This study investigated the vowel effect on laryngeal DDK (L-DDK) in terms of rate, regularity, and range. Thirteen normal speakers participated in this experiment. Speakers were asked to repeat the vowels /a, e, i, o, u/ for vocal fold adduction DDK, and /ha, he, hi, ho, hul for vocal fold abduction DDK. Acoustic data was analyzed via Motor Speech Profile. There were 6 parameters: DDKavp and DDKavr for rate of L-DDK, DDKcvp and DDKjit for regulariry of L-DDK, and DDKavi and DDKcvi for range of L-DDK. Results of MANOVA and Fredman analysis showed no significant vowel effect on rate and regularity of L-DDK. MANOVA revealed significant effects of vowels and vocal fold ab/adduction on range of L-DDK. DDK peak intensity (DDKavi) in vowel /i/ production was lower than in vowels /a, e, o, u/. Variation of DDK peak intensity (DDKcvi) was significantly greater for /ha/ than for /a/ production. The implication of these findings on voice and speech pathology is discussed.