Journal of International Society for Simulation Surgery
국제컴퓨터가상수술학회 (International Society for Simulation Surgery)
- 반년간
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- 2383-5389(pISSN)
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- 2383-8116(eISSN)
- 보건의료 > 임상의학
- 보건의료 > 치료/진단기기
Aim & Scope
The mission of Journal of International Society for Simulation Surgery is to produce and propagate knowledge on the latest clinical and research developments in three dimensional simulation surgery. We encourage submission of both basic and clinical research on 3D simulation surgery or related technical issues. Topics of special interest include: 1) Surgical Simulation & Navigation, 2) Image Processing and Visualization, 3) Computed Maxillofacial Imaging, 4) Medical imaging. 5) Image guided therapy.제3권2호
Heo, Suwoong;Song, Hyewon;Kim, Jinwoo;Nguyen, Anh-Duc;Lee, Sanghoon 39
The augmented reality is the environment which consists of real-world view and information drawn by computer. Since the image which user can see through augmented reality device is a synthetic image composed by real-view and virtual image, it is important to make the virtual image generated by computer well harmonized with real-view image. In this paper, we present reviews of several works about computer vision and graphics methods which give user realistic augmented reality experience. To generate visually harmonized synthetic image which consists of a real and a virtual image, 3D geometry and environmental information such as lighting or material surface reflectivity should be known by the computer. There are lots of computer vision methods which aim to estimate those. We introduce some of the approaches related to acquiring geometric information, lighting environment and material surface properties using monocular or multi-view images. We expect that this paper gives reader's intuition of the computer vision methods for providing a realistic augmented reality experience. -
Purpose In face reocognition area, estimating occlusion in face images is on the rise. In this paper, we propose a new face recognition algorithm based on dual sparse representation to solve this problem. Method Each face image is partitioned into several pieces and sparse representation is implemented in each part. Then, some parts that have large sparse concentration index are combined and sparse representation is performed one more time. Each test sample is classified by using the final sparse coefficient where correlation between the test sample and training sample is applied. Results The recognition rate of the proposed algorithm is higher than that of the basic sparse representation classification. Conclusion The proposed method can be applied in real life which needs to identify someone exactly whether the person disguises his face or not.
3D printing is also known as additive manufacturing technique in which has been used in various commercial fields such as engineering, art, education, and medicine. The applications such as fabrication of tissues and organs, implants, drug delivery, creation surgical models using 3D printer in medical field are expanding. Recently, 3D printing has been developing for produce biomimetic 3D structure using biomaterials containing living cells and that is commonly called "3D bio-printing". The 3D bio-printing technologies are usually classified four upon printing methods: Laser-assisted printing, Inkjet, extrusion, and stereolithograpy. In the bio-printing, bio-inks (combined hydrogels and living cells) are as important components as bio-printing technologies. The presence of various types of bioinks, however, in this review, we focused on the bio-inks which enables bioprinting efficacy using hydrogels with living cells.
Kim, Dong-Young;You, Myoung-Sang;Ah, Kang-Min 60
Fibrous dysplasia is quite a rare disease usually involving maxilla and mandible. Because of its benign clinical course, conservative contouring surgery has been recommended for facial deformity. 3D rapid prototype (RP) model gives a lot of informations before operation such as depth of drilling, area of resection and important anatomic structure. The purpose of this study was to report maxilla-mandibular contouring surgery in fibrous dysplasia patients. A total of 14 consecutive patients were included for surgical and esthetic evaluation. Among 14 patients, RP model study was performed in two patients with severe facial deformity. The other patients underwent contouring surgery under conventional methods. Surgical evaluation was performed with computed tomography scan before and after operation. Surgical resection was successful and patients were satisfied with the surgical results. -
Nam, Giyoon;Kim, Young Joo;Kim, Yun Jung;Kim, Yeoun Jae;Seo, Jung Ae;Kim, Kyunghwan;Kim, Kwang Gi 64
Aim Robots are able to increase safety for pharmacy staff as separating from toxicity of anti-cancer drugs. For patient safety, it would provide right dose of the drugs. Additionally, it can reduce price of the drugs. Therefore, in this study, a novel compounding anticancer drugs robot system (Dupalro) was developed. Methods We used the robot system, Motoman dual-arm robot from YASKAWA, Japan and medications which are adapted for the robot were constructed. In order to develop a process of compounding anticancer drugs, information about five medications that are required to make anticancer drugs in hospitals was used. Results System for the five types of medications was constructed, and relating procedures for anticancer drugs compounding robot were developed. Conclusion Dupalro successfully was able to not only provide incremental safety and efficiency for both patients and pharmacy staff, but also decrease price of anticancer drugs. -
