In the Literal Study on the Effect of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment on the Bungru, the results were as follows. 1. The Bungru means an abnormal bleeding of femail genetalia. and is devided to Bungjung and Bungha. 2. The etiological factors of Bungru are heat of blood, asthenic coldness. asthenia of chong and ren channels. deficiency of blood, deficiency of vital energy, stagnated blood. and asthenia of spleen & stomach. 3. In the frequency of practical use in Acupuncture treatment, the order was Ren channel, Bladder meridian. Liver meridian, Spleen meridian and Kidney meridian. 4. In the frequency of practical use in Moxibustion treatment, the order was Extra Points, Ren channel, Bladder meridian, Spleen meridian, Liver meridian and Kidney meridian. 5. The most using points of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment on the Bungru were Samumgyo(Sp6), Taechung(Liv3), Hyoihae(Sp10), Umgok(B10), Kihae(CV6), Chung-guk(CV3), Kwanwon(CV4), Unbaek(Spl) and etc. 6. The charicteristics of the most used points were nourishing the spleen, regulating the middle warmer, cleaning the blood, promoting blood circulation, activating blood circulation, promoting the vital energy, regulating the obstruction of vital energy, nourishing the kidney and so on. 7. In the new Acupuncture therapy, Ear-acupuncture, Head-acupuncture, Foot-acupuncture and Skin-acupuncture were used.