분산 및 에지 클라우드 기술 표준 동향

Technology Standard Trends in Distributed and Edge Cloud Computing

  • 인민교 (전략표준연구실 ) ;
  • 이강찬 (전략표준연구실 ) ;
  • 이승윤 (표준연구본부)
  • M.K. In ;
  • K.C. Lee ;
  • S.Y. Lee
  • 발행 : 2024.06.01


Cloud computing technology based on centralized high-performance computing has brought about major changes across the information technology industry and led to new paradigms. However, with the rapid development of the industry and increasing need for mass generation and real-time processing of data across various fields, centralized cloud computing is lagging behind the demand. This is particularly critical in emerging technologies such as autonomous driving, the metaverse, and augmented/virtual reality that require the provision of services with ultralow latency for real-time performance. To address existing limitations, distributed and edge cloud computing technologies have recently gained attention. These technologies allow for data to be processed and analyzed closer to their point of generation, substantially reducing the response times and optimizing the network bandwidth usage. We describe distributed and edge cloud computing technologies and explore the latest trends in their standardization.



이 논문은 2023년 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 정보통신기획평가원의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임[No. RS-2023-00220631, 초저지연 및 경량 클라우드 서비스 제공을 위한 에지 클라우드 참조구조 표준개발].


  1. ITU-T Y.3508(2019), Cloud computing - Overview and high-level requirements of distributed cloud. 
  2. Recommendation ITU-T Y.3500, Information technology - Cloud computing - Overview and vocabulary(2014.08). 
  3. Recommendation ITU-T Y.3502, Information technology - Cloud computing - Reference architecture(2014.08). 
  4. ISO/IEC DIS 17788, 
  5. ISO/IEC DIS 17789, 
  6. ITU-T Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.CCDCFA: Cloud Computing - Distributed Cloud Functional Architecture. 
  7. ITU-T Y.3538(09/2022), Cloud computing - Global management framework of distributed cloud. 
  8. ITU-T Draft Recommendation Y.ecloud-reqts: Cloud computing - Functional requirements of edge cloud. 
  9. ITU-T Y.3526(11/2021), Cloud computing - Functional requirements of edge cloud management. 
  10. ISO/IEC TR 23188:2020, Information technology - Cloud computing - Edge computing landscape.