• Title/Summary/Keyword: $Na^+$, $K^+$-ATPase

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Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on Myofibrillar Protein Extracted from Bovine Semitendinosus

  • Lee, Eun-Jung;Kim, Yun-Ji;Lee, Nam-Hyouck;Yamamoto, Katsuhiro
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.198-201
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    • 2004
  • To investigate hydrostatic pressure (HP) effect on myofibrillar protein (Mf) extracted from bovine Semitendinosus muscle, Ca- and Mg-ATPase activities to evaluate denaturation of myosin and actin, and soluble protein contents were observed. In Mf treated with 100 MPa for 5 min was not observed denaturation of myosin and actin. In Mf treated with 200 MPa for 5 min, denaturation of myosin and actin were observed but inactivation rate was low (0.0136 $min^{-1}$). Inactivation rate of myosin and actin was dramatically increased above 300 MPa treatment. However denaturation of myosin and actin was not that critical with duration time. By increasing pressure size, the amount of myosin and actin in soluble protein eluted in 20 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) containing 0.6 M NaCl were decreased. SDS-PAGE of soluble protein released from Mf suspension in 0.1 M NaCl buffer (pH 7.0) showed that low molecular weight proteins (15${\sim}$36 KDa) were released by HP treatment above 200 MPa. From the results, denaturation of myosin and actin, and release of light molecule proteins of Mf were observed by HP treatment over 200 MPa.

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Significance of Urease Distribution across Helicobacter pylori Membrane

  • Gang, Jin-Gu;Yun, Soon-Kyu;Choi, Kyung-Min;Lim, Wang-Jin;Park, Jeong-Kyu;Hwang, Se-Young
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 2001
  • For heuristic purposes, the relative ratio of urease contents inside and outside cells was surveyed using nine ureB+ strains of Helicobacter pylori. the ratio of the enzyme specific activity appeared to vary greatly between the various H. pylori strains, ranging from 0.5 to 2.5. Besides the above compartment, urease was also richly found in the membrane fraction, especially in either peripheral or integral form. The urease distribution across the H. pylori membrane was significantly influenced by the ambient pH; the specific activity of external urease was highest at pH 5.5 with a narrow plateau, whereas the internal specific activity was highest within a pH range of 4.5 to 6.5 with a broad plateau. These finding strongly suggest that H. pylori urease is secretory and responded to the external pH. However, at pH 4.0 or below, no urease activity was detected in either the internal or external compartment, although an increase in the color development with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonate (TNBS) was observed. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) demonstrated that these phenomena may be related to a specific proteolysis in certain proteins, including urease or ${\gamma}$-glutamyl transpeptidase. Interestingly, the effect of ammonium ions n alleviating the enzyme inactivation inside the H. pylori cells was remarkably similar to that of D-glucose. In addition, it would appear that the cation acted as a surrogate of not only $Na^+$ but also $K^+$ thereby increasing the H. pylori P-type ATPase activity. This is of great interest, as it implies that the urease action in H. pylori is indispensible at any locus.

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Effect of Hot Water Extract of Alnus japonica Steud on the Experimentally-induced Acute Gastritis and Peptic Ulcers in Rats (오리나무 열수 추출물이 실험적으로 유발된 흰쥐의 위염 및 위궤양에 미치는 영향)

  • Na, Chun-Soo;Lee, Sang-Bum;Kim, Jin-Bum;Chung, Ha-Sook;Dong, Mi-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2012
  • Alnus japonica Steud (A. japonica) have long been used in the traditional medicine for gastric disorder, hepatitis and fatty liver in Korea. Antiulcer effects of A. japonica hot water extract (AJ ext) were evaluated by in vitro antibacterial activity against H. pylori, by the inhibitory action against the in vitro gastric $H^+/K^+$-ATPase and using rat models of gastric mucosal damage and gastric ulcer induced by HCl-ethanol, indomethacin, and restraint and water-immersion stress. For the determination of antibacterial activity of AJ ext against H. pylori, the activity of urease which released from H. pylori was measured in culture. AJ ext showed weak antibacterial activity against H. pylori with the growth inhibitions of 37% and 61% by adding final concentrations of 500 and $1000{\mu}g/ml$ culture, respectively at 24 h. To observe the inhibitory activity of AJ ext against the $H^+/K^+$-ATPase in hog gastric membrane vesicle, $IC_{50}$ value of AJ ext was $806.3{\mu}g/ml$. Pretreatment of AJ ext (200, 500 mg/kg, p.o.) prevented in a dose-dependent manner the acute gastritis in HCl-ethanol model and the formation of gastric ulcer in indomethacin model and restraint and water-immersion stress model. These results suggest that the AJ ext can be used for prevention and treatment of gastric mucosal damage and ulcers induced by various stress.

