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Apoptosis Induction by Dendropanax morbiferus Leaves Extract in Human Breast Cancer Cells SK-BR-3 through MAPK Pathway (유방암 세포에서 황칠나무 잎 추출물의 MAPK 경로를 통한 apoptosis 유도)

  • Jung, Gi Hwan;Kim, Sung Hyun;Woo, Joong Seok;Yoo, Eun Seon;Lee, Jae Han;Han, So Hee;Jung, Soo Hyun;Kim, Sae Man;Kim, Eun Gee;Shin, Man Jae;Cho, Ho Min;Jung, Ji Youn
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.827-833
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    • 2021
  • Dendropanax morbiferus leaves (DPL) has been used as a medicine since ancient times in various diseases such as inflammation, diabetes, and cancer. In particular, it has been found to have anticancer effects on several types of cancer cells, but the anticancer effect on breast cancer cells SK-BR-3 has not yet been revealed. Therefore, in this study, DPL caused proliferation inhibition in breast cancer cells SK-BR-3 and the anticancer effect by inducing apoptosis was confirmed, through an in vitro experiment. In order to examine the effect of DPL on cell viability, MTT assay was performed to confirm a significant decrease in the concentration of cell viability. DAPI staining was performed to examine the effect of DPL on cellular morphological changes and increase of apoptotic bodies. To supplement this, an increase in the apoptosis rate was also confirmed through flow cytometry after staining with annexin V/PI. Western blot was performed to confirm apoptosis-related proteins. DPL increased the expression of Cleaved-PARP, Bax whereas decreased the expression of Bcl-2. Changes in the expression levels of MAPK pathway proteins p-ERK1/2, p-JNK, and p-p38 were also confirmed, and a significant increase in p-p38 was observed. These results indicated that DPL induced apoptosis, through p-p38 MAPK signal pathway in SK-BR-3 breast cancer cells.

Une étude pour la critique de théâtre avec la sémiotique ouverte -avec par Jean Genet- (열린 기호학을 활용한 연극비평 연구 -장 주네의 <하녀들> 공연을 중심으로-)

