혜화의학회지 (Journal of Haehwa Medicine) (Journal of Haehwa Medicine)
대전대학교 한의학연구소 (Research Institute of Korean Medicine)
- 반년간
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- 2586-3002(pISSN)
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- 2586-3347(eISSN)
- 보건의료 > 한의과학
Human nature, life, mind and spirit have very important meanings for Oriental medical science. This is because understanding human mind and spirit not only makes treatment of people easier and more accessible but also provides us a clue for finding out something we lost. As a consequence of investigating various classic books by ancient medical practitioners and Taoist scholars s as follows: l. Mind and spirit were valued very highly in Oriental medical science, and this can be found in classic books like
, , , and . 2. To cure people, acquirement of detailed knowledge of mind and spirit should be preceded. 3. The Taoist school regarded mind, spirit, human nature and life as critical agents of health care and perceived that they were indispensable for going back to The Great Emptiness(Nothingness before the First Cause), the ultimate goal of Taoist learning. 4. Although human nature, life, mind and spirit have different names and different users, it is like theory and practice and we can see that ancient sages used them all in the same context of natural law. -
In the result of investigating traditional chinese medical literatures to understand definite immun opharmacologic effects of drugs for clearing away heat and detoxicating such as Oldenlandiae Diffusae Herba, Fel Ursi, Fraxini Cortex, Pulsatillae Radix, Bruceae Fructus, Portulacea Herba, Patriniae Radix, we could reach conclusions as follows: 1. Oldenlandiae Diffusae Herba can increase voracity of leukocytes and immune function of splen ocytes. 2. Fel Ursi, Patriniae Radix can inhibit acute, chronic inflammation by decreasing voracity of macrophages, monocytes and recover lymphocytes. 3. Fraxini Cortex have anti-inflammatory effect then applied to treat with arthritis. Pulsatillae Radix, Bruceae Fructus, Portulacea Herba have anti-cancer, anti-biotic effects. Above results indicates that drugs for clearing away heat immunosuppressive effect that they can apply to all sorts of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, DTH, SLE, and cancer.
In the result of investigating traditional chinese medical literatures to understand definite immunopharmacologic effects of drugs for clearing away heat and detoxicating such as Ampelopsis Radix, Rhapontici Radix, Cremastrae Appendiculatae Tuber, Rhaseoli Radiati Semen, Potentillae Discolohs Herba, Potentillae Chinensis Herba, Chrysanthemi Indici Flos, Lomcerae Caulis, we could reach conclusions as follows: 1. Rhapontici Radix, Chrysanthemi Indici Flos can increase voracity of leukocytes, macrophages and increase to produce IL-2 by splenocytes. 2. Potentillae Chinensis Herba, Chrysanthemi Indici Flos, Lonicerae Caulis can inhibit activities of B lymphocytes and have anti-inflammatory effects. 3. Drugs for clearing away heat and detoxicating almost have antibiotic, anti-inflammatory effects, and so can be applied to many inflammatory immune diseases. 4. Drugs for clearing away heat and detoxicating also have antifebrile, diuretic, detoxicating effects. Above results indicates that Drugs for clearing away heat and detoxicating have immunosuppressive effect, so that can be applied to many inflammatory immune diseases.
In the result of investigating traditional chinese medical literatures to understand drug-processing about Pyritum, we could reach conclusions as follows: 1. Pyritum are divided into fresh Pyritum, calcining Pyritum, tempered Pyritum with vinegar by methods of drug-processing. 2. The methods of drug-procession about Pyritum like calcination, quenching, refining drugs with water or medicinal broth of Glycyrrhizae Radix(licorice), boiling with medicinal broth of Glycyrrhizae Radix(licorice) were used complicately. 3. Calcining Pyritum are grinded easily, convenient to apply a pill and powder and As, S are easily removed. Quenching Pyritum act on liver channel and then are reinforced the effects of relieving blood stasis, Pain and gushed out effecive ingredients. Refining Pyritum with water are reinforced the effect of tranquilizing the mind and clearing heat. above results indicates that using calcination, quenching and refining drugs with water together is the best method of drug-processing about Pyritum.
This study was done to evaluate the immunomodulatory effects of KSDBT. KSDBT significantly enhanced the lymphocyte proliferation through 3H thymidine uptake and also increased T and T helper cell. It upregulated IL-2, IL-12(p35, p40) and INF-
${\gamma}$ . NO and carbon clearance were significantly increased by KSDBT. These results indicate KSDBT exert antitumor activity by immunomodulation of cytokines. -
From the study of acupuncture and external diseases on mammary diseases, the following conclusions are obtained. 1. Point Shanzhong, Shaoze and Rugen are often used for galactostasis in acupuncture. 2. Often used vessels for galactostasis in acupuncture are Stomach Meridian, Conception Vessel, Small Intestine Meridian, Bladder Meridian, Liver Meridian and Large Intestine Meridian in order. 3. The direct stimulations are used in external treatment for galactostasis, often accompanied by internal medical treatment, to promote the circulation of Qi and Blood. 4. Point Zuimup, Guangming of Gall bladder Meridian and Zusanli of Stomach Meridian is used for lactation pain in acupuncture. 5. Point Jianjing, Zusanli and Shanzhong are most often used for acuremastitis and breast cancer in acupuncture. 6. Often used vessels for acuremastitis and breast cancer in acupuncture are Stomach Meridian, Gall bladder Meridian, Conception Vessel, Small Intestine Meridian, Bladder Meridian, Pericardium Meridian in order. 7. The external treatment used for acuremastitis and breast cancer can be classed into its pathological period. When lactation is interrupted, Kumhwang Powder, Okro Powder, Robongbang, Allii Radix, Pinelliae Rhizoma, garlic moxibustion and Arusaenatus Rgizoma powder are used. When pus is piled up, Chunghwa Extracts, Dioscoreae Rhizoma, Leonuri Herba, Typa Latifolia, Taraxacum platycarpum, Phaseolus angularis, Manchong, Crvi Cornus latex, and Aucklandiae Radix are used. When pus flows down, Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix Extract, nine-one pellet, Yongboo extract, eight-dampness extract, Tissue-regeneration Powder, Toad-net treatment, Kitten-hair, Hongseung pellet are used. 8. Stomach Meridian, Conception Vessel, Small Intestine Meridian, Gall Bladder Meridian, Bladder Meridian are most often used vessels for mammary diseases. From the conclusions above, It appears that the medical effect could be maximized by further studying and developing of the acupuncture and external treatment for mammary diseases according to the its nature, while accompanying internal medicine appropriately at the same time.
