• Title/Summary/Keyword: 'Game Activities' lesson

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An Analysis on Lessons and Actual Teaching of 'Game Activities' in Elementary Mathematics Textbooks (수학 교과서의 '재미있는 놀이' 차시의 내용 및 지도 실태 분석)

  • Yoon, Su-Ryoun;Kang, Wan;Paik, Seok-Yoon
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.39-55
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    • 2009
  • For this study, the 'Game Activities' lessons presented in the math textbooks from the 1st grade to the 6th were examined in terms of learning materials, the learning members' make-up, the playing structures, and the relation with the contents. In addition, the survey by means of questionnaires was conducted to analyze the actual condition of teachers' guidance in the field. The findings from this research were as follows: First, as for the activities presented in the textbooks, it turned out that too much emphasis is placed upon plays mainly using learning materials such as cards and dice played by teams of two. In addition, there have been shown negative aspects in various ways of plays putting too much emphasis on certain types of plays such as and structures. As for the relation with the contents, although lots of efforts were taken to connect the playing activity to the lesson contents, there were units presenting plays based on the preceding lesson's repeated activity, ones that have weak link with the contents. Second, it turned out that the teachers had negative attitude on the guidance using the 'Game Activities' lesson, although they were aware of the effects of playing in math learning. This seemed to result from the delicate variety and insufficient preparation for the play. Besides, the findings indicate that the appreciation and activity of the 'Game Activities' lesson presented as a way of performance evaluation. for play need to be provided in school or classrooms for teachers and students to make good use of them.

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Development and Evaluation of a Game-Based Lesson Plan Applied to the 'Food Culture' Unit of the High School Home Economics Class (고등학교 가정과 식생활 문화 단원에 적용한 게임 기반의 교수·학습 과정안 개발 및 평가)

  • Choi, Seong-Youn;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.333-349
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    • 2016
  • This study develops and evaluates a game-based lesson plan applied to the 'Food Culture' unit of a high school Home Economics class. We developed, implemented, and evaluated lesson plans for seven periods that contained 'the Korean food table setting card,' 'the world's food culture card,' and the procedure for cards games according to the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model. 'The Korean food table setting card' consisted of 'the Korean food table setting order card' to easily understand 10 types of Korean traditional daily meals based on pictures and 'the Korean food table setting food card' to easily understand Korean traditional food based on 104 kinds of food picture and quick response (QR) code. 'The world's food culture card' consisted of 'the world's food culture quiz card' to help learners easily understand influential food culture formation factors, features of food culture, typical foods from 16 countries, and 'the world's traditional food card' to help learners easily understand typical foods from 16 countries through 63 kinds of pictures. Respective 'game guides' were also developed. High school students who studied the game-based Home Economics classes and who participated in the 'Food Culture' unit, could easily and enjoyably learn the food culture of Korea (and other countries), actively participate in learning activities, and understood the content of food culture. In addition, they evaluated that the game-based instruction was easy to remember with minimal memorizing.

Effects of Game Application Science Learning on a Scientific Attitude of Middle School Students (게임 활용 과학 학습이 중학교 학생들의 과학 태도 변화에 미치는 효과)

  • Kwon, Ki-Soon;Kim, Hee-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the game application learning 8th graders' scientific attitude, which was utilized as a strategy to improve the teaching skills and methods in the lesson of 'the history of the earth and diastrophism'. The subjects of this study were 120 students of 8th grade at a middle school located in a metropolitan city in Korea. To start off with homogeneity of a group, this study recruited participants by the results of a diagnostic test taken early in the year and a mid-term examination taken at the end of April. As a result, a total of 4 male classes that showed similar results on the two tests were selected and divided into two groups: one in experimental and the other in control. In addition, the top 20% students and the low 20% students were chosen for comparison of their scientific attitudes based on the results of the mid-term examination. The traditional teachings were offered to the control groups while the experimental lessons with the game activities performed at the stages of application and summary in teaching were offered to the experimental groups over 10 periods. Results of the pre- and post-test on the students' scientific attitude demonstrated that there was a statistical significance between the two groups, which suggested that the experimental group showed a meaningful improvement in the scientific attitude after experimental intervention lesson activities with game applications. Also, the more meaningful improvement in the scientific attitude was found in the lower group than in the higher group. It implies that lessons with the game activities motivated the students to voluntarily participate in school science learning by enhancing their interests. Therefore, it is suggested that game application learning be a new teaching-learning material that helps to encourage learners to actively participate in middle school science learning.