  • LIM, Seon-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.40
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    • pp.239-275
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    • 2010
  • Cette ${\acute{e}}tude$ a pour but de proposer une $m{\acute{e}}thodologie$ de critique avec la $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ ouverte. La critique de $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ commence ${\grave{a}}$ lire le $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$, l'analyse et juge son valeur. Il arrive souvent qu'on juge avec intutition. On dit que c'est une critique d'impressionnisme. Cette critique est subjective, mais pas objective. La $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ de Saussure offre la $m{\acute{e}}thodologie$ scientifique ${\grave{a}}$ la critique. A $c{\hat{o}}t{\acute{e}}$ de la critique d'impressionnisme qui est subjective, la $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ peut expliciter la raison objective. On ${\acute{e}}tait$ admiratif devant sa scientisme, pourtant $apr{\grave{e}}s$ quoi on critique sa non-$subjectivit{\acute{e}}$ et sa non-$historicit{\acute{e}}$. Dans l'opposition de $l^{\prime}objectivit{\acute{e}}$ et de la $subjectivit{\acute{e}}$, on tente de rechercher un model $int{\acute{e}}gr{\acute{e}}$ dialectiquement entre l'impressionisme(subjective) et la scientisme(objective). Pour cela, on doit aux Ecrits de linguistique $g{\acute{e}}n{\acute{e}}rale$ ($publi{\acute{e}}$ en 2002 chez Gallimard). Ces Ecrits nous aident ${\grave{a}}$ amener la $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ $ferm{\acute{e}}e$ sur la $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ ouverte et ${\grave{a}}$ $red{\acute{e}}couvrir$ la $pens{\acute{e}}e$ de Saussure. Ils nous font ouvrir un nouveau champ de recherche pour la $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ ouverte. L'essentiel de la $th{\acute{e}}orie$ saussurienne du signe $d{\acute{e}}pend$ de l'arbitraire et du circulaire du signe. On $red{\acute{e}}couvre$ la notion ${\acute{e}}largie$ du signe, dans Ecrits de linguistique $g{\acute{e}}n{\acute{e}}rale$, contre le courant majeur de linguistique et de structuralisme. Cette notion s'y focalise, ${\grave{a}}$ la valeur, ${\grave{a}}$ la $relativit{\acute{e}}$, ${\grave{a}}$ la $diff{\acute{e}}rence$ et au $syst{\grave{e}}me$. Avec elle, on tente d'adopter la $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ ouverte pour rechercher une $m{\acute{e}}thodologie$ de critique qui se veut objective et ${\grave{a}}$ la fois subjective. Il s'agit d'une difficile combinaison de l'impressionisme et de la scienticisme. Pour cela, la $m{\acute{e}}thodologie$ se $d{\acute{e}}veloppera$ en trois ${\acute{e}}tapes$. $1{\grave{e}}re$ ${\acute{e}}tape$: c'est lire le $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ comme un signe total pour 1er jugement d'impressionnisme. $2{\grave{e}}me$ ${\acute{e}}tape$: c'est retrouver sa structure invisible dans la $relativit{\acute{e}}$ des signes. $3{\grave{e}}me$ ${\acute{e}}tape$: c'est juger, dans leur $relativit{\acute{e}}$, comment les $d{\acute{e}}tails$ de signes se fonctionnent. C'est lire les $d{\acute{e}}tails$ de signes et puis $r{\acute{e}}affirmer$ le jugement en $1{\grave{e}}re$ ${\acute{e}}tape$. Selon les $derni{\grave{e}}res$ deux ${\acute{e}}tapes$, on pourra comparer le premier jugement (impressif) et le dernier jugement (objectif), et enfin s'assumer comme critique. Selon la $m{\acute{e}}thodologie$ $propos{\acute{e}}e$, on pratique la critique sur ${\acute{e}}crit$ par Jean Genet, et mise en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ par Lee Youn-Taek et par Park Jung-Hee. Pour la critique intertextuelle, on la fera en comparant les deux spectacles avec la $pi{\grave{e}}ce$ de Jean Genet. $D^{\prime}apr{\grave{e}}s$ la comparaison, Lee Youn-Taek met en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ avec $fid{\acute{e}}lit{\acute{e}}$ la structre et les signes de $d{\acute{e}}tail$ de l'auteur, Park Jung-Hee change sa structre et ses signes pour mettre en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ la $pi{\grave{e}}ce$ de Genet. Ils se $diff{\grave{e}}rent$ l'un et l'autre: Lee incite le discours de la classe sociale dans le spectacle, et Park y incite le discours du $d{\acute{e}}sir$. La $diff{\acute{e}}rence$ des signes dans la $relativit{\acute{e}}$ apporte la $diff{\acute{e}}rence$ de la signification de discours $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tral$, et enfin se font changer les significations de deux spectacles.

Genetic Analysis of Seed Size in Watermelon (수박 종자크기에 대한 유전분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Jae;Yang, Tae-Jin;Park, Young-Hoon;Lee, Yong-Jik;Kang, Sun-Cheol;Kim, Yong-Kwon;Cho, Jeoung-Lai
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.412-419
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    • 2009
  • In order to study the inheritance of watermelon seed size, we used six watermelon lines of different seed sizes as parental lines. Six lines include three accessions, 'PI525088' with giant seed (GS), 'Charleston Gray' with big seed (BS), and 'NT' with normal medium size seed (NS), and three near isogenic lines, 'NTss' with small seed (SS), 'NTms' with micro seed (MS) and 'NTts' with tomato seed size (TS) bred by crosses between accession 'NT' of normal seed size and accession 'TDR' of the smallest seed size,. We inspected $F_1$, $F_2$, $BC_1F_1$ (P1), $BC_1F_1$ (P2) populations from the crosses between the adjacent seed size materials like $GS{\times}BS$, $BS{\times}NS$, $NS{\times}SS$, and $MS{\times}TS$, and two crosses between parental lines showing relatively big difference in seed size such as $GS{\times}TS$ and $NS{\times}TS$. Partial single dominant inheritance patterns were observed between $GS{\times}BS$, $NS{\times}SS$, and $MS{\times}TS$ and inheritance patterns based on two genes or more than two genes were speculated between $BS{\times}NS$. A very wide segregation range was observed from the population of $GS{\times}TS$ indicating many quantitative genes involved in the seed sizes. Overall, we speculated that more than six genes are involved in between the biggest and smallest seed size watermelon and three major genes between the normal seed size and the smallest seed size watermelon.