According to the literatural study on the Acupuncture & Moxibustion and Traumatherapyof hysterorrhea, the results were as follows. 1. The acupuncture & moxibustion of hysterorrhea is focussed on bloody uterine discharge, leukorrhea and we must carefully diagnose the etiology & the machanism of disease. 2. The causes of hysterorrhea are dampness, impairment of seven emotion, irregular food intake, excessive intercourse and they are impotantly related to liver, spleen, kidney, the ren channel, the chong channel. 3. The diagnosis is grossly divided into the flowing downward of damp-heat, the weaknessof the qi of the spleen, dificiency of yuan of the kidney and according to the each diagnosis, we should select adquate points representing the treatment of cooling(zhongji, yinlingquan, xingjian, etc), desiccation, heiping qi(qihai, zusanli, sanyinjiao, etc), tonificating yang (guanyuan, mingmen, shinshu, etc). 4. The moxibustion is the warming the lower jiao and eliminating the cold, the points are the mingmen point, the zhongji point, the guanyuan point, etc. 5. Besides the acupuncture & moxibustion of hysterorrhea, we can make use of acusetor, ear acupuncture, endermosis, dong shi shen fa. 6. As of traumatherapy of hysterorrhea, fumigation,abluent and soppository are generally used. and the prescriptions as GAMISASANGSAN, BANSUKSAN are used. 7. The medical herbs used on the treatment of hysterorrhea are the tonificating yang, dissipeting, desiccating medicines generally composed of CNIDII FRUCTUS, ALUMEN, ZANTHOXYLI FRUCTUS.
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of Sutaehwan(壽胎丸) for treatment Abortus habitualis(滑胎). I came to conculsion after considering literatures of every generation on the effects of Sutaehwan and then came to get some conclusion as follows. 1. Sutaehwan(壽胎丸) was designed to prescribe for treatment of Abortus habitualis(滑胎) 2. Sutaehwan(壽胎丸) was made use of Fetal Restlessness(胎動不安) caused by Kidney Deficiency(腎虛). 3. Sutaehwan(壽胎丸) was always used by the origin prescription itself, also used the modified prescription and the additional prescription. 4. Sutaehwan(壽胎丸) is the best quality prescription for treatment Abortus habitualis(滑胎) that due to Deficiency of Liver-Kidney Essence. Sutaehwan(壽胎丸) contains four specific herbs like Dodder Seed(兎絲子), Taxillus Twig(桑寄生), Himalayan Teasel Root(續斷), Donkey-hide Gelatin(阿膠). Dodder Seed(兎絲子) is effective the Tonifying Kidney, the Invigorating Yang and the Supplementing Essence. Taxillus Twig(桑寄生) is effective the Nourishing Blood and the Tonifying Kidney. Himalayan Teasel Root(續斷) is effective the Tonifying Liver-Kidney and the Regulation Blood. Donkey-hide Gelatin(阿膠) is effective the Tonifying Liver Blood, the Arresting Bleeding and the Supplementing Kidney Yin Fluid.
To evaluate the antitumor activity of Paridis Rhizoma(PR), studies were done experimentally. The results were obtained as follows: 1. In cytotoxicity against MCF-7, SK-OV-3, HCT15, concentration inhibiting cell growth up to below 50% of control was recognized at
$100-200{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of PR and also against A549, XF498 was recognized at$50-100{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ . 2. In Inhibitory effect on activity of DNA topoisomerase I, the$IC_{50}$ was shown$50-100{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of PR. 3. The concentration inhibiting adhesion of A549 and SK-OV-3 to complex extracellular matrix up to below 50% of control was recognized at$10-100{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of PR. 4. The T/C% was 137.9 in PR-treated group in S-180 bearing ICR mice. From above results it was concluded that PR could be usefully applied for the prevention and treatment of cancer. -
We came to the conclusion after considering all of information from many kinds of books on the Bufobufo gargarizans Cantor. The result were as follows: 1. Bufobufo gargarizans Cantor is originated from the bufonidae of caudata of amphibia of chordata. 2. The form of Bufobufo gargarizans Cantor is obese, about 12 centimeter long and the color of Bufobufo gargarizans Cantor is dark brown, black. 3. The charateristics and the tastes of Bufobufo gargarizans Cantor is cold and spicy and the Guigyung of Bufobufo gargarizans Cantor is heart and stomach. 4. The significant gredient of Bufobufo gargarizans Cantor is Bufagin, Steroids, Cinobufotoxin,
${\beta}$ -sitosterol, Bufothionine, Bufotenidine, Bufo tenine, Bufalin, Butotalidin Hellebrigenin, Bufochrome. 5. The efficacy of Bufobufo gargarizans Cantor is pajinggyunhyul(破懲堅血), salgamjok(殺疳積), taehuyol(退虛熱), etc. 6. In direction of Bufobufo gargarizans Cantor, one time dosage is 2-3 gram in internal medicine, in external medicine dosage depends on the width. 7. Bufobufo gargarizans Cantor should be cautious in use those who is pregnant, have heart disease, gastritis, gastric ulcer. 8. The side effect of Bufobufo gargarizans Cantor is nausea, vomiting, abdomen discomfort, diarrhea, palpitation, headache, lethargy, etc. 9. Bufobufo gargarizans Cantor could be use in hepatoma, esophgeal cancer, stomach cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer and leukemia. -
Clinical studies were carried out 62 cases of patients with lung cancer treated by Hangamdan(抗癌丹) from January 1th 1998 to September 30th 2000. The results were summarized as follows; 1. Distribution of those attached by lung cancer, by sex, showed that Male is more then Female, by age, showed that the number of sixties is majority. 2. Distribution of diagnostic stage, in descending order; stage IV(43.6%,top), stage III(35.5%), stage II(17.7%), stage I(3.2%). 3. The effects of maintenance and improvement in the symptoms with traditional oriental therapy(83.3%) and combined treatment of western and oriental therapy(84.0%) were observed. The effects of the symptoms were as follows; cough(50.0%), anorexia(48.4%), chest discomfort(31.0%), sputum(24.2%), general body weakness(11.3%), hemoptysis(9.7%) and etc. in orders. 4. Analysis of hematology attached by lung cancer, maintenance and increasing of WBC(98.4%), RBC(74.2%), Hgb(71.0%), Platelet(96.7%) were observed. After taken Hangamdan, the safety of the liver and kidney were as follows; maintenance and decreasing of AST(91.5%), ALT(93.2%),