Pedagogical Methodology of Teaching Activity-based Flow Chart for Elementary School Students (초등학생 대상의 활동 중심 순서도 교육 방법)

  • Lee, Yong-Bae;Park, Ji-Eun
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.489-502
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    • 2012
  • Today computer education puts an emphasis on algorithm education. There are little researches about how to express the given problem in algorithm and how to interpret the expressed algorithm. In this study play-based learning methods dealing with flow chart which is one of the expressing tools of algorithm are developed for lower graders of elementary school. Then we diagnosed the learning possibility of the tool after applying the methods in a classroom environment. There are four types of learning game activities; sequential play, selective play, repetitive play and puzzle play. Puzzle play is a game that students need to reconstruct the learned content to a real flow chart by using flow chart cards. The result of an achievement test after teaching students flow chart showed that the group who took the play-based lesson got their average score with about 7.5% higher than the group who took the ICT-based lesson. Both the groups got their average scroe of more than 9 out of 10 after the lesson. This result shows that flow chart lessons are adaptable for the lower graders of elementary school. It also shows that play-based education can be exceptionally effective.

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The Development of the Game Addiction Remedy Program based on Scratch Programming (스크래치 프로그래밍을 활용한 게임중독 치료 프로그램의 개발)

  • Han, Seon-Kwan;Kim, Soo-Hwan;Seo, Jung-Bo
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we proposed the education program using Scratch as an alternative activity for the remedy program of game addiction. We tried to find the solution through computer and game that affect the problem of game addiction. We choose the high-risk students about game addiction disposition and took a programming lesson for educational game development with consultation class. We also analysed the effectiveness of our remedy program. We found the positive results between before and after the program and we analysed that game connectivity rates were decreased during recess time. In interview and observation about students, we found that the students were changed to the positive tendency about game addiction. We expect this program will give many help for solving the problem of game addiction, if this research is applied to the regular class in elementary school.

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Game Based Online Contents Development in Middle School Mathematics (중학교 수학교과의 온라인 게임형 콘텐츠 개발)

  • Cho, Eun-Soon;Kim, In-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.9
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    • pp.248-256
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to design, develope, and deploy of online game content in middle school mathematics. This study analyzed related literature review, case studies, and educational game web sites for seeking better applicable design strategies. After serious discussion with experts based the design ideas, this study established its own educational game design model and it was applied to develop algebraic function lesson for middle school students. The developed content also was deployed in real classroom setting to see how students received the game contents and how. well they processed the design procedures and activities. We found that educational online game content, especially when applied to mathematics subject, can be effective in students interests and their motivations. We also observed that there were a few managerial errors such as need for detailed guidance for game, cumulative game results for later feedback, and so on. This study concluded that educational game contents should be able to widely spread out to get students' learning interests and strong motivation as well. We suggest that related research should be done toward to other subject than mathmatics and various students age groups.

A Study on Teaching-Learning and Evaluation Methods of Environmental Studies in the Middle School (중학교 "환경" 교과의 교수.학습 및 평가 방법 연구)

