• Title/Summary/Keyword: $BaCuO_2$

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Effect of double pinning mechanism in BSO-added GdBa2Cu3O7-x thin films

  • Oh, J.Y.;Jeon, H.K.;Lee, J.M.;Kang, W.N.;Kang, B.
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.13-17
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    • 2017
  • We investigated the effect of self-assembled BSO nano-defects as pinning centers in BSO-added GdBCO films when the thicknesses of films were varied. 3.5 vol. % BSO-added GdBCO films with varying thicknesses from 200 nm to 1000 nm were deposited on $SrTiO_3$ (STO) substrate by using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) process. For the films with thicknesses of 400 nm and 600 nm, 'anomaly shoulders' in $J_c-H$ characteristic curves were observed near the matching field. The anomaly shoulders appeared in the field dependence of $J_c$ may be attributed to the existence of double pinning mechanisms in thin films. The fit to the pinning force density as a function of reduced field h ($H/H_{irr}$) using the Dew-Hughes' scaling law shows that both the 400 nm- and the 600 nm-thick films have double pinning mechanisms while the other films have a single pinning mechanism. These results indicate that the self-assembled property of BSO result in different role as pinning centers with different thickness.

A Geochemical Study on Pyrophyllite Deposits and Andesitic Wall-Rocks in the Milyang Area, Kyeongnam Province (경남 밀양지역 납석광상과 안산암질 모암의 지구화학적 연구)

  • Oh, Dae-Gyun;Chon, Hyo-Taek;Min, Kyoung-Won
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 1992
  • Several pyrophyllite deposits occur around the Milyang area where Cretaceous andesitic rocks and spatially related granitic rocks are widely distributed. Pyrophyllite ores consist mainly of pyrophyllite, and quartz with small amount of sericite, pyrite, dumortierite, and diaspore. The andesitic rocks and spatially related granitic rocks in this area suggest that they could be formed from the same series of a calc-alkaline magma series. The contents of $SiO_2$, $Al_2O_3$, LOI(loss on ignition) are enriched, and $K_2O$, $Na_2O$, CaO, MgO, $Fe_2O_3$ are depleted in altered andesitic rocks and ores. Enrichment of As, Cr, Sr, V, Sb and depletion of Ba, Cs, Ni, Rb, U, Y, Co, Sc, Zn are characteristic during mineralization. The pyrophyllite ores can be discriminated from the altered-and unaltered wall-rocks by an increasing of $(La/Lu)_{cn}$ from 4.18~22.13 to 8.98~55.05. In R-mode cluster analysis, Yb-Lu-Y, La-Ce-Hf-Th-U-Zr, $TiO_2-V-Al_2O_3$, Sm-Eu, $CaO-Na_2O-MnO$, Cu-Zn-Ag, $K_2O-Rb$ are closely correlated. In the discriminant analysis of multi-element data, $P_2O_5$, As, Cr and $Fe_2O_3$, Sr are helpful to identify the ores from the unaltered-and altered wall-rocks. In the factor analysis, the factors of alteration of andesitic rocks and ore mineralization were extracted. In the change of ions per unit volume, $SiO_2$, $Al^{3+}$ and LOI are enriched and $Na^+$, $K^+$, $Ca^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Mn^{2+}$ and $Fe^{3+}$ are depleted during the alteration processes. The Milyang and the Sungjin pyrophyllite deposits could be mineralized by hydrothermal alteration in a geochemical condition of low activity ratio of alkaline ions to hydrogen ion with reference to spatially related granitic rocks.