${\gamma}-GTP$ (95.0%), BUN(82.7%), Creatinine(93.3%) were observed. 5. Analysis of IL-12 and$IFN-{\gamma}$ attached by lung cancer, increasing of IL-12(31.3%),$IFN-{\gamma}$ (72.7%) were observed. 6. Analysis of QOL attached by lung cancer, maintenance and improvement of combined treatment of western and oriental therapy(94.0%), traditional oriental therapy(91.7%) were observed. 7. Analysis of survival in patients with IV stage of lung cancer, above 7 months(22.2%), 12 months(70.4%). 8. Analysis of antitumor effects, maintenance of traditional oriental therapy(50.0%) and maintenance and improvement of combined treatment of western and oriental therapy(80.0%) were observed. 9. Analysis of curative valuation, maintenance and improvement of traditional oriental therapy(50.0%), combined treatment of western and oriental therapy(60.0%) were observed. From the above results, it is suggested that Hangamdan has significant effects of antitumor and immune activity, also could be usefully applied for lung cancer patients by combination with western therapy or alone. -
From this book,
$\ll$ GeumGueyoryak Hakbyeongmaekjeungbyeongchi$\gg$ , I finally got these conclusions of symptoms and pathology of Hakbyeong. 1. Hakbyeong has main symptoms of repetition of chillness and fever and its main pulse is pulse of Hyeon(弦) and position is in the middle of inside and outside. 2. Change in shape of pulse caused by Hakbyeong can have shape of pulse of Sak(數), Jee(遲), Kin(緊), Dae(大) and more kinds depending on patients constitution, the cause of disease, or whether he/she has been poisoned by other kinds. 3. After 15 days of symptoms, As Cheonki(天氣) and Inki(人氣) get stronger and Saki(邪氣) gets weaker, Jeongki(正氣) can be more recovered and the diseases can be disappeared. But if the disease dose not get away after another 15 days of showing symptom, that disease can be treated as cutting the Jingha under side of him/her. 4. The type of Hakbyeong which is diseased by the keeping the Haksa for long time, can be classified as Hagmo which has symptoms of chillness and fever outside, and of Jinggha inside, Danhag which has symptoms of difficulty with breathing, chest discomfort - caused by fever in the lung at ordinary times -, fever of extremities and nausea and that would make people worn out and thin after all, Onhag which has main symptoms of fever and Mohag which has symptoms of less fever and more chillness. 5. In this thesis it has been described, the Byulgabjunhwan(鼈甲煎丸), Baekhogagaejitang(白虎加桂枝湯), and Chokchilsan(蜀漆散) is the respective prescription for treatment of Hagmo, Onhag, and Mohag. From this conclusion, if the more research about the cause of disease, pathology and prescription of the each symptom from GeumGueyoryak hereafter, I could say more effective prophylaxis and treatment of epidemic disease like todays Hakbyeong can be found. -
According to the literatual study on the Seubon(濕瘟), the results were as follows 1. Onbeanghak(溫病學), a kind of acute fever infected by Onyeolbeangsa(溫熱病邪) have developed independently through Jangjunggeung(張仲景), Yuhagan(劉河間), Oyusung(吳有性), Sepchensa(葉天士), Beaksaengbaek(薛生白), Odang(吳塘) since the time of naekyoung(內經). 2. The causes of Seubon(濕瘟) are Naeweihabsa(內外合邪) combined of Weigamseubyoul(外感濕熱)'s Wei(外) and seubsanaeje(濕邪內阻)'s Nae(內). 3. Seubon(濕瘟) occur frequently in rainly weather. The main symptoms of Seubon(濕瘟) are cold, not cold but fever, sweating, chest discomfort, dry mouth but not drinking, tongue white. 4. The treatment of Seubon(濕瘟) is Hwaseub(化濕) at early period and in the case Hwa(火) made from Seub(濕), The treatment of Seubon(濕瘟) is not only Hwaseub(化濕) but also Gohanchongyoul(苦寒淸熱). 5. In the medical prescriptions that treatment of seubon(濕瘟), Kwakbakharybungtang(藿朴廈笭湯), Samintang(三仁湯), Gagamjounggisan(加減正氣散), wangyunondamtang(黃連溫膽湯) are used to Hwaseub(化濕) and Wangssiynbakum(王氏連朴飮), Haengyinghwalsektang(杏仁滑石湯), Hwanggumwalsektang(黃芩滑石湯), Gamrosodokum(甘露消毒飮) are used to not only Hwaseub(化濕) but also Gohanchongyol(苦寒淸熱).
Oryoungsan which first recorded in Sanghanron, the clinical medical book consists of treating acute febrile disease according to its change, is one of the frequently used oriental medicines. these days, it has been prescribed in symptoms accompanied by edema mostly. therefore it is easy to consider it as a type of diuretics. In Sanghanron it was originally used in the symptoms of perspiration, decreased urine volume, thirsty, flatulence. these symptoms indicate loss of body fluid and the prescription which orders "taking warm water sufficiently" supports this. On this background, it is supposed that Oryoungsan treats dehydration after providing water and electrolytes. To consider that herbal medicines consisted of Oryoungsan make electrolytes go out of the body, The healing mechanism of dehydration doesn't meet this. Because Oryoungsan was used in condition of fever or in similar condition, it is more resonable to understand that restoration of increasing blood flow to the subcutaneous venous plexus regulating body temperature in febrile condition into body circulation, resulting into maintaining main blood volume and into treating decreased urine volume and thirsty is Oryoungsan's function in the dehydration or febrile condition. That is, symptoms are decreased or disappeared through restoring unbalance of internal body fluid. The other target is pain controls, especially chronic headache, facial pain and trigeminal neuralgia. it is suggested that the function of pain control of Oryoungsan is related to 5-HT(5-hydroxytrypamine), nerve transmitter in the endogenous analgesic system. Moreover it is also suggested that Oryoungsan is relate to 5-HT, considering the fact that gastroparesis, a symptom of cyclic vomiting syndrome treated with 5-HT1D receptor agonist is similar to the 'bi', symptoms appeared in the Oryoungsan-related disease.