  • 남상준
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1994
  • This study was performed to determine appropriate teaching-learning and evaluation methods for Environmental Studies. To promote the relevance of our study to the needs of the schools and concerned educational communities of environmental education, we reviewed related literature, conducted questionnaire surveys, interviewed related teachers and administrator, held meetings with experts, and field-tested our findings. For selecting and developing teaching-learning methods of Environmental Studies, findings of educational research in general are considered. moreover, principles of environmental education, general aim of environmental education, orientations of environmental education, and developmental stages of middle school students in educational psychology were attended. In addition, relevance to the purpose of the Environmental Studies curriculum, appropriateness for value inquiry as well as knowledge inquiry, small group centered class organization, social interaction centered teaching-learning process, regional environmental situation, significance of personal environment, evaluation methods of Environmental Studies, multi- and inter-disciplinary contents of the Environmental Studies textbook, suitability to the evaluation methods of Environmental Studies, and emphasis on the social interaction in teaching-learning process were regarded. It was learned the Environmental Studies can be taught most effectively in via of holding discussion sessions, conducting actual investigation, doing experiment-practice, doing games and plate, role-playing and carrying out simulation activities, and doing inquiry. These teaching-learning methods were field-tested and proved appropriate methods for the subject. For selecting and developing evaluation method of Environmental Studies, such principles and characteristics of Environmental Studies as objective domains stated in the Environmental Studies curriculum, diversity of teaching-learning organization, were appreciated. We categorized nine evaluation methods: the teacher may conduct questionnaire surveys, testings, interviews, non-participatory observations; they may evaluate student's experiment-practice performances, reports preparation ability, ability to establish a research project, the teacher may ask the students to conduct a self-evaluation, or reciprocal evaluation. To maximize the effect of these methods, we further developed an application system. It considered three variables, that is, evaluates, evaluation objectives domains, and evaluation agent, and showed how to choose the most appropriate methods and, when necessary, how to combine uses of different methods depending on these variables. A sample evaluation instrument made on the basis of this application system was developed and tested in the classes. The system proved effective. Pilot applications of the teaching-learning methods and evaluation method were made simultaneously; and the results and their implications are as follows. Discussion program was applied in a lesson dealing with the problems of waste disposal, in which students showed active participation and creative thinking. The evaluation method used in this lesson was a multiple-choice written test for knowledge and skills. It was shown that this evaluation method and device are effective in helping students' revision of the lesson and in stimulating their creative interpretations and responces. Pupils showed great interests in the actual investigation program, and this programme was proved to be effective in enhancing students' participation. However, it was also turned out that there must be pre-arranged plans for the objects, contents and procedures of survey if this program is to effective. In this lesson, non-participatory observation methods were used with a focus on the attitudes of students. A scaled reported in general description rather than in grade. Experiment-practice programme was adopted in a lesson for purifying contaminated water and in this lesson, instruction objectives were properly established, the teaching-learning process was clearly specified and students were highly motivated. On the other hand, however, it was difficult to control the class when some groups of students require more times to complete their experiment, and sometimes different results. As regards to evaluation, performance observation test were used for assessing skills and attitudes. If teachers use well-prepared Likert scale, evaluation of all groups within a reasonablely short period of time will be possible. The most effective and successful programme in therms of students' participation and enjoyment, was the 'ah-nah-bah-dah-market' program, which is kind of game of the flea market. For better organized program of this kind, however, are essential, In this program, students appraise their own attitudes and behavior by responding to a written questionnaire. In addition, students were asked to record any anecdotes relating to self-appraisal of changes on one's own attitudes and behaviours. Even after the lesson, students keep recording those changes on letters to herself. Role-playing and simulation game programme was applied to a case of 'NIMBY', in which students should decide where to located a refuse dumping ground. For this kind of programme to e successful, concepts and words used in the script should be appropriate for students' intellectual levels, and students should by adequately introduced into the objective and the procedures of the lessons. Written questionnaire was used to assess individual students' attitudes after the lesson, but in order to acquire information on the changes of students' attitudes and skills, pre-test may have to be made. Doing inquiry programme, in which advantages in which students actually investigated the environmental influence of the areas where school os located, had advantages in developing students' ability to study the environmental problems and to present the results of their studies. For this programme to be more efficient, areas of investigation should be clearly divided and alloted to each group so that repetition or overlap in areas of study and presentation be avoided, and complementary wok between groups bee enhanced. In this programme, teacher assessed students' knowledge and attitudes on the basis of reports prepared by each group. However, there were found some difficults in assessing students' attitudes and behaviours solely on the grounds of written report. Perhaps, using a scaled checklist assessing students' attitudes while their presentation could help to relieve the difficulties.

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Effects of Learning through Scratch-Based Game Programming on Students' Interest in and Perceived Value of Mathematics Curriculum (스크래치 활용 게임 프로그래밍 학습이 수학교과 흥미와 가치인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, JeongBeom
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 2017
  • The present study investigates the potential of an educational programming game as a strategy for enhancing effective domains of mathematics curriculum, which has been criticized as a problem of education in Korea. The process of programming Fortress, an educational game, in conjunction with the lesson on the trigonometric function as part of the middle school mathematics curriculum, was designed for instruction and learning, and its effectiveness was tested. The study was conducted using a nonequivalent pretest-posttest experimental design. Research procedures included the following steps: (1) both the experimental and the comparison groups participated in four classes to understand and apply the concept of the trigonometric function, and (2) the experimental group participated in Fortress game programming activities using Scratch, which was designed in this study, while the comparison group participated in solving a real-life trigonometric problem - calculating the height of a building using the concept of trigonometry. The results of the t-test showed that students' interest and perceived value of the mathematics curriculum were significantly higher in the experimental group than in the comparison group. However, the results of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using pretest scores of the interest and perceived value showed the influence of pretest scores on posttest scores for the interest level, although the effect of the experiment on the perceived value of the mathematics curriculum was more significant.

An analysis of students' engagement in elementary mathematics lessons using open-ended tasks (개방형 과제를 활용하는 초등 수학 수업에서 학생의 참여 분석)

  • Nam, Inhye;Shin, Bomi
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.57-78
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    • 2023
  • Students' engagement in lessons not only determines the direction and result of the lessons, but also affects academic achievement and continuity of follow-up learning. In order to provide implications related to teaching strategies for encouraging students' engagement in elementary mathematics lessons, this study implemented lessons for middle-low achieving fifth graders using open-ended tasks and analyzed characteristics of students' engagement in the light of the framework descripors developed based on previous research. As a result of the analysis, the students showed behavioral engagement in voluntarily answering teacher's questions or enduring difficulties and performing tasks until the end, emotional engagement in actively expressing their pleasure by clapping, standing up and the feelings with regard to the topics of lessons and the tasks, cognitive engagement in using real-life examples or their prior knowledge to solve the tasks, and social engagement in helping friends, telling their ideas to others and asking for friends' opinions to create collaborative ideas. This result suggested that lessons using open-ended tasks could encourage elementary students' engagement. In addition, this research presented the potential significance of teacher's support and positive feedback to students' responses, teaching methods of group activities and discussions, strategies of presenting tasks such as the board game while implementing the lessons using open-ended tasks.