The Korean Elementary Counselor Education Association (kecea)
- Annual
- Education > Education, general
- Education > School Education
This article tried to show a new paradigm for elementary school counseling in Korea. Counseling in Korean elementary school has focused on the individual child and/or group of the children without considering school circumstances. But school has some special features which have to be counted for the efficiency of child counseling. Take for an example, children have to spend most of their day time with a class teacher for 6 days a week. So the talks and behaviors of the class teacher have strong influence on the children. These factors should be included in the elementary school counseling to help children grow up and develop. : Six main topics discussed in this articles were as follows. 1. Developmental tasks of Korean children have to be searched and organized. 2. The concept of class management has to be combined with the concept of counseling. 3. Establishing the conditions to facilitate subject learning has to be emphasized in the school counseling. 4. Counseling instruments applicable to the children should be developed. 5. The proper knowledge of teacher's way cf talking and behaving in class life should be organized. 6. The resources of school counseling should be identified and interconnected to provide better counseling service to the children.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a group training program designed to control the desire for internet games and to promote self-efficacy and alternative activities. The subjects participating in this study were 32 fifth graders, divided into the experimental group of 16 and the control group of 16, who were carefully selected from 175 children in the fifth grade in S elementary school in J city. All the subjects belong in the top 20% according to the internet game addiction level and spend more than two hours and thirty minutes a day playing computer game. And they participated in the game desire control program, which were consisted of total eight-session' treatment for six weeks. The results of the game addiction diagnosis and self-efficacy measurement were verified and analyzed by ANOVA to verify the effects of the program. As well as, data about average playing time spent on computer games and time the children spent on playing computer games alternative activities were analyzed and collected by the interview and other written materials such as letters from the parents to their children and writings of the children on their feelings about interret games. The results of this study were as follows: The internet game control program was effective in decreasing the degree of game addiction. The children participating in the internet game control program showed greater increase in self-efficacy than those of the control group. The children participating in the program showed a sharp decline in the time spent on playing computer games and greater increase in the time spent on alternative activities than those of the control group.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the self-growth group counseling program on the self-concept and the interpersonal relationships of depressed children in elementary school. A total 20 children who were screened by CDI criteria participated in this study, these students were randomly assigned to the experimental group(N=10) and the control group(N=10). The self-growth group counseling programs were implemented for ten week period. The research hypothesis were as follows: 1-1 : The scores on the self-concept measure of the experimental group received the self-growth group counseling program will be higher than the control group. 1-2 : The post-test scores on the self-concept measure of the experimental group received the self-growth group counseling program will be higher than the pre-test scores. 2-1 : The scores on the interpersonal relationships measure of experimental group received the self-growth group counseling program will be higher than the control group. 2-2 : The post-test scores on the interpersonal relationships measure of the experimental group received the self-growth group counseling program will be higher than pre-test scores. 3-1 : The scores on CDI of the experimental group received the self-growth group counseling program will be lower than the control group. 3-2 : The post-test scores on CDI of the experimental group received self-growth group counseling program will be lower than pre-test scores. The results of the study were as follows: First, the scores of the self-concept and the interpersonal relationships measures of the experimental group students appeared to be higher than the control group. However among the self-concept measure, the score of the emotional self showed no statistically significant differences between the groups. Second, within the experimental group, the scores of the self-concept and the interpersonal relationships measures of the post-test appeared to be higher than the pre-test. Third, the scores on CDI measures also showed significant mean differences between the experimental group and the control group, and between the pre- and post-tests. These findings suggested that the self-growth group counseling program interventions were functioned as for improving the self-concept and the interpersonal relationships, and for decreasing the depressed level of children. The implications and limitations of the study were discussed, and the suggestions for further researches were made.