F. H. Jacobi und Spinoza-Streit (야코비와 스피노자 논쟁)

  • Choi, Shin-Hann
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.129
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    • pp.315-339
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    • 2014
  • Diese Abhandlung untersucht Jacobis ${\ddot{U}}ber$ die Lehre Spinoza und den von diesem veranlassten Spinoza-Streit. Damit sie $enth{\ddot{u}}llt$ zuerst Jacobischen Zusammenhang zwischen transzent und immanent und folgt auf seine Wirkungsgeschichte in der Moderne. Ich rekonstruiere den Streit zwischen Jacobi und Lessing und danach interpretiere dessen Rezeption durch Hegel und Schleiermacher. Lessing stellt anstatt der traditionellen Begriffe der Gottheit ἑν ${\kappa}{\alpha}{\iota}$ ${\pi}{\alpha}{\nu}$ auf. $Demgegen{\ddot{u}}ber$ behauptet Jacobi Salto mortale um ihn ${\ddot{u}}berschreiten$ zu $k{\ddot{o}}nnen$, indem er Lessing als Pantheist und Atheist bestimmt. Salto mortale bei Jacobi ist der Sprung zu dem ${\ddot{U}}bernat{\ddot{u}}rlichen$ und dem Glaube. Der Streit zwischen Jacobi und Lessing ist der zwischen dem Naturalismus und ${\ddot{U}}bernaturalismus$ und $dar{\ddot{u}}berhinaus$ der zwischen dem Athismus und Theismus. $W{\ddot{a}}hrend$ die Natur der Inbegriff der Bedingten ist, ist Gott der absolute Anfang der Natur $au{\ss}erhalb$ des Naturzusammenhangs. $W{\ddot{a}}hrend$ Spinoza Gott im $nat{\ddot{u}}rlichen$ Zusammenhang begreift, $fa{\ss}t$ Jacobi den im ${\ddot{u}}bernat{\ddot{u}}rlichen$ auf. Deus sive natura bei Spinoza $ver{\ddot{a}}ndert$ sich Gott im Menschen bei Jacobi. Gott im Menschen ist nichts anders als das Prinzip des Lebens und das aller Vernuft. In diesem Zusammenhang $fa{\ss}t$ Hegel Gott als Geist denn Subjekt des Lebens auf und $h{\ddot{a}}lt$ das Wesen des Geistes $f{\ddot{u}}r$ die sich selbst vermittelnde Bewegung. Dies zeigt sich als die Spinoza ${\ddot{u}}berbietende$ Immanenzphilosophie. $Demgegen{\ddot{u}}ber$ behauptet Schleiermacher die Einheit des Endlichen und Unendlichen in der $religi{\ddot{o}}sen$ Anschuung. Die Verbindung von Mensch und Gott ist die im Endlichen immanent bleibende Anschauung der $g{\ddot{o}}ttlichen$ Eigenschaft. Dies zeigt das transzendente im immanenten.

Le théâtre de torture chez Chae yoon-il - à travers la rencontre avec Lee hyun-hwa- (채윤일의 고문연극 -이현화와의 만남을 중심으로-)

