This study aims to explore the casual relation between construction company employees' Self-Leadership and two variables: Organization Citizenship Behaviour and Organizational Trust through Psychology Empowerment. To explain in details, this study examines how the independent variable, Self Leadership, with its behavior-focused, natural reward and constructive thought pattern strategies, affects the dependent variable, Organization Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Trust through the intervening variable, Psychology Empowerment. A survey was conducted on current employees of construction companies in metropolitan areas to empirically examine the research model. The result of study hypothesis on Self-Leadership is as follows; first, Self-Leadership showed a positive effect on Psychology Empowerment, Organization Citizenship Behaviour and Organizational Trust. Second, Psychology Empowerment showed a positive effect on Organization Citizenship Behaviour. Third, Psychology Empowerment showed a positive effect on Organizational Trust. The capacity of individuals is critical when it comes to competitiveness of construction companies. When employees willingly participate in building trust within the company, the work place will become more and more constructive; based on trust, efficiency will increase because people from different processes can work together and performance will also improve even when project managers are absent because others could help their role instead, thus driving more efficient human resource management to the company. To conclude, a company's vision can be spread wide and far when their employees engage themselves in Learning Organization with Self Leadership. They will also be satisfied with their work through improving interpersonal relationship at work.