The purpose of this study is to find the effect of group counseling program based on reality therapy that is developed by researcher and to investigate whether the program can decrease the academic stress of elementary school students. For this study, firstly a framework for academic stress decrease programs is established and a program is developed in accordance with the framework. Secondly, in order to verify the effect of the program, both quantitative and qualitative methods were applied to 6th grade students through a academic stress test. Experimental group and control group is composed of 18 students, each. During a two month-experimental period, group counseling program based on reality therapy was implemented to the experimental group for 10 sessions but not to the control group. The program included nicknaming, recreation activities to promote friendliness among participants and other various activities to decrease the academic stress. The results of the quantitative and statistical research are as follows: First, group counseling program based on reality therapy is effective to decrease of elementary school students' academic stress. Second, sub factor(such as perceptions of academic stress cause, symptoms of academic stress)of academic stress is significantly decreased in experimental group. But no significant difference is found in control group. Third, for some sub factor(career, friend-relationship, house-environment, behavior-symptom), an independent-sample test and a paired-sample test showed different results: the paired-sample test showed no significant differences in experimental group while the independent-sample test showed significant decrease of academic stress. The results of the qualitative research based on student commentaries on the program is as follows: First, experimental group students report that the program based on reality therapy was effective to decrease of academic stress. Second, experimental group students' commentaries shows that students could remember the WDEP, 'act' factor and acquire the solution of academic stress. Third, for a group counseling, students reported the interest about positive feedback, searching on themselves, growth of human-relationship. This means that the program developed on this study is suitable for group counseling program. In conclusion, this study proves that group counseling program based on reality therapy is effective to decrease of elementary school students' academic stress by increasing individual internal-control. Therefore, it is necessary that we should develop and apply similar program to elementary school students in other to decrease students' academic stress. school students in other to decrease students' academic stress.
We can usually found the children who do overactive and aggressive behaviors. They disrupt classroom order and cause other children immense damage. Their teachers exert themselves to control or manage them in class. This may lead to a reduction of precious time for teaching-learning classroom activities. This study has counseled those children doing overactive and aggressive behaviors with solution-focused brief counseling. This study also explores the following problems. First, how does solution-focused brief counseling affect their overactive and aggressive behaviors? Second, what changes do they experience through solution-focused brief counseling? Third, is solution-focused brief counseling useful in elementary schools? To do this study task, four students have been chosen with the help of teachers in the fifth year at B Elementary School in Ansan. The four children scored high in Mi-hyun Han's 'The ratings of the child's behavior problems' and Se-Yong Jeong's 'Life of school and behavior test'. They are all eleven years old and had two interviews before the experiment and five interviews during the experiment. The analysis of the counseling has been interpreted according to the different analytical methods based on the tasks. Solution-focused brief counseling's effect on children doing overactive and aggressive behaviors has been studied by quantity-analysis method, their changes in behaviors by quality analysis method; phenomenal and psychological method and the usefulness of this counseling in school surroundings by the joint of above two methods. The analysis has provided the following results. First, solution-focused brief counseling has been effective in the reduction of behavioral problems for those children doing overactive and aggressive behaviors and the continuation of the counseling has had a positive effect but it has depended on the individual characteristics and the degree of severity in their behaviors. Second, solution-focused brief counseling has lent itself to encouraging children to have egostrength, confidence, and volition in their behavioral changes with a favorable attitude to the counseling. Third, The egostrength formed through counseling has led children to a progressive direction of their behaviors in their school life. The increasing frequency in counseling has caused a decreasing time-period expected for counseling, and a feasibility of counseling with less resistance. In conclusion, solution -focused brief counseling may be a useful means to help children have positive self-esteem and lead a proper school life, leading to be a helpful facilitation for school site facing a deficiency of counseling.
