Magnetocardiography (MCG) is a non-contact, non-invasive, and harmless diagnostic tool to detect the abnormal electrical conductivities of the heart caused by the various coronary artery disease or cardiac muscular disease. The purpose of this study is to identify whether MCG signals and MCG parameter values vary depending on the location of sensor assembly. It will be an important reference for the standard measurement. Four healthy male subjects (33.3$\pm$6.3 years) participated in this study. Basal recording was made at 20 mm apart from the chest surface. All subjects were requested to take a regular breathe while MCG was taken. The gap between the chest surface and the bottom of the sensor assembly was 20, 40, 60, and 80 mm. Recording was made using 64 channel MCG system (Axial type, first order gradiometer) developed by Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS). After resting for two minutes in a supine position on the bed in magnetically shielded room, MCG were recorded for 30 s. As the sensor location is getting away from the chest surface signal, the amplitude of R and T wave peak decreases to 70% (at 40 mm gap), 50% (at 60 mm), and 37% (at 80 mm) of the reference strength measured (y = $1.3903e^{-0.0169x}$, $R^2$ = 0.99; where y=amplitude remained after reduction, x=distance between chest surface and sensor location). The regression equations may be used as a good reference to calculate how much strength will be decreased by the distance. In MCG parameters, most values of parameters were decreased as the gap was increased. As an example, the current moment at T-wave peak reduced to 52% (at 40 mm gap), 33% (at 60 mm), and 19% (at 80 mm). However, the difference caused by the gap could be reduced by considering the distance when the MCG parameters were calculated. The study results can be used as a useful reference to design the baseline and the sensor location.