Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the factors which affect risk perception and attitude on government risk management over medications containing asbestos among parents of elementary school students. Methods: This research design was cross-sectional study using self-administered questionnaire. The survey subjects were parents of elementary school students in Seoul, total of 1,051 subjects. The survey period was from June through July of 2011. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS 20.0. Results: The subjects perceived high risk regarding medications containing asbestos. About 83.6% of the subjects perceived that the result taking of medications containing asbestos was fatal, 82.8% felt that medications containing asbestos was a very serious social problem, 79.5% agreed that medications containing asbestos was a new type of threat. The risk perception for medications containing asbestos was related to political affiliation, attitudes of dealing medicines, main use of media, and personal communication credibility. Those who did not believe that the current government policy was correct and the government was working toward the public's benefit and not its own had the higher level of negative attitudes towards the government's risk management over the case of medications containing asbestos. Conclusion: In implementing government policy, all information should be efficiently and accurately communicated through a transparent implementation process. Also, the government must have plans for countermeasures in case of an emergency and respond efficiently in order to maintain their credibility. Moreover, this highlights the need for health authorities to exert more effort in increasing public education/awareness, especially those concerning drug and dug-taking behavior, in order to harness positive attitude and trust towards the government's policy. For a more effective risk communication, the media, health experts, government representatives, and related industries should work together.