Differentially expressed genes of Acanthamoeba castellanii during encystation

  • Moon, Eun-Kyung;Chung, Dong-Il;Hong, Yeon-Chul;Kong, Hyun-Hee
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.283-285
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    • 2007
  • To examine the expressed gene profile during encystation of Acanthamoeba castellanii Castellani, we used differentially expressed gene (DGE) screening by RT-PCR with 20 sets of random primers. From this analysis, we found that approximately 16 genes showed up regulation during encystation. We chose 6 genes, which had relatively higher expression levels, for further investigation. Based on homology search in database, DEG2 showed 55% of similarity with xylose isomerase, DEG9 showed 37% of similarity with Na P-type ATPase, and DEG14 showed 77% of similarity with subtilisin-like serine proteinase. DEG3 and DEG26 were identified as hypothetical proteins and DEG25 exhibited no significant similarity to any known protein. Encystation of Acanthamoeba has been suggested to be a process to resist adverse environmental or nutritional conditions. Further characterization studies of these genes may provide us with more information on the encystation mechanism of Acanthamoeba.

Hydrogen peroxide inhibits Ca2+ efflux through plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase in mouse parotid acinar cells

  • Kim, Min Jae;Choi, Kyung Jin;Yoon, Mi Na;Oh, Sang Hwan;Kim, Dong Kwan;Kim, Se Hoon;Park, Hyung Seo
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.215-223
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    • 2018
  • Intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ mobilization is closely linked with the initiation of salivary secretion in parotid acinar cells. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known to be related to a variety of oxidative stress-induced cellular disorders and believed to be involved in salivary impairments. In this study, we investigated the underlying mechanism of hydrogen peroxide ($H_2O_2$) on cytosolic $Ca^{2+}$ accumulation in mouse parotid acinar cells. Intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ levels were slowly elevated when $1mM\;H_2O_2$ was perfused in the presence of normal extracellular $Ca^{2+}$. In a $Ca^{2+}-free$ medium, $1mM\;H_2O_2$ still enhanced the intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ level. $Ca^{2+}$ entry tested using manganese quenching technique was not affected by perfusion of $1mM\;H_2O_2$. On the other hand, $10mM\;H_2O_2$ induced more rapid $Ca^{2+}$ accumulation and facilitated $Ca^{2+}$ entry from extracellular fluid. $Ca^{2+}$ refill into intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ store and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate ($1{\mu}M$)-induced $Ca^{2+}$ release from $Ca^{2+}$ store was not affected by $1mM\;H_2O_2$ in permeabilized cells. $Ca^{2+}$ efflux through plasma membrane $Ca^{2+}-ATPase$ (PMCA) was markedly blocked by $1mM\;H_2O_2$ in thapsigargin-treated intact acinar cells. Antioxidants, either catalase or dithiothreitol, completely protected $H_2O_2-induced$ $Ca^{2+}$ accumulation through PMCA inactivation. From the above results, we suggest that excessive production of $H_2O_2$ under pathological conditions may lead to cytosolic $Ca^{2+}$ accumulation and that the primary mechanism of $H_2O_2-induced$ $Ca^{2+}$ accumulation is likely to inhibit $Ca^{2+}$ efflux through PMCA rather than mobilize $Ca^{2+}$ ions from extracellular medium or intracellular stores in mouse parotid acinar cells.