  • LEE, Sunhyung
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.48
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    • pp.333-368
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    • 2012
  • Dans l'histoire du $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ $cor{\acute{e}}en$, la position de Chae yoon-il est $tr{\grave{e}}s$ $particuli{\grave{e}}re$. Il a $consacr{\acute{e}}$, dans ses $carri{\grave{e}}res$ de la mise en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$, toute son ${\acute{e}}nergie$ au $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ sans jamais $fl{\acute{e}}chir$ contre le pouvoir dictatorial. Un critique a dit que son $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ est semblable au $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ de la $cruaut{\acute{e}}$. Pourtant, dans la mesure $o{\grave{u}}$ il respecte le texte dramatique, et que son $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ a des tendances de la politique et qu'il oriente l'engagement du spectateur, il est certain que son $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ est loin du $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ de la $cruaut{\acute{e}}$. Ses $proc{\acute{e}}d{\acute{e}}s$ de la mise en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ sont $tr{\grave{e}}s$ divers et il n'y a pas de $coh{\acute{e}}rences$ au niveau des styles dramatiques. $Malgr{\acute{e}}$ cela, nous pouvons trouver son $originalit{\acute{e}}$ de la mise en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ dans la rencontre avec Lee hyun-wha. Le metteur en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ ${\acute{e}}tablit$ son $esth{\acute{e}}tique$ $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}trale$ en montant sur $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ de cinq $pi{\grave{e}}ces$ de Lee hyun-wha. Alors, en effet qu'est-ce que $l^{\prime}esth{\acute{e}}tique$ de la mise en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ de Chae yoon-il produite par les ${\oe}uvres$ $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}trales$ de Lee hyun-wha? Dans les $pi{\grave{e}}ces$ de Lee hyun-wha, il y a beaucoup de codes symboliques de la violence sexuelle comme le sadisme et le masochisme. L'implusion sexuelle $cach{\acute{e}}e$ dans le subconscient des personnages s'entrecroise avec le $m{\acute{e}}canisme$ du pouvoir politique. Alors, les abus sexuels et les mauvais traitements sur le corps deviennent une sorte de torture. L'expression cruelle des langages $sc{\acute{e}}niques$ n'est autre que la $r{\acute{e}}volte$ contre la $r{\acute{e}}alit{\acute{e}}$ actuelle de la politique. Son $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ de torture est donc une sorte de $m{\acute{e}}canisme$ de la catharsis pour dissiper le cauchemar et l'inconscient noir. La fantasie sexuelle construite par le monde inconscient de l'auteur dramatique $s^{\prime}{\acute{e}}panouit$ dans le $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ de Chae yoon-il qui $r{\hat{e}}ve$ toujours l'esprit de la $libert{\acute{e}}$. Une des convictions dramatiques du metteur en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$, c'est que le $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ tout d'abord doit ${\hat{e}}tre$ choquant. Il dit : "l'art doit ${\hat{e}}tre$ ${\grave{a}}$ la fois ${\acute{e}}mouvant$ et bouleversant. Cependant, dans la mesure $o{\grave{u}}$ le film ou la $t{\acute{e}}l{\acute{e}}vivion$ fait aujourd'hui une vive impression aux spectateurs, la part $donn{\acute{e}}e$ au $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ est le choc." Pour donner le choc aux spectateurs, le style de la torture est $tr{\grave{e}}s$ utile. $L^{\prime}esth{\acute{e}}tique$ $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tral$ du metteur en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ respecte essentiellement l'intention de l'auteur. $N{\acute{e}}anmois$, le respect sur l'original ne se $d{\acute{e}}range$ pas $l^{\prime}interpr{\acute{e}}tation$ de son propre $id{\acute{e}}e$. Dans l'insistance de la torture, l'analyse rituelle sous la base du choc, il projecte le symbole $arch{\acute{e}}typal$ sur $sc{\grave{e}}ne$. Bien $s{\hat{u}}r$, il renforce le $caract{\grave{e}}re$ de la politique dans le $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ de torture pour inviter des spectateurs de l'engagement. D'ailleurs, il y a l'aspect d'absurde dans le $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ de torture qui insiste des violences ${\grave{a}}$ travers les langages $sc{\acute{e}}niques$ comme le $m{\acute{e}}tal$ froid, parce que le metteur en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ $consid{\grave{e}}re$ que $l^{\prime}{\hat{e}}tre$ humain vit dans l'absurde.

A Literature Review of Fish Feeding Research in the Coast - Estuary Areas of Korean Peninsula (우리나라 연안-하구에 서식하는 어류의 식성 관련 연구 현황)