According to the literatual study on the external treatment of premature ejaculation, the results were as follows. 1. Linition is inunction glans penis after infiltrate ASARI HERBA CUM RADICE(細辛), CARYOPHYLLI FLOS(丁香), CHEBULAE FRUCTUS(訶子), PAPAVERIS FRUCTUS(罌粟殼), FOSSILIA OSSIS MASTODI(龍骨), OSTREAE CONCHA(牡蠣 in oenostagma. 2. Retrojection or hypoatmism method is boiling CHINENSIS GALLA(五倍子), CNIDII FRUCTUS(蛇牀子) and hypoatmism, down temperature infiltrate glans penis. 3. Mesompharion apposition method is calorization VESPAE NIDUS(露蜂房), ANGELICAE DAHARICAE RADIX(白芷), and utilization vineger apposite mesompharion. 4. Medicament belt method is belt on lumbus and bythus by ROSAE LAEVIGATAE FRUCTUS(金櫻子), EURYALES SEMEN, OSTREAE CONCHA(牡蠣), TRIBULI FRUCTUS, AIPINIAE OXYPHYLLAE FRUCTUS(益智仁), NELUMBINIS SEMEN(蓮子肉) Powders. 5. Enema is injection in the rectum ANGELICAE GIGANTIS RADIX(當歸) effusion. 6. Much utilization agent are ASARI HERBA CUM RADICE(細辛), CHINENSIS GALLA(五倍子), OSTREAE CONCHA(牡蠣), CNIDII FRUCTUS(蛇床子), GRANATI PERICARPIUM(石榴皮), CARYOPHYLLI FLOS(丁香), CHEBULAE FRUCTUS(訶子), FOSSILIA OSSIS MASTODI(龍骨), VESPAE NIDUS(露蜂房), PAPAVERIS FRUCTUS(罌粟殼) etc. They are occupied in adstringentia, juventia, divergence agent, liver stabilizer agent.
In the literatual study on on the herb med and the medication of Resuscitation(蘇生術) of Jayaeksa(自縊死) and Yiksusa(溺水死), the results were as follows; 1. As the single herb medication, gesim(桂心), sesin(細辛), johyub, chongyub(蔥萊)), banha(半夏), yukge(肉桂) etc. were used. 2. The
$s{\breve{o}}ng$ (性) of used medicines is mainly$ons{\breve{o}ng$ (溫性) and$yuls{\breve{o}}ng$ (熱性), the mi(味) is sinmi(辛味). 3. The$gwigy{\breve{o}}$ng (歸經) is all most$simgy{\breve{o}}gn$ (心經) and$pyegy{\breve{o}}ng$ (肺經). 4. The efficacy is geopung(祛風), geosub(祛濕) and geodam(祛痰) 5. On the method of herb medication, In Jayaeksa(自縊死), Chuibub(吹法), Guanbub(觀法) were most used, and In Yiksusa(溺水死), Guanbub(觀法) was most used. -
In the literatual study on the diet treatment of JungPung(C.V.A) the results were as follows : 1. The principle of oriental medical dietary treatment is based on the YumYang Oh Haeng(陰陽五行) and QiMiLon (氣味論). 2. The principle of western medical dietary treatment attachs importance to the treatment of the total heat capacity control and balanced nutrition. 3. The western diet treatment of C.V.A was used to low salt diet, low fat diet and low calory diet, the oriental diet treatment was used to cereals and fruit composed of Qi(氣) of HanYeulOnLang (寒熱溫凉) and Mi(味)of San Go Gam Sin Ham(酸苦甘辛鹹). 4. In the analysis of oriental diet treatment of C.V.A used for cereals and fruits, the results were that Sung(性) is MiHan(微寒), Mi(味)is GamMiHan(甘微酸), Sung(性)is descending, Qi(氣) is YangJungJiYum(陽中之陰) and QiBak(氣薄), the effcet is ChungYulYiSub(淸熱利水) GunBi(健脾) YikQi(益氣) etc.
1. The frequency of source of prescriptions is dangyesimbub(丹溪心法), euihakibmun(醫學入門), dongwonsibseo(東垣十書), goguemeuibang(古今醫方) in sequence. 2. The classification of prescriptions by efficacy is chungyeulsahoayak(淸熱瀉火藥), boumyak(補陰藥), hoalhyulguayak(活血祛瘀藥), igiyak(理氣藥), chunghwayuldamyak(淸化熱痰藥), bogiyak(補氣藥), balsanpunghanyak(發散風寒藥), balsanpungyeolak(發散風熱藥), etc. in sequence. 3. The frequency of used medicines is hoangum(黃芩), danguy(當歸), jakyak(芍藥), insam(人蔘), saengjihoang(生地黃), bokryung(茯笭), hoangbaek(黃柏), jimo(知母), makmundong(麥門冬), chija(梔子) etc. in sequence. 4. The sung of used medicines is mainly hangsung(寒性), onsung(溫性), the mi(味) is gomi(苦味), sinmi(辛味), gammi(甘味) in sequence. the gwigyung(歸經) is bigyung(脾經), wigyung(胃經), simgyung(心經), etc, in sequence.