Fundamental direction of the seventh education curriculum aims to nurture active and creative Koreans for globalized and information-oriented society of 21 century, and emphasizes the importance of career education identifying its subsections that are practices of student-focused education of aptitude, ability and career. Hence, as a clear targeting of career objective from elementary school through relevant career education enables them to recognize appropriate career for themselves, the basis of self- actualization and social contribution must be settled. This paper seeks to identify the relationship between career awareness and self-esteem by examining and analysing differences of sex, region and level. This study selected 536 samples from 4th and 6th year elementary school students in C city and S town of Chungcheong province. Career awareness test and self-esteem test is used as a measurement, statistical process control (SPC) of career awareness and self-esteem (M, SD, r) is made for each variable, and the significance was tested. The result of this research can be summarized as follows: First, generally there is very significant regional differences of career awareness (F=16.817, p<.001), which contains that urban children has higher career awareness (M=120.22) than that of rural children (M=113.87). In subsections of career awareness, self-esteem of urban children is higher than that of rural children, and the attitude & for career and values of girls is higher than that of boys. In terms of the career planning, urban children and 6th year students are higher than rural children and 4th year students. Second, self-esteem generally has very significant regional difference (F=12.123, p<.01), which contains that the self-esteem of urban children (M=106.50) is higher than that of rural children (M=101.80). In comparison of different forms, a very significant difference is as much as p<.01 level (F=11.046), which contains 4th year students (M=105.63) have higher self-esteem than 6th year students (M=102.05). In subsections of self-esteem, gross self-esteem and social self-esteem of urban children are higher than rural children. In terms of family self-esteem, urban children and 4th year students have higher figure than rural children and 6th year students. In school self-esteem, 4th year students had higher level than the 6th. Third, the career awareness and self-esteem are generally related as r= .50, it was very significant at p<. 001 level. All subsections of career awareness had positive relationships except the school self-esteem. According to the result, rural children had relatively low career awareness and self-esteem. This is presumably due to relatively poor circumstances for rural children, comparing to that of urban children. Therefore rural elementary schools should try to let them have appropriate career awareness by associating with family, school and local society to expand the opportunity of experiences for the self perception of aptitude, nature and interest. In addition, we have to strive for the whole-minded education increasing the self-esteem of rural children and giving them positive thinking through career counselling, personal counselling and group counselling.
Relationship of Depression, Irrational Faith and the School Adaptation of Elementary School StudentsThe purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in depression, irrational faith and the school adaptation of elementary school students by their sex and region, to provide basic materials to teach children with the likelihood to be depressed by analyzing the correlation of depression, irrational faith and school adaptation, and help them to have healthy emotion and behaviors. To achieve these goals, following agenda were set. First, what are the differences in the depression, the irrational faith and the school adaptation of elementary school students by their sex and region? Second, what is the relationship between the depression characteristics and the irrational faith of elementary school students? Third, what is the relationship between the irrational faith and the school adaptation of elementary school students? Fourth, what is the relationship between the depression characteristics and school adaptation of elementary school students? : To resolve these agenda, the subjects were selected from Grade 6 students from the elementary schools locatec in Suwon and Hwaseong. The jubjects were selected from the two schools in Suwon and three schools in Hwaseong which were randomly chosen. The subjects were 670 in total. 70 insincere answers were excluded from the analysis. Therefore the subjects used in the analysis were 600 in total(150 male and female students in city respectively and 150 male and female students in rural area respectively). The tools used for this study were Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), Irrational Faith Test (over-self-reliance, dichotomy, determinism, over-concern, evasive faith, over dependent faith), School Adaptation Test (Attitudes to teachers and school environments, hobbies and specialties, academic achievements, peer relationship). Materials were processed with the SPSS program for ANOVA and correlation analysis. All the statistical values were verified at .05 level. The followings are the results of the analysis of the collected data. First, in the analysis of depression, there was significant difference between male and female students (F=4.75, p<.05). Female students (X =56.93) showed a little higher value than male students (X =53.83). There was significant difference between regions (F=13.02, p<.001), too. Rural area students (X =57.93) showed higher value than city area students (X =52.82). When analyzing irrational faith, there was significant difference between male and female students (F=S.60, p<.05). Female students (X =81.32) showed a little higher value than male students (X =77.72). There