Altered Vascular Calcium Regulation in Hypertension

  • Kim, Won-Jae;Lee, Jong-Un;Park, Yong-Hyun;Nam, Sang-Chae
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.1 no.5
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    • pp.529-535
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    • 1997
  • The present study was aimed at investigating whether the vascular calcium regulation is altered in hypertension. Two-kidney, one clip (2K1C) and deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertension were made in rats, and their thoracic aortae were taken 4 weeks later. The isometric contractile response and calcium uptake of the endothelium-denuded aortic preparations were determined. Caffeine ($0.1{\sim}35\;mmol/L$) induced a greater contraction in 2K1C and DOCA-salt hypertension than in normotensive control. When the vascular calcium store was functionally-depleted by a repeated exposure to caffeine, it took longer to reload the store and to resume the initial contraction force in response to caffeine in both 2K1C and DOCA-salt hypertension. The vascular $^{45}Ca$ uptake following the functional depletion of the cellular store was also greater in both models of hypertension than in control. Ryanodine, calcium channel activator of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, attenuated the restoration of caffeine-induced vascular contraction, which was not affected by either 2K1C or DOCA-salt hypertension. Nifedipine, an L-type $Ca^{2+}$ channel blocker, attenuated the restoration of caffeine-induced contraction, which was not affected by DOCA-salt hypertension, but was more pronounced in 2K1C hypertension. Nifedipine also diminished the vascular $^{45}Ca$ uptake, which was not affected by DOCA-salt hypertension, but was more pronounced in 2K1C hypertension. Ouabain, a $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ inhibitor, increased the caffeine-induced contraction by a similar magnitude in control and 2K1C hypertension, which was, however, markedly attenuated in DOCA-salt hypertension. Ouabain enhanced the vascular $^{45}Ca$ uptake, the degree of which was not affected by 2K1C hypertension, but was markedly attenuated in DOCA-salt hypertension compared with that in control. Cyclopiazonic acid, a selective inhibitor of $Ca^{2+}-ATPase$ of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, attenuated the restoration of caffeine-induced contraction, which was not affected by 2K1C hypertension, but was more marked in DOCA-salt hypertension. These results suggest that the increased vascular calcium storage may be attributed to an enhanced calcium influx in 2K1C hypertension, and to an impaired $Na^+-K^+$ pump activity of the cell membrane and subsequently increased calcium pump activity of the cellular store in DOCA-salt hypertension.

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The Acid-resistant Characteristic of Organic Acid Tolerance Mutant of Leuconostoc paramesenteroides (Leuconostoc paramesenteroides 유기산 내성 변이균주의 내산성 특성)

  • Kim, Young-Hwan;Kim, Hee-Zoong;Oh, Kyun-Sik;Kim, Sun-Young;Lee, Si-Kyung;Kang, Sang-Mo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.424-429
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    • 2008
  • To investigate the acid tolerance characteristics of the acid-resistant mutant, Leuconostoc paramesenteroides P-200, as a kimchi starter, this study examine proton permeability, ATPase activity, glycolysis activity, $Mg^{2+}$ release, and membrane fatty acid composition, and compared the data to that of its wild-type, L. paramesenteroides LP-W. In the proton permeability experiment, the LP-W and P-200 strains' average maximum half-time $(t_{1/2})$ values for pH equilibration through the cell membrane were approximately 5.7 and 9.3 min in 150mM KCl solution, and 4.2 and 8.3 min in 3% NaCl solution, respectively. Their values and pH levels for maximal specific ATPase activity showed that P-200 had greater activity than LPW. And the results of pH-dependent glycolysis activity showed that P-200 had greater activity than LP-W. Furthermore, after 2 hr at pH 4.0, LP-W and P-200 had percent magnesium release values of approximately 12% and 34%, respectively. A comparison of their membrane fatty acid compositions indicated that C18 and cyclo-C19 were the major different fatty acids between the two strains, and their contents of C18 and cyclo-C19 were 2.5% and not detected, respectively, in LP-W, and 6.4% and 11.4%, respectively, in P-200. These results indicate that the P-200 strain has significantly improved acid tolerance as compared to its wild type, LP-W.