According to the literature study on Nae-gwan and Kongson, reviewing the oriental medical books from Hung-Ti-Nei-Ching
$\ll$ 黃帝內經$\gg$ to recent books and other 35 kinds of literatures, the following results are obtained. 1. The location of Nae-gwan is the superior 2 cun Tae-nung point between Tendon of flexor carpiradials and Tendon of palmaris longus; the location of Kongson is the 1st Metatarsal, medial, dented and posterior 1 cun T'aebaek point. 2. The effects of Nae-gwan are relaxing mind, nutrition of heart, peaceful chest, invigorate vital energy, transmitting triple energy; the effects of Kongson are steadying spleen harmonious stomach clearing away dampness, controlling ch'ung-im, regulating blood. 3. Nae-gwan is often used for circulatory organs disease, digestive organs disease, neuropsychiatry disease; Kongson is often used for digestive organs disease, urinary organs disease, neuropsychiatry disease, therefore, these double points are used for internal disease wholly. 4. The Needle-steadying depth of Nae-gwan is 0.5-1 cun, Kongson is 0.3-2 cun; the Moxibustion dosage of Nae-gwan is 3-7 zhuang, Kongson is 3-5 zhuang. 5. Nae-gwan belongs to pericardium Merdian, Kongson belongs to Spleen Meridian, therefore, these double points are combined in yin Meridian upper and lower sides. These points can be used for treating front body part, such as heart, chest and stomach. -
I have come to next conclusions in consequnce of documentary study about medical books of many generations regarding Jung point venesection therapy. 1. Jung point is significant as the beginning of pulse energy flow on meridian, the origin of all meridional pulse energy being located at extrimity terminal, confluence of three yin and three yang, and emergent treatment point. 2. Jung point venesection therapy was much used for the first-aid treatment for acute and thermic disease, and that is the combination of the meaning as of restoration from death and emergent treatment of Jung point and function of openning of orifice, leakage of fever, circulation of blood, remove of edema of venesection therapy. 3. It is very much used for emergency case, five sensory organ disease and CVA, heating shock and so on. Besides that digestive disease, cough, fever with cold, childhood disease, cardiac ache, thoracic disease, numbness of digitus terminal, mental disorder follow that in order. 4. Sosang, Jung point of Arm Greater Yin Lung meridian, is very much used for five sensory organ disease. Sosang is for orbital disease, sangyang for auditory disease, sosang for nasal disease, and sosnag for introitus-throat disease. 5. Ten Jung point is most used for first-aid diseases of CVA, heating shock. 6. Ten Jung point is most used for digestive disease of stomach ache, vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal convulsion. 7. Ten Jung point is most used for cold disease of cough, fever, malaria. 8. Ten Jung point, sosang, kwanchung are much used for childhood disease of acute convulsion and fever. 9. Among Jung point, sosang is most used, 34 times. Next there are Ten Jung point, kwanchung, sangyang, sotaek, jungchung, unbaek, taedon in order. In the order of frequency in use, arm channel is more used than leg channel.
The following results were obtained. 1. The Urticaria is similar to the korean medical name of yeun-jin, yum-leu, pung-jin-geu(風疹槐), Pung-sa, Pung-so-yeunjin. 2. The most part of the causes that induce Urticaria are like that, the sup-yeul(濕熱) that caused by the sa-gi(邪氣)'s invasion, food and behavior's fault, is gathering in the gastrointestinal tract. 3. The symptomes are like that, the severe pruritic blisters are spread on the whole body, and the color of the blisters is red or white, and nausea, vomitting, abdominal pain, chest discomfort are induced with the Urticaria. 4. The Su-Chok yangmyong Kyong(手 足陽明經), Chok taeum Kyong(足太陰經) and Chok taeyang Kyong(足太陽經) are used for the acupuncture therapy of Urticaria. 5. The acupuncture points of the Kokchi(曲池), Hyolhae(血海), Chok-Samni(足三里), Samumgyo(三陰交), Hapkok(合谷) are used for the acupuncture therapy of Urticaria. 6. the Pye-area(肺區), Shinmun(神門), dammajin-area(蕁麻疹區), Shinsangsun(腎上腺), Chimbu(枕部) are used for the acupuncture therapy of Urticaria in the ear-acupuncture therapy of Urticaria.
As mentioned above, I have acquired some valuable results about medical treatments with acupuncture for "Trigeminal neuralgia" after studying oriental medical books. 1. The course of medical treatments with acupuncture was, first of all, applying general ones, and then, assisting ones based on occuring area of pain and the cause. 2. For general treatments, "Chok-yangmyong-Wi-Kyong", distributed widely on the face, was used in great numbers. The order, according to the number of using times, of spots for acupuncture was Ha-kwan(11 times), Hap-kok(10), Chan-juk(7), Hyop-geo, Tae-yang, Sa-baek(individually 6). 3. For assisting treaments based on occuring area of the pain, spots of the Kyong-rak, passing through occuring area of the pain, and Kyong-woe-ki-hyol were used in great numbers. 4. The order was O-je, Chan-juk, Yang-baek(individually 8), Tae-yang(5) for the pain of first branch of the trigeminal nerve; Sa-baek(12), Kwan-ryo(6), Go-ryo(5) for the pain of second one; and Hyop-geo, Ha-kwan(individually 6), Dae-young, Hyop-seung-jang(individually 5). Seung-jang(4). 5. For assisting treatments based on the cause, "One-hyol(原穴)", "Rak-hyol(絡穴)" and "5-soohyol(五輸穴)" were used in great numbers. 6. The order was Pung-ji(10), Hap-kok(9), Woe-kwan(5) for "Woe-Kam(外感)"; Nae-jong(12), Tae-chung(10), Chok-sam-ri(7) for "Kan-Wi-Hwa-Seung(肝胃火升)"; Tae-gue(7), Sam-um-kyo, Pung-ji(individually 2) for "Ho-Hwa-Sang-Seung(虛火上升)"; Pung-ryung(4) for "Pung Dam-Jo-R ak (風痰阻絡)"; Kyok-su(2) for "Ki-Che-Hyol-Ho(氣滯血虛)".