  • Jo, Hyunbin;Kim, Dong-Kyun;Park, Kiyun;Lee, Wan-Ok;Kwak, Ihn-Sil
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.126-135
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    • 2019
  • We carried out a literature review of fish food sources research in the coast - estuary areas of Korean peninsula for the last fifty years(1969~2018). A total of 101 research papers were reviewed, of which 81 were published in domestic journals, 7 were puliched in domestic reports and 14 were published in international journals. When divided into the decade periods, 21 papers (19.4%) between 1990 and 1999 and 26 papers (24.1%) between 2000 and 2009, and 42 papers (48.1%) were published in 2010 and 2018, respectively. When divided into the survey area by a bearing (East sea, South-East sea, South Sea, and West Sea), 65 papers(69.1%) were carried out in the South Sea. Followed by 13 papers (13.8%) in the East Sea and 8 papers (8.5%) in the West Sea and the South-East Sea, respectively. The surveyed area was dominant in Gwangyang Bay (18 papers; 24.3%), followed by Gadeok-do (8 papers; 10.8%). Of the diversity indices, 14 indices were used to calculate the ecological status. The dominant indices were IRI(Index of relative importance), Pi(Prey-specific abundance) followed by E (electivity index) and Bi (dietary breadth index). A total of 11 statistical methods were used to find feeding strategy. The correlation analysis and Bray-Curtis similarity matrix were applied most frequently. In terms of ecological research topics, the papers focused on seasonal or spatial differences before 2000. Since 2000, specifically, the international journal papers have been published based on competition, sympatric, niche overlap and other ecological topics.

Searching for Rotationable Vegetables for Paratylenchus projectus in Lettuce Greenhouse (해바라기침선충(Paratylenchus projectus) 피해 경감을 위한 윤작작물 탐색)

  • Kwon, Giyoon;Seo, Jongmin;Park, Sohee;Kang, Heonil;Park, Namsook;Choi, Insoo
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.272-278
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    • 2020
  • The severe lettuce damage caused by Paratylenchus projectus was first reported in 2019 in Korea. To find high-value rotation crops for the control of P. projectus, nine vegetables, Brassica juncea (leaf mustard), B. rapa subsp. nipposinica (kyona), B. oleracea var. italica (broccoli), B. rapa subsp. chinensis (bok choy), B. oleracea var. viridis (kale), B. oleracea var. gongylodes (kohlrabi), Cichorium endivia (endive), C. intybus (chicory), Ipomoea aquatica (morning glory) were planted in d-10-cm clay pots in greenhouse. The growth of vegetables was compared between inoculated with 3,000 P. projectus per 100 ㎤ of soil and non-inoculated. Treatments were replicated 10 times. After 100 days, the reduction of fresh top weight was 30.4% in C. intybus, 35.1% in I. aquatica, 36.9% in B. oleracea var. acephala, 40.5% in C. endivia, 42.1% in B. rapa, 47.5% in B. rapa subsp. nipposinica, 50.4% in B. oleracea var. gonglodes, 56.3% in B. oleracea var. italica, and 66.0% in B. juncea. Nematode multiplication rates (Pf/Pi) were lower in I. aquatica (0.64) and C. endivia (1.1), but higher in B. oleracea var. gongylodes (2.54). Considering these results, I. aquatica is suitable for the rotation crop with lettuce until better rotation crops developed.

A Study on the Sahyang and Characteristics of Naturalized Citizens in Early Chosun (조선초기 귀화인(歸化人)의 사향(賜鄕)과 특징)

  • Yim, Seon-bin
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.37
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    • pp.63-91
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    • 2009
  • This study presents an investigation into the Sahyang process and activities of the individuals whose Sahyang(receiving Gwanhyang from the king) was confirmed in the Shilrok documents of early Chosun among naturalized citizens(Hyanghwains). In early Chosun, there were four Chinese(Oh Jin, Lee Min-do, Dang Seong, and Mae Woo) in the Sahyang cases with more of those cases found among Hoigol-in(Seol Jang-soo, an Uighur) and Oioa-guk nationality(Lee Hyeon) from the countries bordering on Western China and two Japanese(Pyeong Sun and Pi Sang-ui). They were naturalized from the reign of King Chungryeol of Goryeo to the first year of King Jeongjong's reign of Chosun. They were diverse to include the great grandfather, grandfather, and father of the individual that received Gwanhyang and himself. There were one case of Sahyang during the reign of King Taejo, four during the reign of King Taejong, one during the reign of King Sejong, and three during the reign of King Sejo. The Gwanhyang they received was wide spread across the nation including Gyerim, Imju, Haeju, Sangju, Milyang, Chungju, Changwon, Dongrae, and Taean. It's very likely that the place of Sahyang was Cheohyang. Many of those who received Gwanhyang were translators and achieved great feats in Chosun's diplomacy with Ming Dynasty and Japan. There were also those who worked in medicine, art of divination, and articles of a criminal code. Seol Jang-su, who passed the state exam of Chosun, was in charge of Jigonggeo, and Lee Min-do and Dang Seong made a contribution to the establishment of Chosun and became big or small meritorious retainers at the founding of Chosun. It's all thanks to those performances that they had the honor of Sahyang of receiving Gwanhyang. Although they were the Gwanhyang with the honor of Sahyang, there is no confirmation of the descendents of the Lee family of Imju, the Pyeong family of Changwon, and the Pi family of Dongrae. While the descendents of the naturalized Chinese still remain in the nation, those of naturalized Japanese ceased to exist, which must be closely related to Chosun's perceptions of other nations those days.