Zygosaccharomyces rouxii Combats Salt Stress by Maintaining Cell Membrane Structure and Functionality

  • Wang, Dingkang;Zhang, Min;Huang, Jun;Zhou, Rongqing;Jin, Yao;Wu, Chongde
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 2020
  • Zygosaccharomyces rouxii is an important yeast that is required in the food fermentation process due to its high salt tolerance. In this study, the responses and resistance strategies of Z. rouxii against salt stress were investigated by performing physiological analysis at membrane level. The results showed that under salt stress, cell integrity was destroyed, and the cell wall was ruptured, which was accompanied by intracellular substance spillover. With an increase of salt concentrations, intracellular Na+ content increased slightly, whereas intracellular K+ content decreased significantly, which caused the increase of the intracellular Na+/K+ ratio. In addition, in response to salt stress, the activity of Na+/K+-ATPase increased from 0.54 to 2.14 μmol/mg protein, and the ergosterol content increased to 2.42-fold to maintain membrane stability. Analysis of cell membrane fluidity and fatty acid composition showed that cell membrane fluidity decreased and unsaturated fatty acid proportions increased, leading to a 101.21% rise in the unsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio. The results presented in this study offer guidance in understanding the salt tolerance mechanism of Z. rouxii, and in developing new strategies to increase the industrial utilization of this species under salt stress.

Effect of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi Extract on Oxidant-Induced Inhibition of Organic Cation in Rabbit Renal Cortical Slices (황금약침액(黃芩藥鍼液)이 가토(家兎)의 신피질절편(腎皮質切片)에서 Oxidant로 유발된 유기양이온의 이동장애에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Son, In-suk;Cho, Tae-sung;Kwon, Hae-yon;Jo, Mi-hyeong;Youn, Hyoun-min;Jang, Kyung-jeon;Song, Choon-ho;Abn, Chang-beohm
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2002
  • Objective : This study was undertaken to determine whether Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi extract (SbG) exerts the protective effect against oxidant-induced alterations in organic cation transport in the renal proximal tubule. Methods : Organic cation transport was estimated by examining alterations in tetraethylammonium (TEA) uptake in rabbit renal cortical slices. The slices were treated with 0.2 mM tBHP for 60 min at $37^{\circ}C$. tBl-IP caused an inhibition in TEA uptake by renal cortical slices. Such an effect was accompanied by depressed Na+-K+-ATPase activity and ATP depletion. Result : SbG prevented tBHP-induced inhibition of TEA uptake in a dose-dependent manner at the concentration ranges of 0.05-0.1%. SbG also prevented H2O2-induced reduction in TEA uptake. tBHP-induced inhibition of Na+-K+-ATPase activity and ATP depletion were significantly prevented by 0.05% SbG. Oxidants increased LDH release, which was blocked by SbG. Oxidants caused a significant increase in lipid peroxidation and its effect was prevented by SbG. Conclusion : These results suggest that SbG prevents oxidant-induced alterations in organic cation transport in rabbit renal cortical slices. Such protective effects of SbG may be attributed to inhibition of peroxidation of membrane lipid.

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Effect of Extracellular Matrix on the Growth Behavior of Corneal Endothelial Cells to Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Film (각막 내피세포 성장 거동에 대한 락타이드 글리콜라이드 공중합체 필름과 세포외 기질의 효과)

  • Kim, Eun Young;Kim, Hye Min;Song, Jeong Eun;Lee, Hyun Soo;Joo, Choun-Ki;Khang, Gilson
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.702-707
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    • 2014
  • Corneal endothelium is mono-inner cell layer of cornea and lay on Descmet's membrane which comprised of various proteins called extracellular matrix such as fibronectin, collagen, laminin, and proteoglycan, etc. In this study, we fabricated transparent poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) film because PLGA is widely used for tissue engineering based on their properties. We investigated the behaviors of rabbit corneal endothelial cells (rCEnCs) on PLGA film surfaces coated with various cell-adhesive molecules like fibronectin, laminin, collagen type I and IV and FNC coating mix. The morphologic images, proliferation and adhesion assay, immunofluorescence for ZO-1 and $Na^+/K^+-ATPase$ and RT-PCR for expression of specific markers were conducted. These results showed that PLGA film plays a role as CEnC carriers in vitro and the cell-adhesive molecules give positive effects on the behaviors of rCEnC.