Objectives : This Investigation was aimed to find out the Classification of Cause and the Effect of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment for Dentalgia Methods : We surveyed the oriental medical books from
$\ll$ HungTiNeiChing$\gg$ to recent published books concerning the Acupuncture therapy for Dentalgia Results : 1. Since the time of$\ll$ HungTiNeiChing$\gg$ there was called "yateng", "yatong", "chiyaqutong", "kouchitong", "nichi", "chichong", "fengchi", "chongshitong", "chongshiyachi", "chifengzhongtong", "chiyinzhong", "yachuangzhongtong" 2. The Oriental Medical cause of Dentalgia are fire, wind, cold, blood stasis, stomach-heat, phlegm, difficiency of kidney, late snack, insect and wound, and then the Western Medical cause are cacodontia, periodontal disease, trigeminal nerve pain, stress 3. The meridians used for the treatment are large intestine, stomach, triple warmer, gallbladder and small intestine 4. The most frequently used acupuncture point for the treatment are Hapkok(LI3), Naejong(S44), Hyopko(S6), Igan(LI2), Sohae(H3), Yanggok(SI5), Hagan(S7), Taeyong(S5), Samgan(LI3), Kokehi(LI11) 5. The most frequently used moxibustion for the treatment are Sungjang(CV24), Yolgyol(L7), Kyonu(LI15), Taeyon(L9), Hapkok(LI3) 6. In the superior dental pain there commonly used the acupuncture point of stomach meridian, triple warmer meridian, gallbladder meridian in the inferior dental pain there commonly used the acupuncture point of large intestine meridian. 7. The most frequently used acupuncture point for the superior dental pain are Naejong(ST44), Yanggok(SI5), Chongnyong(G17), Kakson(TE20), In the inferior detal pain there are Taeyong(S5), Hapkok(LI3), Igan(LI2), Sangyang(LI1), Samgan(LI3) 8. In the treatment of dental pain The Acupuncture therapy utilized the division of region are the Erzhen therapy(耳針療法), the Touzhen therapy(頭鍼療法), the Shouzhen therapy(手鍼療法), the Zuzhen therapy(足鍼療法), the Bizhen therapy(鼻針療法), the Wanhuaizhen therapy 9. In dental pain the other therapy are the Taozhen therapy(陶鍼療法), the Pifuzhen therapy(皮膚針療法), the Dianzhen therapy(電鍼療法), the Yaozhen therapy(藥針療法). -
Tae-Geuk-Guan'(太極拳) Tae-Geuk(太極) is arranged Yum-Yang-O-Hang(陰陽五行) and created from Mu-geuk(無極). Mu-geuk(無極) means great chaos. Jin-sik Tae-Geuk-Guan(陳式太極拳) has tenth essential theory. There are Li(理), Qi(氣), Samjul(三節), Sacho(四稍), Ojang(五臟), Samhap(三合), Yukjin(六進), Sinbup(身法), Bobup(步法), Gangyou(剛柔). Li(理) is Rules of all things. Qi(氣) is body. Body is divided into Samjul(三節), Sacho(四稍). Ojang(五臟) is inside body and make human'body and Qi(氣). Samhap(三合) is union of mind & intention, Qi & power, muscle & bone. Yukjin(六進) is movement of body. Sinbup(身法) has Chong(縱), Hoeng(橫), Ko(高), Jeo(低), Jin(進), Toe(退), Ban(反), Chuk(側). Bobup(步法) has Jin(進), Toe(退), Ban(反), Chuk(側). Yang-sik Tae-Geuk-Guan(揚式太極拳) has tenth essential theo. There are Songyo, Heolungjungkyung(虛靈頂勁), Hamhungbalbae(含胸拔背), Chimgyunsuju, Bunheosil(分虛實), Yongeuibulyonglyuk(用意不用力), Sanghasangsu(上下相隨), Naeoeisanghap(內外相合), Sangyunbudan(相連不斷), Dongchungguchung(動中求靜).
Good health and longevity is the goal of huamn beings. Recently, 'Dietary treatment' has become influential as one of the means for it in western medicine. Whereas in oriental medicine, 'Dietary treatment' was not recognized as therapeutic method but care of health. in this paper, the viewpoints of 'Dietary treatment' in oriental and western medicine was compared and searched for new possibilities in oriental medicine. And the results were as follows. 1. In oriental and western medicine, food was obviously recognized as a source of nourishment, and moreover oriental medicine took even a human soul into consideration. 2. Western medicine made much of nourishment and was analytical and therapeutic-centered. on the other hand, oriental medicine took a serious view of prevention and care of health. 3. Oriental medicine considered that intake of food was a adoption of Gi(氣) and then it helped a circulation of Gi and beneficial for the production of Jeong(精). 4. The principles of diet in oriental medicine was reasonable combination of food, balance of Oh-Mi(五味), temperance of food and intake by physical constitution.
Acontii Tuber is very toxious material, but In oriental medicine frequently used for emergency state like shock, coma, and severe pain and author study about Acontii Tuber in Bang-Yak-Hap-Pyun(方藥合編). Bang-Yak-Hap-Pyun(方藥合編) is widely used for clinical herbal prescpition book. Acontii Tuber has alkaloid. this chemical compound make toxious state like arrythmia, heart arrest, weakness, numbness, itching. And using this material must be careful. In Bang-Yak-Hap-Pyun(方藥合編) Acontii Tuber is used 1.2g ~ 12g. and it decrease pain, inflammation, increase activity of heart, and Acontii Tuber' commom use is severe pain disease. Raw Acontii Tuber(生附子) is rarely used, mostly roasted Acontii Tuber. In case of Acontii Tuber toxic state, in oriental medicine Gam-du-tang(甘豆湯) & Go-sam(苦蔘) is used, in western medicine atropine & lidocane is used.
Clinically the arthritis occupies much part of musculoskeletal diseases. The arthritis is subordinate to Bi-jeung in the oriental medicine. No matter what is the cause of the diseases, the lesions of the arthritis are mostly cartilages and bursa. But in process of the depravation bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and blood are influenced and become new the lesions of the arthritis. it is important that the treatments of the oriental medicine must be objectified and we must absorb a good of the western medical treatments and understand the excellent study of the arthritis in the western medicine. This study was done to comply a reference of 56 master's theses on the cartilage of the western medicine. And these theses were classified by the college, time, treatments and topics. The following results were obtained in this study: 1. Whereas In the theses on the cartilages of the western medicine, Jung-ang and Catholic university have the more theses than any other universities. 2. Analysing the theses on the cartilages of the western medicine, we can classify them by the topics with the influence on the regeneration and culture of the cartilages, observation of the historical structure and the influence on the cartilages by the operation. 3. The theses of the influence on the regeneration and culture of the cartilages were the most, 48%, and the seceond was the influence on the cartilages by the operation.(22%) However the theses on the observation of the historical structure occupied 16%.
