Lee, Chang-Hoon;Cho, Jung-Hoon;Jang, Jun-Bock;Lee, Kyung-Sub;Wee, Hyo-Sun
Purpose : To examine the relation between male infertility and cold hypersensitivity on lower abdomen. Methods : From 2004, 4 to 2005, 10, a total 60(infertile male 30, normal male on semen analysis 30) patients who visited the Oriental gynecological department of Conmaul Oriental Medicine hospital was selected, and their medical records were reviewed retrospectively. We compared the temperature of 3 points(CV17, CV12, CV4) of both group by DITI(Dorex, DITI-16UTI and DITI-Spectrum 9000 MB). Results and Conclusion : The general characteristics such as age, weight, height, BMI, amount and frequency of drinking and smoking of both group were not different statistically. The mean ${\Delta}T1$ between upper and lower abdomen in infertile group was higer than in normal group but they were not different statistically. The mean ${\Delta}T2$ between chest and lower abdomen was $0.46{\pm}0.41$ in infertile group, and $0.18{\pm}0.56$ in normal group, and it shows significant difference statistically. There was no significant relationship between sperm motility and ${\Delta}T1$, ${\Delta}T2$ in infertile group. In this study, we suggest that an inclination of cold hypersensitivity of lower abdomen of infertile male, but it is expressed when it is contrasted to chest of the body rather than upper abdomen.