Teun A. Van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis on Page Three of the Parliamentary Bulletin Edition 1200-1210

  • Published : 2024.12.31


The government utilizes communication to share messages within the internal environment and society. The People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) employs the Parliamentary Bulletin for this purpose, recognizing its effectiveness in fostering positive community relations. This study tries to elucidate the text's tactical maneuvers for reshaping political players' public personas in Parliamentary Bulletins and dismantling societal structures in speeches. This study examines the DPR's communication techniques in Parliamentary Bulletins using Teun A. Van Dijk's theory, which describes deliberate activities that weaken social institutions and influence political actors' opinions. The study investigates Puan Maharani's persistent presence on page three using Van Dijk's analysis from the 1200-1210 edition and qualitative approaches. In reality, 575 DPR RI members from 9 factions in 80 electoral districts can be sources of information. These findings show that media texts strategically portray political figures in the public sphere, influencing perceptions based on Berlo's image theory and Habermas' communicative ratio. Puan dominates the display of titles, profile introductions, and news stories. The discourse's social structure is divided into three levels: macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure. This study focuses on the relationship between media representation, deliberative democracy, and public access to comprehensive information.



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