The brain is one of the most complex systems in nature. Brain waves, or the "EEG", are electrical signals that can be recorded from the brain, either directly or through the scalp. The kind of brain wave recorded depends on the behavior of the animal, and is the visible evidence of the kind of neuronal (brain cell) processing necessary for that behavior. But, EEG had been considered as a virtually infinite-dimensional random signal. However, nonlinear dynamics light on dynamical aspects of the human EEG. The methods of nonlinear dynamics provide excellent tolls for the study of multi-variable, complex system such as EEG. In this study, 20 persons seperated in 2 groups were examined with EEG, one group stimulated on specific area of the sole of the foot with footbed inside the shoes. This experiment resulted in at the group stimulated on specific area of the sole of the foot correlation dimension of P4 and O1 channels increased significantly. Therefore. we obserbed that stimulation on specific area of the body had a constant effections on the specific channels.
Clinically the arthritis occupies much part of musculoskeletal diseases. The arthrits is subordinate to Bi-jeung in the oriental medicine. The causes of Bi-jeung are almost proposed as Pung-Han-Sup-Yeol, and various herb medication were composed following this standard. In this paper, herb medications corresponded with Bi-jeung of Bangyakhappyeon(方藥合編) were anlysed. And the results are as follws. 1. Herb medications of Bi-jeung were composed with 4 parts, Sangtong(8 medications), Jungtong(7), Hatong(6) and Jeungbobang(7). 2. Herb medications of Bi-jeung were almost composed with Geopungsupyak, Haepyoyak(解表藥), Onryyak(溫裏藥), Boyikyak(補益藥), Yigiyak(理氣藥), and Hwalhyeol-geouhyak. 3. Analysed with a source book, Dongeuibogam was the most quotational literature.
Tough study of movement of Tae-Geuk-Guan(太極拳), we understand Tae-Geuk-Guan(太極拳) & essential movement. Theory about creator of Tae-Geuk-Guan(太極拳) is indistinct. there are Jangsampung-theory(張三豊設), Wangjongak-theory(王宗岳設), Jinwangjung-theory(陳王廷設), Jinbok-theory(陳卜設). Tae-Geuk-Guan(太極拳) is military arts developed before Song empire(宋). Tae-Geuk-Guan(太極拳) has many branch.(Jin-sik陳式, Yang-sik楊式, Mu-sik武式 O-sik吳式, Son-sik孫式) Tae-Geuk-Guan'(太極拳) manual movement use fist(拳), palm(掌), hook shape(鉤) and its using form has many type like Bung, Yi, Jae, An, Chae, Yul, Ju, Go. Its gait has many type like Sang-bo(上步), Tae-bo(退步), Jin-bo(進步), Deng-gak, Bun-gak(分脚), Bak-gak(拍脚). Essential theory of Tae-Geuk-Guan(太極拳) is Yi-Sim-Hang-Gi(以心行氣) & Yi-Gi-Un-Sin(以氣運身). It means mind(心) moves qi(氣) and qi(氣) moves body(身).
A general concept of Geun includes the soft organizations such as a muscle, a myofascia, a tendon and a ligament, cartilages and nerves that surround it. The main function of it is a movement of the body such as a flextion and a extension, a connection of the joints, and a construction of the body shape. Lately, we consider Geun important little by little, develop a variety of the therapeutic measures which make use of it, and apply it to the treatment in the oriental medicine, And the therapeutic measures which utilize Geun will be developed from now on. Therefore, this study reviewed and analyzed the direction of the research referred to Geun in the oriental medicine and the tendency to the experiment to grow the study referred to Geun in oriental medicine continuously and developed the new direction. This study collected 44's theses reported in the oriental medical journal and analyzed in accordance with the journal, time, form and topics. The following results were obtained in this study; 1. In the theses referred to Geun, the journal of Korean acupuncture & moxibustion society and of Korean oriental medicine have the most of them(11's theses) and at the next the journal of oriental rehabilitation medicine has 9's theses. 2. By analyzing the form of the theses, these were classified into the theoretical, experimental and clinical studies. The theoretical these occupied 39%, the experimental theses 54%, and the clinical theses 7%. 3. By analyzing the theses referred to Geun, these were classified into the muscular abnormality - such as a powerlessness, a injury, a atrophy, a disorder, and a pain - the theory of muscles along the regular meridians, the muscular organization, the therapeutic measures, the manipulation and so on. 4. The theses of the muscular abnormality occupied 30% of them referred to Geun and the theory of muscles along the regular meridians 20%, the muscular organization 12%, the therapeutic measures 12%, and the manipulation 8%. According to the above results, the study of the new field referred to Geun and the clinical report are indispensable since the field is limited and the tendency is theoretical and experimental.
The clinical study was carried out the 30 patients with tremor who were treated in Daejeon University Oriental Hospital from 1 April 1997 to 31 March 2001. The results were summarized as follows. 1. The ratio of female was higher, especially in the psychosomatic tremor, the ratio of female was higher and in the age distribution the aged over 50 were higher frequence. 2. The case without past history was most, the most ordinary preceding disease was hypertention and the next was diabetes, drinking history had no concern with tremor, first visit was most, in the psychosomatic tremor complication by relation was the most inducing factor and both parkinson tremor and essential tremor were no inducing factor. 3. Tremor appeared to be busy in extremities, parkinson tremor appeared to be accompanied with musculoskeletal system symptoms and they were in descending order lower limb weakness, extremities numbness, general body weakness e.t.c. both essential tremor and psychosomatic tremor appeared to be accompanied with psychosomatic symptoms and they were in descending order dizziness, headache e.t.c. 4. In classification of Four Human coporeal constitution the number of patients, Tae-Eum-In(太陰人) was most, the prescription drugs of tranquillizing the liver and relieving anxiety such as GYEJIYONGGOLMORYETANG(桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯) and nourishing Yin, blood and relieving anxiety such as SAMULANSINTANG(四物安神湯) were used to be busy. 5. The rate of treatment was collectively improved and was higher in the yaung age than in the old age, the period of the clinical history was the shorter within one month, the rate of improvement was the better.
