Purpose. to help them find mental rest and improve school life adjustment by way of a fine art cure program. Methods. two primary schools in Gyeongsangnam-do were chosen where there are plenty of multiple-family kids. 13 children from the families between Korean husbands and foreign wives were divided into 2 groups: experimental group (7, C School), control group (6, H School). The two groups took the KSD (Kinetic School Draw), while the experimental group received a fine art cure program (40 minutes, once a week, 10 times in total). After the program, the KSD was given again to both groups. To prove the effects of this study, the picture projection test KSD was given before and after the experiment. For comparison and analysis, the changes in each individual's attitude, behavior, responses, and emotions were observed and recorded. Results. The fine art treatment program had some effects on the psychological rest of the elementary school children from multiple-culture families. In the pretest before the art cure program, the subjects shrank and cared a lot about others. According to the progress of the program, however, their worries and anxiety began to be gone. They had confidence through mental ease and self-respect. Therefore, the fine art cure program had a positive effect on the improvement of self-respect and sociality of multiple-culture family kids. Their school life was influenced by the newly-attained confidence, achievement, and peer relationship. Conclusions. This research is of some significance in that the fine art cure program was held to reveal its effects on the school life adjustment of the elementary school kids from multiple-culture families, especially because worries grow about the possibility of their maladjustment in the era of multiple-culture families. In addition, this program is expected to give some basic information about the development of programs to make friendly relations and smooth communication among the multiple-culture parents and teachers as well.