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Effect of V2O5 Content and Pre-Sintering Atmosphere on Adhesive Property of Glass Frit for Laser Sealing of OLED (OLED 레이저 실링용 글라스 프릿에서 V2O5 함량 및 가소성 분위기가 접합 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, HyeonJin;Lee, Mijai;Lee, Youngjin;Kim, Jin-Ho;Jeon, Dae-Woo;Hwang, Jonghee;Lee, Jungsoo;Yang, Yunsung;Youk, Sookyung;Park, Tae-Ho;Moon, Yun-Gon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.489-493
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    • 2016
  • In this study, the effect of vanadium oxide ($V_2O_5$) content and pre-sintering atmosphere on sealing property of glass frit that consisted of $V_2O_5-BaO-ZnO-P_2O_5-TeO_2-CuO-Fe_2O_3-SeO_2$ was investigated by XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy). The content of V2O5 was changed to 15, 30, and 45 mol%, and the pre-sintering was carried out in air and $N_2$ condition, respectively. XPS analysis conducted before and after laser irradiation with identical sample. Before laser treatment, glass frits that were pre-sintered at air condition showed both $V^{4+}$ and $V^{5+}$, but the valence state was changed to $V^{5+}$ after laser irradiation when the glass frits contained 30 and 45 mol% $V_2O_5$; this change led to non-adhesive property. On the other hand, glass frits that were pre-sintered at $N_2$ condition exhibited only $V^{4+}$ and it showed fine adhesion irrespective of the $V_2O_5$ content. As a result, the existence of $V^{4+}$ seems to be a major factor for controlling the adhesive property of glass frit for laser sealing.

Critical current densities of bicrystalline HTSC film under various magnetic fields

  • Lim S.M.;Jung Y.;Jang K.;Lee S.M.;Jung Y.H.;Youm D.
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2006
  • Critical current densities were measured for a bicrystalline $(Sm_{0.8}Dy_{0.2})Ba_2Cu_3O_7$ film under various magnetic fields $({^{\rightarrow_{H}}}_a)$. The fields were varied from -0.7KOe to +0.7KOe for various orientations with respect to the film surface. The curves of the critical current densities $(J_{cb})\;vs\;{^{\rightarrow_{H}}}_a$ showed the well known butterfly-like hysteretic curves. Our data could be analyzed for the two components of field, which are normal and parallel to the film surface, respectively. We combined the effect of $H_\perp$ deduced from the data for the normal field $(\theta=90^{\circ})$ and the effect of $H_\parallel$ deduced from the data for the almost parallel field $(\theta=2^{\circ})$. Our analyses indicate that $(J_{cb})$ depends on the two components of flux density at the grain boundary. All the experimental data for various ${\theta}s$ fit well to this new formula which was obtained by multiplying the factors deduced from the field dependences of these two components.

High-$T_c$ 2nd-order SQUID Gradiometer for Use in Unshielded Environments (비차폐 환경에서의 고온초전도 SQUID 2차 미분기의 특성연구)

  • 박승문;강찬석;이순걸;유권규;김인선;박용기
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.50-54
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    • 2003
  • We have fabricated $∂^2$$B_{z}$ /$∂x^2$ type planar gradiometers and studied their properties in operation under various field conditions. $YBa_2$$Cu_3$$O_{7}$ film was deposited on $SrTiO_3$ (100) substrate by a pulsed laser deposition (PLD) system and patterned into a device by the photolithography with ion milling technique. The device consists of 3 pickup loops designed symmetrically Inner dimension and the width of the square side loops are 3.6 mm and 1.2 mm, respectively, and the corresponding dimensions of the center loop are 2.0 mm and 1.13 mm. The length of baseline gradiometer is 5.8 mm. Step-edge junction width is 3.0 $\mu\textrm{m}$ and the hole size of the SQUID loop is 3 $\mu\textrm{m}$ ${\times}$ 52 $\mu\textrm{m}$. The SQUID inductance is estimated to be 35 pH. The device was formed on a 20 mm ${\times}$ 10 mm substrate. We have tested the behavior of the device in various field conditions. The unshielded gradiometer was stable under extremely hostile conditions on a laboratory bench. Noise level 0.45 pT/$\textrm{cm}^2$/(equation omitted)Hz and 0.84 pT/$\textrm{cm}^2$/(equation omitted)Hz at 1 Hz for the shielded and the unshielded cases, which correspond to equivalent field noises of 150 fT/(equation omitted)Hz and 280 fT/(equation omitted)Hz, respectively. In spite of the short baseline of 5.8 mm, the high common-mode-rejection-ratio of the gradiometer, $10^3$, allowed us to successfully record magnetocardiogram of a human subject, which demonstrates the feasibility of the design in biomagnetic studies.