Park, Jin Hoo;Jung, Young-Soo;Kwon, Sun-Mo;Lim, Jae-Seok;Jung, Hwi-Dong 69
Traditionally 2D cephalometric analysis has been used for diagnosis and treatment of maxillofacial deformities. However, 2D has some limitations in diagnosis and treatment planning especially facial asymmetry cases. The most weakness of 2D is overlapping and unpredictability. Today 3D treatment tools are used by many maxillofacial surgeons. 3D treatment tools can show ungarbled facial anatomy and do virtual surgery. The aim of this report is to present usefulness of using 3D analysis and virtual orthognathic surgery for severe facial asymmetry patients. -
Kim, Ji-Hyoung;Yoo, Byung-Woo;Moon, Seong-Yong 74
Computer-aided navigation system is helpful in maxillofacial surgery with real time instrument positioning and clear anatomic identification. Generally, completely impacted tooth extraction surgery have e high risk by iatrogenic injury such as, adjacent tooth injury, normal anatomical structure injury. This case report describes performing extraction of impacted supernumerary teeth on anterior maxilla by using the navigation system in a 15 years old male patient. -
Osteoma is one of the benign tumor that occurs on the bones all over the body. Mostly the simple excision is known to be enough. However, sometimes we encounter the troublesome situation where the osteoma is located in very challenging area, which results in the recurrence. 26 year female presented with the intractable intracranial osteoma. Given the disease entity of the osteoma, the simple excision would be enough or conservative management. But this osteoma turned out to be huge and recurrent in spite of the endoscopic resections, which causes the facial disappearance accompanied by the orbital vertical dystopia. Moreover, the patient's main concern was the pain. We performed the intracranial resection of the whole lesion and reconstructed the skull base and frontal bone as well as the part of the orbital wall. In order to restore the original bony anatomy, the 3D printing model was used based on the titanium mesh. I report this unusual case of the intractable intracranial huge osteoma. This report may be helpful for the other surgeons to make a decision on their similar cases in the future.
A 37-year-old male was assaulted and complained of severe periorbital swelling. Physical examination revealed that there were limitation of eyeball movement on upper gaze, diplopia, and hypoesthesia on the infraorbital nerve innervating region. Three-dimensional (3D) computed tomography (CT) of facial bone exhibited the fracture of orbital floor accompanying the significant amount of orbital contents' herniation extending to the far posterior part. To recover the orbital volume and restore orbital floor without threatening the optic nerve, preoperative simplified simulation was applied. The posterior margin of the fractured orbit was delineated with simulation technique using cross-linkage between the coronal and sagittal sections based on the referential axial view of the CT scans. Dissection, reduction of orbital contents, and insertion of the absorbable mesh plate molded after the prefabricated template by the simulation technique was performed. Extensive orbital floor defect was successfully reconstructed and there were no serious complications. The purpose of this report is to emphasize the necessity of preoperative simulation in case of restoring the extensive orbital floor defect.
Hong, Seok-Hwan;Lee, Yong-Bin;Jung, Young-Soo;Jung, Hwi-Dong 84
Heterotopic ossification (HO) is the formation of mature bone in soft tissue where bone normally does not exist. Although HO is among the most common complications after orthopedic surgery, it is not familiar to oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Here we report rare cases of HO. When a patient presents atypical osseous lesions, HO as well as similar lesions such as osteoma, osteochondroma should be considered in the provisional diagnosis. Three-dimensional reconstruction of preoperative computerized tomography imaging improves surgical success. -
Le fort 1 osteotomy surgery is one of the most popular surgical methods for the treatment of patients with facial bone deformities. An intermediate wafer splint is used to fix the bone segment to the planned position, but there are many steps that can cause errors. To reduce these errors, we propose a method of using a surgical guide made with virtual surgical simulation.
Horizontal bone defect in the anterior maxilla makes it difficult to place dental implant. The golden standard for bone augmentation is autogenous block bone graft. Tight contact with recipient site and rigid fixation are two key factors for successful block bone graft. Ramal bone graft has been the most reliable methods for dental implant field. However, the curvature of the alveolar ridge is different from ramal bone shape. Intraoperative trimming of ramal bone is cumbersome for surgeon. In this technical note, a simple way to design the ramal bone harvest using bone wax stent is reviewed.