A Case Report of Korean Herbal Treatment for an Elderly Patient with Anorexia

노인성 식욕부진 환자 1례에 대한 한방치료 증례보고

  • Youngju Rhee (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Dongguk University Il-san Oriental Medicine Hospital) ;
  • Junghwa Hong (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Dongguk University Il-san Oriental Medicine Hospital) ;
  • Eun-joo Seok (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Dongguk University Il-san Oriental Medicine Hospital) ;
  • Jin-young Lee (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Dongguk University Il-san Oriental Medicine Hospital) ;
  • Jae-hyuk You (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Dongguk University Il-san Oriental Medicine Hospital) ;
  • Ji-Cheon Jeong (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Dongguk University Il-san Oriental Medicine Hospital)
  • 이영주 (동국대학교 일산한방병원 한방내과) ;
  • 홍정화 (동국대학교 일산한방병원 한방내과) ;
  • 석은주 (동국대학교 일산한방병원 한방내과) ;
  • 이진영 (동국대학교 일산한방병원 한방내과) ;
  • 유재혁 (동국대학교 일산한방병원 한방내과) ;
  • 정지천 (동국대학교 일산한방병원 한방내과)
  • Received : 2024.09.13
  • Accepted : 2024.10.21
  • Published : 2024.10.30


The purpose of this study was to report the clinical effects of Korean herbal medicine on an elderly patient with anorexia of unknown aetiology. The patient was diagnosed with Qi Yin Yang He and treated with relevant Korean herbal medicines, mainly acupuncture and moxibustion, in combination with fluid therapy. Over a period of approximately 2 weeks, we observed improvement in anorexia and other clinical symptoms, such as dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Therefore, Korean herbal medicine treatment may be effective in improving anorexia symptoms in elderly patients in combination with additional treatments, such as acupuncture, moxibustion, and fluid therapy.



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