was no significant difference according to regions. When analyzing the school adaptation, there was no significant difference according to either sex or region. Second, depression and irrational faith showed highly positive correlations in all areas. In particular, over concern and evasive faith showed the highest correlation with depression inclination (r=.68, p<.001). When looking into the results by sex and by region, female students (r=.70, p<.001) and the rural area students (r=.69, p<.001) showed higher correlation between depression and irrational faith than male students and city area students (r=.63, p<.001). Additionally, in all areas including by sex and by region, a positive correlation was shown. In all variables such as male students (r=.63, p<.001), female students (r=.72, p<.001), city area students (r=.66, p<.001), and rural area students (r=.69, p<.001), over concern and evasive faith showed the highest correlation with depression inclinations. Third, irrational faith (overall) and its sub factors such as over-self-reliance, dichotomy, determinism, over-concern and evasive faith had significant negative correlations with school adaptation (overall) and its sub factors in the scope of
$r=-.27{\sim}-.52$ . Determinism out of the sub factors of the irrational faith had the highest negative correlation with school adaptation (overall) and sub factors at the scope of$r=-.37{\sim}-.51$ . However, over-self-reliance showed the negative correlation with school adaptation (overall) and its sub factors only partially. When looking into the results by gender, both genders showed significant negative correlation between irrational faith (overall) and its sub factors with school adaptation. Male students showed highly negative correlations with school adaptation (overall) and its sub factors in determinism ($r=-.35{\sim}-52$ ) and over-concern and evasive faith($r=-.31{\sim}-.51$ ), and fern ale students showed in over-self-reliance ($r=-.27{\sim}-.45$ ). However over-self-reliance showed negative correlation with school adaptation and its sub factors only partially. When looking into by region, both city and rural areas showed significant negative correlation between irrational faith (overall) and it sub factors, and school adaptation. Rural areas showed higher negative correlation in irrational faith (overall) ($r=-.39{\sim}-.53$ ) and over-self-reliance ($r=-.32{\sim}-.44$ ) and dichotomy ($r=-.28{\sim}-.39$ ) than city areas. However over-self-reliance showed negative correlation with school adaptation and its sub factors only partially. Fourth, depression and school adaptation showed the negative correlation in all areas. In particular, academic achievements and peer relationship showed the highest negative correlation with depression (r=-.53 p<.001). When looking into the results by sex and by region, female students (r=-.62, p<.001) and rural area students (r=-.61, p<.001) showed higher negative correlation with depression and school adaptation than female students (r=-.56, p<.001) and city area students (r=-.57, p<.001). Although there was negative correlation in all areas by sex and by region, male students (r=-.52, p<.001) and rural area students (r=-.56, p<.001) showed the highest negative correlation in peer relationship and female students (r=-.57, p<.001) and city area students (r=-.56, p<.001) showed the highest negative correlation in academic records. Based on the results of the study, it is proposed to provide elementary school students sho are likely to be depressed very easily with careful counselling and teaching based on the attention and love in school fields so that they can adapt themselves to home, school and society with positive and reasonable thinking. -
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of MMTIC group counseling program on self-esteem of elementary school students. The hypothesis was that the self-esteem test scores of experimental group would be significantly higher than those of control group. The subjects were the twenty 5th graders sampled from the 66 5th graders of D Elementary School in Boryeong City based on self-esteem test scores. The 10 subjects were randomly assigned experiment group and others were assigned control group. The self-esteem test by Mun, Yong Woo (2002) modified from the measurement of Kim, Heui Hwa (1989) was administrated as pre and post test. The experimental group has experienced MMTIC group counseling program. On the other hand, the control group has not been given any advice during the counseling periods. The counseling was once a week at two o'clock in the afternoon for ten weeks from the eleventh of May to sixteenth of July in 2003. Each counseling session lasted sixty to eighty minutes. The group counseling program, which has been used in this research, has been adapted to the level of elementary students with the consideration of MBTI and MMTIC Workshop in reference to a few theses related to MMTIC development program (Jung, Gyeong Yeon, 2001: Gang, Jae Jeong, 2002; Lee, Jae Mo 2002). The results were analysed by t-test. These statistics with a quantitative result has been supplemented with a qualitative analysis by a questionnaire and the descriptions of impression of subjects of experimental group. The results of this research was that the analyses of the questionnaire and a description of their impression have shown that the counseling has had an significantly impact on their understanding themselves and others. In particular, this program has been positively conducive to receptive relationships to others. In conclusion, the MMTIC group counseling program has helped elementary students I understand themselves and others, increase receptive competence, encourage their confidence, improve personal relationships and enhance their adaptation to their school life. It suggests that this program has a feasible effect on children's sense of self-esteem.