The purpose of this study was to assessment of hospitalized patients. Nutritional assessment was performed on 353 hospitalized patients before TPN support by ideal body weight. albumin, total lymphocyte count, cholesterol. The data analysis were performed on frequency, percentage, means and standard deviation. The major findings as follows: 1. Everage NPO duration was $6.77\pm5.39$day and $\geq5$days 48.9%, >5days 51.1%. NPO duration of 1M, NL, GS, Others prolonged. 2. %IBW was everge $94.86\pm17.21%$ 43.1% normal. 37.8% low weight. There were low weight IM 44.8%. TS 47.8%, Others 44.0%. 3. Albumin was everage $2.93\pm0.51$g/dl. moderate malnutrition 45.4%, mild malnutrition 30.9%. All session were malnutrition status. 4. Total lymphocyte count was ever age $960.41\pm721.32cell/mm^2$. severe malnutrition 43.9%. moderate malnutrition 29.0%, mild malnutrition 24.4%, normal 2.7%. All session were malnutrition status. 5. Cholesterol was everage $123.02\pm45.67$mg/dl 58.4% low level. 41.2% normal. 0.4% high level. 1M, GS and TS were low level. NL, NS, DR, Others were normal. It was very poor nutritional status before TPN support of patients. The malnutrition decrease immunity, slowly cure injury, cause abnormality organs, increase the complication and obstruct the recovery. Therefore, Evaluating and correcting are very important.