Thin coating layer of clay minerals was fabricated on nylon fiber and uv-light resistivity of the clay-coated nylons, schematically shown in Figure 1, were investigated. Clay minerals with higher absorbance protect the nylon fibers more effectively from uv light. The coating process is expected as safe and stable procedure because clay and aqueous dispersion of the clay used for the process is innocuous.

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Development of a New Gut-targeted Oral Typhoid Vaccine Ty21a

  • Kim, Hong-Jin
    • Proceedings of the PSK Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.153-154
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    • 2002
  • Salmonella typhi Ty21a is an attenuated strain of S. typhimurium and used for oral typhoid vaccine. In an attempt to increase the stability of Ty21a manufacturing typhoid vaccine, the stability of freeze-dried Ty21a including additives at various temperature conditions was studied. In order to investigate the freeze-drying rate of Ty21a according to various absorbance, Ty21a was lyophilized by using 8% sucrose as a stabilizer. (omitted)

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Two-Layered Microwave Absorber of Ferrite and Carbon Fiber Composite Substrate

  • Han-Shin Cho;Sung-Soo Kim
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.64-67
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    • 1998
  • Microwave absorbing properties of ferrite-epoxy composite (absorbing layer) attached on the carbon fiber polymer composite (reflective substrate) are analyzed on the basis of wave propagation theory. A modified equation for wave-impedance-matching at the front surface of absorbing layer including the effect of electrical properties of the quasi-conducting substrate is proposed. Based on this analysis, the frequency and layer dimension that produce zero-reflection can be estimated from the intrinsic material properties of the obsorbing layer and the substrate. It is demonstrated that the microwave reflectivity of carbon fiber composite has a strong influence on the microwave absorbance of front magnetic layer.

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P-OLED Microdisplay Technology

  • Underwood, Ian;Buckley, Alastair;Yates, Chris
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2006
  • The highly integrated nature of polymer based organic light emitting diode (POLED) microdisplay technology, coupled with low voltage and low power electroluminescent light generation, combine to offer a very promising technology for use in portable and personal electronics products. We briefly describe the technology before discussing how to engineer the color gamut using whiteemitting polymer materials, microcavity device structure and color filter absorbance.

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The characteristics of dye containing PMMA films for the PDP filter

  • Oh, Hwa-Shin;Cho, Yong;Jung, Sang-Kooun;Sohn, Sang-Ho
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.1364-1366
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    • 2006
  • Optical filters consisting of dye containing Polymethyl methacrylate(PMMA) thick films have been fabricated by a tape casting method. Their optical properties have been investigated as functions of dye contents in films and the film thickness. The absorbance coefficient in 588nm and 830nm could be calculated from the results.

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