This study attempted to analyze the contents of the research papers concerning the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer-type dementia presented in the magazine of Chinese Medicine published in China over the period between 1998 and 2000. As a result, the following conclusion was drawn: 1. The Chinese medical category of Alzheimer-type dementia includes amnesia, dementia, stupidity, depression symptom complex, insanity and the like and uses the
as the criterion for diagnosis and treatment effect evaluation. 2. The clinical symptoms of Alzheimer-type dementia include lowered intelligence, deterioration of memory, understanding and judgemental power, retardation of the reaction, emotional changes, character changes, behavioral changes and the like and are divided into mild, medium and serious according to the degree of symptom. 3. From the perspective of Bon-Heo-Pyo-Shil(state of deficient vital essence and excessive pestilential vapor), the pattern of Byun-Sung(identification) is divided into deficiency symptom complex, excessive symptom complex and indiscernible fullness and emptiness. The deficiency symptom complex includes deficiency of the liver and kidney, deficiency of essence of the kidney, deficiency of the reservoir of marrow and the like. The excessive symptom complex includes internally blocked stagnant blood, blocking of the passageway due to turbid phlegm, blood stasis due to stagnation of chi, and the like. The indiscernible fullness and emptiness symptom complex includes the deficiency of essence of kidney, blocking of the passageway due to stagnant phlegm, blood stasis due to the deficiency of kidney, blood stasis due to the deficiency of heart and the like. 4. The therapeutics and' prescription of Alzheimer-type dementia include the following: Bo-Shin-Ik-Su-Tang for tonifying the kidney, replenishing the marrow and plugging the essence; Ki-Guk-Ji-Hwang-Hwan-Ga-mi for reinforcing the vital essence of the liver and kidney; Kwi-Bi-Tang-Hap-Yang-Shim-Tang for invigorating the functioning of the spleen and nourishing the heart; Hyel-Bu-Chuk-Eo-Tang-Ga-Mi for activating the blood and resolving the stagnancy of the blood; Bo-Yang-Hwan-Oh-Tang for replenishing chi, activating the blood and resolving the stagnancy of the blood; Beoh-Kwang-Mong-Sung-Tang for invigorating the functioning of the spleen, replenishing the kidney, resolving the phlegm and enlivening the brain; n-Dam-Tang-Ga-Mi for invigorating the functioning of the spleen, replenishing chi, and removing the phlegm and unclogging the passageway); Se-Shim-Tang-Ga-Mi for removing the stagnancy of the liver and resolving the phlegm; and the like. 5. The research papers on, the medication cases of Alzheimer-type dementia understand the pathology of Alzheimer-type dementia from a consistent perspective. They view the pathology of Alzheimer-type dementia as the disease of Bon-Heo-Pyo-Shil(state of deficient vital essence and excessive pestilential vapor) with the combination of the deficiency of essence of the kidney, the deficiency of the brain marrow, blood stasis and blocked phlegm and the like and recommend the prescription of using Bo and Sa simultaneously for treating Alzheimer-type dementia. 6. The research papers on the medication cases of Alzheimer-type dementia reported that the use of creative prescriptions such as Si-Sam-Hang-Ji-Tang, Ji-Yung-Tang, Ka-Mi-Yunh-Ji-Hwan, Ja-Sin-Hwal-Hyel-Tang, Kal-Chang-Ik-Ji-Tang, Ho-Su-Bok-Ji-Tang, Kun-Noe-Ok-Ji-Hap-Je and the like led to the average high efficacy of 85.5%. -
Infantile Convulsion, one of common emergency symptoms in pediatrics, arises from sudden derangement of the central nerve system, and can cause a sudden loss of consciousness and spasm. It falls into three categories: Acute Infantile Convulsion, Chronic Infantile Convulsion and Chronic Spleen Convulsion. According to research, approximately 6~7% of all babies undergo spasm more than once. Since the treatment must be done immediately, acupuncture & moxibustion treatment can be one of the most important treatments in this Particular case. Therefore, the focus of this study is on how acupuncture & moxibustion can be utilized in the treatment of Infantile Convulsion, and the literary findings are as follows: 1. The meridian points used on acute infantile convulsion are Sugu(GV26), T'aech'ung(Liv3), Hapkok(LI4). 2. The meridians used on acute infantile convulsion are Governor Vessel(GV), Bladder Meridian(BL), Stomach Meridian(ST). 3. The meridian points used on accompanied symptoms with acute infantile convulsion are Haenggan(Liv2), Yangnungch'on(Liv3) on spasm, Paek'oe(GV14) on opisthotonus, Kokchi(LI11), Taech'u(GV14) on fever, Nogung(P8), Yongch'on(K1) on fainting spell, Chok-samri(S36) on body weakness. 4. The meridian points used on chronic infantile convulsion are Shinguol(CV8), Ch'onchj'u(S25), T'aech'ung(Liv3), Kwanwon(CV4), Ch'ukt'aek(L5). 5. The meridians used on chronic infantile convulsion are Conception Vessel(CV), Governor Vessel(GV), Stomach Meridian(ST). 6. The meridian points used on accompanied symptoms with chronic infantile convulsion are Ch'onchj'u(S25), Kolli(CV11) on diarrhea, Taenung(P7), Shinmun(H7) on fainting spell, Kansu(B18), T'aech'ung(Liv3) on spasm. 7. The meridian Points and meridians are Paek'oe(GV14), Sangsung(GV23), Sugu(GV26) of Governor Vessel(GV) and Choiyung(CV16), Shinguol(CV16) of Conception Vessel(CV) and Taedon(Liv1), Changmun(Liv13).
Morus alba extract(MAE) was tested for its ability to inhibit alloxan induced lipidperoxidation. Lipid peroxide contents in serum, liver, kidney and heart were measured by the TBA method. ICR mice receiving alloxan at a dose of 6mg/kg intraperitoneally after a 24hrs starvation showed significantly increased lipid peroxide contents as compared to untreated control. Lipid peroxide contents in serum, liver, kidney of alloxan-diabetic mice were decreased by the treatment of MAE at the dose of 50mg/kg, 100mg/kg for 7 days.
To determine the preventive effect of Samulanshintang (SA) on stress, we investigated the physiological change of rats which were applied immobilization stress. For immobilization stress, rats were placed in restrainer for 12 hours a day for 3 days. During application of stress, body weight of rats was measured. After sacrifice, 4 organs were taken for measurement of organ weight. Brain was homogenated and its catecholamine and serotonin contents were measured with HPLC. In our study, stress mainly induced increase of concentration of neurotransmitters in brain without other significant physical change of rats. SA inhibited stress induced changes of neurotransmitter content in brain.