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Mineralogy and Chemical Composition of the Residual Soils (Hwangto) from South Korea (우리 나라 황토(풍화토)의 구성광물 및 화학성분)

  • 황진연;장명익;김준식;조원모;안병석;강수원
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.147-163
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    • 2000
  • The mineralogy and chemical composition of reddish to brownish yellow residual soils, so called "Hwangto" have been examined according to representative host rocks. The result of the study indicates that Hwangto consists of 40-80% clay minerals and various minerals such as quartz, feldspar, hornblende, goethite, and gibbsite. Clay minerals include kaolinite, halloysite, illite, hydroxy interlayered vermiculite (HIV), mica/vermiculite interstratifield mineral and chlorite. The mineralogical constituents and contents of Hwangto were different depending on the types of host rocks. Moreover, the Jurassic granitic rocks contain relatively more kaolin minerals, whereas the Cretaceous granitic rocks contain more HIV and illite. In addition, reddish Hwangto contains relatively more kaolinite and HIV, and yellowish Hwangto contains more illite and halloysite. It is suggested that feldspars and micas of host rocks were chemically weathered into illite, halloysite, illite/vermiculite interstratified minerals, and HIV, and finally into kaolinite. Compared with their host rocks, the major chemical compositions of Hwangto tend to contain more $Al_2O_3,\;Fe_2O_3,\;H_2O$ in amount and less Ca, Mg, and Na. Hwangto contains relatively high amount of trace elements, P, S, Zr, Sr, Ba, Rb, and Ce including considerable amount of Li, V, Cr, Zn, Co, Ni, Cu, Y, Nb, La, Nd, Pb, Th in excess of 10 ppm. Relatively high amount of most trace elements were detected in the Hwangto. The major and minor chemical compositions of the Hwangto were different depending on the types of host rocks. However, their difference was in the similar range compared with the compositions of host rocks.

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Synthesis of Ultrafine LaAlO$_3$ Powders with Good Sinterability by Self-Sustaining Combustion Method Using (Glycine+Urea) Fuel ((Glycine+Urea) 혼합연료를 이요한 자발착화 연소반응법에 의한 우수한 소결성의 초미분체 LaAlO$_3$ 분말 합성)

  • Nam, H.D.;Choi, W.S.;Lee, B.H.;Park, S.
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.203-209
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    • 1999
  • LaAlO3d single phase used as the butter layer on Si wafer for YBa2Cu3O7-$\delta$ superconductor application were prepared by solid state reaction method and by self-sustaining combustion process. The microstructure and crystallity of synthesiszed LaAlO3 powder studied using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffractometer(XRD), specific surface area and sintering characteristics fo powder were investigated by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method and dilatometer respectively. In solid state reaction method, it is difficult to obtain LaAlO3 single phase up to 150$0^{\circ}C$ period. However, in self-sustaining combustion process, it is to easy to do it only $650^{\circ}C$. Based on the results of analysis of dilatometer it is easier to obtain high sintering density (98.87%) in self-sustaining combustion process than in the solid state reaction method. This reason is that the average particle size prepared by self-sustaining combustion process is nano crystal size and has high specific surface are value(56.54 $m^2$/g) compared with that by solid state reaction method. Also, LaAlO3 layer on the Si wafer has been achieved by screen printing and sintering method. Even though the sintering temperature is 130$0^{\circ}C$, the phenomena of silicon out diffusion in LaAlO3/Si interphase are not observed.

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Fabrications and measurements of single layer YBCO dc-SQUID magnetometers designed with parallel-loop pickup coil (Parallel-loop 검출코일을 가지는 단일층 YBCO dc-SQUID 자력계의 제작 및 특성 연구)

  • 유권규;김인선;박용기
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.45-49
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    • 2003
  • We have designed and fabricated the single-layer high $T_{c}$ SQUID magnetometer consisting of a directly coupled grain boundary junction SQUID with an inductance of 100 pH and 16 nested parallel pickup coils with the outermost dimension of 8.8 mm ${\times}$ 8.8 mm. The magnetometer was formed from a YBCO thin film deposited on an STO(100) bicrystal substrate with a misorientation angle of $30^{\circ}$. The SQUID magnetometer was further improved by optimizing the multi-loop pickup coil design for use in unshielded environments. Typical characteristics of the dc SQUID magnetometer had a modulation voltage of 40 $\mu\textrm{V}$ and a white noise of $30fT/Hz^{1}$2/. The SQUID magnetometer exhibited a 1/f noise level at 10 Hz reduced by a factor of about 3 compared with that of the conventional solid type pickup coil magnetometers and a very stable flux locked loop operation in magnetically disturbed environments.s.

