Purpose: The purpose of this research is to give basic data about a way of connection to individual centers and vitalization of visiting nursing program on Busan. Method: The research is done with survey for eight hospitals. sixteen public heath centers, forty-six social welfare centers to be practised visiting nursing program on Busan for actual condition of that. Results: 1. The average nursing career is below 5-10 years. But visiting nursing career is below 3 years(70%) in hospital. public, public heath center, and heath center. 2. Hospitals coverage of visiting nursing service is city as a whole. Whereas public heath center and social welfare center covered some local area. 3. Client of visiting nursing service possess in order of alone lived elderly, person in uncomplete movement, a disabled person, and a chronic disease person. 4. The main service in visiting is patient assessment, basic nursing activity, and treatment nursing activity with medication care, B.P check, dressing, bedsore care, catheter care and exchange, fluid therapy. Particularly, the hospital runs parallel to basic care and treat care in 100%. The social service center has 65.0% in a patient assessment and basic nursing activity. 5. The concern about services connecting with other center is very high. Conclusion: Actual conditions of visiting nursing program on Busan, which is presented in this study. The results of this study will become the pillar of visiting nursing program planning and application.