Ha, Young-Baeck;Oh, Sung-Sang;Kang, Hyoung-Gon;Yoo, Keun-Ryong;Lee, Jae-Su
Even though we could not count the total amount of plates in Korean printing industry per year, we would suppose the total amount of plates about $20,000km^2$ to $22,000km^2$ per year through our printing experience. On the standard of the end of 2010, it would be the market share of plates are that CTP plate is $9,000km^2$, CTcP plate is$4,000km^2$ and PS plate is $9,000km^2$, such as total amount of plates are $22,000km^2$. When there was no installed CTP setter in Korea, the domestic plate would be over 60% market share of plate in Korean printing industry. But now it would be less than 25% market share of plate. It is necessary to develop domestic CTP thermal plate from now because we have to keep the market share of domestic plate. On the study of the surface structure of substrate, roughness, anodized layer amount and coating amount between domestic CTP thermal plate and foreign CTP thermal plate, it would be the basic to develop domestic CTP thermal plate.