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Conservation Treatment and Study on Manufacturing Techniques of Jija Chongtong Gun in the Middle of Joseon Dynasty (조선 중기 제작된 지자총통의 보존처리와 제작기법 연구 -동아대학교 석당박물관 소장 보물 지자총통을 중심으로-)

  • Nam Dohyeon;Park Younghwan;Lee Jaesung
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.30
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    • pp.23-46
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    • 2023
  • The Jija Chongtong Gun, owned by Seokdang Museum of Dong-A University, is a tubedstyle heavy weapon of the battlefield in the mid-Joseon Dynasty and is the second largest firearm after Cheonja Chongtong. The original surface color of the Jija Chongtong Gun was obscured by foreign substances and therefore it was judged that its condition requires the conservation treatment. For stable conservation treatment, gamma ray and X-ray non-destructive transmission surveys was conducted to determine the internal structure and conservation condition. And the component analysis on the material components and surface contaminants of Jija Chongtong Gun was conducted by utilizing the p-XRF component analysis, SEM-EDS component analysis, and XRD analysis. As a result of the gamma-ray and X-ray non-destructive transmission investigation, a large amount of air bubbles was observed inside Jija Chongtong Gun, and the part that appeared to be a chaplet by visual observation was not identified. As a result of gamma-ray and p-XRF component analysis, it was confirmed that Jija Chongtong Gun was bronze made of copper (Cu), tin (Sn), and lead (Pb) alloy. As a result of surface analysis of foreign substances using SEM-EDS, it was confirmed that the main components of white foreign substances were calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), and titanium (Ti). Titanium was presumed to be titanium dioxide (TiO2), the main component of white correction fluid. The red foreign substance was confirmed to contain barium (Ba) as its main ingredient, and was presumed to be barium sulfate (BaSO4), an extender pigment in paint. White and red contaminants, mainly composed of titanium and barium, are presumed to have been deposited on the surface in recent years. The yellow foreign substances were confirmed to be aluminum (Al) and silicon (Si), and were presumed to have originated from soil components. As a result of SEM-EDS and XRD component analysis, the white foreign substance was confirmed to be gypsum (CaS). Based on the results of component analysis, surface impurities were removed, stabilization treatment, and strengthening treatment were performed. During the conservation process, unknown inscriptions Woo (右), Byeong (兵), Sang (上), and Yi (二) were discovered through a portable microscope and precise 3D scanning. In addition, the carving method, depth, and width of the inscription were measured. Woo Byeong Sang is located above Happo Fortress in Changwon, and Yi can be identified as the second hill.

Study on the Metal Ore Deposits of Gyeongsang buk-do Area (경상북도(慶尙北道) 일원(一圓)에 부존(賦存)하고 있는 금속지하자원(金屬地下資源)의 지질광상학적(地質鑛床學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Y.K.;Lee, J.Y.;Kim, S.W.;Koh, I.S.
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 1976
  • The Cretaceous metal ore deposits in the Gyeongsang basin of Gyeongsangbuk-do are characterized by the formation of metallogenic provinces which show zonal distribution pattern around Yeonil province where pneumatolytic type is dominated and hydrothermal type are distributed in the order of decreasing temperature type outward. Some Cretaceous granitic rocks include zoned alkali feldspars which reflect rapid variation of $H_2O$ during emplacement and crystallization of the water-saturated granitic magma. The ore deposits are considered to be originated from upward transportation of ore solution from the excess of water exhausted from uprising magma, which seems to be intimately related to the fact that the majority of the ore deposits in Daegu area are cummulated around the granites including zoned alkali feldspars. In order to collect geochemical data necessary for geochemical exploration in the study area, certain trace elements were chosen as pathfinders from monzonite and soil in the vicinity of Dalsung Tungsten Mine by studying the dispersion patterns of trace elements: Ba and Sr show trends to decrease toward ore deposit while Cu, Pb, and Mo increase. Around mining area there are distributed apparently Equisetum arvense Linne and Mentha sachinensis Kudo which may be used as index plants. In the viewpoint of geologic structure, the trends of the ore veins in contact aureole around the Palgongsan granite body correspond with the pre- and syn- plutonism joint pattern in hornfels in the area.

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