A study on the effect of microgroove-fibronectin complex titanium plate on the expression of various cell behavior-related genes in human gingival fibroblasts (인간치은섬유아세포의 다양한 세포행동 관련 유전자발현에 마이크로그루브-파이브로넥틴 복합 티타늄표면이 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Hwang, Yu Jeong;Lee, Won Joong;Leesungbok, Richard;Lee, Suk Won
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.150-161
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: To determine the effects of the microgroove-fibronectin complex surface on the expression of various genes related to cellular activity in human gingival fibroblasts. Materials and Methods: Smooth titanium specimens (NE0), acid-treated titanium specimens (E0), microgroove and acid-treated titanium specimens (E60/10), fibronectin-fixed smooth titanium specimens (NE0FN), acid-treated and fibronectin-immobilized titanium specimens (E0FN), and microgroove and acid-treated titanium specimens immobilized with fibronectin (E60/10FN) were prepared. Real-time polymerase chain reaction experiments were conducted on 44 genes related to cell behavior of human gingival fibroblasts. Results: Adhesion and proliferation of human gingival fibroblast on microgroove-fibronectin complex titanium were activated through four types of signaling pathway. Integrin α5, Integrin β1, Integrin β3, Talin-2, which belong to the focal adhesion pathway, AKT1, AKT2, NF-κB, which belong to the PI3K-AKT signaling pathway, MEK2, ERK1, ERK2, which belong to the MAPK signaling pathway, and Cyclin D1, CDK4, CDK6 genes belonging to the cell cycle signaling pathway were upregulated on the microgroove-fibronectin complex titanium surface (E60/10FN). Conclusion: The microgroove-fibronectin complex titanium surface can up-regulate various genes involved in cell behavior.

A study on multidisciplinary and convergent research using the case of 3D bioprinting (3D 바이오프린팅 사례로 본 다학제간 융복합 연구에 대한 소고)

  • Park, Ju An;Jung, Sungjune;Ma, Eunjeong
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.30
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2017
  • In the fields of science and engineering, multidisciplinary research is common, and researchers with a diverse range of expertise collaborate to achieve common goals. As the 4th industrial revolution gains currency in society, there is growing demand on talented personnel both with technical knowledge and skills and with communicative skills. That is, future engineers are expected to possess competence in social and artistic skills in addition to specialized knowledge and skills in engineering. In this paper we introduce an emerging field of 3D bioprinting as an exemplary case of interdisciplinary research. We have chosen the case to demonstrate the possibility of cultivating engineers with π-shaped expertise. Building on the concept of T-shaped talent, we define π-shaped expertise as having both technical skills in more than one specialized field and interpersonal/communicative skills. Wtih references to such concepts as trading zones and interactional expertise, we suggest that π-shaped expertise can be cultivated via the creation of multi-level trading zones. Trading zones are referred to as the physical, conceptual, or metaphorical spaces in which experts with different world views trade ideas, objects, and the like. Interactional expertise is cultivated, as interactions between researches are under way, with growing understanding of each other's expertise. Under the support of the university and the government, two researchers with expertise in printing technology and life sciences cooperate to develop a 3D bioprinting system. And the primary investigator of the research laboratory under study has aimed to create multiple dimensions of trading zones where researchers with different educational and cultural backgrounds can exchange ideas and interact with each other. As 3D bioprinting has taken shape, we have found that a new form of expertise, namely π-shaped expertise is formed.